Located on the north side of Chicago in the Edgewater area, Senn HS and was inaugurated in 1913. Students will develop their craft in both performance technique and advanced use of music production tools, including Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs), as they clarify their artistic intent. Russia -Boris Yeltsin wins first free elections for Russia's first popularly-elected president. 300 Die of Polio in U.S57,000 children are paralyzed prior to the widespread use of Polio vaccine. 20,000 World War I Veterans marched to Washington, D.C. in protest because they had been promised bonuses. Poison Gas (chlorine) was used for the first time. And as you read and reminisce. Chicago Marathon begins & becoming 1 of the top 6 marathons around the world. American troops from Afghanistan withdrew after a 20 year war that took the lives of over 2,400 U.S. service personnel. Nicholas Senn High School is a neighborhood public school in the Edgewater community on Chicago's northeast side, serving 1,450 culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse students. Senn - All windows, & lawn sprinkler system replaced. Tylenol capsuleslaced with potassium cyanide kill 7 in Chicago. TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) program. The front campus was used for all sports practices including the band and ROTC. US Navy SEALS are created. ElectricianLech Walesabecomes president of Poland. US Senate votes to acquit President Donald Trump 52-48 on charges of abuse of power and 53-47 on obstruction of Congress. Senn Times celebrates its 20thyear of printing, Public Relations Committee created to publicize Senn externally, CovetedKraft Cup awarded to Fencing Club. Mike North, Emmy winner, host of television & radio sports shows, Irna Phillips, creator of the first radio & TV soap operas. Coaches. Happy 50th Anniversary Senn. 535 followers. Little Big Horn, Senns school within a school for Native Americans, is opened. Boston Marathon Bombing - 2 bombs exploded at the Boston Marathon killing 3 & injuring 264 people. Levees separating Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans, Louisiana were breached by the surge, ultimately flooding roughly 80% of the city of New Orleans, Healthcare Reform Bill-Affordable Care Ac, secret internet and cell-phone data gathering, Chicagos endemic gang and gun problem, giving the city its nickname , Ebola Epidemic Becomes Global Health Crisis. Senn's Brenda Harris is awarded "Dedicated Teacher" from DePaul University. Updates have been made to the graphs below. NASANational Aeronautics & Space Administration is formed. The Honor Guard not only carried the nations flag but now new Senn High School flags as well bearing the bulldog & the school colors. rules to end the vote recount in Florida. Senn is awarded citywide Bellamy Flag for student academic and, All-school elections held (student body elects officers to lead entire, Senn offers Advanced Placement courses, the first Chicago High. Senn forms alliance with Chicago Police/Firefighter Training Academy for careers in public safety. America's celebrates 200 years of Independence & SENN participates in Bicentennial events. #MeToo Movement Goes Global. Public school 1,414 Students Grades 9-12. Search Search. Work began on Senn Park west of school, Greenview Avenue isremoved between Thorndale & Ridge. Honorary street signs(Senn Centennial Way 2013) designated on the 4 corners of school periphery. Senns 1st Forum Editor - Sylvester Hoffman. As a Senn Senior, Paul Murray plans to join the US Army & fight forces in WWII. Russia invades its neighboring country Ukraine killing thousands of innocent people and committing Massive War Crimes. Nicholas Senn High School Alumni, we are Senn Friends Forever | Chicago IL Classic American novel To Kill a Mockingbird published. Astro turf installed. US Unemploymentreaches 5.2 million. Charles Lindbergh son is kidnapped. Search Search. London Smog kills 4000 people. 2 people died & a further 110 people were injured. In 2013 his story becomes a movie starring Tom Hanks. USS Nautilus becomes the 1st. *(Boys originally led the squads in 1925). During the week of March 6 to 10, 2023 Senn students will partake in March to College (M2C). President Johnson sends a bill to Congress that forms the basis for the Voting Rights Act of1965. Firstreference toSennstudents asSennites. The U.S. Pentagon building is competed. The Italian Cruise Liner"Achille Lauro " is hijacked by Palestinian Terrorists. On Valentines day, a gunman Steven Kazmierczak opens fire at the Northern Illinois University killing five & injuring twenty-one, before committing suicide. Wildfires destroyed much of Brazils Amazon rainforest. UN votes in favor of the creation of an Independent Jewish State of Israel. Mickey Mouse appears on for the first time in Steamboat Willie. If you know someone who graduated from SHS in Chicago, IL that has passed away, you can create a memorial for them. Charles Lindbergh's Plane flies "The Spirit of St. Louis" nonstop across the Atlantic. The Korean War begins when North Korea invaded South Korea. Son of Sam terrorizes the city. The 1988 Seoul Summer Olympic Games159 nations participating & the Calgary Winter Olympic Gamesthe first time, the Winter Games extended to 16 days, including three weekend. 1st minimum wage law in US takes effect (Oregon). First 12-member Senn Local School Council (LSC) elected (six parents, two teachers, two community residents, one student, and school principal). Copyright 1999 2023 GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC. Student Health Clinic opened on campus. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is createdUSSR. Thanks to a generous grant from the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, Senn has opened up a $30,000 broadcast studio that includes two cameras, a mixer, and Apple computers with sophisticated editing software. Chicago experiences most violent weekend of 2019: 52 shot, 10 killed. 23rd Amendment to the Constitution is Ratified. High School Men's Soccer Chicago, IL Joined: Sep 2016: Roster: 2: Alumni: 23: Visit Official Website. Martin Luther King Jr. marches in Chicago. Per Pupil Expenditures for Senn High School. 11 Israel Athletes murdered by Arab Gunman at Summer MunichOlympic Games. Senn Graduating class 642. Miranda Rightscome into being after the SCOTUS overturns the conviction of a confessed rapist ruling he had not been properly informed of his right to council and to not testify against himself. African-American principal. Many Senn students have gone on to lead meaningful, successful lives; fewer, of course, have achieved national prominence. Boys allowed in joining cheerleading squads. 38th President Gerald R. Ford sworn into office after President Richard Nixon resigns to avoid impeachment over Watergate. In 1950, he coined the term "McCarthyism". Happy 25th Anniversary Senn. *** We DO NOT have yearbooks 2016-2023 yet. on a range of topics about their class and reunions. Chicago International Speedwayis opened. Richard Speck murders 8 Nurses in Chicago. Ford Acquires Volvo. The first Senn Alumni Association organized. discuss global trends and crises, spawned by state of the world. Golden Gate Bridge officially opens. 595. NASAThe Cassini-Huygens orbiter & probe entered Saturns orbit. First Space Shuttle MissionColumbia successfully carried two astronauts, Robert Crippen & John Young, into space. Senn's first commencement class of 14 graduates. Senn teachers joined citywide protest marches demanding back pay, Construction of two building wings completed, campus portablesremoved. Senn is awarded citywide Bellamy Flag for student academic &faculty achievements. The first of 24satellites of the Global Positioning System is placed into orbit &Voyager IIpasses the planetNeptune. School named after famed surgeon, scientist, author, professor of surgery and surgeon general of the U.S. Army Dr. Nicholas Senn. Babe Ruth hit the 714th and final home run of his career. Under President Reagan - UnemploymentRises in the US to12 millionthe highest figure since 1941. Edlio Login CPS Non-Discrimination Statement Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources. Antarctica records high temperature of 65 F. Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein found guilty of rape and a criminal sexual act in landmark case that ignited #MeToo movement. Chicago's Lakeview Polar Bear Clubfounded. Parking lot created west of campus separating Senn High School and Senn Park. Each first-year student brings a unique musical perspective to the program, and the blending of these perspectives establishes the identity of our collective artistic work.Music Experience IAdvanced Band I, Electroacoustic Performance I, or Advanced Vocal Ensemble ISophomore MusicArtistic LanguageDuring year two of the Senn Arts Music curriculum, students continue to explore the fundamentals of musicianship, apply fundamentals in the context of performing ensembles, and study music literacy and ear training. Spiro Agnew, the VPOTUS under Richard Nixon, resigned over tax evasion. Learn about the, Students who are unprepared for college-level work may find themselves in. The United States Leaves the Iran Nuclear Deal due to Donald Trump hatred towards his predecessor President Obama. Saddam Hussein orders Iraq invasion of Neighboring Kuwait. The 1972 Munich Summer Olympic Games & the Sapporo Winter Olympic Games. In response to the energy crisis,daylight saving time commences nearly four months early in the United States. 90 following. Senn High School will be offering an after school SAT Prep Course from March 13-31. NaziGermany attacks Poland, France, Australia & the United Kingdom declare war on Germany. Senn Friends Forever Alumni web siteestablished and run by the alumni, showing Senn High Schools history, honoring its famedalumni,veterans,principals, sports, & teachers. Harvey Weinstein & the #MeToo Revolution. Bulldog adopted as school mascot, Bullpups, Bullfrogs to follow 70 people aregunned down by Islamic extremistsinEgypt's Valley of The Kings. Happy 100th Anniversary Senn High School. TheSenn Cheerleadersstarted as early back as 1925 with only male cheerleaders. US Population Estimated at244.6 Million. Mike Tyson becomes the youngest Heavyweight Champion in history. Potato Head toy debuts. He created the. Students at Senn High School are 40% Hispanic, 26% African American, 16% White, 14% Asian, 2% Two or more races. Racial Riots throughout SENN hadcreated more police presence. Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated. The first major computer virus infects computers connected to the Internet. LA Lakers basketball legend Kobe Bryant and his 13 yr. old daughter and 7 others dies in a helicopter crash in foggy conditions in the hills above Calabasas, southern California. Boston Red Sox win the World Series in baseball for the first time since 1918. Y2K is feared around the world. Armed undercover "sky marshals" are used on all planes. Sandy Hook Elementary shooting killing 26 people, most of the victims were 6-7 yr. old children. President Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the only U.S. president to be elected to a fourth term. Video of theShooting of Laquan McDonaldis released by court order, and protests ensue after he was shot by a cop 16 times and was unarmed. GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, 5900 North Glenwood Avenue, Chicago, IL 60660, How do high schools help students succeed in college? acquits President Bill Clinton of perjury. A 6-year-old student in Virginia shot his teacher with his mom's gun. Please see ***Note at top of this page. Construction of two building wingscompleted, campus portablesremoved. My Spacewas officially introduced to the Internet. You can also find out what other graduates are doing now, share memories with other alumn, upload pictures from Senn and find other alumni . The course and subsequent performance serve as evidence of students readiness for entrance into college, the music industry, and life as an artist. 44th. Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy Online at Classmates.com. Senn band takes first place in city, state and national competitions, PrincipalBenjamin F. Buck is promoted {1928} to superintendent of CPS, 2ndPrincipalDavid M. Davidson {1928} steps up to the helm, Forum wins All-American Honor Rating national competition. Bikinis first debuts in Paris. Music Theory IIAdvanced Band II, Electroacoustic Performance II, or Advanced Vocal Ensemble IIJunior MusicArtistic VoiceDuring year three of the Senn Arts Music curriculum, students continue their study of music theory and ear training. Israel & Soviet Union join Olympic Games. The U.S. Treasury announced it would replace former President Andrew Jackson with abolitionistHarriet Tubman on the $20 bill. . United States Chicago - Al Capone Turf Wars. Erasmus Hall, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1956). Chicago'sHeavy snowstorm & city's perceived slow response lead to upset of incumbent 39th MayorMichael Anthony Bilandic as he then lost to 40th Mayor Jane Byrne. Major interior rehab of all classrooms completed. Martin Luther King, Jr.delivers his"I have a dream"speech. School. 29th President Warren G. Harding sworn into office. The break-up of the AT&T ordered byUS Government. The start of theCold Warwhich endured over 4 decades, from 1947 until into the late1980's. 7thPrincipalDr. Benedict Amar takes over (1960). 5thPrincipalSamuel Nowinsontakes on Senns top job. 60th anniversaryofD-Dayis remembered. 43rd. Justice Kentanji Brown Jackson is confirmed as the 1st African-American Female to SCOTUS. World Affairs, Vox Pop and International Relations Clubs formed to NASA Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrates during reentry into the Earth's atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts aboard. Contact info. Space Needle an observation tower in Seattle is completed for the 1962 World's Fair. Senn centennial planning begins & is adopted as the Senn Senntennial 2013. This strategic partnership will strengthen Senns academic offerings while building on its existing leadership and assets by providing academic support, teachertraining, and improved educational opportunities for students. [3] The school is named in honor of surgeon, instructor, and founder of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Nicholas Senn. Boeingmoves its headquarters in Chicago. GERMANY - Adolph Hitler declares himself Der Fhrer and the swastika now represents the Nazi party. The 1916 Olympic Games were scheduled to be held in Berlin but were cancelled due to World War I. Per Pupil Expenditures: $12,413. As such, students will recognize and articulate the traits/skills that help them stand out in post-secondary contexts. TheWorlds largest suspension Bridge1.234 miles in Japan opens. Follow. Junior varsity baseball team formed, first in Senn history. 33rd President Harry S. Truman sworn into office after the death of President Franklyn D. Roosevelt. Powered by Edlio. Senn High School. The telecast was on a ten-second delay in case something went wrong with Wallenda's walk. Jack Rubymurders Kennedy'ssuspected assassinLee Harvey Oswald. Vietnam War protesters battle police in the streets, orders all games to be paused for 34 hours, crashes killing 45 people including US Rep. George Collins. Our Lady of the Angels School Fire killing a total of 92 pupils & 3 nuns. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated for his 3rd term as President. charged with murdering an 11-year-old girl, triking her with a rock, sexually molesting her & suffocating her. U.S. has nearly 500,000 troops in Vietnam. President Trump loses the election by a landslide to former Vice-President Joe Biden. Saturday May 17th - Chicago's Senn High School has renamed its theater after Chicago native and acclaimed director Harold Ramis. "YouTube" was founded. View all 47 Senn High School yearbooks . Canada - Insulin used for first time for Diabetes treatment. 1st. The United States rejoins Paris Climate Accord and WHO (World Health Organization) after the previous administration quit. Kootenai Native American Tribe in Idaho declares war on the United States. Much of the world watched in horror as fire raged at Notre-Dame de Paris in France. is created & runs from Chicago to Los Angeles. SENN Soccer takes City Championship. Facebook social site launches. PrincipalThomas F. Coffey moves on (1971). The first hard disk is invented by IBM. Support our mission. Hattie McDaniel becomes the first African-American actor to win an Academy Award. Senn High School! Senn, with students representing 70 countries and speaking 46 languages, included in the Guiness Book of Records for being most diverse high school in United States with more nationalities than the United Nations. 1941 Yearbook . Unemployment Rate in the USreaches 9.2%. 2 former police officers are convicted of violating the civil rights of beaten motorist Rodney King. US President-elect Barack Obama makes his victory speech in Chicago's Grant Park. The 1948 London Summer Olympic Games & the St. Moritz Winter Olympic Games. Chicago ranked as The Best Big City in America, again. New attendance system installed, features individual student bar-coded, Senn Strategic Plan Committee mobilized to chart schools course for 20, New strategic partnership between Senn High School and Loyola University Chicago. CHICAGO - A Mom of 4 sells her children due to hard times & not being able to care for them. The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Games did not disappoint. ALLsports teamsmake it to playoffs. 30 Black churches in Mississippi are burned to the ground. The SCOTUS overturns Roe vs. Wade after 50 years throwing it back to the states so Republicans can abortions endangering millions of women. The 100-year history of Nicholas Senn High School has been chronicled annually by its students in Forum, the school yearbook that first was published in 1913, the year the newly constructed high school was opened. Elvis Presleyis inducted into the Army. Click here to sign-up. Largest cash robbery in Historyoccurs in New York when$9,800,000 is stolenfrom an armored car. President Truman approved construction of thehydrogen bomb. President Johnson announces increase the number of troops in Vietnam from 75,000 to 125,000. TheChicago Cubsreach the postseason for the first time since 1945, but fell short in Game 5 of the NLCS playoff's. President George H.W. He also helped create television series such as. world's largest ship the "Liberty of the Seas" a passenger cruise ship goes into service. ASennite killed in action! CHICAGO - DuSable Museum of African American History established. Democrats Win Back the House. Top 20 High Schools with the most famous alumni. Warren Commission report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy concludes Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone. Senn High School 5900 N Glenwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60660 Phone: (773) 534-2365 Fax: (773) 534-2369. Millennium Parkopens. GreatBrinks Robbery. The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games - several hundred million watched worldwide on TV as more than 40 world records & over 130 Olympic records were broken. the Innsbruck Winter Olympic Games. Copyright 1988-2022 by Edgewater Historical Society. Saturday Night Fever debuts bringing the Beginning of the DISCO era. GreatSchools is the leading nonprofit providing high-quality information that supports parents pursuing a great education for their child, schools striving for excellence, and communities working to diminish inequities in education. Maria Agusti 1978-1982. Alan Hargesheimer was a professional baseball player for the San Francisco Giants, Chicago Cubs, and Kansas City Royals. Japan attacks the United States by bombing Pearl Harbor, "a day which will live in infamy" & President Roosevelt asks Congress to declare War on the Empire of Japan. State of Vermont passes legalizing Civil Unions for same-sex couples. The list is incomplete. 1st. May the Spirit of Dr. Nicholas Senn, Senn High School and the Spirit of the Bulldog always remain with you all in the most positive way and together, we as a group are alwaysSenn Friends Forever. John Emory is Senns Senior President. No elected official was harmed. Construction begun {1932} on the boys {large} gymnasium. Edward Snowden leaks information about the NSA's secret internet and cell-phone data gathering program. Here is a partial list of those who have. First Year MusicFoundations / Introduction to MusicianshipDuring year one of the Senn Arts Music curriculum, students explore the fundamentals of musicianship, and they apply these fundamentals in the context of performing ensembles. Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup yet again for the third time in six years, establishing a "puck dynasty" nationwide and arguably becoming the best team in theNHL. Exxon Valdez spills 240,000 barrels(11 million gallons)of oil. 5900 North Glenwood Avenue, Chicago, IL 60660. Archduke Ferdinand shot to death, sparking the outbreak for WWI to begin. Benjamin F. Buck is Senns 1stPrincipal. Soul Train debuts. The 1968 Mexico Summer Olympic Games & the Grenoble Winter Olympic Games. direct-dial coast to coast telephone call was made. of largest club on campus. CHICAGO -Steppenwolf Theatre Companyfounded. Join Classmates.com for free, The High School Network is not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by Senn High School of Chicago, Illinois, Jessica Feinberg-weinstein Passed Away 8-18-2013 Rosemary Irocky Passed Away 7-9-2011. Resulting in the Death of 6 people including 3 Capital Police, vandalism, theft of government property, sedition, and murder. 1998-2023 GreatSchools.org All Rights Reserved. Website. Earthquake in Irankills 50,000. The City ofConstantinoplein Turkey changes its name to Istanbul. Orange Line opens to Midway Airport. Thomas Jefferson Memorialin Washington D.C is Completed. 1st. Vice President Dick Cheney shoots a man in the face. With 2,834 Athletes divided between 91 TEAMS with 109 EVENTS with the Norway earning the most. Lyric Theatre of Chicago (Lyric Opera) founded. Governor George Wallace shot 3 times leaving him paralyzed. Burr Tillstrom is an Emmy & Peabody Award winning puppeteer. Show All News At a glance $43 million in scholarships over 2 years 16 devoted Art Spaces 160 IB Diploma Awardees 100% accepted to 4-year universities 40% increase in number of IB course offered since 2010 TheMemorial Day Massacretakes place when 10 union demonstrators are killed when police open fire on union protesters in Chicago. Lois Nettleton was an actress who acted in film and on television for nearly six decades. We Reunite. President George Bush & Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev sign a historic agreement to end production of chemical weapons Space Shuttle Discovery places the Hubble Space Telescopein orbit. SchoolDigger rates this school 3 stars out of 5. 14th Principal Mary P. Beck has now come to Senn to take the helm and lead the students into excellence. Disneyland opens in California. This section shows how much academic progress (also called growth) students at this school are making given where they were last year, compared to similar students in the state. The first Star Wars film, Episode IV - A New Hope, premieres. Remembering Senn Alumnus Harold Ramis today. Remember that the past is but the prologue. NASAs Galileo spacecraft arrives at Jupiter. spreads fear amongst the American Public. He didntcome out alive. First SAT College admissions tests given. Loyola partnered with Senn on multiple fronts, one of those being the formation of a state of the art Digital Journalism program. New strategic partnership between Senn High School and Loyola University Chicago. New amplifying system installed in Senn Hall. 446 Senn Graduates. ratified which deals with succession to the Presidency. 5900 N Glenwood Ave. Chicago, IL 60660-3312. 38th G8 summit & 2012 Chicago Summit takes place in Chicago. I want tariffs, Donald Trumptoldhis advisers. Warren Senior High School Alumni Search ; Powered by Classmates.com Virtual Yearbook Click Here to Register Mark Wilkins Class of 1988 Paul Hemsworth Class of 1985 Mike Gunnells Class of 1984 Joseph Bryan Class of 1982 Laura Valeri-ludlow Class of 1982 Kimberly Weaver Class of 1977 Barbara Crank Boyce Class of 1973 Sandra Isrow Class of 1964 Draft lottery to determine draft into US Forces for Vietnam War. We have 110 years worth of history shown below! 490 Graduating class! Joe Biden had a record number of 8 million popular votes more than DJT with 306 Electoral College votes to Trump's 232 Electoral College votes. The CIA admitsthat there wasno imminent threatfrom weapons of mass destruction before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Town of Winneconne in the state of Wisconsin declared its sovereignty. Ramis attended Senn from 1958 through 1962. American Airlines Flight 191 crashes killing 73 people making it the single most deadly crash. The first Six Flags theme parks opens. Nicholas Senn High School Alumni and/or Senn Friends Forever is a volunteer, non profit alumni association organization dedicated to improving student/alumni achievements at Senn High School and reuniting the Sennites of multiple classes. The Republicans went through 15 rounds of voting for a new speaker which hasnt happened in the last 100 years. Students in the Electroacoustic Performance Pathway will participate in student-designed ensembles that model contemporary music-making strategies. CNN (Cable News Network) began broadcasting.
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