The visit here by outgoing defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld was a very wide-ranging visit, highly secret. We have a lot of people there. HARMAN: Well, you can take the raspberries out of the fruit salad. Though Peress diplomatic intercession smoothed ruffled feathers, he still warned against a nuclear Iran taking over the Middle East and rejected the critical UN report into the Gaza war. There are a lot of efforts to stop the violence in many directions. Do you agree with him or disagree with him? I put this issue to the former Israeli prime minister, the current vice premier, Shimon Peres, when we spoke here earlier. The Iraq study group and its blunt criticism of the war and the president's policy set off a political uproar here in Washington this week. Have you ever wondered how much wealth this American reporter and journalist has accumulated so far? Their mutual respect was clear from the outset. I'm Wolf Blitzer in Washington. December 10, 1994 - Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize along with Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin. In his later years, he was passionate about the borderless worlds of science and technology. BLITZER: So you don't want to say whether or not you believe in a two-state solution, Israel and Palestine? And he won an election fair and square, so far as I know. Israel Mourns Political Giant Shimon Peres; Palestinians React to Death of Shimon Peres; One of Last Doctors in Aleppo on Life Under Siege; The Toy Smuggler of . BLITZER: Because you could imagine, with $100 billion over the next year, what you with could do domestically with that kind of money. But all of these leaders talked to us and said, "We want a unified Iraq." I also understand that we're hunting down Al Qaida on a regular basis and we're bringing them to justice. We've got to put pressure on the Iraqis to do exactly that. So why should we monopolize it? We can improve them, but we have to focus now on other parts of the world that are even more dangerous. He fashioned alliances with France in the 1950s, and planted the seeds for Israels embryonic electronics and aircraft industries. Sunnis not very happy with it. Another element in the Iraq Study Group's report that came out this past week included a call for the Bush administration to engage in a direct dialogue with Iran and Syria, without preconditions. BLITZER: But the president's still the commander in chief. There is a provision -- there are calls in here for changing the primary mission of our forces. Besides these, some of other Shimon Prokupeczs highlights include the Trump Tower wiretapping allegations in 2016, with the current president of the US Donald Trump, accusing his predecessor Barack Obama of wiretapping his phones during the presidential campaign, as well as covering and reporting on alleged Russian meddling in the US Presidential Election. And they have an army, an Iraqi army which has about a 50 percent readiness rate. The Defense Department and the intelligence community have not invested sufficient people and resources to understand the political and military threat to American men and women in the armed forces." HARMAN: Well, we each get elected by our own voters, and I'm not going to comment on the choice that they made. Despite his appearing on-camera regularly, and despite his popularity, Shimon Prokupecz has somehow managed to keep his private life low profile, as there isnt much information about any previous love affairs or romantic connections. What do you think of that advice? You come at a momentous time to Washington. How do they feel about this? Learn how your comment data is processed. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SEN. CARL LEVIN (D-MI): The key element to this report, to me, is that they say that there is no military solution in Iraq; there is only a political solution in Iraq, and that the Iraqis have got to come together politically. BLITZER: Here is what the Iraq Study Group recommended this week: "As part of a solution to the crisis in Iraq," it said, "there must also be a renewed commitment by the United States to a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace on all fronts: Lebanon, Syria, and President Bush's June 2002 commitment to a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine." Due to his habit of keeping ones private life a secret, Shimon is often rumored to be gay, but he is straight; however, he is currently single. Bob Woodward and John Burns with more on their special insights from here in Washington and Baghdad. And they're saying this interferes in their own sovereignty. It seems like it's not much better now. He withdrew troops from Beirut to a narrow security zone in southern Lebanon. 1959 - Elected to Israels parliament, the Knesset. The center aims to showcase Israels technology achievements and encourage entrepreneurs and start-ups. Let me refer to something you wrote on November 12th: "It is something ordinary Iraqis say with growing intensity, even as they agree on little else. Basically, we are all for embracing peace. Shimon Peres, the vice prime minister of Israel. The reconciliation did not come because of the pressure of the United States or any other forces, outsiders, but it was just coming from the Iraqi government itself. PERES: Back in 1978. Shimon Prokupecz (born February 4, 1978) is an American journalist who works as the crime and justice reporter for CNN. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The report doesn't support that, and I think that's a flaw in the report. I think the president has to look at this very, very hard before he goes off on another choice. I wouldn't recommend that Israel will monopolize it and make it an Iranian-Israeli conflict. Age, Height, Boyfriend, Famil Who is singer Chris Isaak? He was used to playing the long game. With hindsight, Peress decision not to call immediate elections was an error. BLITZER: Nic Robertson, we'll check back it you in Baghdad. He then saw Begin negotiate the historic peace agreement with Egypt that he had expected to make himself. And there is concern that, because of the Iranian position to try to destroy Israel and your alignment with Iran, there is concern about you. I don't think the American people want their sons and daughters to continue to be sent to Iraq to referee sectarian violence between different sects in Iraq. They don't like it. SHAYS: Well, I mean, they can make that point, and it's fair, and they should. But it is time to change our strategy. To speak bluntly, Shimon shined in his career as CNNs crime and justice reporter. Your Republican colleague, Senator Gordon Smith of Oregon, was very emotional the other day on the Senate floor, in coming out -- and he's a good conservative Republican -- and saying, this is not working; it's time to cut losses. It doesn't mean he won't be in place. I'm going to stay in the game on these issues. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a91d8cc5813a760822b8d0c0b9fef1bf" );document.getElementById("afe063943e").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "If the Iraqi government does not make substantial progress toward the achievement of milestones on national reconciliation, security and governance, the United States should reduce its political, military or economic support for the Iraqi government." There has to be some strategic realignment. After honing his skills in legal work, he later put some effort towards journalism and reporting, and joined the NBC flagship stations virtual channel WNBC as its producer. Rabin, meanwhile, concentrated on Syrian talks via his protege, the military chief of staff Ehud Barak. And joining us from Iraq, Baghdad bureau chief for the New York Times, John Burns. CNN suspended Griffin, who worked with former CNN star Chris Cuomo, a "New Day" anchor from its inception in 2013 until he launched his primetime show in 2018. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. BLITZER: Let's talk a little bit about this book by former President Jimmy Carter entitled "Palestine Peace, Not Apartheid." PERES: Yes, but I'm even more surprised listening to it. BLITZER: You served on the Intelligence Committee, until now. BLITZER: Is that your assessment, as well? We need to understand our friends in the Middle East better. SHIMON PERES, ISRAELI VICE PREMIER: Thank you. Will Mr. Bush accept new proposals? We said before we started this, Wolf, that we were going to be criticized from all sides, and, indeed, that's probably true. In 2009 Peres served as national host for Pope Benedict XVIs visit to Israel. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) BLITZER: Prime Minister Peres, thanks very much for joining us. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". I'll read it, specifically. CNN anchor Jake Tapper joins the world in mourning . In 2013, Shimon joined CNN as a justice producer. In your book, "State of Denial," you write this: "Some of the senior civilians Rumsfeld appointed were astonished and alarmed at how hard he was now squeezing the Pentagon controls. FAREED ZAKARIA, HOST: Sixty-five years ago, Shimon Peres got his first major position in Israel as head of its navy. Discovery Company. AL-HAKIM (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): This is not up to us. Listen to this. HARMAN: I am not angry. And how will the U.S. Congress respond? This idea that the Iraq Study Group has put forward of, "Well, let's just embed more U.S. forces in the Iraqi units; maybe let's quadruple it" -- I mean, John Burns can tell you, reporters who've been with those units, that's going to do absolutely nothing. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Qu opina la ciudadana de que Biden busque la reeleccin? Thanks very much, Bob, for coming in. BLITZER: That's in the recommendations. At the subsequent White House lawn signing in September 1993, Peres nudged a reluctant Rabin to shake hands with Arafat an image that went round the world. It may be a great deal worse. Give us your sense of what, if anything, this Iraq Study Group is going to accomplish inside Iraq. Formerly, she was a Political Correspondent for Asharq Alawsat Newspaper. And we're going to get out of Iraq successfully only if we do it on a bipartisan basis. AL-HAKIM (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): My ambition is to stay as a servant for the Iraqi people. I'm not suggesting that the troops leave Iraq. They postponed it. Peress lieutenants, led by Yossi Beilin and Uri Savir, opened a secret track with PLO negotiators outside Oslo. NIC ROBERTSON, CNN ANCHOR: Well, Wolf, very surprising reaction from Iraq's Kurdish president, Jalal Talabani, a staunch ally of the United States, criticizing the Iraq Study Group's report, saying it undermines the sovereignty of Iraq. At 15 Peres joined the Ben Shemen agricultural youth village, a crucible of future Israeli leaders. BLITZER: Because you know, a lot of Democrats, Jane Harman, would much rather have you spend, over the next year, $100 billion for health care or Social Security or other health issues, related issues, than spend the money in Iraq. SHAYS: Let me just make the point: We cannot fail in Iraq, because if we fail in Iraq, we fail in Iran, we fail in Lebanon, we fail elsewhere. Another one: "By the first quarter of 2008, subject to unexpected developments in the security situation on the ground, all U.S. combat brigades not necessary for force protection could be out of Iraq." PERES: Well, I'm not so sure, you know. In other words, the study group recommends a much more assertive U.S. involvement. SHAYS: No, no, I don't think there should be. So that's really an indication of a failure because of our staying-the-course attitude. Miraculously, their enmity turned to partnership, with Peres, the foreign minister, as the engine and Rabin, the prime minister, as the gears and brakes (or so Peres later described it). How rich Shimon Prokupecz is? What's your reaction? Shimon Peres, original name Shimon Perski, (born August 16?, 1923, Wiszniew, Poland [now Vishnyeva, Belarus]; see Researcher's Note died September 28, 2016, Ramat Gan, Israel), Polish-born Israeli statesman, who served as both prime minister (1984-86 and 1995-96) and president (2007-14) of Israel and as leader of the Israel Labour Party In other words, we stay as long as the Iraqis do their part. [1] Life and career [ edit] Prokupecz immigrated from Russia as a child [2] and was raised in Brooklyn, New York. When Shamir became prime minister, Peres served as foreign minister (1986-88), during which time the iconoclastic pragmatist and security hawk, who once called settlements the roots and eyes of Israel, blossomed into a peace campaigner. He negotiated directly with Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority, on behalf of a taciturn Netanyahu. After constanting watching you on CNN, I found my true hero. A slew of terrorist attacks in early 1996 allowed Binyamin Netanyahu victory over Peres in Israels first direct prime ministerial elections. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Nic, what's the latest? BLITZER: Do you think the presence of American forces, 140,000, 145,000 U.S. troops in Iraq are helping your country or hurting your country? (NEWSBREAK) BLITZER: Let's go live to Baghdad where our senior international correspondent, Nic Robertson, has been watching the Iraqi reaction to the Iraq Study Group report and an unexpected visit by the secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld. I'll read it to you. The former Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet, dead, CNN has now confirmed, at the age of 91, at a military hospital in Santiago. BLITZER: But do you believe, Your Eminence, that Israel has a right to exist? But in some areas, it's quiet. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Virtually across the board, Israeli editorials spoke of a national sigh of relief in recognition of a long-maligned yet irreplaceable figure. And there are, of course, violence in Baghdad, in some other governorates. Timeline:1934 - Family immigrates to Palestine. He's a Shiite leader. But that's what we can see, not civilian war, but some sectarian violence. Now, where is all this leading? And the other is religious: Hamas. The Jerusalem Report news magazine called him Israels only world-class statesman, perhaps Zionisms last pragmatic visionary. And I am disappointed by the pace of success. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BLITZER: This is "Late Edition," the last word in Sunday talk. And one of them is it's a pro-the reconciliation, national reconciliation. And we're following all of the rest of the day's top news: a startling new claim surrounding the death of Princess Diana; the latest on another typhoon that hit the Philippines; and a deadly fire at a hospital in Russia. And without him, I'm not sure if Camp David would take place. Shimon sports a slim and toned figure, featuring a height of 5 ft 8. In Lebanon, Hezbollah and other anti-government forces holding massive protests. This page is not available in other languages. To not have dialogue with either country I think is a mistake. World leaders bid farewell to Shimon Peres. During the 60s, he honed the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) and secretly amassed Israels nuclear weapons. The 9th President of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres , . And if they do not meet those milestones, then we recommend a reduction in military or political or economic aid. In 1959 Peres was elected to the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, for the ruling Mapai party (forerunner of Labour) and immediately became deputy defence minister. And this government is taking care of security. Now he's going to be secretary of defense. BLITZER: What timeline do you want? BAKER: Wolf, let me answer that also. He lost the Labour leadership on the eve of the partys return to power in 1992. Nonetheless, Peres still engendered controversy. HAMILTON: We don't want a precipitous withdrawal either. And something dramatic is going to have to be done. Hamas is not looking for a territorial solution. From Washington to Baghdad, the buzz this week over the Iraq Study Group, its downbeat assessment of the war, and fresh questions of how President Bush will respond. I'm Wolf Blitzer in Washington. We'll be right back. And it depends on the people who put it. We'll stay on top of this story, bring you the reaction, the fallout. Your email address will not be published. All of that makes tremendous sense. BLITZER: We have to leave it right there. Brent Sadler, our Beirut bureau chief, is right in the center of the action. This study group says that there are no new ideas. I'll read it to you. BLITZER: The secretary, former secretary of state James Baker, the co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group, had this advice this week about -- for the president, in terms of accepting the recommendations, the 79 recommendations of the panel. BLITZER: Thank you. This is a comprehensive strategy designed to deal with this problem we're facing in Iraq but also designed to deal with other problems that we face in the region. I don't know if you've had a chance to read the book, but it's caused quite a bit of controversy here in the United States, I assume in Israel as well. Son of Yitzhak and Sarah Persky (he later Hebraised the family surname), he was born in Vishneva, then a largely Jewish town located in the borderlands between modern Belarus, Poland and Lithuania. AL-HAKIM (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Of course we would like to see the American forces withdraw, allied forces withdraw as soon as possible. The linkage to Israel, the way it is spelled out, may be wrong. ABDUL AZIZ AL-HAKIM, UNITED IRAQI ALLIANCE LEADER (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): I would like also to express my thanks to you, to allow me -- to give me the opportunity to talk to the Washington people. He's going to be getting a lot of recommendations in the next few days. You know, John talks to them, I get e-mails, I hear from people. Mark Foley was a Republican congressman. A strongman BLITZER: But for this administration to say, you know what, forget about democracy; let's put a Tito (LAUGHTER) or someone who's powerful, who can unite the Shia and the Kurds and the Sunnis with an iron fist, that's not exactly in line with what the president has been saying. And I will help them stay in Congress and help keep our majority in 2008. I'm increasingly BLITZER: The Iraq Study Group rejected that notion. BLITZER: All right, gentlemen, stand by, because we have a lot more to talk about. I don't see the first step. I think the timeline we need is to say, "If you don't do these things in reconciliation, we're going to leave." PERES: I don't see the change of heart. We've got to move these people toward the concept of a unified nation. Your prime minister, Ehud Olmert, said the other day -- he said this. Shimon, living the life of a reporter, has to be in front of the camera most of his time. But Israeli fury at persistent terrorism prompted demonstrations against the Rabin-Peres administration. As prime minister, Peres made up for lost time. What you're seeing with all of these statements you're reading to us this morning is individual leaders talking about their own ethnic groups and looking at the situation from that perspective. So they did that before. Of course, there are some sectarian violence in some areas, but not in all Iraq. AL-HAKIM (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): I am currently thinking about the Iraqi issues. "Stay the course" has to change. We'll take a quick break. Great reporting! BLITZER: Congressman Hamilton, right after the president met with Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, arguably the most powerful Shiite politician in Iraq right now, and he made it clear he disagrees strongly with several of your key recommendations, including this notion of bringing in these regional players, of the neighbors. We dismantled settlements by force. November 4, 1995-June 1996 - Becomes prime minister after Prime Minister Rabin is assassinated. That seems to be what the choice of the Iraqis is, and that should be what controls. And so, you know, we're in a situation, really, where there has got to be some strategic realignment. According to authoritative sources, is is estimated that the total of Shimon Prokupeczs net worth, as of mid-2018, revolves around the sum of $2 million, acquired through his professional career that has been active since the mid-2000s. I can't understand Mr. Carter. Shimon is now known as one of the sharp journalists who report the news without any mixed topics or allegations. He called it unworkable. We'll be right back. BLITZER: But the general notion that James Baker and Lee Hamilton and their colleagues have that, in order to ease the crisis, potentially a catastrophe, in Iraq, the United States has to get much more intimately involved on the Israeli-Palestinian front. This is a way forward with an effective proposal that takes into account the political environment in Washington, keenly split, the political environment in Iraq, also split; permits us and the Iraqis to join together as a way to conclude this war while protecting the American interest. (END VIDEO CLIP) BLITZER: Highlights from the other Sunday morning talk shows here on "Late Edition," the last word in Sunday talk. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Here's from the Iraq Study Group Report: "On one day in July 2006, there were 93 attacks or significant acts of violence reported. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. He then served in turn as communications, transport and information minister. Rabins memoirs decried Peres for betraying him in 1977, and Begin was able to exploit the spat to triumph at the 1981 polls. BLITZER: All right. Incremental doesn't work anymore. We have to contain Iraq. Shimon is mainly praised for his report on Justice Departmental charges against Senator Robert Menendez, the 2016 Pulse Nightclub Shooting, President Trumps cases of wiretapping. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In 1969 Peres was charged with developing these areas, and absorbing new eastern European immigrants. Obviously, I had hoped to stay. "There must be a renewed and sustained commitment by the United States to a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace on all fronts: Lebanon and Syria, and President Bush's June 2002 commitment to a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine." This is the only recommendation he's going to get that's bipartisan, that can bring us together as a country, that can unify our efforts as a country. Maybe that timetable should be shorter. So if I were the Kurds, I'd like to say peaceful. AL-HAKIM (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Of course, this report represents the people who put it, and it's up to them. I don't think we should divide up Iraq. The problem is not so much how to build a Palestinian state on the side of the state of Israel but how to unite the Palestinians. In . Do your job, as Bill Belichick would say! Jumpseating it to Gitmo Air Force C17 style, A post shared by Shimon Prokupecz (@shimonpro) on Jun 14, 2014 at 6:22am PDT, Now that they're going to share the oil equitably -- or that's what they said yesterday -- I think that's a very healthy sign that this may be their choice for how to move. #NoRoomforSmallDreams. BRENT SADLER, CNN BEIRUT BUREAU CHIEF: Well, first of all, Wolf, you can hear, very loud, the noise coming out of downtown Beirut. And we should be, as Baker says, trying to flip Syria. BLITZER: Well, he said he's actually read the whole report. But we believe that the American people want our aid to be conditional. This is what Joe Biden's talking about, what the former chairman BLITZER: You like that idea? Israels 1988 election took place against the backdrop of the Palestinian intifada (the uprising against Israel in the occupied territories). Augusto Pinochet, dead at 91. Here is one recommendation which represents a direct pressure point on your government, the government of Prime Minister Nouri al- Maliki. Peres served as Ehud Olmerts deputy premier after Kadima convincingly won elections in 2006. Shimon Peres funeral: Obama evokes unfinished business of peace talks, Asa peacemaker, Shimon Peres never won over the Israeli public, Sonof Shimon Peres announces death of 'devoted' former Israeli leader video. . He calls the study group's report unjust, unfair, and dangerous. HARMAN: No. He placated President Barack Obama when Israeli actions offended the Oval Office. PERES: Israel has shown, in the past, it was ready. The Kurds are worried about oil. HARMAN: I know he does. Though Shimon works in front of a camera, he hasnt given any information about his personal life and wishes to keep it under the cover as Prokupecz didnt want to be the topic for the media. Even the Russians have to think what will happen if a nuclear bomb will arrive, for example, to Chechnya. Chris Shays narrowly being re-elected, but I'm sure you're happy to be here in Washington. (END VIDEO CLIP) BLITZER: Strong words from the former president of the United States. PERES: This is a second step. 2:41. I'm Wolf Blitzer in Washington. Many of those mixed Shia-Sunni neighborhoods are no longer mixed. I've not met many people here, Iraqi or American, who think it is. After having some experience in legal work, Shimon shifted his career towards journalism and reporting, regarding which Prokupecz worked as a producer on NBC flagship stations virtual channel WNBC. Do you believe that there was a Holocaust in which 6 million Jews were killed? And here in Washington, Lee Hamilton, the former Democratic congressman from Indiana, currently the director of the Woodrow Wilson Institute for Scholars. We'll be right back. They're different from each other; they have united in common cause against us, which is highly unfortunate.
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