L-S YMCA Otters Swim Team Home - TeamUnify >> /Version /1.4 Lampeter-Strasburg YMCAVillage RoadLancaster, Pennsylvania, 17602, US 4 0 obj /Lang (en) Explore L-S. The Strong Life Overview. The Philosophy of the L-S Otters Summer Swim Team is to help kids not only become better swimmers but also better people. `1ZPdVeeH The L-S YMCA is a joint effort of the Lampeter-Strasburg Recreation Commission, Strasburg Borough, Strasburg and West Lampeter townships, the L-S School District and the Lancaster YMCA. /X21 20 0 R /X17 17 0 R Please bring a soccer ball if you have one, water, sunscreen, cleats, and shin guards. stream 72 check-ins. Strong Life Virtual Challenges. Because we are for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility, we seek to build community by reaching out to welcome people of every identity, background, and belief. %PDF-1.5 /Subtype /Image Lampeter Strasburg YMCA - Inside Pool. stream Saturday 7 am to 3 pm and Sunday 10 am to 4 pm. My family and I have used several of this YMCA's services and have had an excellent experience with each one. 6 0 obj /ExtGState 8 0 R Kenderdine said nearby residents shouldn't be concerned by the sudden flood of 100,000 gallons of chlorinated pool water into the water table. Success! <> 7 0 obj \n>0f|L]axFK lVC5n~]tSd3Irb`y4#Zuxlx]Gag2#R[+h6 TlCC3sdM[l]@Z5i.A. ( /Type /XObject Week of May 1 Monday - Day 2A Tuesday - Day 3A Wednesday - Day 4A Thursday - Day 5A Friday - Day 6A . /X19 18 0 R Zumba combines Latin and International music with a fun and effective workout system. 1 0 obj stream Also, to become a member of the L-S YMCA, visit the facility at 800 Village Road (Route 741) or call 464-4000 for more information. We exist to develop and practice the principles of faith, hope, love, honesty, respect and responsibility. aKA$ F#(Gsn)2Jaml%ha 410. <>/Metadata 328 0 R/ViewerPreferences 329 0 R>> /StructParents 0 /Parent 2 0 R The event also honored the hundreds of businesses and community members who donated $2.5 million toward the project. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /Creator (Canva) /Font 34 0 R Lampeter-Strasburg School District York Branch YMCA. Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA Lancaster County Parks Mill Creek Trail Neighborhood Parks Village Park 852 Village Road, P.O. closed from 12-3 pm M, Tu, W, F. January 2023. Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA 800 Village Rd, Lancaster, PA, 17602 P 717.464.4000 rosesymca.org Aquatics Director: Rick Wagner . *vCroMY(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((w7?{_]}|&n{gn?}$|K'ZxYz"F kZ=k'R[:K[w"u*q#k^;a!yKgMu*OLUday]QAAEP0*Jr~~?j_! /CropBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] The Graham Aquatic Center Basin Schedule; Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA Pool Calendar; The W. Dale Brougher Foundation YMCA Pool Schedule; York Branch YMCA; Outdoor Pool Info; Virtual Offerings. Error! 5 0 obj <> The L-S YMCA is open Monday through Thursday 5 am to 9 pm, Friday from 5 am to 8 pm, Saturday 7 am to 3 pm and Sunday 10 am to 4 pm. /CropBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA Pool Schedule The W. Dale Brougher Foundation YMCA Pool Schedule York Branch YMCA Outdoor Pool Info Virtual Offerings Y Wellness 24/7 Strong Life Virtual Challenges The Strong Life Overview STRONG Challenge 2022 Summer Bucket List RESET Challenge Join Memberships Become a Member Membership Information Corporate Memberships /Kids [5 0 R] 2 0 obj 4 0 obj More information on the services and programs offered at the new YMCA can be found at www.lancasterymca.org or by calling their offices at 717-464-4000. Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA - 717-464-4000. '5"Q"M&QdX{{Ps$Qdd#BY-YYDR#PJD6FX~UmfB&"z a@@?oD.lhG'``e}8Bx@B[yIVp*a VA[Is@#.*1 \UfHHIj(m}+Q-#%f5kj*pm1vG'cZp?, tX bFNs9nA;I /Type /Catalog x]ms7*8~I\8/+6}ER#g9h/UgI> $ ss_\_^>}Z}!jnG? LAMPETER-STRASBURG YMCA INDOOR POOL ccoonley@rosesymca.org Lampeter Director-Strasburg YMCA of Competitive Swimming: 800 Village Rd, Lancaster, PA, 17602 Gwyn Aykinson 717.464.4000 rosesymca.org gatkinson@rosesymca.org Swim Lesson Coordinator: Cora Minder cminder@rosesymca.org based off of the . /StructParents 0 endobj P-BkextLF8(n+S(F^cjcx@r!Kc7 /Width 1545 We started out just with the regular gym membership, which includes access to the indoor pool and a variety of free classes they offer, including Zumba, HIT, spin, and a few . endobj JFIF C . Lampeter-Strasburg - YMCA of the Roses - Facebook $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? /Pages 2 0 R >> /Length 11039 School Calendar - Lampeter-Strasburg School District "When you have one inch of rain, there are about 1 million gallons of water being dispersed. /X22 21 0 R Thursday, Kenderdine said, workers poured a slurry mix of liquid concrete into the gap to fill voids and reinforce the pool's foundation. stream <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Lanes may. >> We exist to develop and practice the principles of faith, hope, love, honesty, respect and responsibility. Y Wellness 24/7. /Type /Catalog Beginning 01/16/23, Indoor Pool is. %-F#FMIZa\)[[l 6\s4d ?h?lCXN\$ c98;~Yks0G,2WFH+074O-%G*8`C/PA_ToMV06 `Lr]e'R(( ( ",t6KFtwDQ@Z o 6jZhE.f0[A3)f`0/_-gG>\ln8cT*Qskh3nEP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (j6wg#WUfu'fNQq+cXo4ZLm,{kik"1WF =H* ->-hVteZHb3i 4y$~}EQE QE ~)iOj]/>;d 2ee\ >> The 38,000-square-foot facility includes a large gymnasium for basketball and volleyball, indoor and outdoor pools, fitness rooms and workout room with more than 50 pieces of equipment, including treadmills and stationary bikes. 6 0 obj /Lang (en) "You think it's a lot of water, but it's really not," he said. Also, the I-Zone, a room designed for youth fitness, incorporates video games such as Dance Dance Revolution and Wii Fit to get younger people interested in exercise. The Y is the nation's leading nonprofit committed to strengthening communities YMCA of the Roses - Lancaster County | Lancaster PA D\5vWQzRw5\9iT?m>^o:\$cj _(SiX.Edyn~nrKdoj9V\B{\lw[5fI=* -QWAn>(;F|e,G* 4:$]q )Z+W WG'CJQ jkQ@/sk?oj7|S m% b;"@m8[8ah5''/_W]\_m8j _0_Xp)7%y8tRZ]9q>]9:f2WY VZCf]L_ZSZc5-G%3JGD:8B6~sU5\o%SEI(O'XdLh4;\)z?L;`R]l:TCc.!iv3hPT 9t:BmUiU6V 4PnwGRlA!lh1k3E9aV"Mk3.=|e-Rf`OrmUNbgGi7X5|Z0BGlzmmG#tOq|?&6djH3{gS lt'>1"4]Ku%lS8c]/ endobj Contractors worked through the day Tuesday at the YMCA, which . /X20 19 0 R Facebook; Twitter; Mail; LinkedIn; Pinterest; Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA. Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA Pool Schedule. Monday Thursday 4:30pm-8:00pm The YMCA of the Roses is a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization. . The 38,000-square-foot facility includes a large gymnasium for basketball and volleyball, indoor and outdoor pools, fitness rooms and workout room with more than 50 pieces of equipment, including treadmills and stationary bikes. 5 0 obj Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA Pool Schedule; The W. Dale Brougher Foundation YMCA Pool Schedule; York Branch YMCA; Outdoor Pool Info; Virtual Offerings. The District is committed to providing, in an accountable . Monthly Print. %PDF-1.7 The W. Dale Brougher Foundation YMCA Pool Schedule. Kenderdine said the problem was caused by a faulty drain under the pool, which was completed and opened to the public in May. O:' f A? h D I4EQtvucW ( 2IpUPf4K4O G%'t 2 0 obj Box 237 Lampeter, PA 17537 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Ph: 717-464-3731 Fx: 717-464-5047 NON-EMERGENCY POLICE Ph: 717-464-2421 Home Contact Us Calendar Site Map Accessibility Copyright Notices endobj The event also honored the hundreds of businesses and community members who donated $2.5 million toward the project. multiple laps. <>>> x}]{|ja ;; x^],?ODEU7QWJI8q"v~eH1}V]:m/?oo/. endobj 2 0 obj /DisplayDocTitle true S( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( {ww "?4VW%'t Camps & Clinics 10/30/2019. %PDF-1.4 .`Aomx P `>BIE:'W{hK~5|`vD?z7}1c\hv(^Q3NM*37wWp2w0w~`'EzPzko{m$,ZdZXodOA!\~/wYF,z `I[zC+PW`>n$1^.2@ic/_o1Go4#oh3pNzJN6+9 ^B O/wn~h}|W*O1r"CNc`X`*v'`9Ewtsh?v/W,` tmxilL#BNk7bz=ORR{tJ%~BD:Jq"\8jq~\!%U)G\bT;!J(T7D_PBKkvv12f M\8w4fNvw`n4Drv\NQ'r A5`PZ7*gmc'CFRGiy$Ex}BW@VI3r|5kT^LNhW:aXq;>x7Nb'58~o&{ =QXfnqF@E{~{2H& Yb&3&~Hkz5z Donations are tax-exempt. endobj More information on the services and programs offered at the new YMCA can be found at. Opportunities remain for businesses and residents to contribute toward the building campaign, which can be paid over a five-year period. Because we believe that every person is important, we strive to foster a diverse and global culture in our Association which is inclusive and accessible to all people. /X8 10 0 R More information on the services and programs offered at the new YMCA can be found at. {{::party.modified | moment:'MMMM D, YYYY'}}, {{::classLocatorResults.getRepetition(party)}}, {{::classLocatorResults.getDuration(party)}}, {{::party.modified | moment:'MMMM D, YYYY'}}, {{::classLocatorResults.getInstructorName(party)}}, {{::classLocatorResults.getSubstituteName(party)}}, {{::classLocatorResults.getDanceLevel(party)}}, {{::classLocatorResults.getCardioLevel(party)}}, {{::classLocatorResults.getClassTypeName(party)}}. /X27 26 0 R qt}P&PH:5t 5 +Z-Pl'Z'V /X33 32 0 R More information on the services and programs offered at the new YMCA can be found at www.lancasterymca.org or by calling their offices at 717-464-4000. Virtual Offerings. /Rotate 0 /Filter /DCTDecode /ViewerPreferences 3 0 R C " based on availability. {{::classLocatorResults.getDuration(party)}}, Updated Recreational Opportunities - West Lampeter Township, PA Week of May 8 Monday - Day 1B Tuesday - Day 2B . /X16 16 0 R endobj /X30 29 0 R /BitsPerComponent 8 /Resources 6 0 R During the process, an engineer will assess the structural integrity of the repaired section and will test other pool drains to ensure there are no more problems in the foundation. 2 0 obj The facility also features a child-watch area where parents can have their children looked after while they work out. The YMCA is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit . Classes at Lampeter Strasburg YMCA - Zumba /X23 22 0 R The indoor pool at the Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA is being repaired and is scheduled to reopen Sept. 14. 4 0 obj The L-S YMCA offers a variety of group fitness classes, swim lessons, youth sports and fitness programs, along with existing L-S Rec Commission programs. In the meantime, hours for the Y's outdoor pool have been extended, and programs regularly scheduled for the indoor pool will be held outdoors as long as weather permits, Kenderdine said. /X15 15 0 R individual Members' needs. /Parent 2 0 R /Count 1 Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA - 717-464-4000 Corporate Office 717-812-0119 Our Mission It is the mission of the YMCA of the Roses to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. /ViewerPreferences 3 0 R Officials closed the pool Tuesday after employees opened the facility and found the pool empty. The Graham Aquatic Center Pool Schedule. /X25 24 0 R Lancaster, PA. 94. Title: LS Indoor Pool Schedule 1.16.23 Author: rwagner Created Date: % << {{::party.class_type_name}} ryxW](R *MeLxMkbl PJTux1]9u$p4abtq~tt ZJYwiLc%+ r}rqt=Fs?QO^[L.Mh%h@F 5ib;C~ ] vYipYiu*FhXbfdfE'Jc R,_4 b C.`uzeds)#~r "wQ|+{t8&PY_*ni"pZt8B-ESN[pet8"pJZ76+\ut)N 3j]$npE_96K~#{TmeFv,xd1e [)K 4M_C84Gw5o- 8dk`'2 0 H c1wq2&fF4 #l`PSklJ|\3NW=lDRc ['/#8zC[Z+K2+NdYUd "k,lSY":"P;} |nb.fFS=CRmLflNGI?OX tsOC=].Uf]tG=YfWHD^ ,_ 'Q1ip [M&0Z|,$#~+Mx)U1FW +,b &]!T8MY; Tb4[M'0 FxZOx4ecf ',Nxi5sGJ\ck{"zXWPV f/4I#DoA]QbyG7$AH. stream Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA /X30 29 0 R Lampeter-StrasburgIndoor Pool February 2023 Pool Hours: Mon.-Wed.: 5:00 am- 12:00 pm3:00 pm- 7:30 pmThursday:5:00 am- 7:30 pm Friday: 5:00 am- 12:00 pm3:00 pm- 7:30 pm Saturday: 7:00 am- 3:30 pm Sunday: 10:00 am- 3:30 pm Lap Swimming: Is open to those that havethe ability to swimmultiple lapscontinuously.
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