The evidence highlighted the challenges associated with partnership working, and the difficulties in communicating with care homes. The committee agreed that this is a crucial area and they built on the evidence with their own expertise. Diabetes UK is the largest organisation in the UK working for people with diabetes. It also affects the safety, health and wellbeing of other residents, staff and visitors, and can lead to false allegations of abuse and neglect against staff and care homes. The committee provided anecdotal evidence of concerns about the efficacy of e-learning, in particular when there is no opportunity for discussion and human interaction. The committee used their own expertise to support the evidence and make recommendations. There was a good amount of qualitative evidence on the barriers and facilitators to identifying abuse and neglect in care homes. Coeliac disease is a condition caused by an inability to digest gluten, which often results in bowel symptoms and failure to gain weight. To address this, the committee made a recommendation on how managers should encourage staff to complete training. On successful completion, candidates will receive a certificate valid for three years. The difference between autism and Asperger's syndrome is clarified, looking at case studies. The committee had low confidence in the quantitative outcomes, because of concerns about bias (as most studies were not randomised) and imprecision in effect estimates. So why not sign up today? 776 0 obj <> endobj They also included a consensus-based recommendation on self-neglect as they agreed that this issue is especially important, because self-neglect in care homes raises questions about the balance between individual choice and the home's duty of care. There is some variation across the UK in the way care homes conduct training, although the contracts that providers have with local authorities will tend to encourage best practice and standardisation. Everyone working in an early years setting needs to be aware of the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS. Eight hours of tuition deal with food hygiene, bacteriology, personal hygiene, equipment and pest control, cleaning and disinfecting and legislation. They link to details of the evidence and a full description of the committee's discussion. To address this potential issue, the committee made a recommendation on assessing how well training is working and whether it is being used to improve practice. They also agreed that care homes should build good relationships with local authorities, seeking advice if needed, in order to better judge when referrals should be made. The overarching aim is to improve the levels of knowledge, understanding and skills of those interfacing with ASD and their carers. Paediatric first-aid: certificated course inspected and controlled by the Health and Safety Executive. No directly relevant research evidence was identified on what to do if abuse or neglect is suspected. Managers may need to dedicate time specifically to collating data and sharing findings with staff. This is in addition to the formal and mandatory role of a safeguarding lead. The safeguarding and welfare requirements are designed to ensure that childcare providers promote the welfare of children and keep them safe and well. More detailed information on safeguarding training and the competencies that different staff need is covered in Adult Safeguarding: Roles and competencies for Health Care Staff 2018. The course is also suitable for Security / Close Protection Officers who may have to deal with Paediatric emergencies. These sources highlight the importance of involving people fully as possible in decisions and giving them the information and support they need to participate. SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIOURAL DIFFICULTIES ASSOCIATION (SEBDA). The committee also reviewed existing health and social care guidance. The committee felt that some indicators would warrant more urgent or more significant action than others. ENTAEnta is a voluntary sector, not for profit organisation working across Birmingham to provide learning opportunities, training courses, information, advice and guidance and employment support to help people think about and prepare for paid employment. The aim of these recommendations is to help people better understand when a safeguarding referral should be made and when a referral should not be made. There were also concerns regarding the adequacy of data, as most of the themes in the evidence were based on limited data. ! `xsQ3u|:_N|8l~m0]biFA? ]c~%;1]LOcbx9? Implementing the recommendations may involve minor changes to existing practice. The NDCS is the only UK charity dedicated to supporting deaf children and their families in overcoming the challenges of childhood deafness. Discriminatory abuse is important to highlight because it may be difficult to recognise, and may also involve other types of abuse or neglect. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. All staff must be given child safeguarding training, including training on the settings policies and procedures, and also induction training that covers other areas such equality and diversity and health & safety. Fargo Studios, 54 Grafton Street, Coventry, West Midlands, CV1 2HW. Visit the Bolton Safeguarding ChildrenPartnershipwebsite, Families (including Start Well Childrens Centres), Mandatory and essential training - Learning and Development Team, Funding agreement and operational guidance, Provider Portal for the Funded Early Years and Childcare Entitlement, Updates on Funded Early Years and Childcare Entitlements, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The committee emphasised what care homes find most important when they make a safeguarding referral to a local authority, and at the beginning of a section 42 enquiry. Getting the views of residents will ensure that their needs are understood and that subsequent care can be person-centred and outcomes-focused. The committee recognised that there should be a clear difference and understanding of the roles of the practitioners and independent advocate involved in safeguarding. First-aid at work: four-day practical course, including an examination. Safeguarding children with disabilities: this course aims to ensure that participants can safeguard disabled children from harm through an increased awareness of their vulnerability to abuse. They made recommendations on how these systems should be used to record and share information. Enable is the largest membership organisation in Scotland for people with learning disabilities and for family carers. There are many courses on safeguarding. If they are not already doing so, they will need to promote a positive culture and encourage greater collaboration between their members and partner organisations, especially care homes. Helping children with dyslexia and dyspraxia: practical guide for recognising early signs of dyslexia and dyspraxia. ERIC provides help to children suffering from nocturnal enuresis, the medical term for bedwetting, and the less common problems of daytime wetting. There was no evidence comparing the effectiveness of different modes of training (for example e-learning programmes compared with group sessions). Safeguarding is about preventing children from being abused and protecting them from abuse. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to make recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. This was also reflected in the qualitative evidence, which indicated that practitioners recognised the value of safeguarding training. hXn[7>hKw 051@. Y2$gWMv4y9p339*bN:TY*i|&&NQI{44"tQJX'A!1X4xqaYeqLZDF;$Rbw9>&8r>AxDQyo?7_&9k.bU|x5^!|3e9]/T"#`ep5{GGFPZBs2Gz)|2tDtx;L c->/$6p{peAq0^)o The recommendations should help care home managers identify the most appropriate training methods for their staff, which will improve care home practice. Safeguarding Adults Boards should not need additional resources, but some will need to change the way they work. The recommendations are based on existing non-NICE UK guidance, so staff should be familiar with the indicators in this guideline. This has implications for: the safety and wellbeing of residents, because abuse or neglect may go unreported. There was no research evidence identified on confidentiality and suspected abuse and neglect. These recommendations will help standardise the use of reflective supervision. The committee suggested 'safeguarding champions' as a way to provide more informal support for people worried about the impact of raising concerns. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority The course looks at physical, sensory, cognitive and emotional/behavioural difficulties, and specific areas such as dyslexia. Most of the indicators are adapted from the guidance the committee reviewed, and others were added by the committee based on their knowledge and expertise. To ensure staff understand how to gather and record information correctly, care homes and care home providers may need to provide extra training. The committee felt that this was an important area, and built on the evidence using their own expertise. Some qualitative evidence was available, but the committee had limited confidence in it. Recent courses include safeguarding, food safety and baby massage.FORBES TRAINING, FOUNDATION FOR THE STUDY OF INFANT DEATHS, The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths promotes information on how to reduce the risk of cot death and supports bereaved families. The effectiveness of training and learning with other organisations is likely to be improved if positive relationships are established. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. Managers will need to give staff time for these discussions to take place, and will need time themselves to promote the reflective and transparent approach to safeguarding. The committee emphasised the importance of asking the resident at risk what they would like to happen next, to ensure that the response to safeguarding was in line with the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal. The evidence also included data on how to reduce the risk or incidence of abuse and neglect by learning from past safeguarding issues in the care home. Because of this, the committee did not make recommendations about who should have further training or when this should happen. This may involve extra work for care home managers. Identifies practical strategies to adjust our language and the way we communicate. ACORN CHILDCARE TRAINING. The committee used qualitative themes from research evidence on identifying abuse and neglect to make the recommendations. The committee also wanted to emphasise the important role of commissioners in working with care homes. Because of the shortage of good-quality evidence, the committee made recommendations partly based on their own expertise and experience. Staff are encouraged to watch out for changes in the mood and behaviour of residents, because many indicators of abuse and neglect are quite subtle physical or emotional changes or traits. The committee also reviewed existing non-NICE UK health and social care guidance, and legislation and care law about whistleblowing. A school information pack is available.Eczema - supporting and managing this misunderstood condition: topics include childhood atopic eczema. ERIC provides advice on bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and incontinence. The evidence did, however, highlight the uncertainties and misunderstandings surrounding the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for safeguarding within care homes and care home providers. The evidence suggested that some people felt excluded from important safeguarding meetings. Understanding children on the Autistic Spectrum: the indications that should concern early years practitioners and the implications for development and life chances. In their experience, the way that safeguarding records are used and reviewed can play a key role in embedding learning and improving safeguarding practice. There is wide variation in the way Safeguarding Adults Boards operate and communicate. As a result, they felt that it was important to make specific recommendations on this, to ensure that this learning is more widely promoted. There was no research evidence identified in this area. There were also methodological concerns regarding some of the studies, for example in relation to recruitment strategies and data analysis processes. The Department for Education has published a revised version ofDevelopment Matters, governments non-statutory curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), and said, to reflect feedback received from our Early Adopter schools that have adopted the reforms to the EYFS over the 2020/21 academic year. Some care home providers already fund access to employee assistance programmes, so would not significantly need to change practice. The structure of staff supervision sessions may need to be changed, to ensure that positive learning is acknowledged and reinforced. To address this, the committee made a research recommendation to look at the effectiveness, cost effectiveness and acceptability of e-learning safeguarding training, compared with face-to-face training. Professional Training Solutions provide a number of workshops relevant to early years practitioners, including: ROYAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND (RNIB). There was no research evidence identified on safeguarding leads. Prevention refers to stopping children from being abused. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children's health or development, ensuring that children grow-up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. As a result, the committee agreed that it is important to emphasise that training should not be a one-off event. Subscribing with flick offers access to all flick courses, plus downloadable guides and resources in the flick library. You're probably well aware that the EYFS is a very detailed document, and when it comes to safeguarding and welfare, there is lots to take in. The evidence highlighted the value that care homes place on local authorities as a key source of support and transparent advice. The National Childbirth Trust provides information and practical support on all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood. Care homes may also have to change the way they work with the local authority, to ensure they have a good relationship and can seek advice and support when needed. And it was unclear whether the data related specifically to safeguarding. There may be an impact on staff time and resources. The recommendations should lead to greater consistency. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. Disability awareness and inclusion in childcare settings: two half-day workshops which cover a range of issues including an inclusive ethos and attitude, communications and partnerships, listening to disabled children and inclusion and playwork principles. To help them, there are plenty of CPD courses staged by early years training organisations, specialist groups and charities, on a host of topics from sun safety to anaphylactic shock. Dame Clare Tickell, in her review of the EYFS, recommends that the welfare section of the EYFS is renamed the 'safeguarding and welfare requirements' and that the welfare requirements are redrafted to improve their clarity. The committee had concerns about the adequacy of the findings, which were based on 'thin' data. This guideline aims to complement these other sources of guidance, rather than duplicate them. VAT Registration Number: GB 830 472 251, Open source web development - pedalo limited, Involving parents in their childrens learning, Business Blocks: essential resources for your early years business, Charitable settings - legislation and governance. However, as this can be an existing member of staff, the committee were confident that there would be no significant resource impact. This includes: staff experiences in using findings from these reviews, the views of Safeguarding Adults Boards and commissioners on how care homes have learned from Safeguarding Adults Reviews. The evidence on training only included short-term measurements of effectiveness. This is because, in their experience, those indicators represented a higher likelihood of abuse and neglect. Additional resources should not be needed for care homes to appoint safeguarding champions, because the champions are expected to be existing staff members. Evidence on training suggested that improvements in safeguarding practice were not always maintained in the longer-term, and that there should be opportunities for further and more advanced learning. But doing so will help care homes manage safeguarding issues more proactively, and deal with early warning signs of potential neglect. This is so that the support is in place at the right time during the enquiry. Although evidence on implementing learning in care homes was available, this did not focus specifically on using findings from past safeguarding referrals and enquiries in the care home. This has been a legal requirement for some time so should not represent a change in practice. Courses include: PLAY AND EARLY YEARS TRAINING UNITFood safety awareness: an introduction to food safety, best cooking practice and legal obligations. Care Quality Commission standards cover basic safeguarding training for all staff (CQC: Regulation 13 - Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment and CQC: Safeguarding Adults - Roles and responsibilities in health and care services) so this is not a new requirement and is unlikely to lead to significant resource implications. Instead, the committee based these recommendations on a review of non-NICE UK health and social care guidance, (see evidence review C for details of this guidance). However, some care homes may need to change their policy and procedure so that they fully comply with these recommendations. These areas areconnected, with learning in one particular area supporting learning in the others. The evidence indicated that care home managers can play a key role in influencing the attitudes of their staff and colleagues towards training. Some, such as being denied freedom of movement, are also enshrined in law (for example the Human Rights Act, Article 5: right to liberty and security). Inclusion is key to effective practice in the EYFS, which places such emphasis on the individual child. The committee made these recommendations because the business impact of safeguarding enquiries is often overlooked, but can be detrimental to care homes. MUDIAD YSGOLION MEITHRINAbersaff: training linking to the Abersaff resource pack focusing on health and safety guidelines. Residents will often need emotional and practical support while an enquiry is taking place. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (DfE 2021) became effective from 1 September 2021. The committee built on this evidence with their own expertise. They believed this is important because good-quality training can have a big impact on safeguarding practice and the safety and wellbeing of care home residents. There was a good amount of qualitative evidence on identifying abuse and neglect in care homes, and the barriers and facilitators to this. However, the committee agreed that these findings can be a key source of learning material for care home providers, and they regularly use information from Safeguarding Adults Reviews in their own work. They were also concerned about the short follow-up periods the studies used. Local authorities, clinical commissioning groups and other commissioners should already be monitoring safeguarding in care homes as part of contract management, so this should not represent a significant change in practice. Some of the indicators of neglect may also be indicators of self-neglect. r:mXA@f%th=wH-> ^eT9a`] 8c"\ mzF~ There was a small amount of qualitative evidence about the impact of safeguarding enquiries on care homes and the support that care homes, managers and staff need. ABC MEDICAL SERVICESPaediatric First Aid: PFAA Approved, EYFS-compliant 12-hour course which is a requirement of all Childcare Practitioners who require registration by OFSTED. Care homes may also need to change their recruitment processes, to ensure that applicants are suitable and have been properly vetted. NATIONAL DAY NURSERIES ASSOCIATION (NDNA). There can be a financial impact, as well as problems with staff recruitment and retention. ARMADILLO TRAINING, ASTHMA UKSupports people with asthma and those who care for and work with people with asthma.THE ATHENA PROGRAMMEWorking together to safeguard children: focusing on the knowledge and resources required to safeguard children within the limits of professional structures.Safeguarding children with disabilities: this course aims to ensure that participants can safeguard disabled children from harm through an increased awareness of their vulnerability to abuse.Safeguarding children levels 1, 2 and 3: individual courses designed to enhance knowledge, understanding and practice of safeguarding children.AUTISM NORTHERN IRELANDAutism NI offers a full range of training from the very basic fundamentals of ASD to intensive professional training in diagnosis and intervention. The recommendations should reduce the potential psychological and emotional distress on affected staff. TAC INTERCONNECTIONSKeeping children safe in an uncertain world: learning from evidence and practice.Understanding Aspergers syndrome. First-aid in childcare: two-day first-aid course as required by Ofsted for childcare settings. All off-site providers will confirm their Safeguarding policy and procedures, a copy of which will be held by Cotham and up-dated each year. The existing guidance did not cover all the areas that the committee thought were important, so they also used their own knowledge and expertise when agreeing the recommendations. In many care homes, managers already do all of this. It has produced policies on the early years, professional development, partnership with parents, curriculum access and learning support assistants, among others. Cotham students will be aware of how to seek support if safeguarding issues arise.
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