5110 to require retention of hazardous materials shipping papers for 1 year. In the event that inspection of your hazardous materials operations discloses violations of the hazardous materials regulations, you may be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties. As a hazmat employee, additional specialized training may be required based on the job function and material-specific requirements related to the handling of hazardous materials. When a package is required to be marked with a UN standard or DOT specification, the package must meet all the requirements of the regulation, including testing. Packaging identification code consisting of: A letter identifying the performance standard. This content is from the eCFR and is authoritative but unofficial. [Amdt. Month and last two digits of the year of reconditioning. Internet PHMSA.DOT.GOV, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, How to Comply with Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations, United States Department of Transportation, National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners, ADA Requirements for Over-the-Road Bus Companies, Apply for a New USDOT Number and/or Authority, Pocket Guide to Large Truck and Bus Statistics, Hazardous Materials Shipper and Carrier Responsibilities, Hazardous Materials Communications Requirements, Hazardous Materials Training Requirements, Compatibility and Block and Bracing by Highway, Appendix B - Directory of OMC Regional Offices, Liquid Hazardous Materials in Non-Bulk Packaging, Bulk packagings other than portable tanks, cargo tanks, tank cars, and multi-tank car tanks Identification number markings, Hazardous Substances in non-bulk packagings. (4) For a placard corresponding to the primary or subsidiary hazard class of a material, the hazard class or division number must be displayed in the lower corner of the placard. (See appendix C to this part. Modal specific requirements:Any additional training required by 49 CFR PARTS 174, 175, 176, or 177. Public Law 103-311 amended 49 U.S.C. When hazardous materials are offered for transportation or transported under the provisions of subpart C of part 171 of this subchapter, a placard conforming to the specifications in the UN Recommendations, the ICAO Technical Instructions, the IMDG Code, or the Transport Canada TDG Regulations (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) may be used in place of a corresponding placard conforming to the requirements of this subpart. Non-bulk packaging standards are based upon a number of performance tests. (g) For shipments of Class 1 (explosive materials) by aircraft or vessel, the applicable compatibility group letter must be displayed on the placards, or labels when applicable, required by this section. [Amdt. Any agency or instrumentality of the Federal government, for the purposes of 49 U.S.C. EXPLOSIVES 1.1, EXPLOSIVES 1.2 and EXPLOSIVES 1.3 placards. (2) Hazardous materials authorized by this subchapter to be offered for transportation as a limited quantity when identified as such on a shipping paper in accordance with 172.203(b) or when marked as such in accordance with 172.315. Any person who, under contract with any department, agency, or instrumentality of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Federal Government, transports, or causes to be transported or shipped, a hazardous material or manufactures, fabricates, marks, maintains, reconditions, repairs, or tests a package or container which is represented, marked, certified, or sold by such person as qualified for use in transportation of hazardous materials shall be subject to and comply with all provisions of the Federal Hazardous Material Transportation Law, or the regulations issued thereunder. Affected classes are: All fully regulated shipments assigned to P.G. [Amdt. Public Law 103-311 amended 49 U.S.C. The trefoil symbol on the RADIOACTIVE placard must meet the appropriate specification in appendix B of this part. Freight containers and aircraft unit load devices. The purpose of these requirements is to enhance the security of hazardous materials transported in commerce. If the hazardous materials leaks or spills during transport due to insufficient blocking and bracing, the motor carrier is at fault. PLACARD TABLE 2. (3) Contains the residue of a hazardous substance in Class 9 in a quantity less than the reportable quantity, and conforms to 173.29(b)(1) of this subchapter. Any government or Indian tribe (or an agency or instrumentality of any government or Indian tribe) that transports hazardous material for a governmental purpose. The background of the upper diamond must be black and the lower point of the upper diamond must be 65 mm (258 inches) above the horizontal center line. When using the aforementioned tables be sure to read the entire section, 178.848, and be aware that there are special instructions and exceptions listed. When in peacetime, the military services procure commercial transportation, (offering into commerce), the military is engaged in commerce and required to comply with 49 CFR. 172.502 Prohibited and permissive placarding. Hazardous materials may be offered in authorized single packaging, subject to the following conditions: May be offered for ground service level only in the 48 contiguous United States. A hazmat employee (including an owner operator of a motor vehicle leased to a registered motor carrier for 30 days or more). For transportation by highway, if a transport vehicle contains hazardous materials for which a shipping paper is required and the transport vehicle is separated from its motive power and parked at a location other than a facility operated by the consignee, consignor, or carrier, the carrier shall (1) Mark the transport vehicle with the telephone number of the motor carrier on the front exterior near the brake hose or electrical connection; or (2) have the shipping paper and emergency response information readily available on the transport vehicle. It is important to remember that except for materials in the U. N. Recommendations, the ICAO Technical Instructions, or the IMDG Code, a material that is not a hazardous material according to this sub-chapter may not be offered for transportation or transported when its description on a shipping paper includes a hazard class or an identification number specified in 49 CFR 172.101. DIVISION 4.3 DANGEROUS WHEN WET, CLASS 5 OXIDIZING SUBSTANCES; ORGANIC PEROXIDES, DIVISION 5.1 OXIDIZER Records may be in any format such as paper or electronic files as long as they contain the required information and are readily available. The term offeror means any person who performs, or is responsible for performing, any of the pre-transportation functions required under the HMR for transportation of a hazardous material; tenders or makes a hazardous material available to a carrier for transportation in commerce; or both performs, or is responsible for performing, pre-transportation functions and tenders or makes a hazardous material available to a carrier for transportation. Recent changes include entries for: Technical names for n.o.s. 17278, 48 FR 10226, Mar. "Dangerous when wet" material means a material that, by contact with water, gives off . (3) Class DOT 113 tank cars used to transport a Division 2.1 (flammable gas) material, including tank cars containing only a residue of the material. (a) Except for size and color, the OXIDIZER placard must be as follows: (b) In addition to complying with 172.519, the background color on the OXIDIZER placard must be yellow. A situation exists of such a nature (e.g., a continuing danger to life exists at the scene of the incident) that, in the judgment of the person in possession of the hazardous material, it should be reported to the National Response Center even though it does not meet the other criteria. Around which hazard classes must you never smoke? (2) The dotted line border shown on each placard is not part of the placard specification. 15, 1976, as amended by Amdt. Therefore a carrier who removes and or alters blocking and bracing material installed by the shipper is not necessarily in violation of federal law. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) (formerly the Research and Special Provisions Administration (RSPA)) was delegated the responsibility to write the hazardous materials regulations, which are contained in 49 CFR Parts 100-180. (10) For Division 6.1, PG III materials, a POISON placard may be modified to display the text PG III below the mid line of the placard. The carrier must check to insure that the material offered by the shipper is properly described and packaged. Placards may be displayed for a hazardous material, even when not required, if the placarding otherwise conforms to the requirements of this subpart. Each person who offers for transportation, and each person who loads and transports, a hazardous material in a freight container or aircraft unit load device having a capacity of 640 cubic feet or more shall affix to the freight container or aircraft unit load device the placards specified for the material in accordance with 172.504. (a) Except for size and color, the OXYGEN placard must be as follows: (b) In addition to complying with 172.519 of this subpart, the background color on the OXYGEN placard must be yellow. Tagboard must have a weight of at least 80 kg (176 pounds) per ream of 610 by 910 mm (24 by 36-inch) sheets, waterproofing materials included. (c) Each transport vehicle, portable tank, freight container or unit load device that contains a material which has a subsidiary hazard of being dangerous when wet, as defined in 173.124 of this subchapter, shall be placarded with DANGEROUS WHEN WET placards, on each side and each end, in addition to the placards required by 172.504. COMMERCIAL DRIVERS LICENSE REGULATION APPLICABILITY : THE RULES IN THIS PART APPLY TO EVERY PERSON WHO OPERATES A COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE IN INTERSTATE, FOREIGN, OR INTRASTATE COMMERCE AND TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF SUCH PERSONS. here. [Amdt. These three words are important in that they define when you are subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation. (3) Upon visual examination, a color on a placard must fall within the color tolerances displayed on the appropriate Hazardous Materials Label and Placard Color Tolerance Chart (see 172.407(d)(4)). TRANSPORTATION IN COMMERCE ON A PUBLIC HIGHWAY: Transportation on (across or along) roads outside of Government properties generally is transportation in commerce. 172.555 POISON INHALATION HAZARD placard. (a) Except for size and color, the POISON GAS placard must be as follows: (b) In addition to complying with 172.519, the background on the POISON GAS placard and the symbol must be white. Except for bulk packagings and hazardous materials subject to 172.505, when hazardous materials covered by table 2 of this section are transported by highway or rail, placards are not required on, (1) A transport vehicle or freight container which contains less than 454 kg (1001 pounds) aggregate gross weight of hazardous materials covered by table 2 of paragraph (e) of this section; or. The requirements for marking of packages are contained in 49 CFR, Subpart D, Part 172. Avoid placing it on the bottom of the package or device where it is less visible. For non-bulk packaging, technical names must be marked in parenthesis in association with the proper shipping name if required by 172.203(k). Explosive article means an article containing an explosive substance; examples include a detonator, flare, primer or fuse. DIVISION 2.2 NON-FLAMMABLE GASES (a) Except for size and color the EXPLOSIVES 1.6 placard must be as follows: (b) In addition to complying with 172.519 of this subpart, the background color on the EXPLOSIVES 1.6 placard must be orange. (eg: 5110 to require retention of precarious materials shipping papers for 1 date. All other information relevant to the emergency telephone number must be presented in the ER Registrant field. Copyright 1994- For domestic transportation, a placard manufactured prior to January 1, 2017, in conformance with the requirements of this paragraph in effect on December 31, 2014, may continue in service until the end of its useful life provided the color tolerances are maintained and are in accordance with the display requirements of this subchapter. [Amdt. Background requirements for certain placards. (Also, see 173.133(b).). The inscription must be black with the 18-inch (3.2 mm.) (b) In addition to complying with 172.519, the background color on the DANGEROUS WHEN WET placard must be blue. border marker in the white area at each end of the inscription red. DIVISION 1.4 MINOR EXPLOSION HAZARD The official, published CFR, is updated annually and available below under 172123, 55 FR 52602, Dec. 21, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 66260, Dec. 20, 1991]. (f) Exceptions. Refer to the, Cross-border Standard Service level to Canada is available for hazardous materials, utilizing a specially designed cross-border shipping paper for compliance with the Transport Canada requirements, including the display of the Canadian consignees address on the shipping paper. 17229, 41 FR 15996, Apr. I or II), UPS does not allow these packages to be overpacked. It is the responsibility of the packaging manufacturer and the person who offers hazardous materials for transportation, to the extent that assembly functions including final closure are performed by the latter, to assure that each package is capable of passing the prescribed tests. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow "However, when 2,205 pounds or more of one category of materials is. The 12.5 mm measurement is from the outside edge of the placard to the outside of the solid line forming the inner border. Choosing an item from Subscribe to: Changes in Title 49 :: Subtitle B :: Chapter I :: Subchapter C :: Part 172 :: Subpart F. View the most recent official publication: These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. 2023 (a) Strength and durability. UPS ships hazardous materials and provides training for those new to shipping these materials. Fully regulated hazardous materials packages in domestic U.S. service must not exceed 70 lbs. Table of Hazardous Materials and Special Provisions. 172151, 62 FR 1230, Jan. 8, 1997; 62 FR 39389, 39407, July 22, 1997; 66 FR 8647, Feb. 1, 2001; 66 FR 33426, June 21, 2001; 67 FR 53137, Aug. 14, 2002; 68 FR 75741, Dec. 31, 2003; 76 FR 3367, Jan. 19, 2011; 80 FR 72923, Nov. 23, 2015]. The transportation of materials of trade (see 49 CFR 171.8) by highway may be excepted from many of the requirements of the Hazardous Materials Regulations when transported in accordance with the procedures contained in 49 CFR 173.6. The text, numerals and inner border must be black. Note: Cylinders must be overpacked in a container of suitable strength to retain its shape and protect operating mechanisms. (2) A FLAMMABLE placard may be used in place of a COMBUSTIBLE placard on. The motor carrier is responsible for blocking and bracing HM for shipment by highway. (d) A flexible bulk container may be placarded in two opposing positions. 15, 1976, as amended by Amdt. Do you need PHMSA approval to ship hazmat? The following are excepted from the registration requirement: After January 1, 2005, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires motor carriers to obtain a Hazardous Materials Safety Permit (HMSP) prior to transporting certain highly hazardous materials. How to Ship Dangerous Wares. [Amdt. In addition to the provisions of 49 CFR Parts 100-180, interstate motor carriers of placarded loads must comply with the hazardous materials requirements in 49 CFR Part 397. (1) Be securely attached or affixed thereto or placed in a holder thereon. The following additional markings are required: Name of the country in which the reconditioning was performed. Bags and other single packagings constructed of light gauge metal will not be accepted. (b) Each bulk packaging that is required to be placarded when it contains a hazardous material, must remain placarded when it is emptied, unless it. will bring you directly to the content. An HMSP is required to transport any of the following materials: Motor carriers will be required to apply for a HMSP the next time they are scheduled to file the MCS-150 form after January 1, 2005. Aggregate gross weight is the total weight of all hazardous materials and its packaging loaded on a single transport vehicle. result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. The number must be of a person who is knowledgeable of the hazardous materials being shipped and the appropriate emergency response procedures, or a person who has immediate access to a person who has such knowledge. However, this table is only used for Class 1 materials when comparing Class 1 with other classes/divisions of hazardous materials. This contact form is only for website help or website suggestions. The telephone number must be monitored at all times when the material is in transportation to include storage incidental to transportation. DIVISION 4.2 SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL DIVISION 4.3 PRECARIOUS WHEN WET. [Amdt. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 172136, 59 FR 38064, July 26, 1994; Amdt. [Amdt. is available with paragraph structure matching the official CFR In addition to the change in classification systems we are now concerned with compatibility groups which are designated by alpha characters: 1.1A, 1.2D, etc. . Packaging requirements are based on the Packing Group of the material, its vapor pressure, and chemical compatibility between the package and the HM. (a) Each placard on a motor vehicle and each placard on a rail car must be clearly visible from the direction it faces, except from the direction of another transport vehicle or rail car to which the motor vehicle or rail car is coupled. Public Law 103-311 amended 49 U.S.C. 172123, 56 FR 66262, Dec. 20, 1991]. 172130, 58 FR 51531, Oct. 1, 1993]. Which of the following products are considered hazmat? The shipper may accept the manufacturer's certification, specification, approval or exemption marking in determining the packaging compliance. The following state regulations pages link to this page. 172123, 56 FR 66264, Dec. 20, 1991, as amended at 57 FR 45460, Oct. 1, 1992]. Materials in hazard class/division 2.3 are in a gas form. The symbol, text, class number and inner border must be white. Notes: See 172.504(f)(10) for placarding Division 6.1, PG III materials. A record of current training, inclusive of the preceding three years, in accordance with this subpart, shall be created and retained by each hazmat employer for each hazmat employee for as long as that employee is employed by that employer as a hazmat employee and for 90 days thereafter. of Class 3 materials and 50 lbs. "Published Edition". 49 U.S.C. Prohibited labeling is contained in 172.401. The hazardous materials regulations have changed significantly over the last several years. Pressing enter in the search box However: (1) The placarding exception provided in 172.504(c) applies to motor vehicles transporting freight containers and aircraft unit load devices. Official websites use .govA .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The basic description now includes proper shipping name, hazard class, identification number, and packaging group. To avoid confusion about the type of packaging used for fully regulated shipments of Division 4.3 (Dangerous When Wet) or 6.1 (Toxic Substances - P.G. The symbol, text, class number and inner border must be black. Washington, DC 20590 Shippers may use the current version of UPS-provided, UPS accepts both "Passenger Aircraft" quantities (PAX) of hazardous materials and "Cargo Aircraft Only" (CAO) quantities offered for transport in UPS Air Service levels. For more information, shippers should contact their local UPS Business Development Department. Person does not include the following: The word "shipper" is not specifically defined in the HMR (49 CFR Parts 170-179), due primarily to the fact that it is not possible for the Department to account for the numerous commercial arrangements that may exist under that concept, Although the word "shipper" does appear, it is used in an ordinary layman's manner rather than as a specific, technical term of art. The symbol, text, class number and inner border must be white. (1) Investigation of known shipper violations discovered during carrier audits, (2) Non-frivolous written complaints alleging violations of the Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations, (3) NRC and DOT 5800.1, spill and hazmat incident reports, (4) Referrals from other governmental agencies and special investigations targeting high risk hazardous materials such as explosives and certain radioactive materials. In addition to UN Recommendation performance oriented tests, a vibration test for non-bulk packaging is required domestically. There is a separate section for each of the authorized labels that gives an example of the label and describes the label. citations and headings However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. The description of hazardous materials on a shipping paper is contained in section 172.202. . Refer to the most recent copy of the. The letters in the words WHEN WET must be at least 25 mm (1.0 inches) high. In almost all instances these shipper inspections are unannounced. Dedicated UPS Paks are available to use as overpacks for UN3373 (Biological substances, category B) and for Exempt human or animal specimens. The 49 CFR has some unique rules for placarding, but what was on that truck struck me as interesting. (a) Except for size and color, the ORGANIC PEROXIDE placard must be as follows: (b) In addition to complying with 172.519, the background on the ORGANIC PEROXIDE placard must be red in the top half and yellow in the lower half. Identification Numbers on two opposing sides for packages less than 3785 L (1,000 gals). Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no person may affix or display on a packaging, freight container, unit load device, motor vehicle or rail car, (1) Any placard described in this subpart unless. Other Regulations Relating to Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation, Hazardous Materials Table, Special Provisions, Hazardous Materials Communications, Emergency Response Information, Training Requirements, and Security Plans, https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-49/subtitle-B/chapter-I/subchapter-C/part-172/subpart-F. Applicability of placarding requirements. for liquids or gases, or more than 468 cubic feet for solids; (e) a shipment in other than bulk packaging of 5,000 lbs. Choosing an item from The record shall include: (1) The hazmat employee's name; (2) The most recent training completion date of the hazmat employee's training; (3) A description, copy or the location of the training materials used to meet the requirements; (4) The name and address of the person providing training; and (5) Certification that the hazmat employee has been trained and tested as required by this subpart. This term includes any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States, a State, a political subdivision of a State, or an Indian tribe described in the first sentence of this definition. In addition to the communications requirements that took effect on October 1, 1993, hazmat employers must have trained hazmat employees hired prior to 07/02/93. However, a bulk packaging must be marked with the appropriate identification number on a CLASS 9 placard, an orange panel, or a white square-on-point display configuration as required by subpart D of this part. (a) Except for size and color, the RADIOACTIVE placard must be as follows: (b) In addition to complying with 172.519, the background color on the RADIOACTIVE placard must be white in the lower portion with a yellow triangle in the upper portion. (1) Packagings must be leak tight for liquids and gases, sift proof for solids, and be securely closed, secured against shifting, and protected against damage. learn more about the process here. [Amdt. gross weight or more of one class of hazardous material for which the transport vehicle requires placarding; (f) any quantity of materials requiring placarding. Identification Numbers must be on each side and each end for packages 3785 L (1,000 gals) or more and for cylinders permanently mounted on tube trailer motor vehicles. However, if not placarded, it must be labeled in accordance with subpart E of this part. This term includes an owner-operator of a motor vehicle which transports a hazardous material in commerce. FAR). For more specific requirements, carriers and shippers should consult the most current edition of 49 CFR Parts 100-185. Are materials of Trade considered non hazardous? of a Division 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 (explosive) material in a motor vehicle, rail car or freight container; (c) more than 1 L per package of a material extremely poisonous by inhalation; (d) a hazardous material in a bulk packaging having a capacity of 3,500 gals.