Its that time of year again! ","":"Introduced the ChampionChip timing technology at the Ottawa Marathon, changing the face of timing in Canada. HIGHLAND FALL SCRAMBLE. Complete race anytime in 2023. Here's a few tips from iRun on a post race recovery. ","edit.profile.picture.details.4":"Once you are happy with your picture, simply click on update. Half Marathon 01 Apr, 2023 (Sat) - 11:00 Running 21.097 km Race size: 250 - 499 participants Solo On site Road Certified course 5K 01 Apr, 2023 (Sat) - 11:00 Running 5 km Race size: 250 - 499 participants Solo On site Road Cook Forest Half Marathon & 5K Website Facebook Twitter ","found.results":"Results Found","":"New web platform released with improved event and participant features. September 14, 2019. Brooklynite Summer Half Marathon - Jun 16, 2019. Besides occasionally dressing up as a panda and looking very serious in semi-professional photo shoots, an interest in endurance sports is an asset.","cert":"Cert. ","":"New record set for timing with 960+ global events timed in 2017. ","":"I am now following the progress of {0} {1} for the race: {2} at the event: {3}","chronos.start.progress":"{0} Started the Race","all.athletes":"All Athletes","":"70 experienced staff work for Sportstats, most of them are fully bilingual. View Results. The course is a fast Boston Qualifier that is almost entirely downhill. Please make sure you login. Please try again.","":"C. Brooklyn Beach Half Marathon - June 2, 2019. Please try again at a later time. Once your request has been handled, you will be notified by email. We're proud to announce the Cook Forest Half-Marathon and 5K is officially back for April 2nd, 2022. . assumes no liability for false, or out of date Cook Forest Half Marathon information. ","":"You have authorized the Sportstats application with your Facebook account but you do not have a Sportstats account linked to your Facebook account. Join us on Saturday May 27th for the return of the Twilight 5K. The Utah Valley Marathon was named a Top 10 Race by Runner's World Magazine. Finish line in Driftwood. These links are not intended as an endorsement of or referral to the linked websites. Select an event to view results. Individual, Aquathlon and RelayCategories Available!!! ","show.followers":"Show following {0}","year":"Year","":"Your name does not match the results name. ","raquette":"Snowshoe","password.reset.error":"An error occurred while sending the password reset email. View Results. Our team will be happy to get back to you as quickly as possible. I can not seem to find a way to check results from the race. ","about.following.followers.details1":"Following and followers represent the relationship you have with other athletes that have created a Sportstats account. ","my.results":"My Results","claimed.the.result":"claimed the result","":"is lined up and ready to race","":"Filter by Date and/or Race Type","g.p":"G.P. ","faq.difference.gun.chip.1":"What is the difference between \u0027Gun Time\u0027 and \u0027Chip Time\u0027? ","":"Back to","overall":"Overall","edit.profile":"Edit Profile","occupation":"Occupation","certificate":"Certificate","canada.atlantic":"Canada Atlantic","":"If your profile information is correct and you believe this results is yours, please click on the Manual Claim button to send an email to our team. Please use email and password authentication. A valid Facebook or Twitter account is required. To view live results click here. Clarion University Track and Cross Country proudly host the 35 annual Cook Forest Half Marathon/5k on Sunday, April 7,2019 in Cooksburg, PA at Cook Forest State Park. ","about.awards.details1":"This page is used to view awards that you have gained by claiming completed race results of various types. ","corporate.privacy.p4":"Sportstats may otherwise use customer information for additional purposes that are identified at or before the time that the information is used for such additional purposes. ","run":"Run","error.401.description":"You are not authorized to view this page. ASICS London 10K. Aly Delp; October 29, 2019 . Annual Cook Forest Half Marathon, 5K; Cook Forest River Ride; French & Indian War Encampment; Explore. ","search.results.tooltip.5":"* (prefix i.e. ","thanks":"Thank you! Cook Forest State Park's #1 Source for Information. 28N, Brookville, PACountiesJeffersonCategoryCrafts & Markets,History & Heritage, 2023sat20may(may 20)8:00 amsun21(may 21)6:00 pmFeaturedTour De Forest Spring Ride8:00 am - 6:00 pm (21) Forest County, Marienville, PACountiesForestCategoryOutdoor Adventure, 2023fri26may(may 26)8:00 pmsun28(may 28)10:00 pmFeaturedLiving History Weekend8:00 pm - 10:00 pm (28) Cook Forest State Park, 113 River RdCountiesClarion,Cook ForestCategoryHistory & Heritage,State Parks: Events & Programs, 2023mon01may6:00 pmmon8:00 pmSavory SamplingUnited Way of Clarion6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Clarion Mall, Exit 62 of I-80CountiesClarionCategoryFood & Wine, 2023thu04may5:00 pmthu8:00 pmTravis Zuchowski at Wildwoods Bar & Grill5:00 pm - 8:00 pm WIldwoods Bar and Grill, 875 Washington St, St Marys, PA 15857-3661CountiesElkCategoryFood & Wine,Music, 2023thu04may5:30 pmthu7:30 pmCrafts and Drafts5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Lost in the Wilds Brewing, 21964 Route 66 Shippenville PA 16254CountiesClarionCategoryArts and DIY Crafts,Food & Wine, 2023fri05mayAll Daysun07Dad Bodz Burgers and Moreat Lost In The Wilds Brewing(All Day) Lost in the Wilds Brewing, 21964 Route 66 Shippenville PA 16254CountiesClarionCategoryFood & Wine, 2023fri05may6:00 pmfri9:00 pmLIVE music with Acoustical BruceDeer Creek Winery6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Deer Creek Winery, 3333 Soap Fat Road, Shippenville, PACountiesClarionCategoryFood & Wine,Music, 2023fri05mayAll Daysun07Kalyumet Camping & Cabins Cinco de Mayo Taco Party(All Day) Kalyumet Campground, 8630 Miola Rd Lucinda, PennsylvaniaCountiesCook ForestCategoryOther Events, 2023fri05may7:00 pmfri11:00 pmTrivia Night and Open Micat Porchvue Winery7:00 pm - 11:00 pm Porchvue Winery, 1781 Pumptown Road, Fairmount City, PA 16224CountiesClarionCategoryFood & Wine, 2023fri05may7:00 pmfri11:59 pmRacing at Thunder Mountain Speedway7:00 pm - 11:59 pm Thunder Mountain Speedway, 3406 Ramseytown Road, Brookville, PACountiesJeffersonCategoryMotorsports, 2023sat06may7:00 amsat3:00 pmElkland Search and Rescue 28th Annual Fishing Derby7:00 am - 3:00 pm Wilcox, Wilcox PACountiesElkCategoryChildrens Events, 2023sat06may(may 6)7:00 amsun07(may 7)3:00 pmHazen Flea Market7:00 am - 3:00 pm (7) Hazen Flea Market, 6847 Route 28 North, Brookville, PACountiesJeffersonCategoryCrafts & Markets, 2023sat06may8:00 amsat2:00 pmATV/UTV Safety Class8:00 am - 2:00 pm MACA Building, 149 Pine St, Marienville, PACountiesForestCategoryChildrens Events,Motorsports, 2023sat06may9:00 amsat1:00 pmBenezette Bugle 5K Run/Walk9:00 am - 1:00 pm Elk Country Visitor Center, 950 Winslow Hill Rd, Benezette, PACountiesElkCategoryEndurance Challenges, 2023sat06may9:00 amsat1:00 pmHeath Township Sportsmens Club Youth Fishing Derby9:00 am - 1:00 pm Clear Creek State ParkCountiesJeffersonCategoryOutdoor Adventure, 2023sat06may9:00 amsat5:00 pmDale Marsh 1st Annual Ride9:00 am - 5:00 pm Piney Meadows Park - 640 Kindel Rd. Action required: Complete your profile information by clicking on the picture icon in the top right corner of the page and select Edit Profile","faq.cant.claim.result.3":"Your claim result request was rejected because your profile does not contain enough information to allow results claiming. Knysna Forest Marathon & Half. This will be the 8th edition of the Half marathon with records from previous winners to be broken! Dcouvrez l'vnement Cook Forest Half Marathon & 5K , en Cooksburg, PA, USA le 01 Avr, 2023 (Dim) . I can not seem to find a way to check results from the race. ","grid.time.short":"T","overview.chronos.text.twitter.sportstats":"@sportstats","":"Time Of Day","overview.features.title":"All the features you need","choose.picture":"Choose A Picture","":"Log In","":"Category Place","complete.profile":"Complete Your Profile","copyright.attribution":"Copyright 19912019 by Sportstats. ","":"Sorted By","password.reset.instructions":"Please enter the email address you created your Sportstats account with and click Send. ","":"Membership platform launched welcoming 20k+ registered members. The Fall 50 is designed to be a daylong running adventure set against the colorful backdrop of Door County, Wisconsin during peak Fall colors. 27 Andy Turner 01:25:16. ","":"Any of our offices","settings.title.0":"S","corporate.privacy.p13":"Individuals are given the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from Sportstats by using the unsubscribe mechanism at the bottom of our email communications by contacting our Chief Privacy Officer (the \"Privacy Officer\") using the contact information provided below. Did you register with your maiden name? ","edit.profile.picture.details.3":"Then, use the picture editor and preview box to zoom and crop your picture. : marathon | thriathlon)","":"Search Operators","overview.sub.title":"Timing over 1000 races in 2018","":"The city field may not exceed 50 characters. St Clare 10K. ","events":"Events","search.filter.results":"Filter Results","links":"Links","":"Sportstats Manual Claim","":"BACK TO HOME","singapore":"Singapore ","months":"January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December","no":"No","bib.number":"Bib Number","":"Already have a Sportstats account? Participants may compete as members of a team of 2-5 runners or as a solo ultra-marathoner. ","password":"Password","corrections":"Corrections","swim":"Swim","have":"have","":"An account already exists with this email address. ","":"Bike CheckIn \u0026 RegEx added to on-site event tools. Please ensure your race number is clearly visible to marshals at all times. Please select another image file. Oxford Half Marathon. ","faq.difference.facebook.twitter.chronos.update.2":"Post to Facebook or Twitter provides you the ability to instantaneously post a customized message in addition to a standard progress or results message for a specific athlete on your Facebook or Twitter timeline. All rights reserved. The list of athletes is stored as a browser cookie. ","":"You are no longer tracking the progress of {0} {1}. ","facebook.users.notice3":"here","facebook.users.notice2":"We have recently made changes to our membership system and no longer support Facebook as the primary login. Please try again at a later time. ","corporate.privacy.l11":"Sportstats, our affiliates and our Canadian, US and other service providers may provide your personal information in response to a search warrant or other legally valid inquiry or order, or to an investigative body in the case of a breach of an agreement or contravention of law, or as otherwise required by applicable Canadian, US or other law. ","overview.chronos.text.facebook.content":"Congratulations to Russell Beach for finishing the Ottawa Marathon in a time of 03:37:58. ","faq.difference.facebook.twitter.chronos.update.1":"What\u0027s the difference between post to Facebook/Twitter and Sportstats Chronos progress updates? Sportstats\u0027 third party service providers are obligated to maintain confidentiality and security of the personal information transferred to them and are not authorized to use such information other than to provide the services or as otherwise permitted by law. Sportstats does not have any control over such websites, and therefore has no responsibility or liability for the manner in which the organizations that operate such linked websites may collect, use or disclose, secure and otherwise treat an Individual\u0027s personal information. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review. ","":"I authorize Sportstats to send me important information","faq.cant.find.result.3":"Have you moved recently? 19 Sep 2021 - 31 Dec 2024. ","snowshoe":"Snowshoe","overview.chronos.text.signup.title":"Simple to sign-up","":"OTTAWA, ONTARIO","":"Overall Place","overview.result.title":"Customized Results Tables","corporate.privacy.address":"Sports Technology and Timing Systems LTD. \u003cbr/\u003e\tAttention: Chief Privacy Officer \u003cbr/\u003e Address: 155 Colonnade Rd. : \"Ottawa race weekend\")","corporate.privacy.p10":"Sportstats has implemented measures designed to protect against the theft, loss, unauthorized access, use, disclosure and alteration of personal information in our custody and control with security measures appropriate to the sensitivity of the information, including through the use of reasonable physical, organizational, and technological safeguards and appropriate training of employees. Ahotu is a World's Sports Group owned service and brand. ","corporate.privacy.l1":"Sportstats may collect and maintain personal information such as an Individual\u0027s name, contact information, payment card information and purchase history when an Individual subscribes for services or purchases products on our website or at an event. Sportstats never asks for an Individual\u0027s password in any unsolicited communication. A cookie is a tiny element of data that our Sites can send to an Individual\u0027s browser, which may then be stored on their hard drive so we can recognize them when they return to the Sites. ","unfollow.this.athlete":"Stop following this athlete","":"is being followed by","close":"Close","":"Sportstats times Graham Fraser\u0027s Trisport Triathlon series","":"Marc Roy joins the Sportstats team","":"Over 1.5 Million Participants Timed in 2018! The three-day event includes six unique race categories along a scenic route through downtown Halifax. ","races":"Races","share.summary.message":"{0} {1} has claimed {2} results, has obtained {3} awards and has {4} followers on Sportstats. Also, links to our Website may be featured on third party websites on which we advertise. ","":"Log In With {0}","":"From the results page, please click on the","":"How can I see my splits and personal information? ","faq.cant.claim.result.10":"Race result does not have age or your age does not match the listed range. Please ensure you are using the email address you created your Sportstats account with and verify your password. ","rank":"Rank","":"VIEW COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION","":"New Job Posting! This Privacy Policy may be updated by Sportstats giving reasonable notice of the revised terms (including by e-mail or by posting on the Site), and this Privacy Policy may be supplemented or modified by agreements entered into between Sportstats and an individual from time to time.

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