You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (TV special) - Wikipedia Gain full access to show guides, character breakdowns, auditions, monologues and more! It quickly becomes Sally's new "philosophy", and she bursts into song about her philosophies. The song "Little Known Facts" from You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown covers how seemingly uneducated Lucy is. New York, NY, Escape To Margaritaville In 1973, the show was adapted for television in a Hallmark Hall of Fame TV special, broadcast on NBC. After tallying the score, she realizes that she, in reality, is really very crabby and becomes depressed. [24] The cast featured Anthony Rapp as Charlie Brown, B.D. Charlie Brown stands alone as his friends give their various opinions of him("Opening"). She said,"Miss Sally Brown," "Your grades are going down." Snoopy, in his World War I flying ace uniform climbs atop his doghouse. Join Backstage to access jobs you can apply to right now! [32], Notes: The character of "Sally" was added in the 1999 revival, replacing "Patty" from the original version. See your favorite episodes and go crazy no harm no foul with going crazy just saying. This version was the first animated depiction of Snoopy with comprehensible dialogue. The instrumentation varies greatly and three kinds exist. After the girls leave, Linus decides to relax with his blanket until he can outgrow it ("My Blanket and Me"). . Snoopy, in his World War I flying ace uniform, climbs atop his doghouse. You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (Musical) Plot & Characters You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown (full musical) - YouTube Later, Charlie Brown comes across Lucy teaching Linus about nature the way she views it, with "facts" such as bugs pulling the grass to make it grow or snow growing out of the ground in winter. she's HUMAN!" Now. Birds start to poke his stomach, and then he begins to daydream about being a wild jungle beast. Was I being judged on the piece of sculpture itself? and she has a habit of . I'm so much of a coward, she wouldn't even think of looking at me. Lucy then clears it up by saying that Charlie Brown is unique the way he is, then asks for the five cent price ("The Doctor Is In"). [27], On December 15, 2008, a one-night-only benefit performance of Charlie Brown was staged at the Gerald W. Lynch Theater at John Jay College in Manhattan for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, directed by David Lefkowich. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Explain that, Chuck. Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. A U.S. tour began on November 18, 1998, in Skokie, Illinois. [15], A Broadway production opened at the John Golden Theatre on June 1, 1971, and closed on June 27, 1971, after 32 performances and 15 previews. Why does she have to be cute? Thievery! Cant someone fall in love with a girl who isnt cute, and has freckles and a big nose? The characters of Patty and Schroeder do not appear on the concept album. With that realization, he concludes that today hasn't been so bad, after all, and he's done a lot of things that make him happy. Each of the child "singers" sound exactly the same. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. All I have to do is stand upI'm standing up!I'm sitting down. This is for you Lucy(He hands her the card) Merry Christmas. My Aunt Marion was right. 3. He decides to find out how he can really become a good person ("You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"). There's that cute little red-headed girl eating her lunch over there! The musical has been a popular choice for amateur theatre productions because of its small cast and simple staging. Now is that not also unfair? 'You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown' (Snoopy) - Daily Actor Monologues Manage Settings An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, HARLIE ROWN by Clark Gesner Peppermint Patty: You know what I don't understand, Chuck? 1 Min. Availability: I dont understand love. And all those hours in between - when I do all those stupid things. It turns out it is Lucy and Patty, chatting together. Charles Schulz's beloved comic comes to life in Clark Gesner's classic musical, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. That evening, Snoopy complains that he hasn't been fed yet, and begins to overly complicate and dramatize the matter until Charlie Brown shows up with his dinner. "Good grief: For a way-Off Broadway preview, why not Skokie?" Loud, shrill, monotone, screeching, teeth grinding, ear bleeding, nails on a chalkboard. The songs "My Blanket and Me", "The Doctor Is In", "The Red Baron", and "Peanuts Potpourri" were cut out of the TV special. And I'll live in a big palace with a big front lawn and have lots of beautiful dresses to wear. . Learn. You can do it if you just don't get nervous. After all, science has shown that a person's character isn't really established until he's at least five years old. However, Linus tells her that she can't and she threatens to punch him. Linus starts to watch TV, but Lucy tells him to switch channels. This page is not available in other languages. Snoopy bursts into song about his craving for supper until Charlie Brown firmly tells him to eat his meal ("Suppertime"). I think we should all be open to any opportunity to learn more about ourselves. ALLS WELL THAT ENDS WELL Helena laments about Bertram leaving for France. Peppermint Patty, Franklin, 5, and Frieda appear, but are silent. For the 1985 animated television adaptation, see, None of the cast is actually six years old. A 'C'? When you think of this franchise, you think of the Vince Guaraldi jazzy score and maybe a few background songs. Continue with Recommended Cookies. He tells her all the things he thinks of himself. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. YOU'RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE BROWN - Female Kid - Comedic By DirectSubmit Monologue Database YOU'RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE BROWN - Peppermint Patty doesn't understand love or Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown steps up to the plate, and despite his valiant efforts, strikes out and loses the game. And, when I go out in my coach all the people All the people will wave, and I will. Peppermint Patty's School Days (1985) - video Dailymotion Affiliate links provides compensation to Daily Actor which helps us remain online, giving you the resources and information actors like you are looking for. The whole gang is here: bossy Lucy is hopelessly in love with piano prodigy Schroeder who doesn't give her the time of day, perfectionist Sally is still mocking blanket-toting Linus, Snoopy is in the doghouse, and . So: apparently, there's been a You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown musical for quite some time before the Melendez / Mendelson / Schultz team decided to animate it. Sign up today to unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. If so, is it not true that time alone can judge a work of art? Quick! You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown: Red Baron FireKng 57 subscribers Subscribe 3 1.3K views 13 years ago Snoopy's "Red Baron" monologue from the musical You're a Good Man, Charlie. Posters are sourced from TMDb and Posteritati, and appear for you and visitors to your profile and content, depending on settings. In the original Off-Broadway production, the instrumentation was simply a piano (doubling on toy piano and melodica), a bass, and percussion. None of the kids can sing. In addition to the Broadway production, the success of the off-Broadway production spawned nine United States touring companies, playing in such cities as Chicago, Los Angeles, Altoona, Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. It's a, it's a drink. Linus enters, holding his blanket and sucking his thumb. The piano player can also be doubled on celeste, toy piano, and melodica; the first woodwind plays flute and piccolo; the second is the second flute part; the third and fourth are the first and second clarinet parts respectively; the fifth on bass clarinet and tenor sax. Kevin Brando Michael Dockery Brad Kesten Jeremy Scott Reinbolt Tiffany Reinbolt Jessica Lee Smith Robert Towers David Wagner Bill Melendez, Desiree Goyette Bill Melendez Lee Mendelson, United Media Productions Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates, 49mins You're a very crabby person. Eventually, he succeeds in doing this, and he enjoys a few minutes of triumph before the kite plummets to the ground ("The Kite"). Tough, but kind. New York, NY, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent 2020. Don Potter, who portrayed Snoopy, reprised his role in the original San Francisco cast of Snoopy! Alley Theatre 2023-24 Season (NYC) I wasn't here when it happened.". Seuss. I intend to A 'C'? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Only What's Necessary: Charles M. Schulz and the Art of Peanuts, Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (And Don't Come Back!! Why does she have to be cute? You're a very crabby person and you're crabby to just about everyone you meet. Why does she have to be cute? When the stage musical was revived on Broadway in 1999, Sally Brown replaced Patty Swanson yet again. It is based on the characters created by cartoonist Charles M. Schulz in his comic strip Peanuts. Charlie Brown returns, and, with his friends, plays the Little League Baseball Championship. [19][20] The whole original Toronto cast reprised their roles for West End. Sam Jaimes But in 1985, the musical was animated for CBS, using the. Synopsis. The original cast included Bob Balaban, Gary Burghoff, Bill Hinnant, Skip Hinnant, Karen Johnson and Reva Rose."[2][3][4]. A medley of "Happiness" and "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" is performed as the cast comes out for a final curtain call. This bothers him to the point of feeling terribly ill. The next day, at lunchtime, Charlie Brown talks about his bad days. The running time of the animated cartoon is shorter than that of the stage musical version of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown and the number of songs is reduced accordingly. As he examines it, he discovers that "there are teeth-marks all over it . Peppermint Patty: You know what I dont understand, Chuck? Upon asking Linus, he refuses to answer until she promises not to punch him; when he gives her a score of ninety-five, though, she punches him anyway. The musical has been a popular choice for amateur theatre productions because of its small cast and simple staging. Contact us if you want to add new ones for the actors of the world to use - - We'll give you full credit and link to your actors website if you like. Featuring comedic monologues for kids and teens from Charlie Brown, Lucy, Sally, Snoopy, Schroeder and Peppermint Patty. [28] The cast featured Morgan Karr as Charlie Brown, David Larsen as Schroeder, Tom Deckman as Snoopy, Matt Crowle as Linus, Carmen Ruby Floyd as Lucy, and Kenita R. Miller as Sally. ), Slow, Slow, Quick! This article is about the stage musical. You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (Musical) Monologues A 1970 U.S. tour lasted 202 performances on the road. There's no reason why I couldn't just go over and sit there. Sally is clearly cross about a D her teacher gave her on her homework assignment. By visiting this site, you agree to the terms and conditions of our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy NYCastings / DirectSubmit 2000 - 2021. In a few minutes, however, he is back to his peaceful state ("Snoopy"). I hope I haven't offended you or anything. So, Chuck, do you think youll ever get married? He and company join Schroeder in the song of jubilation ("Beethoven Day"). [1], John Gordon was credited with the book of the show, but according to Gesner's foreword in the published script, "John Gordon" is a collective pseudonym that covers Gesner, the cast members, and the production staff, all of whom worked together to assemble the script. They're. [50] This version was the first animated depiction of Snoopy with comprehensible dialogue, voiced by Robert Towers, who previously portrayed the role in the 1967 Los Angeles production alongside Burghoff as Charlie Brown and Judy Kaye as Lucy. Or was I being judged on my talent? Schroeder asks if Linus filled out the form that Ms. Othmar gave them. This glow cast by a star-in-the-making gives a real Broadway magic to a show that otherwise feels sadly shrunken And Roger Bart, in the plum role of Snoopy, the charismatic beagle, incorporates some delightful doglike mannerisms."[42]. Later, Charlie Brown sees a happy Schroeder spreading the word of Beethoven's birthday and pulling together a celebration. Sally was then used for the 2016 revival as well. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. CHORUS 2 BRAVELY FACING ADVERSITY YOU CAN OPEN UP ANY DOOR CHORUS 3 OH, YOU'RE A GOOD MAN ALL: YOU'RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE BROWN (music cue) (The kids go into school, and Snoopy tries to follow them in, but the door shuts in his face - he whimpers) 7. The scenic and musical enhancements were especially harmful, it seemed to me; the unassuming, child-size characters were overwhelmed Which is not to say that the 1999 music department did a bad job; it's simply that the concept of a big, new 'You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown' worked against the inherent qualities of the material. Right then, he realizes being a "good man" means trying your best and making the most of the things you've been given in life. I like to be so good at everything that all around school I'd be known as Flash. In addition to the classic songs, we see Charlie Brown and his friends perform the various comedy sketches of the play. Go, Camel, go! Lucy later tells him that she would someday like to be a queen ("Queen Lucy"). YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN Character Descriptions. Peanuts Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Disclaimer: Daily Actor at times uses affiliate links to sites like, streaming services, and others. Well, lunchtime is among the worst times of the day for me. It comes up, Charlie Brown, snow comes up! She's A Good Skate, Charlie Brown (1980): Peppermint Patty's Skate Finale. I'm sorry to have to say it right to your face, Lucy, but it's true. she nibbles her pencil . I don't understand love. Catchy songs, fine animation, and good voice artistry make this a winner, and at less than an hour it will leave a short but happy hole in your day. Charlie Brown Monologues | Daily Actor Charlie, Lucy, Linus, Snoopy and the gang come to animated, musical life in this television special based on the stage show. What do you mean shed be the kind of girl who would call you, Poor Sweet Baby? Youre very strange. [4] The stage adaptation of the concept album, entitled You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, went into rehearsal in New York City on February 10, 1967. This is for you Lucy, Happy Valentine's Day. You know, food. various places in charlie browns life -- school, outside his house, the baseball field, etc--now. First off, I hate the vocal work here, and I'm not even talking about the singing itself -- I'm talking about all the vocal work, even the spoken dialogue. Elliot: Coke. You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown has been adapted for television twice, as a Hallmark Hall of Fame episode which first aired on NBC on February 3, 1973 and as an animated television special which was first shown on CBS on November 6, 1985. Well, I guess I'd better see what I've got. 1-2 Min. "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown Reprise", "Queen Lucy", "Peanuts Potpourri", "Rabbit Chasing", and "The Red Baron" are not included in the 1999 revival Broadway cast recording. Press Esc to cancel. But, if she isn't looking at me, then maybe I could take it off quickly and she'd never notice it. Comedic Monologue For Female Kid Actor. I wonder why she never looks at me? List of Peanuts characters - Wikipedia . This version is also available through Tams-Witmark. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. At noon, Linus, Lucy, Schroeder, and Charlie Brown are working on their Peter Rabbit book reports, each in his or her own way. how fucking CUTE. Here, Lucy, this is for you, Happy Valentine's Day. In his imagination, he is defeated by the Red Baron and returns to the aerodrome in France ("The Red Baron"). Charlie Brown appears, trying to get his unusually stubborn kite to soar in the air. IMDb [9][10] Joseph Hardy directed and choreographer Patricia Birch was billed as "Assistant to the Director". This is for you, Lucy, Happy Valentine's Day. On the other handI can't tell if she's looking, until I take it off! HELENA O, were that all!

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