Louisiana Election Results 2020 | Live Map Updates - Politico In addition to maintaining data, the GIS staff is also available to make custom maps for the general public and other governmental agencies. Interactive 2020 Census Maps for Louisiana Metro Areas Adding history cards to your subscription will enable you to search across four different sets of criteria. Copyright 2023 HTL, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Caddo Parish District Attorney - Shreveport, LA (Address and Phone) - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. July 28, 2022: Data Center, LLC will host a community meeting to provide the public an opportunity to learn more about the Caddo Parish Commission's redistricting process. District of Columbia: city: Florida: city, town, village: Georgia: city, unified government, town: Idaho: city . The Assessor is responsible to the citizens of Caddo Parish for ensuring all property is assessed in a fair and equitable manner to the property owners. Caddo Parish LA Schools, School Attendance Zones, Boundaries & Maps 25833 KB. The GIS Department may also be contacted at 318-226-6931. Caddo Parish Clerk of Court we welcome your comments and suggestions. County-level monthly precipitation and temperature data since 1895 provieded by National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Accessibility Statement ; Contact Us ; Does Google Maps show Caddo Parish, Louisiana township boundaries? As a citizen of Shreveport and specifically District 8, Ronald L. Cothran has 38 plus years of experience in leadership positions to include 23 in the military and the remaining in the civilian sector. Every 10 years after the release of the U.S. Census, Cities, Parishes, School Boards, and States redraw the lines for election districts to keep population equal on their respective bodies based on Federal and State Law. The Shreveport District plans, designs, builds, operates and maintains the state transportation system in the following parishes: Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Claiborne, De Soto, Red River, Bienville . Caddo Parish, LA Map of Cities - MapQuest Ward 4 is within the limits of Shreveport. Precinct Map: Precincts: Precinct Map for Caddo Parish: Compactor Sites: Site Locations: There are 17 Parish Compactor Sites: CVEU . The meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. at Caddo Parish Magnet High School. The following criteria for redistricting have been adopted: Caddo PC 2010 to 2020 US Census Comparison (Parish / Districts). The community voice is essential in the redistricting process. Wordpress Theme by Bandwise, LLC Map of ZIP Codes in Caddo Parish Louisiana. 4. Our constituents can now search by owner name, Section-Township-Range, and subdivision. Booker T. Washington New Technology High School, Caddo Heights Math/Science Elementary School, Caddo Middle Career and Technology School, E.B. Wall and Tourist Maps. Name. This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Parish Commission | Caddo Parish, LA - Official Website Our office is located in downtown Shreveport in the Parish Courthouse. McKinney-Vento Educational Enhancement Site, Title 1 - Parental - Community Involvement. LA-1 LA-1 523 526 523 3132 3132 N E A E Y EY S B E R T S IN D U ST . The community voice is essential in the redistricting process. Find 5 District Attorney Offices within 44.8 miles of Caddo Parish District Attorney. Share: Caddo Parish Profile. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, PZC - Parish Planning and Zoning Commission, Caddo Parish Approved Certificates of Occupancy, Administrative Special Use Permit Applications. To find out which Justice of the Peace or Parish Constable represents a certain area by Ward District, click on a highlighted area. The Caddo Parish School Board consists of 12 single-member districts. Map of District 1; Map of District 2; Map of District 3; Map of District 4; Map of District 5; Map of District 6; Map of District 7; Map of District 8; Map of District 9; Map of District 10; Map of District 11; Map of District 12 ; Agendas, Videos & Minutes; Find Your Commissioner; Parish Commissioners. Zoning | Shreveport Caddo Parish MPC Type. Parish Name: Caddo Parish: FIPS Code: 22017: Population: 254969: Thank you for visiting the Caddo Parish Assessor's Web site. Professional Searching Subscribers to the Pro Search can now search and view real property records with geospatial imaging layers. The results will allow you to view all available images associated with a subdivision in a single book or you can view the varies pages in the corresponding book. Parish Commissioners | Caddo Parish, LA - Official Website Caddo Parish, Louisiana - Townships Map - shown on Google Maps Find meeting information, agendas and minutes, and member information for the following districts: Black Bayou Watershed District. The Assessor is responsible for filing the Tax Roll annually with the Louisiana Tax Commission on which all the property taxes are based. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Levels: Elementary School, Secondary School, Other - mixed grades. Caddo Parish is divided into twelve Commission districts and each district is represented by one elected official from that district. on an ongoing basis. 3. The GIS Department may also be contacted at 318-226-6931. Parish Maps Shreveport-Bossier Tourist Bureau Maps & Transportation Direct links to maps: Caddo Parish Map Shreveport-Bossier Metro Business District Map Shreveport-Bossier Overview Map Louisiana DOTD Northwest Louisiana Road Status Map and Traffic Cameras Caddo Parish is divided into twelve Commission districts and each district is represented by one elected official from that district. Mooretown Elementary Professional Develop. PDF versions of the history cards can be viewed, printed or saved to your hard drive. The use of the information provided by this website is strictly voluntary and at the users sole risk. Ronald L. Cothran was selected as the Interim District 8 Commissioner during the Caddo Commission's January 12th Special Meeting. Additional datasets are included with the Professional Search such as property transaction histories, tax districts, and homestead information. Note: Requires monthly access to the Professional Search. If your needs are short-term, the Day Pass option allows you access to the real property professional search as well as the Business Personal Property search. Zoning Boundary Description. 5. District 2 View Map 1433 Audrey Lane Shreveport, LA 71107. Caddo County, Oklahoma - Wikipedia For more information on map prices see the map request form. PDF Precincts and Polling Places for City of Shreveport, La. - CaddoVoter.org Jump to Precincts: 100-142 | 200-243 | 300-329 | 400-444 | 500-999. The Parish of Caddo acquires, develops, maintains, and uses GIS data to support its internal business functions and the public services it provides. 888.565.4530, 2023 - DataScout, LLC | All rights reserved. Once your request has been approved you map will be processed. Caddo Parish Public Schools | Home Caddo Parish's real estate records are available online and free to the public. District 3 - Steven Jackson. Harry T & Harriette V Moore Cultural Center. Find Your Commissioner. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. This includes errors of omission, commission, errors concerning the content of the data, and relative and positional accuracy of the data. 2022 Precinct Maps Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. File Size. Map Features Each municipality within the parish is responsible for sending tax bills and collecting taxes based on the assessments and the millage rates for that municipality. Williams Stoner Hill Elementary School, Eden Gardens Fundamental Elementary School. . 5) The Cherokee Park Levee begins at station 263 + 38 on the Red River main line levee and runs easterly for 1.53 miles to the high ground at the north end of the Shreveport Municipal Airport. 3339 Industrial Drive. Caddo Parish Fire District No. Bossier Parish District Attorney (Benton, LA - 11.5 miles) Webster District Attorney Center (Minden, LA - 27.7 miles) DeSoto Parish District Attorney (Mansfield, LA - 32.8 miles) Red River Parish District Attorney (Coushatta, LA - 41.2 miles) Claiborne Parish . You can also show county lines and township boundaries on the map by checking the box in the lower left corner of the map. The data is updated every month. The meeting will take place at 4:00 pm at the council chambers located at 505 Travis Street, Shreveport. This includes errors of omission, commission, errors concerning the content of the data, and relative and positional accuracy of the data. Caddo Parish School Board 2010 to 2020 U.S. Census Comparison, Caddo Parish School Board 2020 Benchmark Plan Population Summary, Caddo Parish School Board 2022 Plan A Population Summary, Caddo Parish 2022 Plan A Precinct Changes, Caddo Parish School Board Benchmark Parish Map, Caddo Parish School Board Benchmark Plan District Maps, Caddo Parish School Board 2022 Plan A Parish Map, Caddo Parish School Board 2022 Plan A District Maps, Caddo Parish Public Schools1961 Midway Avenue Shreveport, LA 71108Phone: (318) 603-6300, Show submenu for McKinney-Vento Educational Enhancement Site, Show submenu for School Board Information, Show submenu for Transportation Department. February 8, 2023: Data Center, LLC will host a community engagement meeting to provide the public an opportunity to learn more about the Caddo Parish Commissions redistricting process. July 27, 2022: Data Center, LLC will host a community meeting to provide the public an opportunity to learn more about the Caddo Parish Commission's redistricting process. You can also show township name labels on the map by checking the box in the lower left corner of the map. from R-A Rural-Agricultural Zoning District to C-1 Neighborhood . If you need special assistance with viewing our website contents, please contact us at (479) 521-5607. To view the PDF files, you will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Maps - Caddo Levee Home You may also type in a physical address (Address City State) in the search box and zoom to that location. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. District 1 - Todd A. Hopkins. As your Caddo Parish Assessor, my mission is to fairly and equitably assess all property in Caddo Parish for ad valorem tax purposes. We welcome your comments about this Web Site or any other matter that is related to our office. will host a community meeting to provide the public an opportunity to learn more about the Caddo Parish School Board's redistricting process. LA-1 - caddo.org Wards are used to elect Justices of the Peace and Constables. Caddo Parish Louisiana ZIP Code Map - Zipdatamaps.com Caddo Parish Public Schools encompasses the flavor and diversity of the community we serve. Media Center. You can also view the property on GIS maps. Parish Ward Districts | Caddo Parish, LA - Official Website Consideration shall be given to natural, geographical, and political boundaries. Regular Business Hours : Monday thru Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. Precinct Polling Location FL Senate FL House County Comm School Board City Special District Port Authority; 100. Part of 093 Southern Hills Elementary School, 9075 Kingston Road, Shreveport 6. Board Members | Caddo Parish Public Schools To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 1. To establish a fair and impartial process, the Caddo Parish School Board has contracted with Data Center, LLC, a redistricting company with 40 years of experience, to review population information and develop a draft redistricting map for public input as well as School Board consideration and approval. Perfect for anyone needing quick, professional access without mapping or history cards. Shreveport, LA 71101. To establish a fair and impartial process, the Parish Commission contracted with Data Center LLCa 40-year redistricting companyto review and develop a model redistricting map for public input and Parish Commission consideration and approval. You may also visit our office located one block north of the Caddo Parish Courthouse in the Government Plaza building at 505 Travis Street in Suite 820. The recipient may use this information with the understanding that the Parish of Caddo makes no warranties. The followings dates provide opportunities for the community to participate in the process: Redistricting must be done in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. La DOTD - Districts One listing, the Caddo Parish Confederate Monument, was originally listed in Caddo Parish but has since been relocated to De Soto Parish. About Caddo | Caddo Parish Public Schools Caddo Parish; De Soto Parish: April 28, 2023, 11:13 a.m. Dec. 31, 1969, 6 p.m. . Caddo Parish Fire District No. By the Caddo Parish Commission Make an Appointment. The Caddo Parish Commission (the "Commission") is the governing authority for the Parish of Caddo and is a political subdivision of the State of Louisiana. The map viewer incorporates a point-and-click application blended with parcel boundary layers. This website is not intended to replace official sources, and information should not be considered error-free or not be used as the exclusive basis for decision-making. The annual parish tax bills are sent out in November and are due by December 31 of that year. Youree Dr. Middle Advanced Placement Magnet School. The Commission, under the provisions of Louisiana Revised . McKinney-Vento Educational Enhancement Site, Title 1 - Parental - Community Involvement. We have made some new exciting upgrades to the free public search. Caddo Parish County Map. Click on map to enlarge Do to the administrative and maintenance cost of producing maps, each is priced by its relative size. 8/18/2021 2:31 PM. Shreveport, LA 71107, Tel: (318) 216-5015 Email: sumling@caddoschools.org, District 2View Map 1433 Audrey Lane Shreveport, LA 71107, Tel: (318) 519-5405 Email: jagreen@caddoschools.org, District 3View Map P.O. This tool enables subscribers to visualize the property on a map, view the parcel boundary lines, approximate dimensions, and link the parcel with its real property record card. Every 10 years after the release of the U.S. Census, cities, parishes, school boards and states redraw the lines for election districts to keep population equal on their respective bodies based on federal and state law. Box 5545 Shreveport, LA 71135, Tel: (318) 469-2277Email: brachal@caddoschools.org, District 10View Map1961 Midway AvenueShreveport, LA 71108, Tel: (318) 459-8095Email: kmclain@caddoschools.org, District 11View Map1961 Midway AvenueShreveport, LA 71108, Tel: (318) 331-5166 Email: jyeates@caddoschools.org, District 12View Map7881 Jefferson-Paige Road Shreveport, LA 71119, Tel: (318) 635-4667 Email: dbell@caddoschools.org, Caddo Parish Public Schools1961 Midway Avenue Shreveport, LA 71108Phone: (318) 603-6300, Show submenu for McKinney-Vento Educational Enhancement Site, Show submenu for School Board Information, Show submenu for Transportation Department. You can also view the property on GIS maps. Commissioners may vote themselves a pay increase but it cannot go into effect during the term of the Commissioners voting for the increase. The Parish of Caddo assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of this data. Redistricting does not affect school attendance zones but does impact single-member districts. Caddo Parish Fire District No. Home Page - Caddo Parish Assessor's Office
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