Equatorial triangle orbit above 320km. Mun/Minmus occlusion: All the satellites can get occluded when either. Solves a lot of problems. You can post now and register later. Relay Satellites give the function for other Probes to stay connected to the Kerbal Space Center without having the requirement to be in the line of Kerbin, or the range. To clarify, I understand the irl counterpart to a relay Network I'm more wondering if they're actually useful/needed in the game. Is there a generic term for these trajectories? ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? what's wrong here? Should have a short-range dish pointed at Kerbin, to connect to the low-orbit network, and one or more long-range dishes pointed at the destination planet (s). Polar triangle orbit above 60km. Communication links only work while the satellite has power, so if you fail to deploy the panels before the satellite goes out of contact, you might not be able to recover it one orbit from now. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. These are landers, but it works just as well with satellites. So I am trying to build an efficient network of relay satellites to allow me to communicate with spacecraft exploring the far sides of the Mun and Minmus. It brought me ~30-40 days separation. 2 identical dishes have a power of 1.68 times a single dish, and 4 dishes have a power of 2.8 times a single dish. 1% signal strength), then it will not switch to using a relay (even if it could boost signal to 99%) until something blocks the direct signal path and forces the sat to switch. How much electricity does a relay satellite use? I'm using two HG-5 High Gain Antennae (class 3) on my relay and the Communotron 15 (class 2) on my lander. Weaker signal (network paths shown) A Screenshot of Kerbal Space Program. If you like, you can add a command to maintain attitude after the burn. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. On the other end, if you go over 8970km, you will get into the Mun's sphere of influence, and your satellite will get thrown off trajectory when an encounter happens. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Well actually kinf of yes. One between Kerbin and Duna with six satellites. Relay Networks in KSP : r/KerbalAcademy - Reddit Of course if you want to place your satellites evenly on the same orbit as they already are, without fiddling with temporary elliptical orbits, then they'll just stay right where they are for eternity And since I did not test all of this and could have made a huge and humiliating mistake, please tell me if your tests prove me right ! This satellite is in visual range of KSC. The mission was to do a large number of science experiments in every Mun biome in one trip. So, for four satellites, they should be spaced about 46 days apart. However many Life Support mods will allow power drain from inactive crafts. And what on the Probe around the Mun? A set of twelve evenly spaced relays at around 25,000,000km. One between the orbit of Moho and Eve with four satellites. I think I have a pic around here somewhere I'll try to dig it up and update this post with it. Although I am checking in version 1.5, so they might have new skins in later versions. Relay Satellites are used to communicate with the Kerbal Space Center without the need for a direct connection to it. To play this tutorial, you should already know how to launch non-RemoteTech rockets, including basic rocket design, staging, and using maneuver nodes. If the satellites are high up the spots will be really small, but any terrain irregularities close to them will easily block the signal. When a gnoll vampire assumes its hyena form, do its HP change? We consider a smaller target orbit, so pResonant Orbit Calculator v1.4 - KSP1 Tutorials - Kerbal Space Program What "benchmarks" means in "what are benchmarks for?". Polar triangle orbit above 320km. The satellite is on the same side of the mun as the probe and has full signal from Kerbin. Its antenna is an HG-5. Dedicated to the growth and advancement of amateur rocket scientists! This tutorial does not require any mods other than RemoteTech. Use RA-2 relays. Its ok if you do this while still in the atmosphere. High-Powered Antennas. Helpful Linkshttps://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Comm. I looked for the screenshots, no luck. Relay sat. If you want probes at the poles, one solution is to just have another ring in a polar orbit. Circle The period is the same as the target orbital period. Bear in mind that when it's acting as a relay, it's running on rails (unless you happen to have your currently-piloted ship parked right next to it, inside the physics bubble), which means that it doesn't actually use up electricity while it's running. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. I tried launching one satellite every 46 days, but that didn't work. Why do men's bikes have high bars where you can hit your testicles while women's bikes have the bar much lower? The relay sats don't need much v - just enough to put them in the orbit you want after you get to Eve. Relay antennas are exclusively non-foldable, so has anyone come up with a way to fit more than one relay satellite onto a rocket without using huge parts? Satellites are not connecting to each other There are times where i have my probes not connected to KSC, bit they are in range with other probes. Let's ignore occlusion by Mun and Minmus for now and focus only on what it takes to not get blocked by Kerbin. I would like the satellites in each constellation to be equally spaced. However, I was wondering, in what circumstances does your vessel bounce its signal off a relay satellite? With the fact that each antenna has a limited range, this makes relay satellites a necessity for almost every interplanetary mission[citation needed]. It's reasonably accurate over close-ish values to take the average, but the actual math is the square root of (the first vessel's power x the second vessel's power). When do relay satellites kick in? :: Kerbal Space Program General load your currently installed mods. Kerbin has done a portion t/k of its orbit, which corresponds, for a satellite on target orbit, of a advance of t2 = p*t/k. By the end, you should understand: You must have researched Flight Control, which unlocks the Stayputnik probe core and the Reflectron DP-10 omnidirectional antenna. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. But I find it makes sense to put fewer sats on the top, so the fairing can taper around them. The End. How to build a Satellite Network? - KSP1 Gameplay Questions and If an antenna can connect to the KSC (e.g. Thanks for that. they have have antenna extended and are in range but their not bouncing back signals to get full conection. Then pick the attitude command of your choice: press the SAS key, or click KILL to kill rotation, or click GRD+ to hold prograde (if you already have an active GRD+ command, you may have to click twice, then cancel the command labeled mode: off). Which ability is most related to insanity: Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution, or Intelligence? All rights reserved. Display as a link instead, Two satellites with a single 100g relay dish each can always talk from Jool to Kerbin, and a probe with a 100g direct link can always talk to KSC if it has line of sight. So four 15G communication dishes on one sathave a range of 42 gm, which if I recall covers everything but Jool and Eeloo. Note that "What you can talk to" depends on the power of BOTH vessels (or the vessel and the tracking station), so if both vessels have the same power, the rated power is the range they can talk. Of course the trouble in KSP doesn't have Lagrange points (which is what Queqiao orbits). Polar orbit above 6,000km. Didn't know about having to enable the option. (A spacecraft consisting of a pilot would not be affected.) Also one RA-2 can reach anywhere in kerbin's SOI that it has line of sight to, at least out to Minmus orbit. You can get more details in this KSP forum post, which takes it from this research paper (paywall). A set of 24 evenly spaced satellites at around 50,000,000km. I figure I could add 20 days to the launch window (launch every 66 days). Period of Kerbin orbit k = 426 days Use RA-2 relays. It must be placed where it has a connection to the rest of the CommNet network, either it being a ground station on Kerbin or another Relay satellite. I don't have the buttons to the right of the clock that are in the OP's screenshot. In order to have remote control of a vessel, it must have a communications link with Kerbal Space Center. Were fuel efficiency your only concern, you would want a long, flat launch path to build up speed, and some mods (particularly Ferram Aerospace Research) encourage this. You just made my KSP save a whole lot cooler. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. I'm pretty sure three satellites on the same orbit would be enough, but I haven't had a chance to try 1.2 yet. You probably. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Type 1m (for one minute, or whatever delay you think you need to be clear of that pesky air) in the lower right text box, then press enter. I got the same answer from the KSP fora, but with minimal explanation of the underlying math. Polar triangle orbit. They are 100G, but noted, thanks. 1 Relay Satelite in Stationary orbit in the Center of the light side of Minmus. Privacy Policy. Cookie Notice Without a connection to the Kerbal Space Center, an unmanned probe will either not be able to function, or will be in limited probe control, depending on your settings for the game. I have too many KSP screenshots. Making three trips per body seems like a complete waste of time and resources when these satellites weight so little. Equatorial triangle orbit above 250km. Why are players required to record the moves in World Championship Classical games? One long-range relay satellite in a very eccentric near-polar orbit (~80 km periapsis, ~80,000 km apoapsis, inclination near poles). How do I view my network? But adding it 40 degrees away is OK and will prevent occlusion from Mun/Minmus.). Scan this QR code to download the app now. Squad might want to make that necessity a little more clear. Its just a matter of being careful. Factor of division = 1 - 184 / 426 = 0.568. Circular orbit - Just easier to work with (and to do the math). KSC only boasts 250G. Creating a satellite Start with an RC-001S probe core Underneath, add a reaction wheel and a few z-1k battery banks Add some Gigantor-XL solar panels around the outside. It looks more or less stock to me, although on close inspection it has some fiddly bits I can't quite identify. I've just started playing 1.2, loving it so far! Relay not working - KSP1 Technical Support (PC, unmodded installs Dont forget to reset the delay to 0 when youre done! Post Your Satellite Designs - KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange - Kerbal If that's the case, then you have to replicate the extra ground stations in space with a ring of relays around Kerbin. In fact, all you have to do is divide the period of the target orbit by the number of satellites times the absolute value of the factor 1 - p/k, Let's try it for your first constellation : Of these three, the Reflectron DP-10 is the only one that can work in Kerbins lower atmosphere without breaking off, so you must include it on the satellite (several atmosphere-safe dishes become available later in the tech tree). Which gives t = p/(4(1 - p/k)) If total energies differ across different software, how do I decide which software to use? r/KerbalSpaceProgram on Reddit: KSP Relay Network Guide Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one. It only takes a minute to sign up. Archived post. When I first looked at it I initially thought that was actually a carrier for like 6 individual relay sats, and that would be very cool. How Does Power Effect Relays? :: Kerbal Space Program General Discussions Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. Orbital height - In theory, you could go as low as double (Kerbin radius + atmospheric height), or 740km altitude, but the placement would have to be perfectly at 120 degrees phase angle. I basically do what @Geonovast posted. Suppose you want to put three relay satellites into circular polar orbit around Minmus. Especially early on, the large relay will get sent as a science probe that can also act as a relay, then later in the career the smaller relay network will get set up. > With proper resonance, you are in a mapping orbit and can complete grab/temp scans above x contacts without fuel burn. You usually put a relay antennae in orbit of a planet so you can bounce a signal from the KSC to a place where it normally would not be able to reach, such as the side of the moon opposite kerban where line of sight is blocked by the moon or on a distant planet where the signal cannot normally reach. rev2023.4.21.43403. Double-check that you have enough panel and battery capacity to cover the energy needs of your antenna(s), since RemoteTech antennas use a lot more power than the stock versions. I did a six-lander Mun invasion once, with landers very similar to what you see above stacked six high with stack separators between each and an orbital maneuvering stage with lots of Dv for multiple plane changes. Then open each panel by right-clicking or using an action group, as in normal KSP. What are the advantages of running a power tool on 240 V vs 120 V? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. You can also slightly rotate the two bottom satellites so they are more "next to" each other than facing off. Which is a pain so avoid this if at all possible. Use RA-2 relays. You can do the same on upper levels using cubic octagonal struts to create extra nodes). Was Aristarchus the first to propose heliocentrism? Use mod filters to select craft that; will work With selected mods. Archived post. Spacing - Generally, so long as any satellite can see the other two, everything will work, but placing them evenly will leave more room for error from orbital period mismatch to accumulate. Then, open the flight computer by clicking on the calculator icon below the mission clock, followed by to open the command queue. Period of target orbit p = 184 days By the time 46 days passed after launching the first satellite, the periapsis moved ahead a bit and the second satellite was ~26 days behind the first. It assumes you have not yet established a comsat network, so that the only connection of interest is a direct link between the . Left: A comlink-friendly ascent path. I somehow missed interstage nodes since they were added ages ago, and haven't seen them in any videos that I can remember. However, I have this other satellite which is out of contact with KSC, but in visual range of the relay satellite. If you have solar panels, deploy them as soon as you are out of the atmosphere, even if its a night launch. Will I need to set up a relay Network to do this? Relay satellites and probe control :: Kerbal Space Program General Unfortunately, a path like that means you wont reach orbit until you are out of sight of Mission Control, and therefore out of contact. Use RA-2 relays. Use RA-2 relays. So the actual separation, in time, is actually t - t2 = t - t*p/k = t*(1 - p/k). If you are using the flight computer to get into orbit, the computer will turn off attitude control at the end of the burn, which will leave the satellite slowly tumbling. Rocket scientist alternative: if you are more of a rocket scientist than me, you can place four satellites in a tetrahedral formation around Kerbin. Basically, for a larger target orbit, you have to divide your initial assumption (of splitting the target period in 8 equal chunks) by p/k - 1 (which is then positive). An alternate strategy is to bind the antenna to an action group together with the satellites solar panels, and trigger the group to deploy everything once you leave the atmosphere. Ok cool, thanks for the help guys! Effect of a "bad grade" in grad school applications. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The large solar panels sort of look like Gigantor arrays maybe on pipes or actuators? For a start, I have placed a relay satellite in KEO. Deep space coverage may not be perfect. If you dont want the full Life support experiance make sure you disable food/water/o2 ect in the mod options in the menu system. This is so much the right answer. Where to place Relay Satellites? :: Kerbal Space Program General This tutorial covers the basics of launching a standalone satellite in RemoteTech. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Any clues? kerbal space program - Calculate Satellite Constellation Launch A triangle orbit will be the main orbit used in the constellations. For more information, please see our Use RA-100 relays. A high orbit is easier to work with. I want to send a probe to Eve as this is my first planetary mission and I'd rather not risk kerbals. Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? Nice, now we get to the problem: when the landing probe (it is carrying no antenna) gets occluded by the mun, after losing contact with Kerbin it doesn't connect to the satellite to relay its signal. You then need to have (for 8 satellites) p/8 = t*(p/k - 1) with t the time between launches. rev2023.4.21.43403. Upload or insert images from URL. 2023 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Could a subterranean river or aquifer generate enough continuous momentum to power a waterwheel for the purpose of producing electricity? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. How do I stop the Flickering on Mode 13h? Also, it's interesting to see that in the case of p = k, the calculations divides by 0 ! Type a delay that corresponds to just after the orbit insertion is finished (any attitude commands sent during the burn will be ignored). Please note that this page is incomplete, and requires the help of the community. If you put the relays on opposite sides of a highly elliptical polar orbit, you should have very little loss of signal time. 2. (I recommend the decoupler be set to 0 force so your orbits don't change when you detach.) Polar triangle orbit above 13km. In fact, all you have to do is divide the period of the target orbit by the number of satellites times the absolute value of the factor 1 - p/k. So I am trying to build an efficient network of relay satellites to allow me to communicate with spacecraft exploring the far sides of the Mun and Minmus. 184 / (4*0.568) = 81 days. You cannot paste images directly. I also tend to make a network with RA-2 relays around a planet then a single larger relay in a highly elliptical polar orbit - so rovers or whatever talk to the nearest small relay, which bounces through the large relay back to Kerbin, rather than trying to make a network of RA-15 or RA100 relays in a single launch. With that option on, each probe requires either direct line of sight to the KSC or to a communication satellite which has a connection. You can match that with 4 relays on one probe, or you can double it with 8. A second equatorial triangle orbit at around 60,000km. English version of Russian proverb "The hedgehogs got pricked, cried, but continued to eat the cactus". Period of Kerbin orbit k = 426 days. This tutorial covers the basics of launching a standalone satellite in RemoteTech. This page was last edited on 24 March 2023, at 18:10. By: AlexMBrennan. Since electricity isn't consumed when a vehicle isn't controlled by the player, electric charge storage and generation isn't required. If you have an antenna other than the DP-10, you will need to activate it in flight. How can I control PNP and NPN transistors together from one pin? It only takes a minute to sign up. use the relays propulsion to circularise the orbit and match the target orbital period. What does "Smote their breasts" signify in Luke 23:48? I am trying to deploy three relay satellite constellations. Making three trips per body seems like a complete waste of time and resources when these satellites weight so little. Relay Satellites are used to communicate with the Kerbal Space Center without the need for a direct connection to it. A steep launch requires fewer RemoteTech-specific skills but is less efficient (and may lead to a broken rocket while playing FAR), while the flight computer gives you the freedom to build and launch your rocket how you like but requires you to pick up more advanced skills right away. For most practical applications an easy solution is to have a ring of three evenly spaced satellites in high (2500km-7000km) circular equatorial orbits. Satellites are not connecting to each other :: Kerbal Space Program This page was last edited on 19 July 2020, at 20:55. Your previous content has been restored. If you have the Comms DTS-M1, right-click on it while on the launchpad, then click the button marked No Target. Let's try it for your first constellation : Period of target orbit p = 184 days. With update 1.2, you need to make sure that probes always have a communication link to Kerbin. You could launch them one at a time from Kerbin and do all kinds of shenanigans to get them into a common orbit (say, 100,000 km above Minmus) at 120-degree intervals along that shared orbit. Intro to CommNet Part 2: How to Make a Relay Network - YouTube Yes, that's how combine works. If you are launching with solar panels, you should already know how to deploy them. Polar triangle orbit above 600km.

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