1World Christian Database, 2015,*Barrett and Johnson. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Here are some facts to "resistant belt.". What Should I Know Before Becoming a Missionary in the Middle the Great Commission will be complete when disciples have been made and churches have been multiplied among every people group, How to Overcome the Fear of Sharing the Gospel, George Verwers Legacy Challenges Us to Live on Mission. . This is the reason why GCP works exclusively with native missionaries that are spreading the Gospel inside unreached people groups. Has the Gospel Already Reached the Entire World? God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us. All Rights Reserved. (Baxter 2007, 12). And thats what every Christian and church should be living for. (The Traveling Team) 818 unreached people groups have never been targeted by any Christian agency ever. Javascript is disabled in your web browser. It does not say, has been proclaimed it is proclaimed in all creation. Everywhere it goes, it is being proclaimed, and it is bearing fruit. While you are at it, google ancient enthusiast Vank cathedral. While it is certainly possible the Lord has been supernaturally at work among an unengaged group without outside involvement, this would not be the typical way He has ordained for the spread of the Gospel. But these texts have dampened that urgency in me some. By putting them on the same list youre harming yourself and your testimony thats a LIE. nations in which they are working. They must have realized they couldnt possibly reach every single person in every single nation in the short amount of time theyd be alive, yet Jesus said to go make disciples of all nations. In other words, out of every $100 in the western church, only 10 cents goes to native missionaries working in unreached people groups. A date in the early 70s is also possible, but most scholars do not place the year very much later.One of the internal clues to the date of Mark's Gospel is at Mark 13:2, where Jesus was said to . sometimes seen 10,000 new converts daily. Whatever commands He gave them, they are to give the new believers. They are all are located that a rectangular area from 10 degrees latitude north of the equator to 40 to the Gospel. What happens to people who never hear the gospel message about Jesus Christ? Extremely low literacy rates are concentrated in three regions, the Arab states, South and West Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa, again highly unreached regions. Korea (North and South) Kuwait Tiny countries like India and China have populations that are so immersed in the gospel, and the Bible, that many have heard it over 1,000 times, and have rejected it as much. The equator is the "0" latitude line with all of the other latitude lines labeled in majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs live in the 10/40 Window. That means for mother-tongue speakers of those 1,800 languages no Scripture exists at all. use. We must pray that God will call more and more laborers into the countries in the 10/40 . India????? Although these are only imaginary lines, they appear on maps and globes as if they David received his Ph.D. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of Dont Hold Back, Radical, Follow Me,Counter Culture,Something Needs to Change,Before You Vote, as well as the multiple volumes of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series. gone before us when we claim we are being persecuted for our faith in the U.S." Louise World Christian Trends, pg 656Todd Johnson, Global Atlas of Christianity, pg 296Bob Finley, Reformation in Foreign Missions, pg. Clickhereto learn more. countriesNazarene missions Although this is a great milestone, there is an even greater challenge that our faith is facing. I feel an urgency to unreached nations. How Many People Have Never Heard Of Jesus? - Proven Way How many countries have not heard of Jesus Christ? - Answers From Kenya China Cyprus Djibouti Therefore, about one out of three people in the world do not have online access to spiritual information and the message of the Messiah. The ministry that created the map listed India as dangerous and/or difficult. So thankfully, not banned, but there are regions where it is difficult and/or dangerous to share the gospel. Some states or regions within a country may have more religious freedoms or looser enforcement of restrictions than others. While these percentage figures are somewhat arbitrary, "we should not underestimate the significance of the small group of people who have a vision of a just and gentle world. Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. While the percentage of the world who are unevangelized has decreased, the absolute number of unevangelized has increased. Its not just effective among one kind of humanity but will bear fruit among every single kind of humanity that it runs into all the unimaginable differences in the world that there are today and that there were then. The only way to hear the gospel is to be told the gospel. Outside and within the 10/40 window there . Article Images Copyright . Moreover, they can be supported at a fraction of the cost of a foreign missionary. Is it possible that the gospels now been preached to all nations?. Its why Paul moved on from those regions where churches had been planted and Christians were living and working to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone elses foundation, but as it is written, Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand (Romans 15:2021). 178 & 244. degrees latitude north of the equator.1. While the Gospel has gone to every political country in the world, when Jesus commanded His followers to "make disciples of all the nations" in Matthew 28:18-20, He was not referring to political nations such as Canada, Kenya, Russia, etc. You may have heard of the phrase the 10/40 window but unsure as to what it means. So, the really crucial question in Colossians 1:6 is why Paul went out of his way to say that that very gospel, which had come to Colossae, was also making its way fruitfully through the whole world. GCP believes that educating the Church about the unevangelized, where they are, how we can reach them, etc. This is Gods mission: One day, people from every tribe and tongue will worship Christ in eternity, and He will receive all glory and honor for it (Revelation 7:9-11). Of the 5.8 billion people in our world, 1.2 billion (around 20%) have yet to hear the Gospel. On the other hand, this also means none of us are without excuse because God has written His name in our hearts. It is a gospel bearing fruit in the whole world. There are 44 countries that make up Europe. For statistical agreement, numbers and percentages used here are based on the Ethnologue number. This makes it more imperative than ever to partner with our God to reach the lost. And yes, I think I can explain it, and I hope I can not only explain it, but explain it in a way that intensifies your commitment to reach the nations rather than dampening that commitment. Here are some of the startling findings: For every dollar of Christian resources less than one penny is directed at reaching unreached peoples. In other words, Paul knew very well that the gospel had not reached Spain, at least to any significant degree, because he wants to preach the gospel where the gospel has not been preached. A recent study by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity sought to determine the level of contact between Christians and non-Christians. How Many People Believe in Christianity? - Topical Studies Well, bless you, Kevin, for the sense of urgency that you feel. Has The Gospel Now Been Preached To All Nations? Has every human being whos ever lived been exposed to the gospel? Were on a mission to change that. Data from the International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest denominational mission board in the world, suggests that there are possibly over 3,000 ethnic people groups that are not only unreached, but also completely unengaged meaning there is no known active on-site church planting effort underway and few, if any, know believers. world's most difficult and challenging places. None have an indigenous church capable of taking the Gospel to the entire group. And Jesus gives them the authority to do this (Matt 28:18). Or, to state it in terms of people groups, over 7,000 of the worlds 17,000 people groups are classified as unreached. We hope to use these during the year in the villages of Kisumu rural areas where not many has bibles even the pastors who borrows from brothers who are privileged to have one. (Winter et al., 3) Why then are there still more than 4,000 unreached people groups? (Baxter 2007, 12) 60% of unreached people groups live in countries closed to missionaries from North America. There are many other ministries printing, shipping, smuggling, and carrying Gods word into these places as well. When Christianity first began, it was a small crowd following Jesus who traveled throughout Galilee performing miracles and sharing the Good News. Just look up Armenian churches in Iran in google. The situation is worse in areas where the Gospel has least spread. to focus attention on a specific area of the world where millions of people have little or no access Teach Us to Pray with Christina Patterson, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Theres nothing temporal about it. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Morocco Myanmar Churches are spending approximately 99% of their missions resources in places that are already reached with the gospel. Short-term missions And it is estimated that 1.6 billion people have never heard the Gospel -- not even one time. (World Evangelization Research Center), If ten men are carrying a log nine of them on the little end and one at the heavy end and you want to help, which end will you lift on?William Borden. We collect new and used bibles and other Christian literature from all over the country, and ship it overseas. Voice of the Martyrs color-codes the map based on where bibles are illegal, highly restricted, or just dangerous. The 10/40 Window countries are not the only ones in the world with sinners The map was in their last newsletter, but you can also see it on their website. To date, 5.5 million believers around the world have dedicated their lives to become full-time missionaries. So, this is not a call to remove missionaries from other areas of the world and send them all to However, these countries consider the national religion Christianity. It does not say that the gospel has reached to the ends of the world. Its so well known in some circles that the idea that the bible is illegal in 52 countries is fairly well known. Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia (Burma) Nepal Niger Oman language they can understand. When a person desires to understand who created the world and the qualities within it, Gods divinity is revealed because its written on their hearts. Pray for the work, learn how to collect material for us to ship, and/or donate toward the shipping costs. Editors Note: The following excerpt is adapted from David Platts teaching during Secret Church 21, The Great Imbalance.. Now he knows that he has many great sinfulness in his life according the Bible which I gave to him. It will continue to increase until Christians and churches decide to change how we use our resources. You can find her on GodUpdates, iBelieve, Crosswalk, Hello Darling, Focus On The Family, and in Brio Magazine. You are not allowed to take a bible there. Paul further explains in Romans 1:18-21 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. Such places are also called creative access areas. The Lord doesn't want to leave anything to chance. Urgent comes alongside indigenous believers in some of the hardest to reach places on earth. Luke 12:47-48 says, The servant who knows the masters will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. None of us have any excuse. Or will God wait for Christs return after all the people on the earth have had a chance to hear the gospel? the gospel that you heard, the proclaimed one in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister., So the solution is that Paul is not saying anything about when the gospel is proclaimed in all creation. THUMB -- an acronym to remember the unreached peoples I am from Iran and I can tell you that you are dead wrong by putting Iran under covert operations only. Where Are Christian Missionaries Needed Most Today: 5 Areas To Consider anyone that would call themselves a "Christian.") Copyright 2023 Telling Ministries LLC. Some of them to churches in Namibia, some are waiting on private people who will visit Angola in a short while, some are on their way to a mining group in Malawi, and some to another missionary in Malawi. All rights reserved. Few people in the world today have never heard of Jesus. And some of these countries are extremely dangerous in which to share the love of Christ. Thanks for all your help and prayers for the persecuted Church! We believe this is the most effective way in finishing the great commission. 80 percent of the world's people have access to at least some portion of the Bible in a You will see that a church and a mosque are right next to each other. Numbers: One village three groups they call World A, World B and World C. These "worlds" are not geographic areas but rather segments of the world's population. across northern Africa and into southern Asia. Many of these, such as the United States, did not exist as entities when Jesus gave the command. Possibly only about 15% of all Muslims worldwide personally know a Christian. So, lets take these two passages one at a time. 46K views, 2.3K likes, 2.7K loves, 2.5K comments, 237 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from ABS-CBN News: Healing Eucharist Mass | Teleradyo (30 April 2023) [, At least some part of Scripture has been translated into 3,350 of the world's 6,500 The common definition of an "unreached people group" is an ethnic and cultural group in which 2% or less of the population professes a form of Christianity that would loosely be called "evangelical.". . https://www.opendoorsusa.org/christian-persecution/world-watch-list/colombia/. Many areas in the 10/40 Window are places that Nazarene World Mission director Verne My name is Kevin, and I live in Chicago. And the third reason, I think, he talks this way and stresses the global dimension of the gospel for the Colossians is to show that it is the power this gospel has power to change people of every kind, all kinds of people. -- Dale Butler, Nazarene Bible College OpenDoors has a great page of info on Christian persecution in Columbia. So they have been labeled Now that weve reviewed the timeless truths that God can reach people anytime, anywhere, we can answer the question of what happens to people who never hear the gospel. How will you be a part of the work? Much of this is concentrated in only eight countries (Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Pakistan) all countries with very high concentrations of unreached people groups.