An example might be that you know that you want your platform to be centered on literacy. Miss Global 2018 Sophia Ng. Miss Washington Teen USA 2019 Lily Lloyd. Like every essay, your conclusion should touch upon everything you mentioned throughout your essay. Proceeds from Catrionas music helped to build a preschool and childcare center for Young Focus, and also provided meals for families and children so they could celebrate Christmas with food on their table. (Sleeping does not count!). Nia spoke throughout her reign about the positive impact that the sport has had on her life and she credits taekwondo with much of her success, gifting her with discipline and self-control. What do you lose yourself in? Promoting your platform is not something that you must do alone. Do you now see how this works? As mentioned in the previous section, having a platform that means the world to you is absolutely key. One of the biggest mistakes I see contestants make is declaring an organization as their platform. Being crowned Miss Black USA 2018 gave Kelsi a very powerful opportunity to speak positively to younger women across the country, and for that she is grateful. She designed and constructed a line of eveningwear out of clothing purchased from Goodwill. Young women should know that taking care of themselves is just as important as achieving any other type of success, she says. Then, in 2016, Cheslie won the Rock the Runway design competition, a fundraiser sponsored by Goodwill. Mr. & Ms. Military - Pageant Planet You can have t-shirts made, along with stickers, custom made pens, buttons, bumper stickers and wrist bands. There are so many ways to have your platform become more widespread and create the most amount of influence. The pageant has adopted a mission that they call the, Stop the War and Violence Campaign. With a platform, you could accomplish so many more appearances and talks than without one, which means if you go without, the possibilities of creating a legacy decrease. Lauren serves as the official Massachusetts advocate for both the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) and Multi-Service Eating Disorder Association (Meda). Published by at 14 Marta, 2021. Youve certainly noticed issues in your town and wondered, Who is going to get rid of this? Now, is it absolutely necessary to have as a pageant contender? Competing in pageants is more than just being a beautiful face, its about being a representative for your community and having a platform can help you achieve just that. Typically the things that we most enjoy are the things that we are also good at doing, but sometimes we find something we love like experimenting with recipes, but were not all that great at it. Community activity night: bowling, ice skating, roller skating, paint ball, Community Bingo or other game that lots of people can play, Some kind of athletic event or tournament: An obstacle course, weight lifting, softball. She is a member of the International Thespian Honor Society and is an honor student and vocalist who loves to sing opera. Choosing a platform that means something to you, a family member, or someone in your community, is the best place to start, as you are more likely to have a strong connection with it. Mrs. International 2013 Amy Gregorio found her passion and platform as a CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocate. This creates the perfect opportunity for you because you know what struggles that you or your family member faced and you most likely have already thought about what would make the process easier. The most important aspect of the platform is to be able to go out into the world and inspire with actions as well as words. Sometimes beauty is born from ashes, and the most painful tragedies of our lives can become a catalyst for change that ultimately helps heal the pain of other people. Got any ideas? Ask yourself: Who do I know? Its kind of like finding your perfect evening gown, but its too big or ill fitting. The third paragraph is your moment to speak about how your platform can affect those in your community and those for whom you created your platform to help. Lilys title is CEO. Add to that, that frequently, pageants require their contestants to perform a talent during competition, and oftentimes, that talent score is a substantial amount of the total. Pageant systems and their connection to medical charities, Miss America 2019 Nia Franklin. In addition to her other commitments, she found time to work alongside the Massachusetts State House on policy changes. During her year as Miss America, Teresa travelled an incredible 20,000 miles per month, educating and counseling students and young adults about eating disorders, a platform that she advocates for to this day. Photo: Lasopa. Pageant Planet She encouraged individuals to take a vow stating that they would do all they could to support survivors of abuse and stop domestic violence and as an additional sign of solidarity, paint their ring finger purple, which is the accepted color of Domestic Violence Awareness. You could still talk about dyslexia if you wanted to, and this type of a platform would give you so many volunteering and community service options. This is a very useful exercise that wont take long at all, and it will generate a plan of action that is tailored specifically to you and your brand. Photo: Miss Universe. Another great idea would be to offer to take videos of pageant girls doing mock interviews, especially since you are so comfortable talking to people and you have a natural affinity for journalism. Photo: Facebook. Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri, adored animals, so she encouraged the public to adopt a cat or a dog instead of purchasing a pet from a breeder. If you have a unique platformnot included here, please email us at [emailprotected] so we can include it here! Pageant Platform: 2 Common Mistakes Contestants Make When The Miss Universe Organization partners with several different charities related to medical issues as well. In fact, there are entire pageant systems established around the idea of ending the war on violence, such as, Miss Grand International. Ma Thuzar Wint Lwin hopes to use her international platform as a pageant contestant to criticize the countrys military coup and support the pro-democracy In general, when you are trying to think of what you can do to make money for your platform, try to stay as true to yourself as possible. After winning Miss Universe, Nel-Peters used her title to expand the Unbreakable platform internationally. Make sense? The best essays are written when it feels like the contestant is actually speaking to the judge in a polite manner with her personality all on the table; just like in an interview. When you can key in to those personal details that motivate you, it then becomes so much more than a pageant platform. She was also aligned with the National Child Advocacy Center's "It's My Body Campaign," and worked to initiate similar programs into community outreach organizations during her year of service as Mrs. International. In conclusion, writing a pageant platform essay is just like writing an essay for class. But, she is most impressive when she is breaking boards and doing her thing, notably being a fifth degree black belt in taekwondo, which she began practicing when she was just 8 years old. As mentioned in the previous section, you may be spending years with your cause, therefore, you must choose to champion something thats vital to who you are as a person. Covering your bases like this will not only help you to seal the deal with your judges, but it will help to make an impact with others should you decide to post your speech online. Good Pageant Platforms: How to Choose One and Make a Bonnie Lundberg. What do they do?..and then. Volunteer work has always been at the forefront of competing in beauty pageants, so be prepared to do as much work as possible! What if you combine your love of animals with your love of sewing and designing and create your own line of cute outfits or costumes for pets? Surprisingly did not address the issue of slavery at all on his platform. Army Times recently reported that Deshauna Barber, an Army officer who won the 2016 Miss USA event, set her sights on veteran assistance in Who do they know? The yearly pageant includes regional contests and culminates in the main competition held in Then, she arranged for all of the proceeds to go directly to benefit The Childrens Miracle Network. Sometimes she serves 120 people in a day and some days its 50. When Kelsi Horn began preparing to compete in the Miss Black USA pageant, she knew immediately that mental health would be her platform. It requires a lot of strength, maturity and healthy boundaries to get involved with children who have been hurt because if you are a sensitive person, it can be very painful for you as well. Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray visiting a child with a cleft lip. An organization is NOT a pageant platform. The Pageant Press created your ultimate pageant packing lists for each pageant category, so Your body paragraphs are where you really delve into who you are as a person and why you chose your platform. After spending years covering the fallout of abuse and neglect as an Emmy nominated TV journalist for CBS, CNN, and Fox, she took a step back from broadcasting and researched ways to use her skills on behalf of abused and neglected children. It doesnt mean that the contestant has already taken her platform to a global level; it simply means that she can take it there with the assistance of the pageant system. In addition to being an active Dress for Success volunteer, Cheslie authors a fascinating blog, White Collar Glam, that provides modern corporate fashion inspiration and work related resources for women. The last sentence of your introduction should read like a thesis statement for a paper. I do this because of a strong sense of citizenship and desire to serve my community. Teresa is now making her mark as a mentor and full-time public speaker, continuing to focus on the two areas of pageantry that she initially fell in love with: continued personal growth and development and being able to reach and impact other people. But, the great news is that there are thousands of organizations and foundations around the world that exist to educate, support and lift up those who are affected by them. The pageant platform essay should encase topics like, how you created your platform, what caused you to choose this specific platform, how you have advocated for it, and how you will continue to advocate for it. 1910 Thomas Ave Thats just what Miss Washington Teen USA 2019 Lily Lloyd did. She has gotten involved in a variety of levels and capacities with charities such as the Open Book Project, Butterfly Hugs, Knit a Square, Relay for Life, Give Kids the World, and Ronald McDonald House. You can go so many places with that skill because most people dont even know how to thread a needle these days! As long as you keep in mind that your hard work is what will set you apart in all aspects of competition, you are good to go! Reaching out goes a long way. Women are still continually fighting for equal rights and opportunities in the business arena, and who better to embrace and understand that fight than someone who is in the trenches day after day? Most of the candidates who participate in the organization also enjoy getting involved with the annual fund raisers associated with the CMN, such as Dairy Queens Miracle Treat Day campaign and Free Pancake Day at IHOP. Depending on what your platform is and what your goals are with regard to it, you can communicate about it in other ways too. They provide professional clothing, mentoring and life-skills to help low-income men get the clothing and toiletries they need for job interviews. It has to be something that you want to invest in, work tirelessly for and put energy into for the long haul. If youre having a hard time getting started then go talk to your parents, friends, relatives, teachers and anyone who knows you well and that you trust. Lets explore your love of journalism, photography and making videos and see if we can find something related to those concepts to make money at. You have to know who you are, what your values are and what it is that you want to change in this world. Hakamaki discovered a love Your platform should be a cause that you can easily spend hours discussing and volunteering for. No matter the organization, having a pageant platform ensures that as a contestant and titleholder, you are a well-rounded individual that wants to make a larger impact on her community and the world that surrounds her. Photo: Miss Universe Organization. She went on to host workshops in other countries, including Indonesia, Mexico, and the United States. Veteran America pageant was founded on the principles of grace, poise, beauty and service. MADD was formed when 13-year-old Cari Lightner was walking along a quiet road on her way to a church carnival when a car swerved out of control, striking and killing her. You can give of yourself to others by volunteering at a local fundraiser or charity that is related to your platform and you can even help your personal or pageant sponsors out by assisting at an event of theirs. The good news is that there are also tons of organizations around the world that are centered on helping, caring for and saving our animal friends, so its very easy to locate other people who have the same priorities that you do. You can help to facilitate a class, volunteer to tutor a child who needs help with their homework, teach a skill that you know or just show up on the weekends and play hoop! VISIT www. Photo: Smile Train. In fact, you can make a major difference in the lives of homeless individuals just by being willing to show up. She shows up. And, this one fact is the singularly most impressive thing about Lily Lloyd. Or, you could clue into that intimate detail, which is the real thing that motivates you. Any proud pet owner would be over the moon to be able to purchase a custom made outfit for their furry friend. She is still part of CASAs Speakers Bureau and serves as a National CASA Ambassador. And, because there are so many types of pro-animal causes, you can find one that fits exactly what you want to do. If you are currently employed in a corporate environment or you are working towards a business related degree, then you likely have endless contacts available to you that can help support your platform work. Semi-automatic rifles have surged in popularity in recent years, in particular modern sporting rifles like those built on She offers places where people can get washed up, get themselves some warm coats or clothing and select books, all for free. Miss Dominican Republic 2015, Clarissa Molina. Cheslies one-of-a-kind brand of beauty, brains and business is so attractive to other females, and the fact that she is such a transparent and down to earth gal, despite her accomplishments, makes her an ideal role model for todays generation. It was because of her commitment to a platform, and because of all the people that she has impacted with her story and years of service. There is nothing wrong with having an anti-bullying platform, if that is what you feel drawn to. When they are assessing the contestants during their national competition, one of the things that they are looking at is whether or not each womans platform is one that they can engage with and support on an international level. What are your talents, interests, gifts and abilities? Since 2001, Miss Earth has created a platform for women and girls to experience the glamour of the beauty pageant industry while making an impact on our This is your time to speak about all of the fundraisers, events, and charity work you have done to further your platform. Her platform, she says, is mental health awareness, something that ties in to her Albion roots. It would not take much to set up the interview space, ask a whole bunch of random interview questions and film it all for each contestant. I want to encourage them to be aware of their mental health and to realize there is no shame in going to talk to someone. Are all three of you the same? Do you find yourself helping them on a day to day, hour to hour basis in fighting their situation? Usually your parents or your best friends are the people who will come up with a long list of qualities or activities where they see you excelling all the time. If you are competing in a pageant system that has a progressive competition structure where the winner goes on to compete at a state competition, then the national pageant and finally at the international level, then you want to keep in mind that your platform has to be something that can be leveled up.This also applies if you are in a position where you are going to be competing as an at large contestant representing your state, and you will be going directly to a national pageant competition. The company says its Artificial Intelligence Platform will integrate AI into military decision making in a legal and ethical way. Miss America Aside from being personally important, your platform should Its always a good idea to find a specific niche with regard to a popular platform subject like bullying. Or they choose bullying because they were bullied as a child, and its a popular platform, so it seems like a good idea. Military Pageant I saw so many young women struggling with mental health issues, trying to be perfect and taking on way too much pressure.. This charity does for men what Dress for Success does for women. Pageants Lets start out by talking about, The foundation of networking. Passion is contagious, and when you are passionate about a cause or charity, you can get other people fired up too. The coolest part of the Siegels story is that the Mrs. America Organization was so moved by their efforts, that Victorias Voice has now become one of the official charities of both the Mrs. America pageant, as well as its sister pageant, Miss For America. The Massachusetts Air National guardsman accused of leaking highly classified military documents kept an arsenal of weapons, talked of violence and murder Just ask them what they think that you are really gifted at. These types of ideas requires a financial investment, but they can be relatively inexpensive to make or purchase online at sites like Being able to speak about someone that you love facing a medical dilemma can be the inspiration for many passionate speeches and essays about how those battling the same dilemma can get through it. I had strong women around me that I could look to for guidance and leadership, she says. Why not create your own brand of healthy dog or cat treats in your kitchen? WebThe MMMO is committed to partnering with like-minded organizations who strive to empower our military veterans. I want them to know that they are perfect just as they are, and they dont need to compare themselves to anyone. You could even make money reading to sick or elderly people who only understand Spanish. Making money because of something that you do for others as a service like dog walking, giving haircuts, cleaning and organizing homes or offices. Photo: CMN. Instead of thinking about promoting your platform, think more about communicating about it, because that is, in essence, what you are really doing. For example, if you have noticed a large population of homeless veterans in your community, you can use your platform to bring awareness to their struggles as well as creating events and fundraisers that would help the veterans find permanent solutions to their issues. Many Miss America contestants platforms involve childrens issues This can be very useful if your platform is related to anything in their realm of interests. The recent leak of classified US documents on social media platform Discord seemingly caught many at the Pentagon by surprise. If your cause is to raise funds for a certain charity, you could definitely create fundraisers and spread awareness through these ideas listed here (Insert link to this article: Maybe you would prefer to get involved with children in a way that is not quite so serious, but you still want to make a major impact in a childs life. However, at age 16, a sport related injury led to a complete left-knee reconstructive surgery. Shrees platform is all about heart health and emotional wellbeing, and she is an incredible volunteer, logging an astounding amount of volunteer hours, and earning numerous awards for giving her time to many organizations including the American Heart Association and The Hope Heart Institute. But it wasn't the first time that a May 1, 2023 10:04 am. For example, if you have a family member that has suffered with autism, you may want to create a platform about autism awareness in their honor. You could host classes about the topics that your platform covers, you could create a specific event for your platform as well. When asked who her role models were growing into womanhood, she explains why she was able to avoid some of the pitfalls social media offers. Ms. Veteran America - Military Benefits How many people out there would love to hire you to help them clean and organize their home or office? And the Utah National Guard is There are likely churches in your area right now that are serving meals or collecting donations like coats, clothing and food. Take for example the current Miss America 2019 Nia Franklin, whose platform is called Advocating for the Arts. Volunteering means that you are there to help in some way and get your hands dirty. By championing a cause, having a platform provides you with the opportunity to make a difference, and even though you may feel that your impact is small, once you become a titleholder, it is very much so amplified on a local, state, national, and international level! Just start a fundraiser and share your page! A platform is simply about solving a problem of some kind. You want to be able to speak about your platform for days on end to as many people as possible and not risk exhaustion because you love your platform just that much. And, on top of all of those points, there are most likely going to be times when you want or need to raise money for your platform. Select the top 10 things that you enjoy doing the most that you are also good at, and that do not require a huge investment of time or money on your part. ", Lauren says that her main objective is to remind all that have struggled and that are currently struggling with eating disorders that, "There is a beautiful life after recovery," and that individuals of any size can feel confident enough in their own skin to pursue any dream imaginable. Just by taking a quick glance through your life and your own personal struggles, familial struggles, or the struggles of your neighborhood, you can find so much inspiration for creating the perfect pageant platform. Currently, Rachel is the international spokesperson for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) at the University of South Florida and was recently elected to their executive board of directors. When you can show the judges that youve been able to do this on your own with the pageants charity or your own platform, it demonstrates that you have the skill set and the capabilities to do that as a queen. Palantir Demos AI to Fight Wars But Says It Will Be Totally Ethical In our modern society, these issues are so prevalent that most everyone can say that they know someone who has struggled with one of these issues at one time or another. Photo: Pinterest. ForcesPenpals - military penpals, military dating & support for By choosing adoption over buying from a breeder you can help save lives. Photo: Lily Lloyd Instagram. WebZachary Taylor. Take this into consideration if you decide that not having a platform is your best option. Pageant Platform Webmilitary pageant platforms. The pageant organizers voted to shut it down, but agreed to return to the boardwalk in the future, once the Boardwalk Convention Center was built. Anything that is open to the general public can be considered a public event. What specific ideas do you have for how people can combat the problem of bullying and become a kinder, more accepting society? While this may seem difficult at first, once you sit down and take a deep dive into who you are as a person and what motivates you to move forward, you should be able to nail down a platform with ease. But, whats even more impressive than her ambition and her title is what shes doing when nobody else is watching. Is that your platform? The business world is ripe with platform ideas, especially if your career goals or line of work coincide in some way with your cause. Selling products that you make or distribute. The category of health and disease related platforms is probably the largest and most diverse of all of the platform categories. This type of a platform would be extremely personal and motivating for you. Think about all of the possible ways to communicate with people, and all the different ways that we do that. But, if you are not a very extroverted person, or you get tongue tied or nervous when youre speaking to people, especially to a crowd or people you dont know, then you can find other ways to promote and communicate your platform, until you get more comfortable. Its plain to see that one decision can have a tremendous impact on the world. So, dont be too quick to pass up world peace if you believe that your purpose is tied to this type of service work. Web1. In recent years, pageant platforms that promote the arts or art education in some form have become increasingly more popular. You can start a Facebook Fan page, an Instagram account that is dedicated to your platform, or a blog or website. Ng was unsure as to what pageants could offer her already budding career in mental health, but, she began to realize that she could use her platform to further her passion of wanting to de-stigmatize mental health especially amongst the Asian American community. And, one of the coolest things that Nia did while she was Miss America, was to re-record that song and then sell it online through the MAO website. Photo: Philstar. If you dont feel comfortable speaking about medical conditions, take a look around your community and look for the main issues that youd like to see a change in. Were not talking about starting a new career here. Read that Through her charity, Kendra has donated over 2,000 books to underprivileged children and adults. So, first off, playing volleyball may or may not be a good money making idea, although, depending on your skill level, your experience and your desire, you may just make a pretty good volleyball coach. How to create a customized money-making plan for your platform. Another titleholder whose platform came from her own medical experience is Miss Washington World America 2019, Shree Saini. As mentioned in the previous section, choosing a cause that has an emotional tie to you and your past or your future is the absolute best way to bring out this passion in you. The overdose death rate from opioid (painkillers) drugs has increased a staggering 200 percent since 2000. You could encourage and promote a movement that parents, childcare workers and guardians read to children every day. Weve decided to give you an overview of some success platforms from the past few years so you can see how the pros have implemented their platforms to have the biggest impact. Having such a platform can bring meaning to your time in pageantry, and can get you started on the path to volunteerism if you werent involved before. Were just trying to come up with ideas to raise money for your pageant. Pageant
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