It was an ambulance for the Forest View Fire Department In Illinois-I found it on Craigslist On any given game day, there will be anywhere from 3 to 30 people attending a tailgate so if you are in Ames on game day, stop by and visit us in the Vet Med parking lot and you might just get a custom ATM koozie. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-0610534249633953"; All told, the couple spent about $40,000 to buy and convert their ambulance hometwice! He custom made brackets that he. One such survice is the RV Butler. Type II interior - would make the basis of a great tailgate van or camper. They called it Burro Ambulante traveling donkey because Jessica grew up in Spain. Michelle was working as a full-time high school teacher at the time, and Chris continues to work remotely, which allowed them to travel during school holidays in the summer. Some people turn these vehicles into work trucks for their businesses, other make them recreational vehicles. Here's what they had to say: Follow TailgateLot on Twitter and Facebook for up to date information.Know of a great tailgating crew or tailgating rig? Picking an ambulance was an odd choice in comparison to whats normally seen at tailgating events. We have had tailgate groups as large as 40-70. Add these sites to your browsers favorites, so you can keep an eye on whats new. But one thing has been a constant from the very beginning and the very reason this tailgate vehicle was born: THIS GROUP OF TAILGATERS WOULD NEVER BE DRIVEN HOME BY AN INTOXICATED DRIVER!! Josh is a professional musician who loves to live on the road. The previous owner (Tempe) bought it in Colorado and was going to use it for a business venture in Arizona, but decided to sell it. 2012 was a great first season for the ATM but the 2013 with be even better. An ambulance is done, its insulated, just a little bit of work to get lights going and make some tables and do the grill thing. In this article, we look at the advantages and disadvantages of ambulance campers and how to choose the right vehicle to convert. On any given game day, there will be anywhere from 3 to 30 people attending a tailgate so if you are in Ames on game day, stop by and visit us in the Vet Med parking lot and you might just get a custom ATM koozie. Check out these fabulous skoolie conversions and have a look at these shuttle bus DIY rigs. We've now settled in the Italian mountains but we're preparing to live the van life part-time with our pooch Ziggy. REDSCUE UNIT name. The couple continues to travel to beautiful nature destinations, especially during winter, as they prefer living in the ambulance during cold weather, rather than in the heat. Motorhome Conversions. Its quite expensive, but certainly more economical than other more popular vans of a similar size. Ive been a season ticket holder for 39 years, and I was looking for a bus originally. Buy an Ex-Ambulance for an Awesome SHTF Vehicle While it may not be an obvious choice, a decommissioned ambulance can be a great option for mobile housing for when SHTF. A respectful tribute to Pat Tillman, longtime Arizona Cardinals and Arizona State player/student that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. 35K views 1 year ago SOLD! Candidate campaigns (place their banner on the side of the RV and escort them and their staff to other cites while they campaign). Seats include custom Cardinal bird logo. There is always four of us who go but legally we can take 7 (seatbelts for 7). Know of a great tailgating crew or tailgating rig? This is where the Redscue Unit was born.We realize were just reinventing the "ambulance tailgate vehicle" wheel that has been done throughout the United States for quite some time. How long did the restoration take?The REDSCUE UNIT process was started immediately after purchasing the vehicle. Ems. Two in the front, six in the back. Inside, he built a double bed, a bench with a swivel table, a wet bath, and a kitchen with an electrical stove and 7-cubic-feet fridge-freezer. Our first season was a huge success and Real Steel immediately became one of the premier places to come hang out, meet new people and enjoy the game day experience. A converted ambulance can make for a fantastic, spacious, and functional camper to live on the road. View Fratelli Latini di Latini Stefano & C Snc ( location in Lombardy, Italy , revenue, industry and description. Pros and cons of converting an ambulance into an RV, How to choose an ambulance to convert into a camper, Amandas off-grid rig with mini wood stove, Neil and Jessicass $4K ambulance conversion, Chris and Michelles 44 ambulance camper with collapsible hot tub,, Check out these fabulous skoolie conversions, have a look at these shuttle bus DIY rigs, 12 Campervan Conversion Kits for a DIY Van Build, Not many people purchase them at the moment, so they arent hard to find, The box shape of the cab is easy to fit out and spacious ideal for full-time campers, Theyve been well-maintained during their service years, The roof is rather big, so you can fit lots of solar panels and a deck, Theres already a lot of storage installed, such as cabinets, Ambulances come with wiring, seating, and more, Theyre as wide as a vehicle can be, so you can sleep sideways, The headroom is decent on many ambulances. And especially a VERY SPECIAL THANKS to our MAIN SPONSORS (George Cairo Engineering, Demers Glass, Rockford Fosgate) that have supported us on our build from the very very beginning! Would like to put in a good sound system for external music. Nearer to the front, we have the couple's closet on both sides of the home. What kind of plans do you have for the future?First and foremost, were trying to secure more sponsors that may be able to assist us financially to complete the vehicle and help with expensive maintenance needs. The Chicago Tailgating Unit (CTU for short) is the creation of Dale Musick and. -Custom block R out of aircraft grade aluminum was added to the front grille. Once they had fully tested the vehicle out, they went all out and did a second, more radical refit. You can also like the Ames Tailgate Machine on facebook (. But why rent an RV when they can do all the work for you? The grill is from Along with beer, Real Steel also provides a "Battle Red Bloody Mary" bar served with the world famous Benny's Bloody Mary Beef Straw in the mornings, over 500 "Jell-O Swat Shots" and delicious sangria for the afternoons. As the years have progressed and the tailgate group has grown, the need arose to either bring more vehicles to each game, or purchase a larger vehicle that can accommodate not only people, but also all the tailgating gear involved (tables, ice chests, chairs, canopies, tv, grill etc.). Now Funded! For the 2012 season, I added ISU stickers from Skin-It to get me through the year as I also had a purchase the necessary equipment to make any tailgate fun. Here is the ambulance home's shower and toilet room, which is located near the entry door. Customized kegerator with taps inside and outside for both beer and soda. He lucked out and got one that did. Not even a professionally converted rig is perfect. On February 29th, 2013, the Ames Tailgate Machine (or ATM for short) was purchased and it has been fun ever since. You can always pull up to a Walmart car park when youre traveling between cities. What kind of plans do you have for the future? January. The group of three has now grown to include some of our kids that attend games with us. As the couple love traveling during the winter months, they decided to build a portable hot tub out of plywood, which they mount on top of a rug. The large Cardinal bird head on the rear top. One of our favorite meal to prepare is clearly Thanksgiving. Affixed to the back doors for our 2 42" TV's hang on to watch the games in the lot. Municibid offers opportunities to bid on ambulances, fire trucks, and other automotives. Off to the side of the kitchen, we have a removable panel that hides all the electrical wiring of the vehicle. Here are some services that the RV Butler offers: All logos and trademarks seen throughout this web site are property of their respective owner(s). For the last 20 years, Tom and his wife, Diane, have been attending Atlanta Falcons games, long before either of their sons were born. Some are more recent additions, but most of us have been tenured for approx two decades. We installed a 32 smart TV with surround sound system. Their vehicles dont come cheap, but you get to skip lots of boring and time-consuming steps: finding a good used ambulance for sale, demolishing and replacing the furniture, installing a new electrical system, and more. We talk about them below, so you can decide if theyre for you. Ambulances can also be repurposed and jacked up as all-terrain vehicles, as this impressive project by American couple Chris and Michelle demonstrates. Owned by brothers Tom and Tim Gibbons, and their wives Lorie (Tom's) and Jackie (Tim's), this rig was bought in 2005. The ambulance was in good working condition when purchased, needing no repairs on the body, engine, or generator. What kind of plans do you have for the future? How long did the restoration take?The REDSCUE UNIT process was started immediately after purchasing the vehicle. Plus points would be maintenace regime and. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE WIVES quote. The socket cover on the drivers side was worn and wouldn't stay close so I replaced that. Check out their website: them out on Facebook: them out on Twitter: All the sirens and lights work. Full size ghost image large Cardinal bird head on the back. In addition to these regulars, we also have a host of different folks that may tailgate select games throughout the season. I purchased it on a auction site in Wisconsin in January 2012. If so, click below to be taken to our new story submission upload page. Do you know about a great Tailgate Rig? Perhaps the most impressive feature is the couple's collapsible hot tub, which is a simple, flatpack affair made from plywood sheets and trailer brackets, a tarp lining, and a military surplus M67 immersion heater, which heats many gallons of water in a few hours. Carl and Maddie left much of the ambulance as it was originally to save some cash. NEVER FORGET 40. The Grills and the custom hitch we made for them. Used ambulances for conversions can come in an array of sizes. You'll probably be passed by kids riding bicycles but at least . In 2008, I attended my first ISU game and I was hooked after that. Giving thanks to all their support. Not even pregnancy would keep these two away from watching their favorite team take the field on Sundays. It would take serious fans like these to come up with their tailgate vehicle idea. Last, but not least, is tailgating with family and friends and knowing that this vehicle is ALWAYS driven by a designated driver. I have installed astro-turf carpet in the back of the ambulance. Please read ourdisclosure policyfor more info. Check out the The ATM: Ames Tailgate Machine owned by Aaron Nelson. The year the Football Club was established into what is now the National Football League (NFL). I never really thought about that, and to do the work on the ambulance was fairly simple. Redscue Unit Squad: Arizona CardinalsAmbulance,, Tailgating Command Unit: The Ambulance FromTCU, Purdue's Buffalance Spices Up The TailgateScene, The Atlanta Fanbulance is FamilyBusiness, Green & Gold tile floor (which came from Viking country), Also have a full size reverse flow offset trailer mounted smoker that we bring sometimes instead of the grill, All the lights and noise (Sirens , Green & Gold lights). They can come with a hell of a lot of redundant wiring and gas plumbing and air suspension etc. As all fire stations are numbered, our station is R (for REDSCUE) and the 88 is for the year the Arizona Cardinals came to Arizona. Ghost image field hash marks and field numbers on bottom of both sides. "I had a lot of ideas and still have a lot of ideas for a tailgate bus, but those conversions aren't as simple as an ambulance. An ambulance is one car space, right? What was it used for before you got it?This vehicle was a former volunteer ambulance for a small town in Colorado. Inside the bed platform she fitted a slide-out table, which sits in front of the bench. Blue and Green accents, tv folds out for tailgate viewing. The primary people that created Lambeau Rescue were my wife Ginger and myself with the help of Lambeau crew members Jill & Jerry Burgbacher, Matt Fritsch (grill design) Matt Rathsack owner of Xplosive Audio N'Graphix, Dan Appleton & Ron Machlan. Seats include custom Cardinal bird logo. Have you seen a cool new tailgating gadget? BM Plastic Group Plastics Manufacturing bagnatica, Bergamo 1,377 followers BM Group is an organization with high experience in molding aesthetic thermoplastic materials. There are still things that are being tweaked and added as time and money permits. RV Butler hastaken groups of 12 girls to Wisconsin Dells for the day, for a birthday party. Some items came immediately to the forefront, while others took some back and forth bantering if we should include it or not. Once purchased, there were a few mechanical updates that had to be made. Often the right used ambulance will be a more cost-effective buy over an RV or camper. The ambulance conversion has tons of great features, like two electrical systems, an air conditioning and heater unit, and lots of storage. Surprisingly, the ambulance didn't change much in appearance from its time in-service to its time as a Purdue tailgating machine. Over the summer, I had purchased an ISU designed wrap to cover up the old blue and gray stripes from its past with cardinal and gold colors. We . They are joined by a great group of people like Marty & Donna West, Bob & Kathy Stiles, Chad & Kim Peterson and Ryan & Heather Nolte. The following summer we added the decals, grill and other bears dcor. Inside it, theres a pink and purple world, with an armchair and couch, a small removable table, a kitchen with an oven, and a platform bed. On the roof, there are solar panels and a wooden deck on which the van lifer does yoga. One side of the cab features the wooden kitchen, while the on the other side be fitted a pull-out couch. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-0610534249633953"; They offer plenty of living space inside the box and feature lots of storage space. He did some research on possible ways to convert the newly acquired vehicle. Follow TailgateLot onTwitterandFacebookfor up to date information.Know of a great tailgating crew or tailgating rig? We had tailgated together for years at different spots and finally decided to start our own, showing off our true Texans spirit. Please let us know andSubmit a Story! The ATM is a 1992 E350 Ambulance that was still in service the day that I purchased it. Then I saw someone driving around with a used ambulance and that is when I knew I found what I was looking for. Over the summer, I had purchased an ISU designed wrap to cover up the old blue and gray stripes from its past with cardinal and gold colors. One reason a former ambulance for sale is the perfect choice is because its affordable. Our ultimate future goal would be to tailgate at a Superbowl that the Texans are WINNING! What people choose depends on their proclivities and the different types of ambulances available to buy. Neil and Jessica tour Europe with their four chihuahuas in their eccentric and affordable ambulance conversion. Going on adventures means getting out of your comfort zone, after all. Let us know about it and Submit A Story. Figuring out your needs is essential in trying to decide how big of a unit you need., Redscue Unit Squad: Arizona CardinalsAmbulance, Indianapolis Colts Tailgating ResponseUnit,,, The RV Butler: Treat Yourself to a Full ServiceTailgate, Green & Gold tile floor (which came from Viking country), Also have a full size reverse flow offset trailer mounted smoker that we bring sometimes instead of the grill, All the lights and noise (Sirens , Green & Gold lights). The bus handles all of the people, and the support truck handles all of our equipment. Theres a slide-out double bed at the back, a dinette with two benches and a table, a full kitchen, and a wet bath. After a few years of saving (and a lot of jokes from my buddies saying that I was never going to pull the trigger on buying an ambulance), I finally had enough to pursue my idea. Courtesy of Michael Talley 32 tv with Surround sound KVH Tracvision Mobile Direct TV Blue and Green accents, tv folds out for tailgate viewing tv folded in for interior viewing Ambugator custom paint Ambugator tailgate About $9,000 went towards actually purchasing the all-wheel-drive ambulance. The decals needed to come off as I didn't want people thinking I was an in-service ambulance. Used ambulances come with lots of storage and seating already installed. It's powered by a 6.2-liter Detroit Diesel V8. Decommissioned ambulances are easy to find for sale. ALL of the above packages include transportation, food, and drinks. Get the Van Conversion Guide: IS FOR SALE: out the amazing job these two have done on their ex-ambulance conversion and all for under $4K, including the purchase of the ambulance!Despite the low budget, the van features all the mod cons you could wish for: TV, air con, shower and not one but two toilet options!Oh yeah, it's also home to four chihuahuas. I have installed astro-turf carpet in the back of the ambulance. This crew picked up Da Fanbulance in the fall of 2008 on Ebay from a small fire department / EMS team in Covington, Ohio. Over the summer, I had purchased an ISU designed wrap to cover up the old blue and gray stripes from its past with cardinal and gold colors. Check out this nicely done ambulance conversion by Gary and Ginger Kerkhoff. Yes, customers can rent a conventional passanger van, or a tour bus. One side is for hanging up coats and organizing shoes, while the other side features a hacked IKEA shelf that provides storage for folded clothes. We also like to use the vehicle wrap canvas as a conversation piece to showcase what every little detail stands for. The spacious and tall cab will allow you to stay on the road for months at a time. See more ideas about ambulance, camper conversion, expedition vehicle. -Sand and use bed-liner on all of the cabinet interiors, main body interior diamond plate, and various shelving. It was used as a rescue vehicle in Door County,Wisconsin. In fact, they have not even missed an away game during the last 3 seasons. Fewer of us realize that once these vehicles get decommissioned, municipalities sell them as government surplus, putting them up for auction for the common citizens to acquire. We have also hadthe CTUin a local St Patricks Day parade where we switched the beer tap and used it for a keg of Root Beer and handed it out to the crowd. We are currently working to add a bar/grill sponsorship that could be used as our tailgate headquarters during away games and the off-season. The first time he brought an ambulance to a game, Eric guessed there were 200 people waiting in line to see his wheels. Ghost image field hash marks and field numbers on bottom of both sides. See more ideas about tailgating, ambulance, camper conversion. I also have a rotating food menu so that we are not eating the same thing twice in a given football year. Ask EngineGuy: A Blog About Cars - MegAmbo - a 4x4 lifted Six13 Metalworks HD-RV Ambulance Expedition Vehicle, Type II interior - would make the basis of a great tailgate van or camper, 4x4 Ambulance motorhome Conversion | eBay, Ambulance conversion with Aluminess front bumper, Ambulance Conversion Campers Land Rovers - Elegant Ambulance Conversion Campers Land Rovers, Nicely Restored Land Rover 101 Fc Radio Body, Door to Door Transport Here is how we Roll. Must be seen (purposely) at the right angle or in good sunlight. Take a look at Da Fanbulance. Over the summer, I had purchased an ISU designed wrap to cover up the old blue and gray stripes from its past with cardinal and gold colors. The Founders took immediate delivery and began the brainstorming. Mechanically, I can do just about anything. The kitchen dominates one side of the interior, and it includes a three-burner propane stovetop, range hood, and undermount sink. You can also like the Ames Tailgate Machine on facebook ( view past tailgating photos and know more about future events. Follow TailgateLot onTwitterandFacebookfor up to date information.Know of a great tailgating crew or tailgating rig? The favorite food day so far is when we make the ATM sandwich. This conversion is for sale as long as it says so in the description- asking $38,500 or. Tanya features a permanent bed, a full kitchen with a propane oven, many cabinets and cupboards, a wet bathroom, and lots of outside storage. Off Road Rv. I have replaced the cheaper Skin-It stickers with the new vinyl wrap. After doing some searching over 9 Mid-West states, I was able to find this gem sitting in Tripp, SD. We also plan on upgrading to a much larger television and also modifying our battery power sources for our stereo system. This includes (4) 12 subwoofers with boxes, (4) interior marine speakers, (2) exterior marine speakers, and (3) premier amplifiers. We will also be hosting a benefit this year during the NFL's "Salute to Service" dedicated to the four Houston Firefighters that were tragically killed in the line of duty and the thirteen others that were injured. Roof Rack. Its only the $50 bucks. RV Butlerwill design their menus to match the customers request. Sprinter Tailgater with 4 TVs Mercedes Metris Tailgater School Bus Tailgater Your email address will not be published. Windows and trim were painted black. I met Graig through Mike, and they were both engineering students at RU, and ended up working together for the same company. A client had us build the Ambulance tailgate conversion (Ambugator). Theres only one spot in which he can stand up fully in the van, at the entrance, so he created a shower there. Copyright 2023 Municibid -Privacy policy-Accessibility policy, How One Man Converted an Ambulance into a Tailgate Vehicle Masterpiece, Handy Things Sold at Michigan Government Auctions, Helpful Items Sold at Louisiana Government Auctions. Rockford Fosgate sponsored state of the art sound system. Harris cut down on expenses by doing several DIY projects on the unit. He had never seen one at a game himself. We have two taps that are plumbed into The Beast herself, you can walk right up and tap yourself a cold one. Check out the The ATM: Ames Tailgate Machine owned by Aaron Nelson. But this is a wheel we really wanted to reinvent. We participate in the Amazon Services, LLC Associates program. I live in a campervan and on a 41-foot sailboat, and my goal is to help you live a simpler, more adventurous life whether thats in a campervan, RV, sailboat or tiny home. SIV Ambulances regularly service, maintain, refurbish, and remount ambulances for emergency services and have experience with all ambulance manufacturers. TIME TO SEE RED was a slogan that was used many years ago by the Arizona Cardinals. Oct 30, 2016 - Explore michael satcher's board "ambulance conversion" on Pinterest. Who are the primary people that created the rig? This includes (4) 12 subwoofers with boxes, (4) interior marine speakers, (2) exterior marine speakers, and (3) premier amplifiers. We also plan on upgrading to a much larger television and also modifying our battery power sources for our stereo system. The ATM is a 1992 E350 Ambulance that was still in service the day that I purchased it. "Gurney Grill". Eric Lahti turned his ambulance in something special. The following year we added the TV and generator. ACC's custom-built one-piece rear tailgate was abandoned in favor of the stock units in order to save the customer even more . Another play on words. However we always have friends and friends of friends stop by to tailgate. We installed a 32 smart TV with surround sound system. After months of searching for the perfect tailgate vehicle in several states, we stumbled upon this one on Craigslist, just down the street, in the City of Tempe, AZ. We are going to redo the, Matt and Marcy Schwegman. I have replaced the cheaper Skin-It stickers with the new vinyl wrap. This must be the ultimate glamping piece of kit. Andrew's father-in-law has a long history supporting Rutgers, and he was no stranger to Rutgers, but we were excited Andrew decided to officially join the Jitney Crew. So, I had that advantage., I put a plan together because theyre all different. This is a nice ambulance owned by Chris Brynolf, Dan Brynolf, Zack Brynolf and the late Bob Brynolf. It is a 1989 Ford E350 with about 44,000 original miles on the clock. My favorite feature is the sound system, the wife likes the title floor. There is a cassette toilet, which takes up less space, while the shower water temperature can be programmed electronically with the push of a button. Check out the The ATM: Ames Tailgate Machine owned by Aaron Nelson. Year of build ambulances tend to be decommissioned 5-7 years after production, Engine model (research which ones are more reliable), Duty classification medium is best, so you can add lots of gear, CARB emission regulations in your state and where you want to travel to. Check out their work below. My family basically started tailgating at Rutgers more than 40 years ago before I was born. Not only has it become an affordable, self-built version of a rugged overland rig, it also has awesome features like an indoor shower and toilet, plus little luxuries like a portable hot tub. What kind of plans do you have for the future?First and foremost, were trying to secure more sponsors that may be able to assist us financially to complete the vehicle and help with expensive maintenance needs. On any given game day, there will be anywhere from 3 to 30 people attending a tailgate so if you are in Ames on game day, stop by and visit us in the Vet Med parking lot and you might just get a custom ATM koozie. I am the owner of a midsize construction company. There are lots of conversions on YouTube and Instagram to get inspiration from. We realize this service is not for everyone. George Young & Co: We were lucky enough to find this vehicle's utility body was already the right shade of red, and the cab just a black.
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