Misconceptions are often deeply held, largely unexplained, and sometimes strongly defended. Thus, there are questions regarding participation on the student teacher checklist which states that: Did the teacher encourage students to actively participate in the lesson? For persons with disabilities, self-awareness is even more important given the socio-cultural and religious beliefs and practices that marginalize and discriminate against them and the resultant negative attitudes, stigma, discrimination, and exclusion and of persons with disabilities in all spheres of life (Kassah et al., 2012; Adjei et al., 2013; Dugbartey and Barimah, 2013; Naami, 2019). 232, 285294. In this paper, we have examined the preparedness of student teachers in Colleges of Education in Ghana in respect of the curriculum being delivered toward achieving inclusive education. A. Wulff (Leiden: Brill), 96115. "Teacher Unions Impede Education Reform". Nancy Barile is a National Board Certified Teacher, who has been teaching English Language Arts at a low-income, urban high school near Boston, MA for 22 years. (2016). (2021). Ghana Statistical Service. Produc. Mundial, Grupo Banco, and UNICEF. Inclusive education places emphasis on all aspects of education, including the pedagogy, school culture and environments that promote inclusion. ), but not the accessibility of these facilities. In the 24 years I've worked as a teacher, I've never had a single summer "off.". Dis. We use a case study design when the researcher seeks to answer the how and why Questions and could be exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory (Yin, 1994). It was the first news agency . doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2019.1906. Politicians often like to say that teacher unions are part of the education problem, but as someone who has been teaching for decades, I can tell you that teacher unions are good for both teachers and students. Findings of the study are expected to make useful contributions to information, education and communication strategies for dispelling myths and misconceptions about TB in Ghana. Although this is a good attempt, it does not adequately address the end goal of being an inclusive teacher. Ethn. It Takes a Village to Save a Frog | Science| Smithsonian Magazine (2019) explains that while the CoE provides a yearlong school-based teaching practice in addition to a semester-long campus-based peer teaching, their colleagues offering education degrees in the University of Cape Coast (UCC) engage in a semester-long school-based teaching experience. Challenges of Inclusion: Local Support Systems and Social Service Arrangements for Persons with Disabilities in Suhum, Ghana: Baseline Study Report. The sample was made up of one hundred and fifty-five students (155) from Aggrey Memorial . 29, 316321. Yes, this is what we want the students to know. Spec. In a similar vein, the Government of Ghana has identified several factors that prevent persons with disabilities from attending school, including the general publics negative perception of people with disabilities, physical obstacles, the lack of adequate facilities for assessments, and a rigid curriculum, inadequate planning by regular teachers for students with special needs (Government of Ghana, 2003). Republic of Ghana (2019). United States Department of States. Paris: UNESCO. Dev. 25, 2139. In a world where competition for jobs, pay increases, and academic success continues to increase, certifications offer hope to candidates and educators. "Teachers Have a Paid Summer Vacation", Each year, teachers must take an unpaid furlough during July and August. The SDG 4 aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (United Nations [UN], 2015). Applying the SDGs Goal 4 as an analytical tool inclusion and equality issues in the training of student teachers. Lack of oral competence of both teachers and the children in the target language equally hinder the child's reading progress. 45, 175195. In two different studies conducted in sub-Saharan countries, 66.3% to 99.7% were reported to have misconceptions about the etiology of TB, 27.6%-90% likewise misunderstood the symptoms of TB, 0.1% . University-Level Upgrade for Teacher-Training Colleges. Article 8 of the CRPD outlines measures that states parties could adopt to ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access education, including vocational training and lifelong learning. Myths and misconceptions about tuberculosis transmission in Ghana The study explicitly followed a qualitative approach to research specifically a case study design. The teacher in the observation checklist can indicate that he/she is an inclusive teacher but prejudices and discrimination against persons with disabilities could cloud their self-consciousness about persons with disabilities. The requirements for a qualified teacher include all of the skills needed for the 21st-century workplace. Mary Montag, teacher, St. Teresas Academy. Stein, S., de Oliveira Andreotti, V., and Sua, R. (2019). Visit our Privacy Policyfor more information. But how prepared are student teachers at Colleges of Education in Ghana. Further reading: 10 Tips and Truths of Living with a Teacher, 2. It is the very special practitioner [who] makes a good educator; however, good educators need to have enough knowledge of their areas of expertise to cultivate excitement, curiosity, and spark the passion to commit to a vocation or avocation. These include talking, and chalking, marking . Particularly, the target 4.5 calls for the elimination of gender disparities and inequities in education, specifically highlighting the need to ensure access to education for persons with disabilities. As the quality assurance officer of this particular institution, these are some of the questions I ask my coordinators. Social Policy and Disabled People: From Exclusion to Inclusion. J. Western Governors University WGU. J. Disabil. Central Region of Ghana. In year one, student teachers are required to do classroom observations to enhance their learning. The HLSC therefore engages with the wider United Nations SDG structure at global and regional levels (Chaturvedi, 2021). Access of the surroundings of the classroom and school facilities should be target for reflection given that inaccessible school environment affects learning outcomes (Moria and Morgado, 2018; Braun and Naami, 2021). The SDGs 4 set out to achieve inclusion and equality in education whilst the social model of disability provides us with the opportunity to identify barriers to inclusion and how to address them. Dev. World Health Organization. Obviously, we did not get adequate information about how the student teacher is prepared on the equity and inclusivity outcome. Inclusion in the policy sets out to create an education system that is responsive to learner diversity and to ensure that all learners have the best possible opportunities to learn. KM contributed to the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the data, wrote the introduction section and assisted with the formulation, and editing of the draft manuscript. (2015). 2nd Edn. I was shocked that my Facebook friend didn't understand teacher tenure either, so I posted its legal definition. Akyeampong, K. (2009). The achievement of one goal leads to achieving another goal (Bentzen, 2015; United Nations Communications Groups [UNCG], 2017; United Nations Development Programme [UNDP], 2021). The GCM is built on the back of the 2015 Incheon Declaration and Education 2030 Framework for Action, which envisages a cooperation, monitoring and evaluation mechanism which has the Global Education Meeting (GEM) as the pivot of action (Mundial, Grupo Banco, and UNICEF, 2016). Geneva: World Health Organization. Feel free to quote Diane Ravitch, one of the most respected voices in education, who notes that unions protect teachers' rights, support professionalism, and check administrative power. Over five millennia, human hunting, fishing and habitat destruction . Science, Language Arts, History), K-12 educators have committed themselves to developing skills in how to engage and foster growth of young people around the content and processes that comprise that area of expertise. One College of Education in the southern sector of Ghana was the site for the study. (2012). Inclusive education policy. Available at: http://www.voiceghana.org/downloads/MoE_IE_Policy_Final_Draft1.pdf (Accessed November 25, 2022). The teaching profession in Ghana | News Ghana Although the students are also asked to find out if there were students with learning needs in the classroom, and whether the teacher provided support and the kind of support provided. Ghana: Ghana Assembly Press. For example, in some schools at the kindergarten level televisions are used to aid teaching. So, the student teacher could identify a television as a resource for learning, but their reflection report does not create room for them to report on whether the resource is beneficial to learners with disabilities. Given that persons with disabilities have been marginalized in all spheres of life, including their families and caregivers (Naami, 2019), conscientious efforts must be made to ensure that persons with disabilities/organizations of persons with disabilities or individuals/organizations that have the capacity to represent them are at the decision-making table to ensure that their needs are adequately addressed (Agyire-Tettey et al., 2019). Disabil. See response below: Whatever course that they take, we have components of misconceptions. Kokutse, F. (2018). The Jophus Anamuah-Mensah Educational Reform report (2007) presented the structure of education in Ghana to consist of two to threeyears of nursery school, six compulsory years of primary school, three compulsory years of junior high school and another threeyears of senior high school. PDF Students' Misconceptions about Visual Arts and Technical in the Study ), can be reviewed. Attitudes and Disabled People. Conclusion We conclude that although knowledge and awareness about Ebola is high among Ghanaians who participated in the study, there are still misconceptions about the disease. We employed a single-case exploratory study design to deepen our understanding of the preparedness of Ghanaian student teachers to implement inclusive education in one of the Colleges of Education in Ghana. I can't attend a single event without one or two of these comments popping up. In Ghana, a considerable milestone has been the integration of the SDGs into the medium-term development of Ghana. Persons with disabilities continue to lag in education, which affects their employment and income and overall well-being. curriculum tasks student teachers to Identify school and student characteristics that act as barriers to learning. However, this statement is problematic as it is a wrong premise to understand barriers to learning for learners with disabilities. Machado, C., and Davim, J. P. (2022). Abuse of disabled children in Ghana. (2018a). Crit. Disability and health: Fact sheet. They want to learn and are interested in making a contribution to the world. So, its good that you are bringing some of these things out. However, when we prob. Accra: Sakoa Press Ltd, Accra, Ghana. Dugbartey, A. T., and Barimah, K. B. As our own founding fathers knew, we need checks and balances in our schools. But how prepared are student teachers at Colleges of Education using the curriculum to promote inclusive education? (2021). Teach. J. Curr. Inclusive education in Ghana: How prepared are the teachers? Copyright 2023 eSchoolMedia & eSchool News. As noted by Calles (2020) the process of truly integrating the SDGs in tertiary institutions is sine qua non. The policy (2015, p. 6) defines a child with special educational needs [SEN] as: a child with disability, namely, visual, hearing, locomotor, and intellectual impairments. But the policy extends the concept SEN to cover those who are failing in school, for a wide variety of reasons that are known to be barriers to a childs optimal progress in learning and development. Finkelstein, V. (1980). How anthropomorphism hinders AI education - Raspberry Pi Foundation The Politics of Disablement. (2019). and can opt-out at any time. She graduated from Kenyon College in 2006 with a BA in English, and enjoys spending way too much time either reading or cooking. The education of students with disabilities is affected by attitudinal, pedagogical, institutional, informational, and environmental accessibility barriers (World Health Organization, 2011; Nakua et al., 2017; Braun and Naami, 2021). Before working at eSchool Media, Meris worked as an assistant editor for The World and I, an online curriculum publication. The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author. The author concluded that concept-changing texts were efficient in comprehension of photosynthesis and Until recently, only the University of Cape Coast and University of Education, Winneba, offered university-level training but now the University for Development Studies (UDS) and the University of Ghana, as well as other private universities have programs in teacher education. In fact, the entire Colleges of Education in Ghana curriculum seems to focus on students with learning difficulties. Herp-Ghana. Students' ages can range from 12 to 23 years old. The Social Model of Disability was proposed by advocates of the Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation (UPIAS) in 1976 (Shakespeare and Watson, 2010) which was later given credence to the works of scholars such as Oliver (1990), Oliver and Barnes (1998), Finkelstein (1980, 1988), Barnes (1991), and Shakespeare and Watson (2010). Educ. Umm.Not.So.Much. Educ. United Nations [UN]. The components of the learning outcomes we analyzed in the light of the SDGs Goal 4 targets 4.5, 4.6, and 4.8 and the social model of disability (See Supplementary Tables S1S3). "Education 2030: Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action: Towards Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Lifelong Learning for All, UNICEF. The main body of the module focuses on a comparison between two contrasting countries in Africa: Sudan and Ghana. If you're in the same boat, here's a handy cheat sheet to help set your lunatic cousin Larry straight when he claims to know more than you do about your own vocation. The findings relating to the equity and inclusivity cross-cutting pillar of the curriculum is that emphasis is placed more on gender rather than disability inclusion. That the student teacher reflection is aimed at increasing their disability sensitivity and inclusion is fallacious. Disability should clearly be mentioned in the curriculum and the learning outcomes of the equity and inclusivity cross-cutting pillar and their targets as well as auxiliary materials of Colleges of Educations in Ghana. Your source for IT solutions and innovations to support school-wide success. Misconceptions as Barriers to Understanding Science The curriculum of Colleges of Education in Ghana rightly states the need to identify barriers to learning and working with stakeholders to address these barriers, which is also listed in the student reflective journals. During this period, they are required to keep a portfolio for the documentation of their field experience activities. However, we think it's more accurate . As someone who has supported many people into work, both as a recruiter and an employment specialist, I am here to tell you that you absolutely can teach! The sample comprised 37 Junior High School (JHS) pupils and one science teacher in Abelemkpe Junior High School in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. I wrote an entire paragraph to which my former classmate responded: "We can agree to disagree." 3. doi: 10.21083/ajote.v3i2.2728. Yin, R. K. (1981). Front. Fontdevila, C., and Grek, S. (2020). World report on disability online. Myths and misconceptions about tuberculosis transmission in Ghana The curriculum of the Colleges of Education in Ghana emphasis on the need for student teachers to reflect on their own beliefs and biases to enhance acceptance and conscientious efforts toward accommodating learners with disabilities to increase their inclusion. Figure 1. The principle of universal design in the policy offers learners multiple means of representation, expression, engagement, motivation and tapping into learners interest. Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation [UPIAS] (1976). We wanted to know more about how the student teacher is taught to reflect on disability. Using the curriculum to promote inclusive education? (2018). Education has long been recognized as a global priority. doi: 10.1177/107554708100300106. Vol. One of the profound characteristics of the SDGS is the fact that all the goals are interconnected. She is the 2013 recipient of the Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim Inspirational Teacher Award and the 2013 Boston Red Sox Most Valuable Educator Award.
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