However, I never read or see folks give the actual official score of the Axis buck they've harvested, just the main beam measurement. It's the only one I've ever shot and I know nothing about scoring them. My buck scored a little more than 136 1/2". Annually, the Record Book committee recognizes all hunters who have achieved exceptional levels of big game hunting over the past year in a special awards issue of SAFARI Magazine. Kerrville, TX 78028-8086. Big TROPHYS are 30" and Up. A short and wide buck with good 2nds and 3rds can easily outscore a 30" buck that is weak everywhere else. Method 1 SCI Form - Most animals with Simple Horns Method 2 SCI Form - Spiral Horned Animals (Eland, Bongo, Kudu, Nyala, Addax, Blackbuck, Markhor, etc) Method 3 SCI Form - Wild Cattle (Bison, Water Buffalo, Yak, Gaur) Method 4 SCI Form - African Buffalo Method 5 SCI Form - Common Wildebeest Method 6 SCI Form - Black Wildebeest Axis Deer - South America; Axis Deer - South Pacific; Axis Deer or Chital; Balearean Goat; Balkan Chamois; Banteng; Barasingha; Barbary . Hook Up Here. HAWAII HUNTS AXIS. Dec 11, 2012. This chart lists the minimum entry scores for all native North American big game animals recognized by the Boone and Crockett Club. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. A challenging hunt, Sika deer are known for alerting other deer to the presence of hunters. Whitetail Bucks with a gross B&C score over 180, $7,500 + $150/ additional inch of antler. 210-317-4578. I just typed in "Axis Deer Scoring " and found all typed of info. This award means the biggest and highest scoring Axis Buck in the world was harvested at Joshua Creek Ranch in the Texas Hill Country, according to the Trophy Game Records of the World's. Levi arrived to the Ranch in his "law suit" with one hour of hunting light left. It weighed 122# with the meat and bones that went into the cooler. The 9000-acre ranch, located just south of Bandera, Texas, offers a variety of Hill Country whitetail deer and exotics, including axis, fallow, sika and red deer. I just typed in "Axis Deer Scoring " and found all typed of info. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Explore over 1 million open source packages. Whether it's your first wild game hunt or you're an experienced exotic hunter, you'll love the axis buck hunting package. Handguns & Handgun Hunting. SCI has a good scoring template on their website. Axis deer have striking reddish-brown coats marked by white spots arranged in undisciplined rows along their sides. Jan 31, 2004. A silver medal will probably require a dry full skull weight of at least 510 g and a volume of at least 165 ccs, with a gold medal normally requiring a dry skull weight of 570 g and a volume of 200 ccs. Posts: 234. there is several measurments for actual SCORE. Axis color is a vivid reddish blond coat with permanent white spots. Main (520) 620-1220 Male heights range from 29 to 39.5 inches. Whitetail Bucks with a gross B/C score of 170 to 179. The Axis Deer is native to India and Sri Lanka. Axis color is a vivid reddish blond coat with permanent white spots. LOGIN RESOURCES SCI HOME: Welcome to the Online Record Book. Base Measurment is from Base, to Tip of Main Beam. Andalucian Roe Deer . 130. How to score an axis deer using SCI method 21-T Double Diamond Outfitters 814 subscribers Subscribe 19 Share 2.6K views 1 year ago I get asked how to score an axis deer, or what does my. Are you going to have a mount done? The bottom line is; if you think it might medal, get it prepared by an expert (full skull) and get it measured officially. JavaScript is disabled. quick question guys. Classification scoring ranges have been modified as of April 24, 2023. The guy that did the shoulder mount said it was a "Gold Medal" deer. I guess that anything above 134" is Gold Medal Class from what I read on a few of those websites. #9. Can someone help me score my Axis Deer I shot this last year in October. Additionally in 1984, special awards were originated for the Texas Slam (Corsican Ram, Mouflon Ram, Texas Dall Ram, and Hawaiian Black Ram) and the Super Slam (Axis deer, Fallow deer, Sika deer, Blackbuck antelope, Mouflon sheep, Aoudad, Corsican Sheep, Ibex, red . 115. The spots on adult Axis are much brighter than on their fawns. His system was acquired by the Exotic Wildlife Association in the late 1980s and became what is known today as the Trophy Game Records of the World (TGR). Federal Gold Medal is horrible hunting ammo. It is also the only truly objective system based on solid scientific evidence and geometric formulas and is used to score trophy game by thousands of hunters around the world each year. 18 inches $2,500. Below you will find score sheets for each animal. axis deer are one of the toughest to judge in the field. Approximate live weight ranges from 150 pounds to 200 pounds for bucks and 90 pounds to 125 pounds for females. Methuselah hunters see the perfection in imperfections and take pride in knowing that they harvest animals that have already passed on their genes to the next generation. Intgration de sites Web They have a white throat patch and dark brown muzzle. Need A Buddy? Game skinning and quartering is also included in the price of the hunt. Programmation et technologies internet; Rseaux informatiques et scurit; Gestion de projets informatiques T.I. 130. 115. Most 30" axis will be at least Bronze if not Silver. Using the hypothetical cartridge you posted (.30-06, 208 gn ELDM, .690 bc, 2750 FPS), that gives us an "ethical" range of approx 750 yards, so a significant advantage there. 105. . If you get him officially scored and submit the score sheet you will be sent a plaque in the mail. When I asked him he said it's just an amount of inches that an Axis deer has to have. I checked a couple places today here in Comal County Texas and they ranged from $425.00 to $475.00. The deer scoring in theHunter uses the official Boone and Crockett (B&C) scoring system. SCI Gold with a rifle is 159 5/8" , Silver is 148 3/8" and Bronze is 127". Welcome to one of the largest big game hunting ranches in La Pampa, Argentina. . They were 37.5" beams that scored mid 160's, 36" beams that scored low 170's and 34" beams that scored mid 160's. Joined: Jun 2008. Hunt Axis deer, Fallow deer, Sika deer, black buck deer and water buffalo on this 2000 acre Florida hunting ranch. This award means the biggest and highest scoring Axis Buck in the world was harvested at Joshua Creek Ranch in the Texas Hill Country, according to the Trophy Game Records of the World's Scoring System and Online Record Book. Gold. How do you measure axis horns? 105. Gold Minimum Bronze (Bow) Minimum Silver (Bow) Minimum Gold (Bow) Minimum Species; Species Code Species Name Bronze Minimum Silver Minimum Gold Minimum Bronze (Bow) Minimum . Gooseneck Flatbed Trailer Rental Near Me, Seagulls In Flight Paintings, Roosevelt Basketball Roster, Gold Medal Axis Deer Score, 1,400 Hundred Dollars, Fractal Prism Photography, " /> Call Us: Miami (305) 649-5344 / CALL FREE: 800-910-8378 - Hialeah Gardens (305) 822-0666 | | My Account Axis Deer whose hard-horned season varies with each animal is considered by most hunters to be and extraordinary animal to place in any trophy room. With almost 70% of its area covered with woodland, this 37,000 acre-hunting preserve and more than 13 native and exotic species are ready to join you in your adventure. Weight Deductions Cut . Toll Free (888) 486-8724 Axis Deer Pics(need info on scoring them??? Set your sights on an ancient warrior (with battle wounds to prove it) that has outsmarted and endured all the predators while leaving the next generation of breeders to carry on their conservation legacy. All of these exotic animals will put your hunting skills to the test. You are using an out of date browser. Federal Premium. Record Book Minimums, Medallion Levels & Top 10's Method 1 For most animals with simple horns Method 2 For spiral-horned animals Method 3 For most wild cattle Method 4 For African buffalo Method 5 For common wildebeest and takin Method 6 For black wildebeest Method 7 For muskox Method 8 For rhinoceros Method 9 For multi-horned sheep This deer gains major points in height and has nice brows. Not only are we very proud to receive this award recognizing our incredible free-roaming Axis deer population and big game management program, but we are so happy this young man was able to have this once in a lifetime experience at Joshua Creek Ranch, said Ann Kercheville, President of Joshua Creek Ranch. How many actually have them measured and submitted for the record book? SCI contributes 100 percent of the net proceeds from the Record Book and its World Hunting Awards - which recognizes hunters who have achieved exceptional levels of big-game success - to conservation and anti-poaching efforts. . Hunting Mentors & New Hunters. Private and Exclusive Use of Shonto Ranch (2or more Trophies), Transportation to meat processor and Taxidermist, Fishing on our 4.5 miles of private streams with/10 lakes, Axis Deer Doe Fee (after harvesting Trophy): $650, Your booking reserves our ranch EXCLUSIVELY for you and your hunting guests (2 or more Trophies), Corporate Groups are always welcomed at Shonto Ranch. 19 inches $3,000. Shonto Ranch is your perfect filming location for the Texas Hill Country. Recognized by Beretta for Excellence in Upland Bird Hunting, Inaugural Class of Federal Select Outfitters, Joshua Creek Ranch, 132 Cravey Road, Boerne, Texas 78006, Beretta Lodge Two Tridents - Upland Birds. THE AXIS DEER March to November: El Carrizal La Pampa Male Axis Deer reach nearly 35 inches at the shoulder and the head and body can be as high as 5.6 feet. The unique program and all-inclusive scoring system has helped document the hunting heritage since 1977. Huge Bucks are 34"-38". Gear & Gadgets on the Texas Fishing and Outdoors Show,, Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.3. I can score the buck for you for the Trophy Game Records of the World that is administered by the Exotic Wildlife Association in Ingram out near Kerrville. Italian Roe Deer. Please let us know how many guests to expect. You'll get a helpful visual frame of reference (and the chance to test your scoring skills). As an official scorer for SCI, I've measured 3 axis this year that went gold. One of the "Three Amigos", it has now been taken off the endangered list thanks to many Texas ranches and reserves working to raise and reintroduce them in the wild. Each side typically has 3 points, a main beam and 2 additional tines. Can anyone please post pics of Red deer that score >350SCI and fallow >250SCI if you have them? Trophy Record Classifications Platinum Award 170+ Gold Medal 160 - 169 Silver Medal 140 - 159 Bronze Medal 120 - 139 View All-Time Records Measurement Diagram Shoulder height of a buck is approximately 35 40 inches. (estimated) Gold medal requires 130 points which makes the head a potential Gold medal. As far as I know from reading and watching videos most folks say a 30" or better main beam is great buck. Fax (520) 622-1205, African Wildlife Consultative Forum (AWCF). What part of Texas are you in? Hornady 143-grain ELD-X Precision Hunter For advanced accuracy in the field. The males are larger than females with a typical weight for a buck 30 to 75kgs or almost 200 pounds, and does weigh in at 25-45kgs. The pictures came out great. Pistolas & more. Axis Deer Known as the "Chital" in its native India, the Axis deer has a beautiful golden brown coat with white spots that stay with them their entire life. Height at the shoulder can range from 70-90cm or up to 35 inches in full grown males. Have your next Exclusive Corporate Retreat in the beautiful Texas Hill Country at Shonto Ranch. I like spoonie, his humor is dryer than my duck lease. His main beams are 34", i didn't take any other measurements yet, and he's at the taxidermist right now. For a 30" buck to go SCI Gold it needs to be heavy and wide and have good brows and caudals. Gold Medal Awarded at Trophy Game Records of the World Banquet. This ranch has some of the biggest axis deer I've ever seen and with 400-500 axis deer on the ranch, you will see numerous giant bucks to choose from while axis deer hunting. I found a chart on the web . very nice! Joshua Creek Ranch took home the first place gold medal award for 2013-2014 Axis Deer Exotic at the Trophy Game Records of the World Awards Banquet ( this past weekend in San Marcos, TX. The SMK bullet is just like an full metal jacket. Support: Browning. At Hawaii Hunts, we pride ourselves in having a professionally managed herd of free-range Gold Medal Axis deer, located just 30 to 40 minutes away from most hotels. Gear & Gadgets on the Texas Fishing and Outdoors Show, Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.3. With Boone & croocket scores over 250 inches and some whitetail deer body weight over . but imo that is a "gold class" kill. Copyright 2008-2023 Texas Hunt Lodge. Find the best open-source package for your project with Snyk Open Source Advisor. He has great length on his main beam but he is lacking on brow and caudel tines which will not help his score. Where you come as a guest and leave as family. Then hover your cursor over each thumbnail and/or photo and see the score of that exact animal. I use it because I haven't been able to load anything as accurate, and as cheap as it is why bother reloading. Deer Hunting Browning 129-grain VXR For deer-dropping destruction. CLASSIFICATION SCORE FEE; Hill Country Classic buck . I guess I got lucky my first time out for Axis. Axis Deer Hunting Pricing: Axis Trophy Gold Medal: $5,000 Axis Trophy Fee: $4,000 (Non-Gold) * SPECIAL * Axis Deer Doe Fee (after harvesting Trophy): $650 Daily Guiding Fee: $200/Hunter/Day Your booking reserves our ranch EXCLUSIVELY for you and your hunting guests (2 or more Trophies) Corporate Groups are always welcomed at Shonto Ranch Thanks for the info denvas. Circumference of coronets should be around 20 cm with the lower beam measurements of about 12 cm. I found a chart on the web . Call (830) 275-7991 to book yours today. Our Axis Deer heard bucks will measure over 30 inches of horns, and some bucks may even be gold medal. The unique program and all-inclusive scoring system has helped document the hunting heritage since 1977. All Rights Reserved. Complete and official hunting trophy records, scores, pictures, and species information for over 100 big game animals from the world's leading hunting conservation group - Safari Club International. Our licensed and experienced guides will have no trouble leading you to the Axis deer of your dreams. Gear & Gadgets on the Texas Fishing and Outdoors Show,, Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.3. $7,500. You will have the entire ranch and amenities to yourself for your perfect retreat or team building excercise. These deer typically have 28-31 inch beams, 8-10 inch brows and 5-8 inch caudals, and are our most common trophy size. Gold Medal Axis - Hunting Texas Trophies Gold Medal Axis May 25, 2011 | No Comments Congrats to Levi and his son Noah on harvesting this beautiful Gold Medal Axis. along with a $20.00 entry fee. Axis can be hunted year round however the best time to try and harvest a big axis buck is between late May through July.

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