So the way you do it is you pass a tax plan like the tax plan I've introduced: a simple flat tax, 10 percent for individuals, and a 16 percent business flat tax, you abolish the IRS and here's the critical point, Maria, the business flat tax enables us to abolish the corporate income tax, the death tax, the Obamacare taxes, the payroll taxes, and they're border-adjustable, so every export pays no taxes whatsoever. (T. Cruz, 14 January 2016), And I'll tell you, Hugh you know, it's interesting now that Donald promises that he will appoint justices who who will defend religious liberty, but this is a man who, for 40 years, has given money to Jimmy Carter, to Joe Biden, to Hillary Clinton, to Chuck Schumer, to Harry Reid. (T. Cruz, 25 February 2016). identify elements of argument within a speech. For the Democrats (Hillary Clinton, Martin OMalley, and Bernie Sanders), one can count nine TV debates held from 13 October 2015 (with five candidates) to 9 March 2016 (with two candidates). The frequency table reveals that some lexical terms can appear before the h-point. Ask students to research the history of the speech. Dont vote for the other one, Analysis Linguistic Data: A Practical Introduction to Statistics using R, Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English, Finding her voice: Hillary Clinton Rhetoric in the 2008 presidential campaign, Presidential Campaigns. For example, "each one of us is as intimately attached to the soil of this beautiful country as are the famous jacaranda . Exploring the Power of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Words through Diamante Poetry. As a tweet is rather short (in mean eleven words), the sentiment estimation is simply the count of the number of positive and negative words appearing in the OpinionFinder dictionary (Wilson et al., 2005). Listeners should keep in mind the context of the situation involving the delivery and the audience-but a keen observer should also pay close attention to the elements of argument within the text. 5. In a similar vein, Yu (2008) demonstrates that machine learning methods (e.g. Therefore, making his speech very influential to Obama getting his point across. Photo by Rowland Scherman. Based on US presidential speeches, that study presents the rhetorical and stylistic differences between the US presidents from Truman to Reagan, while a more recent book (Hart et al., 2013) exposes the stylistic variations from G. W. Bush to Obama. But he also threatens violence more than any of his predecessors have. In this session, students will respond each other's drafts using the, Determine and discuss the final due date with your students. But each candidate wants to promote his/her own specific point of view on some issues, and must underline his differences with others. And Donald Trump has wielded language like a cudgel. With Obama, the MSL decreases to 18.5 tokens/sentence. 3 0 obj O to rally the support of the American people for war. When used appropriately, this strategy can allow for a well-developed and persuasive approach to communication, whether in writing or everyday conversation. How might worldwide demand for gasoline affect the economy of the Gulf coastal plain? For Clinton, the term affordable must be related to the Affordable Care Act (or health insurance reform). And he lets them know that they shouldn't trust anyone but him. Presidents are also using very frequently the words government, world, and the adjectives free, great, or new. grounded on personal pronouns (Pennebaker, 2011)). Displaying directly the 9 9 matrix containing these distances has a limited interest. (2007) were able to determine the personalities of different political candidates (US presidential election in 2004). Splitting the vocabulary into two distinct parts is relatively known in stylistic (Damerau, 1975), authorship attribution (Argamon and Levitan, 2005; Stamatatos, 2009), or in quantitative linguistics studies (Tuzzi, 2010). D) A quick judgment is made without the use of evidence. %PDF-1.7 Here, rhetoric is defined as the art of effective and persuasive speaking, the way to motivate an audience, while language style is presented as pervasive and frequent forms used by an author for mainly esthetical value (Biber and Conrad, 2009). A speech analysis is an evaluation of a speech. W 2K Words to Know Fill in this table as you work through the lesson. This present article examines the verbal style and rhetoric of the candidates of the 2016 US presidential primary elections. Barack Obama Inaugural Address: Analysis Introduction. Which best describes the type of appeal used in this part of the speech? 1 is present in the elaboration of Fig. With the immigration issue for example, Trump prefers using the term immigration presenting this question more at an abstract level. Yes, I do believe that now after the American people bailed Wall Street out, yes, they should pay a Wall Street speculation tax so that we can make public colleges and universities tuition-free. (B. Sanders, 11 February 2016), Why does the fossil fuel industry pay, spend huge amounts of money on campaign contributions? (B. Sanders, 11 February 2016), I do believe that in the year 2016 we have to look terms of public education as colleges as part of public education making public colleges and universities tuition free. (B. Sanders, 11 February 2016). h-point and most frequently used thematic words per candidate. Reserve the library for Session Three so the students can do research on their speeches. What rhetorical devices aided the authors manipulation of his audience? Pine Creek Company completed 200,000 units during the year at a cost of $3,000,000. The "Great Speeches Collection" from The History Place are available here in print and in audio. Usually, a longer sentence is more complex to understand, especially in the oral communication form. We are in the final hours of Donald Trump's presidency. Students study Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech and work in groups to create a mural that depicts Dr. King's vision of peace. It includes:- a copy of President Ronald Reagan's "Challenger" speech with numbered paragraphs- a graphic organizer that asks students to identify SOAPSTone and Ethos, Pathos, and Logos elements (along with the scaffolding of paragraph numbers to return to)- a key to the graphic organizer- an open ended question prompt for formative or summative 1 depicts three main groups, one Democrat, and two Republicans. The personal pronouns are depicted in bold. Trump's intended audience while giving the speech is to his loyal supporters. For example, from data depicted in Table 2, Trump, Clinton, and Sander prefers using I instead of we, while Kasich, OMalley, and Bush are using more frequently the pronoun we. Though the question may seem puzzlingtoo hard, or too simpleat first, students will eventually identify, as Aristotle did, the need for a speaker, a message, and an audience. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963. Theres always a story behind the composition of the speech.). Can one be more precise than the simple sequence of isolated words such as balanced, budget, we (Kasich) or IRS, tax (Cruz)? In the second sub-section, an intertextual distance is presented and used to derive graphs representing stylistic and topical affinities between the candidates. YouTube). Skills: In completing this assignment, you will practice the following skills that are essential to your success at MCC and your professional life beyond school. 1. Begin the lesson by asking students what needs to be present in order for a speech to occur. This is a good time to discuss the Rhetorical Triangle (Aristotelian Triad) or discuss a chapter on audience from an argumentative textbook. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. As one can see, the first-person pronoun (I or we) appears relatively high in this list (but does not appear in the top ten positions in the Brown corpus), and to a lesser extent you or it. That is what Barack Obama, the president of the United States, tries to do in his speech "Back to School " delivered at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia, on September 8, 2009. The web-based communication (e.g. Traditionally, teachers have encouraged students to engage with and interpret literaturenovels, poems, short stories, and plays. . What are bank runs, deposit insurance, and liquidity? This analysis is based on the thematic concentration of a text, providing a first overview at the recurrent topical terms used by each candidate. According to several overall stylistic indicators, candidate Trump clearly adopted a simple and direct communication style, avoiding complex formulation and vocabulary. DyI3d\a W=? >26}?=#^j4dA]pT@/ k= QtdE{~OL_DoQ*V\H'9/hP^EI0mewZ. Hillary Clinton can also be characterized by a large use of the pronoun I (fourth most frequent lemma, see Table 2) that is also over-used (see Table 6). Also grounded on several dictionaries (or categories), Young and Soroka (2012) describe how one can detect and measure sentiments appearing in political texts. . In the three sentences above, most of the words are less than six letters long (short words), and many of them are functional words (explaining his low LD). This assignment requires students to look for those elements. %PDF-1.5 Me and the Congress?). In LIWC, the generation of the word lists was done based on the judgments of three experts instead of simply concatenating various existing lists. MERCIECA: Well, I mean, when he dehumanizes people, when he tells his followers, you know, that you have to be forceful, you have to be strong TRUMP: Because you'll never take back our country with weakness - you have to show strength, and you have to be strong. Those Z score values can verify whether the underlying lemma is used proportionally with roughly the same frequency in both parts (Z score value close to 0). of Illinois and Democratic presidential candidate in 1952 and 1956. These examples show that Cruzs rhetoric is more complex with the highest LD mean and the largest percentage of BW (see Table 3). A better solution is to apply a clustering method (e.g. SHAPIRO: When you look in total at the changes that Trump has brought to presidential rhetoric, what do you see as the cumulative effect, especially right now when the U.S. is in a public health emergency, a reckoning about race and an inability to even agree on basic facts, like vaccines work or Biden won a free and fair election? Thus, which keywords or expressions can well describe each candidate and can be used to denote his/her difference? endobj (They might be surprised at the answer. 3.3 Understanding the Writing Assignment; 3.4 Creating the Thesis; 3.5 Revising Your Draft(s) . And we've seen that has really specific results. Thus, for the entire corpus, the absolute frequency of the term ti is tfi0 + tfi1. we, us, ours, or wars, war) or lemmas (dictionary entries such as we or war from the previous example) often lead to similar conclusions. 2, the intertextual distance is computed according to topical words, and no word used to draw Fig. Grounded on the MSL, LD, and BW indicators, one can see that Trump is adopting a more direct communication style, selecting simple words and producing short sentences. They need to understand the climate, but they do not need to be complete experts on the historical details in order to understand the elements of the speech. Antanagoge. Rhetoric is a useful strategy to utilize in speech making. O A person is attacked rather than an argument. Note. On the other hand, OMalley or Cruz (TTR: 37.3) have opted for a larger coverage requiring a larger number of distinct words and phrases. In this type of analysis, the object of analysis is mostly some kind of book, a movie, or any other type of creative work. This assignment is a quick way to review thesis writing and give students repetitive practice and quickly analyzing nonfiction writing. Presidential Studies Quarterly To conclude briefly, previous studies have mainly analyzed governmental speeches, and less frequently the electoral speeches (Boller, 2004) or related messages (e.g. This new representation has been chosen, and the result is displayed in Fig. You will . To build Fig. As another example, Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC; Tausczik and Pennebaker, 2010) regroups different categories used to evaluate the authors psychological status (e.g. While drafting a literary analysis essay (or another type of argument) of their own, students work in pairs to investigate advice for writing conclusions and to analyze conclusions of sample essays. In this essay, I will analyze the rhetorical situation of the historical speech "The Challenger Address" delivered by the 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. These are effective because it brings almost a third dimension to his speech. The thesis statement should answer the following question: What makes this speech an effective argument and worthy of making this list? More generally, Fig. X American historians and educators. Slight lexical differences can sometimes be important because, as mentioned by Lakoff and Wehling (2012), language is politics. Clinton appears with the largest number of tokens, followed by Sanders, Trump, Rubio, and Cruz. Where? It should be noted that, regarding the four indices, Clinton is closer to OMalley or Cruz than to Trump. To avoid this problem, a better computation is provided in (Covington and McFall, 2010) or (Popescu, 2009), suggesting taking the moving average of TTR. An indispensable resource for understanding the U.S. presidency, Presidential Studies Quarterly offers articles, features, review essays, and book reviews covering all aspects of the American presidency. Based on this definition, one can read some examples of the most specific sentences per candidate. The top ten most specific terms per candidate. More often however, such displays correspond to scatterplots, principal component analysis views, or correspondence analysis figures (Lebart et al., 1998; Greenacre, 2017). Such a sentence can be defined as the one having the largest number of over-used terms. Traditionally, teachers have encouraged students to engage with and interpret literaturenovels, poems, short stories, and plays. What are the main purposes of this speech? The specific sentences extracted from Sanders answers explain clearly his positions with respect to Wall Street, some of the large companies, or on education. To achieve this objective, this study analyzes the oral communication forms used by the candidates during the TV debates. In the midst of a troubled nation, President Bush effectively uses kairos, rhetorical appeals, and awareness of audience to provide a sense of security for those worrying about their country, a feeling of comfort for those grieving their loss, and a promise of revenge for those angered by the events of the day. sad, worthless, cut, lost) and physical words (e.g. In the current study, two candidates (Clinton and Trump) have opted for centering their communication around their person. Through content analysis this thesis was designed to determine whether persuasive Despite the now-known election outcome, the candidates use of language during the primary season raises some pertinent research questions. As the English language has a relatively simple morphology, working on inflected forms (e.g. Political texts have been the subject of various studies discussing different aspects of them. Allow students to read and/or perform parts of the speeches out loud. Allow students to select a speech from the. State the type of speech being analyzed and where it took place. More precisely, this study has focused on the oral communication form using different TV debates in both political parties, a form less observed in previous studies. . Moreover, the first and last examples tackle one of the recurrent topics for the Democrat, for which the terms college, university, and tuition are specific in Sanders rhetoric.
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