Since then, the usage has evolved over time, but when used to smoke cannabis, the method is largely the same the smoke drawn from the burning of the cannabis (sometimes mixed with tobacco, depending on the region) is drawn through the water in the bong. This means that applying bong water to the soil, aside from the negative impact it can have on soil structure and if the plant absorbs it, will also render the soil more acidic. Despite the fact that bong water may contain decomposing plant matter, it's also loaded with the kinds of germs and bacteria that could kill your plants dead. You may think that bong water is good for watering marijuana plants because it has more matter than the plants can use. Newsoms Signature, This Delta-8 Gummies Recipe Can Give You A Perfect Buzz, CBD and Alcohol Cocktails Are Safe & Trendy, Beat The Cali Heat With This Delicious DIY Cannabis Ice Cream. The logic is there: because of the decomposing plant material, your bong almost seems like it could be a mini composting bin. Being high is defined as a feeling of euphoria or an altered state of consciousness. Manure is another natural fertilizer that is made from the waste of domesticated animals, such as cows, horses, and chickens. Well, were glad you asked! The bong water wont help grow the weeds, but there are better alternatives to removing them than bong water. It isnt great. But it's not the same as bong water. Its clear that the reason plants dont like bong water is that it contains a whole host of chemicals to which plants do not respond well. By no means am I a. phytologist, an arborist, or some other kind of plant scientist; but it seems simply logical that dumping old bong water on your plants will not be helpful for their growth. One website states that These are living microorganisms, which have made your bong home. Sadly, however, besides a few anecdotal success stories and a handful of Reddit thread discussions, science on the benefits of bong water as fertilizer is minimal. What would be some good plants? Required fields are marked *. The concept may seem crazy to some people, but others swear that it works on their plants. It can even be so extreme that any wasted or discarded useful water can feel like an act against the environment. And it certainly has a number of disadvantages for your plants: There really isnt much you can do with bong water, dont try to drink it, its not healthy at all and will end up affecting your health in a negative way, just as it does your plants. While putting bong water directly on plants is not an excellent idea, you can put it slightly in the compost pile. Some of the reasons it is an excellent idea include it being free, a green way to give plants water, has loads of nutrients, and can loosen up the soil with its force. Bong water contains harmful toxins that can cause severe issues to the plant if you dump the water directly on them. Next, carefully remove the ash catcher from the bong and hold it over the sink. this broken down plant material is now nutrients for another organism, since its marijuana i hope your smokin through a bong then that burnt material will be very close to the nutrients that a plant will need. Good as the water is suitable for people with cardiovascular diseases. From a purely scientific perspective, it is impossible for the water in your bong to soak up enough THC to have any discernible effect whatsoever. This is why its not uncommon for seasoned stoners to spend time (and quite rightly) scraping every scrap of the sticky residue out of their pipes and bongs for recycling purposes. Unless you enjoy the idea of inhaling pathogens, you should change your bong water every time you smoke. Although there is some logic to it because it contains decomposing plant matter, and the bong looks like a mini compost bin that contains tea. It not only contains harmful toxins from the smoke, but the stagnant water in your bong attracts fungus and bacteria. Acrylamide is an organic compound that forms as a result of high-temperature reactions, in the case of bong water, as a result of the burning of cannabis. Alternatives to Bong Water for Plant Fertilization. For first-time cultivators and experienced cannabis connoisseurs alike, the question mark hanging over the subject of bong water is as old and constant as the hills. Is bong water good for plants? Copyright 2023 However, you will never extract enough THC from bong water to get high again. As with any standing body of water that contains biodegrading gunk, mold begins to grow in order to decompose the material. Bong water isnt all bad, though. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment More posts you may like. My initial thought was that bong water has decomposing plant matter in it so wouldnt that make it great to water your plants with? Even in times of pure desperation, under no circumstances should you ever resort to drinking bong water - even as a dare. I'm not sure of how long it takes myself. Some people change their entire homes landscaping to eliminate the need for supplemental water from irrigation, i.e., xeriscaping. The issue that faces cannabis ash is that more than many other types of ash, such as wood ash, it is more likely to contain chemical compounds which have a negative effect on the soil quality. For one thing, drinking all the bong water in the world isnt going to get you high. so pouring bong water on a plant will help make them "danker" when compared to just water as the bong water has nutrients in it, not . The trace amounts of CBD and THC are not concentrated enough to make you feel high. To sum it up Bong water acts as the main filtration system in your bong. By doing so, you can provide your plants with a healthy and balanced diet that promotes growth and vitality! Chances are you have been using the same dirty water for the last 10-12 days. Bacteria and viruses can also be very detrimental to the growth of plants. The logic is there: because of the decomposing plant material, your bong almost seems like it could be a mini composting bin. Everywhere I searched it said that plants should be given: fresh, clean water, lots of sunlight, occasionally some fertilizer, and rich soil. Shop our selection of Indicas, Sativas, and hybrids! Watering plants every now and then with bong water used for vaping is fine. The 35 mm pipes are used in a bath or shower to improve cleansing and reduce soap consumption. This means that in almost no circumstances is using bong water in the garden appropriate. This is because bong water tends to be acidic and therefore has too high a pH for most plants, which is not exactly ideal for most plants (unless your plants are growing in acidic soil). While bong water might provide plants with some essential nutrients, it is not a reliable or consistent source of fertilization. Instead, it is best to use commercially available fertilizers, compost, manure, or fish tank water as a safer and more effective solution for plant fertilization. Dont experiment with drinking bong water. Bong water is essentially water with resin, mold, and bacteria, which will not help your plants grow. While the residual smoke might contain some essential nutrients for plants, the concentration of these nutrients is likely to be low and inconsistent. (Unless, of course, your plant is an epiphyte without soil.) Yech!!!!! While glass bongs are typically more reliable, if a bit more fragile than their plastic counterparts, they have been shown to be relatively robust. If you found this article helpful, please share it with a friend and spread the joy. Bongwater is also very acidic due to dissolved smoke and plant matter. Ready to level up your cannabis growing skills? It can cause severe, food-poisoning-like symptoms. Alternatively, you can also pour the water into a sealed container and dispose of it in the trash. Bong water is not good for plants. This area gets a lot of water after a rain for about a week. Its clear that while it might be a nice idea, in practice, using bong water in the garden is likely to leave you very disappointed. If in doubt, pour the old water down the drain and start fresh. racefan i do agree that it would take awhile for the bongwater to be in useable forms for plants, it takes about 6-7 monthes after a forrest fire for things to regrow. mold), but over all, ash over a period of time turns into a fert, but i dont recommend this. The old bong water sits for a longer duration and becomes stagnant. Can you add bong water to your compost pile for houseplant fertilizer? Unfortunately, there is no real . These include: Not only is it clean water, but it also has the advantage of having additional nutrients in perfect proportions for your plants and best of all, you dont have to pay for it. In addition, bong water has decomposing plant matter from when the filtration occurs on the dry leaves and water, so having that in the water would be suitable for plants. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. It is thought that similar to THC CBD does not make a difference to plant growth, either positively or negatively. May have a negative impact on the taste and quality of fruits and vegetables grown using bong water as fertilizer. Learn how to build your own grow-room from scratch and save tons of money. VESSEL DOES NOT PRODUCE, MANUFACTURE OR DISTRIBUTE CANNABIS. Bong water helps to trap at least some of these compounds from the smoke, as well as filter out any ash or plant material before it reaches your mouth and airways. Can be easily sourced, as it is a by-product of smoking. So once again, we thought wed tackle the issue head-on by answering a couple of important questions on if and how you can put dirty bong water to good use. , link to Do Strawberry Plants Like Coffee Grounds? As far as we know, plants do not experience consciousness. Would this be okay for the plants? We are NOT doctors, we are a blog. There are many articles on science-based websites that will tell you that the effects using bong water on your plants are akin to drinking it yourself. NOT FOR SALE TO MINORS. Plant roots need to grow naturally in the ground to reach nutrients and water, and the resin can block that path. EM ceramics can be used with drinking water to remove chlorine, control odors, make water more hydrating for plants and animals, and improve water for homeopathic use. Bottled water may contain a good amount of vital minerals such as calcium and magnesium without having the collateral damage (fluoride or chlorine) that tap water has to offer. Trust me, DO NOT DRINK YOUR OLD BONG WATER. But will bong water get you high? Nobut it does the job well enough to make it cleaner than other smoking methods in the long run. This might seem counterintuitive when so much considering how natural the weed being smoked is. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. I do know that if it takes 6 months, by the time it becomes available, I'm I plant beginning of May and havest mid Oct. Youve been using the same water for the last week or two. Again, however, science paints an entirely different picture - one that shows watering plants with bong water to be a terrible idea. Smoke from marijuana produces harmful toxins like naphthalene, acrylamide and acrylonitrile that then become trapped in your bong water. Not to mention again that it does contain natural cannabinoids like THC and CBD from the cannabis plant. Finally, plants need to be put into the proper temperature conditions to survive. The highest a plant can feel is just being healthy. I've been wondering if I could be using my bong water to feed my spider plants? You might feel a buzz if you were to drink several gallons of the stuff at the same time, but it would also make you sicker than you have ever been in your life. This article seeks to answer this question by dissecting what, exactly, is in your bong water. By no means am I a phytologist, an arborist, or some other kind of plant scientist; but it seems simply logical that dumping old bong water on your plants will not be helpful for their growth. For the time being, therefore, you may as well continue as sensible stoners have been doing for generations. FAQ about the best water for weed. It means excess bacteria grow at the bottom. Trace amounts of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are necessary for plant growth and development. That leftover water at the bottom of the bong is where the bong water sits. While this feature makes bongs a bit healthier for users than a dry pipe or joint, your bong water gets pretty icky as a result. Bongwater can provide some necessary hydration, but the acidity, bacteria, and fungi can be toxic for your plants. After you eat a banana, don't throw out the peel. natural fertilizer. , Homemade Fertilizer For Plants Growing In Water | Indoor Home Gardening, Some examples of plants that prefer acidic soil, Whereas some of those that prefer the soil to be more alkaline,,,,,,,, Consistent drawing of smoke through the water, collecting in the bong, Tar, including Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Discover the top weed strains that can help alleviate nausea symptoms in this comprehensive guide to medical marijuana. The small amount present in bong water will have even less effect if ingested. Worse, it might actually damage the plants youre trying to help, so users would be best advised to tip away the used bong water and stick with other solutions in the garden. Bong water is also a great way to recycle water. Long-standing standing water can contain a lot of bacteria and germs. Take your cannabis experience on the go with these eight simple tips for vaping and enjoying cannabis outside of your home. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies at no additional cost to you. Why are Mushrooms Growing on my Houseplant? This can be observed if youve ever watered your house plant using tap water that has been treated with fluoride or calcium; eventually, the plant will wilt and die. Is Distilled Water Good for Plants? Particularly, many smokers over time have asked the age-old question: is bong water good for plants? However, drinking old bong water is not a good idea. If the idea is that the plant will uptake the residual THC from the "bong" water and make the buds better, then the answer is no. If you have no other options, want the compost pH to change, and are comfortable with the contaminants that will also make their way into the compost, then it can be considered. Everywhere I searched it said that plants should be given: fresh, clean water, lots of sunlight, occasionally some fertilizer, and rich soil. The device begins by putting clean water at the bottom of the structure and then placing dry plant material where you put the lighter. Simply put, bong water is not good for plants. All Rights Reserved. Are you one of the 66% of Americans with a houseplant? Its also why youll frequently encounter those who say, Anecdotes abound of growers and farmers dumping bong water onto their plants and seeing nothing but positive results. As if we needed another reason after all of the above, there is one more to add to the list. Because of this, it is important to change your bong water regularly. There is little to no formal research on the impact of THC on plant growth, and while it does not at the current time have any association with stunted growth, it also has no known positive effects. The bong water is toxic when it develops a layer of biofilm on the surface. 350 to 500. Bong water can harbor harmful bacteria and pathogens that can infect and harm plants. While its true that smoke contains carbon dioxide, breathing around your plants is better than smoking around them. Mold, resin, ash, and more are not elements that plants seek to grow healthy and robust. Smoke particles can clog the pores of your plants, affecting their absorption of carbon dioxide and sunlight. Alfalfa is perfect for improving the soil and it improves drainage thanks to its deep roots. You are using an out of date browser. Thanks for reading our article, we hope you enjoyed it and helps make your garden grow greener. Then, we can understand if the plants need this water to grow healthy and happy. Grow big! To understand bong water, one must first understand the bong. The water from the bong can help naturally decompose material like eggshells, coffee grounds, tea bags, and more, which speeds up when you can use that pile as fertilizer. Some growers report that they don't need to water their garden as much when they plant alfalfa nearby. "Just take your banana peels and put them into a container and cover two-thirds of the peels with water . Privacy Policy. While it contains a number of plant derivatives, there are many chemical compounds that can cause stunted growth in plants. A bong is a device that people use to smoke cannabis. Certainly the differences are clear when compared to rainwater. TM Blast LLC Owns Plant Legend The best water, in general for plants is rain water. Bong water has been through long exposure to smoke produced by the burning of cannabis and any other substances used and is also heavily exposed to the users breath during this process, meaning it can also contain bacteria and viruses that the user themselves introduces. Marijuana plants prefer to be watered with soft water, like rainwater. Is it a perfect filter? Furthermore, when conducting research on this topic, I found a largely believed misconception that drinking your old bong will actually get you high. Less acceptable. In conclusion, I was unable to find any real, credible evidence or data that suggests you should do anything other than dump your old bong water down the drain. And this is not ideal for your plants. While it contains a number of plant derivatives, there are many chemical compounds that can cause stunted growth in plants. Related Read: Can you water plants with bong water? You still may not want to waste the water, however, and may be wondering whether you could give it to your plants. Its literally one of the filthiest things you could possibly reach for and guzzle down, so DON'T DO IT. He figured that bong water filtered out THC or something. Having said that, ashes tend to be added relatively infrequently so as not to overwhelm the current pH levels of the compost with a large volume of heavily alkaline material. While theres little evidence to support that drinking bong water can kill you, it can make you extremely sick. The chemicals in bong water can leach into the soil and contaminate groundwater, potentially causing harm to the environment and nearby wildlife. Cannabis water is good for plants. Acrylamide is known to be highly mobile, being able to degrade under a few types of mechanisms. Again, bad news here too because old bong water probably isnt the best thing to be watering your plants with. All composting also requires time for the material to break down and can benefit from regular mixing and turning in order to get ensure that all the rich components within the compost are balanced throughout the load. Never water plants with old bong water. The pipes can also be used with the water you will use for your plants. Bong Water Alternatives, For those who dont know what bong water is, you first need to know what a bong is and how it works. Some say that you might benefit from mixing it with your compost pile simply because it contains plant matter, however, there is no scientific evidence that this is true. It does, though, present one more risk that is even more reason to steer clear of bong water as a fertilizer. No, it isn't. Perhaps you could use a little if your plants are really desperate, but it's not going to have the best effect on their health. Here are the top Tips to Use Neem Oil for Houseplants to save them from potential problems Is Bong Water Good for Plants? You can see the opinion of a soil scientist on the impact of bong water here. This is a long standing myth. The device starts by pouring clean water at the bottom and then putting dry plant material and lighting it up. These toxins have been associated with. yuck. In this article, we aim to provide you with a thorough understanding of what bong water is, its potential benefits and risks for plants, and alternatives that you can use for plant fertilization. It has served its purpose in filtering harmful materials from your smoke. Strawberries are a favorite fruit to many, so much so that people have taken it upon themselves to Hi! Reclaimed water has been safely used for non-drinking . My independent research was pretty conclusive on this topic. It is important to remember that the health and growth of your plants depend on the quality of the soil and the nutrients that they receive. Fish tank water is a nutrient-rich alternative to bong water that can be used for plant fertilization. actually, all it is, is ash and water, you have a possibility of geting a fungus in the soil(i.e. A small amount could be good for them if they like acidic soil. After all, bong water does contain some natural cannabinoids from the cannabis plant, such as THC and CBD. As the water also catches any loose leaves and debris that get sucked through your bowl, bong water typically contains decomposing plant matter as well. These liquids are also highly acidic and harmful. To really understand why bong water is not good for plants, we have to understand what the purpose of the bong water is and what that means for its composition. 500 to 900. When cannabis is burned, it produces carcinogens similar to tobacco smoke. The drawing of the smoke through the water not only allows the water to cool the water down, making the ultimate inhalation more comfortable for the user, but the water also serves to trap heavy and water-soluble molecules. 8 Ways to Vape & Enjoy Cannabis Outside Your House. Ideally, you should use clean, fresh water for every bong session. Simply put, bong water is not good for plants. Little Leafy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and affiliate programs with other sites. Though it contains natural plant material and desirable cannabinoids, it also carries harmful elements, germs, and bacteria that could damage or kill your plant. This is, My independent research was pretty conclusive on this topic. By adding some bong water to the compost pile, you can remove unnecessary waste that goes down the drain and instead put it to good use. Slowly pour the water into the ash catcher, being careful not to overfill it. thats like drinking your own pee dude. Dirty water can harbour pathogens like Strep, E. Coli, mould, and mildew. Bong water has materials and components that can help decompose other things in the bin, like eggshells, banana peels, and tea bags. You could try adding it to your compost pile, given how the bacteria and plant matter in the mixture could contribute to the natural decomposition process. Still, youll need to have a balanced compost pile to do this. Your best bet when changing your bong water is probably dumping it right by the drain. One user going by the name Led Zeppelin on, an unreliable open forum site where individuals can chat about weed related topics, states that the leftover weed in your bong is 50 parts carcinogens to one part cannabis. While I cannot find a reliable source to lend credibility to this claim, I think his statement can still ring true in the regard that old weed particulates in your bong harbor not only harmful carcinogens, but also mold and bacteria as well. While bong water may contain deteriorating matter of plants, it is mostly loaded with germs and sometimes bacteria alike, which could kill your plant. we must go through hell to know the true beauty of heaven. Drinking bong water is a bad idea and so is reusing it, especially if you notice a cloudy top layer forming. 2023 Balcony Garden Web | All rights reserved. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Balcony Garden Web is all about gardening. FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $99. That must be perfect to help your plants thrive. But even if it does contain nutrientsI still have to believe that all the oils and tar it includes can't be good for the plant. As a result, you should never apply bong water on or around a plant if you want it to grow effectively. When your bong water becomes cloudy or develops a film over the top, known as biofilm, its definitely time for a change. Due to the resin in bong water, the toxins interfere with plant growth and can also prevent the roots from accessing nutrients. After all, bong water does contain some natural cannabinoids from the cannabis plant, such as THC and CBD. Learn how you can stay safe and have a great time while traveling with cannabis! This will depend a great deal on the plants within the bed and their preferred pH levels, which are often the result of the general soil quality in the areas in which they are natively found. The safest way to dispose of bong water is to pour it down the drain and run plenty of clean water after it. It's a non-caustic solution that can be used in any container. Additionally, bong water tends toward the acidic end of the pH scale. So, is bong water good for plants or not? april steelhead fishing salmon river ny, lmu dcom interview acceptance rate,

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