Learn more. In which of the following cases, procedure of reduction of capital is not called for: 11. MCQ - Internal Reconstruction and Capital Reduction | Multiple Choice endstream endobj 71 0 obj <>stream Shareholders not approving scheme is called _________ shareholders.a) dissenting b) paying c) pay disentient shareholders d) none of the above, 13. Internal Reconstruction MCQ (Free) | Capital Reduction A scheme of __________ or __________ mean the scheme having same effect.a) capital reduction or internal reconstruction b) Capital Reduction or External reconstructionc) none of the above. Merger Buyout Joint Venture De-merger 23Which merger involves firms engaged in unrelated types of activities? 0000000016 00000 n 500000. b) X Ltd. Having a share capital of Rs. HyE$=T0dd$@>%o53mXe@8f2"0(#u8WLfR>|>ug2gcA9vQ]EFk`K%>)U"ih$OVFMGo&g2y.#d4H(!V$$ r t KZCO2IJaDR,~Tt,!Oq]RA>z$\IU Friends ye artical ke alava other subject Ke bhi article aapko mere website per mil jaenge jiska link me aapko niche de raha hu. T.Y.B.com Financial Accounting mcq with answers - Suraj Patel Education 500000 divided into 50000 shares of Rs. 26. Internal Reconstruction MCQ (Free) | Capital Reduction September 29, 2021 11. In case of , one existing company takes over the business of another company and no new company is formed 5. Amalgamation, Absorption & External reconstruction Multiple Choice Questions 1. Company Final Accounts. 59 23 Question and answers in Accounting for Internal Reconstruction. endstream endobj 60 0 obj <> endobj 61 0 obj <> endobj 62 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 63 0 obj <> endobj 64 0 obj <> endobj 65 0 obj <> endobj 66 0 obj <> endobj 67 0 obj <> endobj 68 0 obj <> endobj 69 0 obj <> endobj 70 0 obj <>stream If the shares of smaller denomination-are converted into the shares of higher denomination without changing the total amount of share capital, then it is a case of: (iii) Decrease in unissued share capital. The expenses for forming and implementing scheme should be debited to ____________ .a) security premium b) share capital c) Internal reconstruction d) capital reduction, 15. Shareholders not approving scheme is called _________ shareholders. Cancellation of unissued capital is also a case of capital reduction. A company is free to reduce or extinguish the uncalled liability of its members. To carry out capital reduction, permission is required from: a) X Ltd. Having a share capital of Rs. When two or more companies carrying on similar business decide to combine, a new company is formed, it is known as (A) Amalgamation (B) Absorption (C) Internal reconstruction (D) External reconstruction 2. %PDF-1.4 % A company has issued capital of 10,000 equity shares of Rs. In case of Internal Reconstruction , the company is. Latest Reconstruction of companies MCQ Objective Questions Top Reconstruction of companies MCQ Objective Questions Exam Preparation Simplified Learn, practice, analyse and improve Get Started for Free Download App Trusted by 3.9 Crore+ Students Related MCQ Merger& Amalgamation MCQ Exams TNPSC Group 1 TNPSC Group 2 RRB Group D RRB NTPC If there is any balance in the capital reduction account after writing off all the accumulated losses, then the same is transferred to: 8. In internal reconstruction, amount sacrificed by shareholders are 1. 16. 0000001427 00000 n In case of sub-division of share capital the total number of shares: 2. In which of the following cases, procedure of reduction of capital is not called for: (iii) Surrender of shares or gift of shares. %PDF-1.5 % Follow me on YouTube - Dynamic Tutorials and Services. 11)face 12)dissenting 13)Schedule III 14)capital reduction 15)funds 16)debited 17)accumulated losses 18)Registrar 19)internal reconstruction 20)credit, HSC Question Paper 2023 12th Commerce (Download Free pdf), HSC OCM Paper 2023 March Maharashtra Board | Download Free Pdf, HSC SP Paper 2023 March Maharashtra Board | Download Free Pdf, HSC Hindi Paper 2023 March Maharashtra Board | Download Free Pdf, HSC English Paper 2023 March | Download Free Pdf, 11th OCM Chapter 8 Exercise (Introduction to Management) Maharashtra Board Free Resource, 11th OCM Chapter 7 Exercise (Business Environment) Maharashtra Board Free Resource, Financial Accounting Mcqs | More Than 700 Free MCQs, 12th SP Chapter 6 Solution (Correspondence with Members) Maharashtra Board Free Solution. endstream endobj 23 0 obj <> endobj 24 0 obj <> endobj 25 0 obj <>stream Let's take a quick look at the CA Inter Course before diving into the specifics of the ICAI CA Inter Mcq Notes 2022. A company has issued capital of 10,000 equity shares of Rs. The Shareholders can surrender shares for ________ or ____________ .a) re-issue, cancellation b)Fresh Issue, Redemption c) none of the above, 5. [Solved] Internal reconstruction is done due to [Solved] Internal reconstruction can be done by - McqMate throughout their Academic career. Accounting for Internal Reconstruction. In case of Internal Reconstruction payment of contingent liability is debited to a) Profit & Loss A/c b) Capital Reduction A/c c) Realisation A/c d) Other 53) Any gain on payment of liability under External Reconstruction is credited to 100 each. Bring down the assets to their true values. Q. A company must pass a special resolution for reduction of capital. endstream endobj 26 0 obj <>stream When two or more existing companies combine together to form a new company, it is termed as. Latest Reconstruction of companies MCQ Objective Questions - Testbook 17. 94 of the companies act, a limited company can increase, sub-divide or consolidate all or part of its existing share if authorised by its articles of association. In internal reconstruction neither the existing company is liquidated, nor is a new company incorporated. In ____________ , no new company is formed.a) External reconstruction b) Amalgamationc) internal reconstruction d) none of the above, 20. McqMate.com is an educational platform, Which is developed BY STUDENTS, FOR STUDENTS, The only Download PDF. Multiple Choice Questions. Internal Reconstruction is also known as Capital Reduction. 10 each. a) X Ltd. Having a share capital of Rs. In case of loss maximum remuneration is Rs.6 Lakhs in case effective capital is less than (a) 5Cr (b) 1Cr (a)25Cr (a) 50Cr 6. Any loss on revaluation of the assets at the time of internal reconstruction, will be charged from. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. We provide you study material i.e. Company Liquidation Accounts. Amount sacrificed by shareholders are credited to: 14. After the implementation of the scheme of internal reconstruction , any surplus in capital reduction A/C is transferred to : Reduction of share capital is possible by the company, if it is authorized by its: MCQs for Related Topics Zeitgeist- Reading on Contemporary Culture . Agreement. endstream endobj startxref 21.Only unsuccessful companies undertake capital reduction. |:a=Z&v)kgAN"6]tBzy!NS 5 each. The term "Internal Reconstruction" means: (i) Reduction of Share Capital (ii) Variation of Shareholder's right (iii) Alternation of share capital (iv) All of the above 7. AMALGAMATION, ABSORPTION & EXTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION - Quiz Reduction of capital is unlawful except when sanctioned by the court. Corporate Accounting MCQ Question Bank Reconstruction of Companies. It is a case of, 9. Under Sec. 0000003418 00000 n MCQ on Internal Reconstruction : Multiple choice questions and answers Turn around. 500000 divided into 5000 shares of Rs. Currently, however, non-invasive language decoders . Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). vt00 We provide you study material i.e. 500000 divided into 5000 shares of Rs. 0000005402 00000 n I am Gold educator on teachmint online live classes app, I am Post Graduate from Commerce and Direct Course of Law, We have provide all courses of Commerce as well as banking and IBPS Competitive exam Course and also provide Tally Erp 9 + GST Module at offline Training mode. %%EOF 0000003198 00000 n 1. Absorption. Accounting for Internal Reconstruction Solved MCQs - McqMate For writing off the accumulated Josses under the scheme of capital reduction, we debit, 6. gHc > &E]`v6DVMH HOf`a)XL?o D It is a case of, 8. Ans: a) Capital Profit. Number 8/2 & 9, Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka- 560 103. 500000 divided into 5000 shares of Rs. No journal entry is required for cancellation of unissued share capital. Answer :- Increases 2. Vertical Horizontal Conglomerate Demerger 22 0 obj <> endobj hb```f``c`e`icd@ Ar400kPQ{!{GGCG+CP q #s*m,f.HfEZX7``~d1/s ` ! Internal Reconstruction - Commerceiets AM$|?F9 UY 7) Post-acquisition Profit is a) Capital Profit. 43 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7F7D86F494A1CBF23FB2925BA8566F77>]/Index[22 34]/Info 21 0 R/Length 105/Prev 125909/Root 23 0 R/Size 56/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The internal reconstruction results in proper valuation of _________ and __________ of companies.a) Profit & Loss Account b) reserve & surplus c) assets and liabilities d) none of the above, 6. When an existing company takes over the business of one or more existing companies, it is called. Virtual Classroom and LMS Software | WizIQ When a company converts its equity shares into the capital stock, then the account to be credited is: 4. xb```"WV AX,p}GynByz||kWU]{KYD$9#c'{-(&P!M cE.IJdKyAJR'![FQ[[F,r8|m5@+@nh``@P,@0yl Q. s c) Super Profit. The term Internal Reconstruction means: 7. All rights reserved. 0000008674 00000 n PDF Chapter - 1 : Amalgamation, Absorbtion and External Reconstruction (As 0000003758 00000 n Copyright 2023 McqMate. d:b%aE2ag,jO=7^Mq*YTW%s\QQ]7,Z >cDu061`xxg]Q9*!:z5~m^&Wi=DJ?^rt3@Ey7ogblH@Pb Computerized Accounting Practices. Reconstruction of Companies MCQ - SlideShare Get the essential details like: The number of papers The frequency of exams The manner of registration and exams, Eligibility, Exemptions, and Exam Dates For ICAI Ca Inter May 2022. Company Liquidation Accounts. 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The objective of reconstruction is to write off ___________ .a) profit b) accumulated losses c) nil d) none of the above, 18. If the creditors are willing to reduce their claims against the company, (hen the amount of reduction in their claim will be transferred to, 9. If there is any balance in the capital reduction account after writing off all the accumulated losses, then the same is transferred to , 7. Solved MCQs for Accounting for Internal Reconstruction, Accounting for Internal Reconstruction MCQs with answers PDF download, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Human Resource Management Principles and Functions, Reading on Indian Constitution, Secularism and Sustainable Environment, Transactions- Essential English Language Skills. Internal reconstruction is done due to .. If the creditors are willing to reduce their claims against the company, (hen the amount of reduction in their claim will be transferred to, 10. J%7uI 8vjYZOM}r,2s.Z 'Xj:8A3v8^X.x=a4$ Eliminate the accumulated losses from the books. 10 each. Accounting for Internal Reconstruction [Set 1] PDF, Accounting for Amalgamation, Absorption and External, Chapter: Accounting for Internal Reconstruction. wound up. Corporate Accounting Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs Capital Reduction Account is ________ by payment of reconstruction expenses.a) credited b) debited c) Cash Account d) none of the above, 17. in Bangalore here: Software Service Forfeiture and Surrender of shares is a case of capital reduction. Companies may combine in following ways (i) absorption (ii) amalgamation (iii) external reconstruction (iv) internal reconstruction (v) merger (a) any of above (b) none of above (c) any except (iv) (d) any except (v) The Balance Sheet prepared after implementation of the scheme is to be prepared as per ____________.a) Schedule IV b) Schedule VI c) Schedule II d) Schedule III, 14. The word And reduced cannot be added to the name of the company if no direction has been given by the court. Internal Reconstruction MCQ (Free) | Capital Reduction 100 each, subdivided the shares into 50000 shares of Rs. The Sub division of shares does not result in ___________ of capital.a) reduction b) added c) Compromise d) none of the above, 4. 0000002930 00000 n (ii) Internal Reconstruction: Internal reconstruction means a recourse undertaken to make necessary changes in the capital structure of a company without liquidating the existing company. A company must pass a special resolution for reduction of capital. HT=s0+8xDmC?AX9jbN:w)Pgj!V-[._ KDaTJj1~' 10 each, consolidated the shares into 5000 shares of Rs. endstream endobj 72 0 obj <>stream It decides to convert its capital into 20,000 equity shares of Rs. It decides to convert its capital into 20,000 equity shares of Rs. MCQ on Amalgamation and External Reconstruction - CMA TUTORS Internal reconstruction definition, the hypothetical reconstruction of an earlier stage of a language or of some part of it, as its phonology, by deductions from irregularities in its present structure, as the reconstruction of a stage in English when certain instances of r were related to s in a systematic way by comparing the pair was:were to other pairs, as lose:forlorn. Accounting for Internal Reconstruction Multiple choice questions and answers. MCQ on Internal Reconstruction : Multiple choice questions and answers December 18, 2021 by Abhimaynu Multiple choice questions and answers 1. more mcqs. Internal reconstruction Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com When a company converts its equity shares into the capital stock, then the account to be credited is , 4. 22. Company Final Accounts. PDF Question Bank Corporate Restructuring Sem Vi Oct. 2020 - Rset PDF Sample Questions For B.Com. ( Accounting & Finance) -Sem V 2019-2020 In internal reconstruction, amount sacrificed by shareholders are credited to.. Internal reconstruction is a slow and tedious process since it required the approval of : After the implementation of the scheme of internal reconstruction , any surplus in Download PDF. (C) Internal reconstruction (B) Absorption (D) External reconstruction While calculating purchase price, the following values of assets are considered Book value (C) Average values (B) Revised Value (D) Market values Shares received from the new company are recorded at - Face value (C) Market value (B) Average price Consent of creditors is required if capital reduction involves diminution of liability regarding uncalled capital or return of paid up capital. If the ABC Limited and DEF Limited are taken over by a new company XYZ Limited 0000040014 00000 n The HUB, Sy. 11. 23. Main aim of this blog is to provide all academic resources and information's especially for Commerce Stream Students. 25. 8) Pre-acquisition profit is a) Capital Profit. 0000004701 00000 n For writing off the accumulated Josses under the scheme of capital reduction, we debit: 6. In internal reconstruction, the existing company will be Only unsuccessful companies undertake capital reduction. 19. Any loss on revaluation of the assets at the time of internal reconstruction, will be charged from. The scheme of internal reconstruction involves ___ company. Hn0w?Gr "% 2t0 5 each. Redemption of preference shares is a case of capital reduction. 100 each. 12. I am also working on some other websites which will be published soon. /FV.)|[%;$3 >% LMhLI3kve^v2zWl:{ eM>"2+hY$Jddt'i;|` Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A company is free to reduce or extinguish the uncalled liability of its members. more mcqs. 5 per share thus making each share of Rs. b) Absorption. 18. TYBCom-Sem-VI-Financial Accounting MCQs - Studocu Win vouchers worth INR 2,000 with our School Referral Program, Ranked Amongst Top 25 Companies by LinkedIn. Suraj Patel Education is one of the best blog on Education . No journal entry is required for cancellation of unissued share capital. #2 MCQ for TYBCOM Sem 5 - Internal Reconstruction MCQ's - Financial AccountingThis lecture series contains all the MCQs related to TYBCOM Sem 5 - Financial AccountingFinancial Accounting MCQs Link:https://scholarsclasses.com/blog/preparation-of-final-accounts-of-companies-mcq/TYBCOM Sem 5 MCQs Link:https://scholarsclasses.com/blog/tybcom-sem-5-mcq/TYBCOM Sem 5 MCQs Lecture link:https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ_81_DlRlyfEuIryW3MX4GvicwzWkHLKPlease like, share, and subscribeVideo Presented by :Prof. Tauseef Khan (M.Com, MBA, UGC - NET)Follow us on :Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tauseef89/Twitter: https://twitter.com/tauseef_sirInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/tauseefsirVisit our websitehttps://www.scholarsclasses.com/blog#scholarszilla#tybcommcq#tauseefsir 10. PDF INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION - sgp1.digitaloceanspaces.com a) authorized capital b) Called up capital c) Uncalled capital In a scheme of reorganization amount of shares surrendered by shareholders is transferred to: 12. Accounting for Amalgamation, Absorption and External. JD%@"i0iB*c`EX Reduction of capital is unlawful except when sanctioned by the court. It is a case of: (i) Reducing share capital by returning the excess capital, (ii) Reducing the liability on account of uncalled capital. Court Confirmation Order has to be registered with the __________ of companies.a) NCLT b) share capital c) Registrar d) none of the above, 19. Copyright 2023 McqMate. 500000 divided into 5000 shares of Rs. Semantic reconstruction of continuous language from non-invasive brain 31) Reconstruction includes all of the following except 32) . Internal reconstruction is a slow and tedious process since it required the approval of : After the implementation of the scheme of internal reconstruction , any surplus in capital reduction A/C is transferred to : Consent of creditors is not required if capital reduction involves the writing off of paid up capital lost or not represented by available assets. If there is any balance in the capital reduction account after writing off all the accumulated losses, then the same is transferred to: (i) Share capital account 0000007752 00000 n 0000006983 00000 n Corporate Accounting Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Mumbai University B.Com - MCQs, Exam MCQs and Solved Papers, Auditing MCQs Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | Auditing MCQs For B.Com, CA, CS and CMA Exams, Management Accounting MCQs [Multiple Choice Questions and Answers], MCQ On Budget and Budgetary Control | Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, MCQ on Accounts of Holding Companies [Multiple Choice Questions and Answers], Corporate Accounting Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) | Company Accounts MCQs. 30 seconds. Accounting for Internal Reconstruction Important MCQs. U,]]. After the implementation of scheme of internal reconstruction, any amount left in the capital reduction A/C will be transfer to: For amalgamation in the nature of merger, the shareholders holding at least or more of the equity shares of the transferor company becomes the equity shareholders of the transferee company. Internal reconstruction. 5 per share thus making each share of Rs. If the shares of smaller denomination-are converted into the shares of higher denomination without changing the total amount of share capital, then it is a case of, 3. 780+ Corporate Accounting Solved MCQs with PDF Download - McqMate 81 0 obj <>stream startxref A Ltd. with a share capital of 10,000 equity shares of Rs. Alteration of share capital can be affected by passing an ordinary resolution. In internal reconstruction, the existing company will be . The word And reduced cannot be added to the name of the company if no direction has been given by the court. When two or more companies carrying on similar business decide to combine, a new company is formed, it is known as (A) Amalgamation (B) Absorption (C) Internal reconstruction (D) External reconstruction Internal Reconstruction and Capital Reduction Notes, Corporate 0000002299 00000 n The cancellation of contingent liability is____ for company. Question 2. Accounting for Amalgamation, Absorption and External. Attend Live Classes using Any Device be it Phone, Tablet or Computer, 5th Floor, North Wing, SJR 100 each, converts it into stock. Section 66 of the companies Act governs the internal reconstruction. Consent of creditors is required if capital reduction involves diminution of liability regarding uncalled capital or return of paid up capital. |4 Companies may combine in following ways (i) absorption (ii) amalgamation (iii)external reconstruction (iv)internal reconstruction (v) merger (a) any of above (b) none of above (c) any except (iv) (d) any except (v) 2. 10 each fully paid decides to repay Rs. 0000001534 00000 n :u4$L"G0cOpe"MH3SIoIe?+-;YH1k G@bV+o t Mprq*8)i(jm8d^zmMNX3t;(e\96!w )?=jp- ]CDH-bf>~Ji}KZw]w#@tf;:HKGr?(1bXT)"Awtt,fs6og2~7Q{T! %@dJQap8?|K( q?$T0!8aq{e_>)I/` # (a) Profit (b) Loss (a)No Profit-No Loss (a) nil 5. 1)66 2)paidup value 3)reduction 4)re-issue, cancellation 5)assets and liabilities 6)NCLT 7)Special 8)Capital Reduction 9)Capital Reduction 10)capital reduction or internal reconstruction, HSC Question Paper 2023 12th Commerce (Download Free pdf), HSC OCM Paper 2023 March Maharashtra Board | Download Free Pdf, HSC SP Paper 2023 March Maharashtra Board | Download Free Pdf, HSC Hindi Paper 2023 March Maharashtra Board | Download Free Pdf, HSC English Paper 2023 March | Download Free Pdf, 11th OCM Chapter 8 Exercise (Introduction to Management) Maharashtra Board Free Resource, 11th OCM Chapter 7 Exercise (Business Environment) Maharashtra Board Free Resource, MCQs on other topics of Financial Accounting, Financial Accounting Mcqs | More Than 700 Free MCQs, 12th SP Chapter 6 Solution (Correspondence with Members) Maharashtra Board Free Solution. Holding Company Accounts. PDF Multiple Choice Questions __________ resolution is to be passed by shareholders for approval of scheme of reconstruction.a) ordinary b) Special c) both a & b d) none of the above, 8. The full balance of capital is to be debited, if _____________ value is reduced. 500000, Micro Economics Notes and Important Questions, Reducing share capital by returning the excess capital, Reducing the liability on account of uncalled capital. The word And Reduced is added to the name of the company for such period as the court deems fit. Share Capital A/c (100) Dr. 500000, Share Capital A/c (10) Cr. Reconstruction is a process by which affairs of a company are reorganized by revaluation of assets, reassessment of liabilities and by writing off the losses already suffered by reducing the paid up value of shares and/or varying the rights attached to different classes of shares. Important Links: Our moto is to make Responsible Accountant and Employee of whichever is field whether student be like . Redemption of preference shares in accordance with the provisions of section 80 is reduction of preference share capital. Valuation of Shares. 0 It is a case of, Answer :- Reducing share capital by returning the excess capital, 5. 5 fully paid. PDF Amalgamation, Absorption & External reconstruction - NKT Degree College 0000006175 00000 n We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. 20. M.A EXAM :- https://t.me/mastudentsexam, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv8JIY58xfWHUIXVu9wxNHw. 500000 divided into 50000 shares of Rs. In case of sub-division of share capital the total number of shares, 2. The full balance of capital is to be debited, if _____________ value is reduced.a) face b) market c) both of a & b d) none of the above, 12. McqMate.com is an educational platform, Which is developed BY STUDENTS, FOR STUDENTS, The only a) dissenting b) paying c) pay disentient shareholders PDF Amalgamation, Absorption & External reconstruction - NKT Degree College

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