SOC is a significant and established threat that endangers the integrity, legitimacy and sovereignty of the UK and its institutions, both at home and overseas. Table 23: Spot rate eligibility by ethnicity, Table 24: Spot rate eligibility by disability, Table 25: Spot rate eligibility by sexual orientation. For officers who hold operational powers, the Home Secretary sets a remit letter, whereby the NCARRB (as an independent pay review body) are requested to present recommendations on pay for those officers under their remit. Anomaly correction in location allowances -97 additional officers receiving a South-East allowance. childcare benefits (policy for new employees as of 5 April 2018): The government has introduced the Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) scheme. The NCA acknowledges that the NCARRBs 2021 report contained some areas of feedback for consideration. When factoring in bonuses and additional compensation, a Officer at The National Crime Agency can expect . 14. 95. The National Crime Agency leads the UK's fight to cut serious and organised . Comparable role in organisations with a similar remit to the NCA is undertaken by an officer of more senior rank, or the role requires a specific skill set which is remunerated at a higher rate. JCP in Kent on Twitter: "Equipment Officer position with @NCA_UK in 38. Officers on the spot rate pay structure tend to be evenly split between powers and non-powers. Our 2021 people survey results on pay decreased following the pay pause. 27. The intention was to undermine the UKs economy, integrity, infrastructure and institutions through criminality. Candidates from the rest of the world will be considered; however, Cochrane's Central Executive Team is only able to offer consultancy contracts outside these countries. This would cost 210k and would bring 97 officers in to scope. 23% of roles within the command have powers. The Agency focussed on rolling our spot rates to grades 1-2 and 4-5 in previous years, to make progress against our ambition to align more closely with policing pay. A)Expanding the coverage of Capability-based pay. The NCA recognise the need to balance pay awards, as the economic evidence does state that if pay increases were to exacerbate temporary inflation pressures, this may drive wage demand further across the economy, and lead to increased pressures. Further attrition data is contained in Annex A, point 6. Tackling SOC requires a coordinated and national response. This is aligned with our strategy to build the fairness of our offer, through targeting the lower earners in the organisation. The difference is exacerbated by the police receiving yearly progression through increments. Officers will have not seen progression last year on pay, which has become evident through this years people survey results and some of the additional feedback that we have gathered through additional fora. We will review the ambition for grade 6 officers within the modernisation programme. We also aim to reduce the length of our standard pay ranges so that they are aligned with the Civil Service best practice of 15%. Permanently employed staff make up 90% of our total headcount. The operational success of the Agency depends on the expertise of the whole workforce. Table 1: Progress against capability-based pay ambition, Figure 2: Current Powers VS. Non-Powers Split. National Crime Agency | Civil Service Careers Leading the UK's fight to cut serious and organised crime. Table 8: NCA People Plan and progress made in 2021. We've rounded up all the jobs on offer at the NCA's Warrington hub that you can apply for right now. 25. The Agency continues to evaluate the impact of more flexible working practices, should recommendations for changes emerge that impact remuneration, they will be proposed in line with the three year future strategy. Roles based in Chelmsford/Stevenage will receive an additional. The 2021 National Strategic Assessment concluded that the threat to the UK has highly likely increased compared with 2020. Table 66: Spot Rate Values by grade and ethnicity. For example, the Investigations command ran an internal campaign to increase officers in hard to fill roles in the South-East. This submission evidences the impact of the pay pause, and the importance of continuing to apply a meaningful, affordable investment into our offer, to build a workforce for the future. Early evaluation data suggests that the hybrid working pilot has had a positive impact on wellbeing, engagement and performance. Extending capability-based pay is a key component of our pay strategy. A request from the NCARRB as part of their seventh report in 2021, and from officers feedback, is to set out how pay works in the NCA as part of our annual submission. The Agency will apply the criteria set out to determine the roles that will be prioritised for investment. This is increasingly being driven by advances in technology, as criminal groups are operating in a global, inter-connected way, to continue to profit and avoid detection. More. We also need to ensure officers can access the training they need, and to drive inclusion and an open, transparent culture. Table 4 shows there is still a way to go to achieve comparability across all grades when comparing the NCA median with the policing equivalent. Moving roles off RRA where we apply capability based pay. National Crime Agency salaries: How much does National Crime - Indeed The survey was completed by 59% of the workforce. Specialist Investigations Our Specialist Investigation teams include Social Workers, Financial Investigators and surveillance. Data suggests that the pay gap with our comparators, particularly policing, is growing. 75. 39. To support this work, we are developing a revised benchmarking matrix. 34. **RRAs are an additional, non-consolidated payment, targeted to roles where there is clear evidence of issues with recruitment and retention as a result of pay. Sustained, unforced attrition within the roles team over two years, A track record of difficulty recruiting over a two-year period. The NCA supports the Governments levelling up agenda, and we already have sites across the country. The proposal will apply an average investment of 3.18% in the capability-based pay framework. Whilst this is lower than the UK average of 15%; the data shows that, where we have invested in pay reform previously, attrition, and vacancy gaps, are lower. Our proposal, along with how this compares to the estimated police award for this year, is outlined at table 12. Table 60: Total overtime claimed by working pattern, Table 61: Total overtime claimed by age group, Table 62: Total overtime claimed by ethnicity. This is set out in chapter 1. Although the other grades remain slightly ahead of Civil Service comparators, NCA officers did not have any pay uplift in 2022/21, and cost of living has risen. The National Crime Agency employees rate the overall compensation and benefits package 2.4/5 stars. Over the past year, 29 staff moved from Investigations to Intelligence, and 23 moved from Intelligence to Investigations. Table 16: Workforce by command work pattern split, Table 17: Workforce by command Gender split. Table 1 shows the progress that we have made against our capability-based pay ambition, the impact of the 22/23 proposal, and the residual gap across operational roles. It is important we provide female officers with opportunities to progress up the grade structure. The below data shows that the majority of our powered roles are officers graded 4 and 5, which are more frontline facing roles. 2. The NCA are planning to submit a three year pay deal as part of the 23/24 submission. Whilst the NCARRB process covers officers with powers, non-powered officers pay is determined through a collective bargaining process with the Trade Unions. 74. For example, the NCA utilises some form of recognition and performance bonuses through honorariums, which are awarded to those who go above and beyond their role, and end-of-year performance bonuses for officers who achieved exceeded outcomes in their performance review. The following data tables detail officers eligible to opt in to Spot Rate as of August 2021. To support this, the Agency has a number of pay processes, policies and procedures that are subject to negotiation with Trade Unions. We have outlined that there are still gaps that will need to be addressed in future years. NCA Intelligence Officer - National Crime Agency The diversity of these groups is represented in the IOTP diversity statistics shown on the following pages. The Agencys intent is to remain aligned to our pay strategy, and proposes: A 1 year pay award, proposing a 3% IRC, to be implemented for 22/23, to be applied differentially in line with our strategy. Nca Jobs in London, United Kingdom, April 2023 | Glassdoor This includes remaining competitive, attracting new entrants and reducing the time it takes to onboard new starters at the beginning of the employment journey. The NCA workforce is comprised of a blend of specialist skills and capabilities, and therefore the pay framework is complex. This is overseen through governance by the Remuneration Committee, which is chaired by an operational Director. National Crime Agency (NCA) | LinkedIn Table 69: Standard Pay Range by grade and ethnicity. It is offering a salary of up to 223,441 a year for the right candidate - in line with Owens's 220,000-225,000 salary bracket reported in the law-enforcement body's annual report and accounts for 2020-2021. Starting salaries for the three agencies - GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 - are in the region of 30,000 to 35,000, plus benefits. Where we have applied reform, attrition has reduced, and we have seen increased numbers of applications for roles that are on capability-based pay. The comparison between median NCA pay in Enabling Functions and the Civil Service is outlined at table 5. Search Nca jobs in London, UK with company ratings & salaries. The cohort data below shows the number of officers undertaking the programme since last years report. As part of the 20-21 Annual Plan, the Home Secretary tasked the NCA to continue to target its efforts on reducing the number of victims of exploitation, reducing the impact of SOC on our communities and reducing harm from economic crime. The outcomes from the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) workforce review mirrors the challenges we face in attraction and recruitment. We have higher attrition in areas that we have not been able to apply reform, which demonstrates the importance of continuing to implement our strategy. The data suggests that those on the standard pay range, who tend to have been with the Agency for a while, may be on a higher salary range, therefore the spot rate structure would not be beneficial to them overall. Table 57: Total overtime claimed by command. We have allocated 1.33m to increase the number of roles in scope of capability-based pay this year. The Agency forecast that this proposal will have a positive impact on diversity outcomes, including a reduction of the gender pay gap through reducing the length of the pay ranges and applying targeted uplifts to the lowest earners. There is no such thing as a. This is being developed for 23/24, subject to wider agreement. In order to alleviate the issue of police transfers we have begun using the expert spot rate within Firearms, since implementation in 2019 leavers within Firearms has reduced down to 5 in 2020 and 6 in 2021 from a high of 12 in 2018. At grade 1 we only have 5 female officers on the spot rate framework. When consider what officers liked the most about working for the NCA, their team and relationships came out top, with their role and the opportunity to work on SOC also featuring highly. Targeted pay uplifts to reduce standard pay ranges by up to 19% since 2016. An area where attrition has been quite high has been in our Armed Operations Unit (Firearms), where a combination of an ageing workforce and high numbers of officers moving to the police has meant the team have struggled to maintain operational capacity. Flexible working may have been a cause of this and partially contributed to a better work life balance, resulting in better productivity for the Agency. The ambition is to achieve full coverage of capability-based pay, in line with our criteria at table 10, across operational roles. 55. This aligns with the work that we have completed on identifying hard to fill roles, through the vacancy gap and attrition data that is outlined in chapter 2. Follow us on: - Twitter ( - Facebook ( Website The NCA has generally looked to policing as our key comparator, given the similarity in the types of skills that are required in our operational roles. This would build fairness, in line with the strategy. To support our assessment, the Agency conducts an equality impact assessment on the proposed entry list, along with forecasting the impact of implementation of the changes on the agency ambition. You have accepted additional cookies. This includes performance bonuses, overtime and contingent labour costs. To deliver this we need to continue extending capability-based pay, reduce the length of the pay ranges, and invest in pay uplifts to ensure we are building an attractive offer. 16. When looking at the ethnicity of the population, we can see that officers who identify as White are the highest percentage of officers eligible to opt into Spot Rate (6.05%). It is imperative that we align our pay strategy to support this, in order to stay ahead of the threat. Table 65: Spot Rate Values by grade and ethnicity. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Table 16 shows that proportionately, less officers work part time hours in operational commands than they do in enabling functions. As noted in chapter 1, for an award above 3% IRC, the Agency Board would need to make choices to reallocate funding from elsewhere. The NCA provide many specialist capabilities on behalf of law enforcement, intelligence and Civil Service partners. As officers progress through the IOTP, we expect to see more females on spot rates. In our enabling functions, we have also seen attrition increase, particularly where we have not been able to implement pay reform. Leaders discussed the new opportunities and challenges 2022 will bring. 46. This is drawn out in more detail in tables 2 and 3. Evidence identified Wilson approaching more than 5,000 children globally. We have redesigned the way we run lateral campaigns, to move away from an annual event, and aligning it more to surging capacity to meet the operational needs. The NCAs strategy is to extend capability-based pay fully across eligible roles and to invest in the framework to provide an incentive for officers to develop their careers in the Agency. It is recognised that pay is one part of the package, along with the wider people offer, which is outlined in chapter 2. We still have gaps with comparators across all grades on the capability framework, and at grade 6 on our standard pay framework. We are competing for skills across several labour markets. 8. Accountable for developing and delivering the intelligence in response to support the 4 P planning developed by Threat Leadership. Targeted investment at grade 3 to reduce overtime reliance. We decided not to focus extending capability-based pay to large numbers of grade 3 officers. Ensuring that this forward focused approach aligns directly to remuneration will form part of the future pay strategy. This estimate is based upon 23 The National Crime Agency Investigator salary report (s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. In order to secure the skills that the NCA requires to lead the evolving threat, it is important that our pay proposal aligns with our strategic context. We identified and arrested prolific online offender David Wilson, who was charged with 96 sexual offences committed against 51 boys aged 4 to 14. There are areas we still need to do more work on, expert spot rates, allowances and capability based pay progression. There are a complex set of stakeholders and sign-off points throughout this process. The below table shows the grade breakdown of the payments made, Grade 4 was the highest claim with Grades 5 and 3 following closely behind. 88. Cochrane seeks Advocacy and Partnerships Officer We continue to review our people data quarterly with the NCA Board. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the nature of the threat, though the level has remained consistent. Almost 36% of the workforce hold operational powers, with most concentrated within our Investigations command. 1. Table 6: NCA Total Pay-bill (for directly employed officers), (The Agency also utilises a non-consolidated pot which is 1% of the wage bill, this currently stands at 2.22m). Following the successes in 2020 we are now expanding growth in specialist areas which matches with our goals of expanding the spot rate framework into these role types. Embedded quarterly Diversity Dashboards to equip leadership teams with the tools to focus their activities, reporting activity to the NCA Board. There are other areas that the Agency needs to budget for as part of our total pay-bill that do not come under the NCARRB remit. There continue to be challenges with comparability in relation to pay and conditions, and it is clear there is more to do to build on previous successes. 31 open jobs for Nca in London. Many of the operational roles that are designated as hard to fill remain out of scope for capability-based pay, such as forensics and social workers. Looking at overtime claims by officers with and without powers, the split is even with powers officers claiming 51% of overtime. 91. Officers are satisfied with the level of support received from managers and team members, and that they are encouraged to come up with new and innovative ideas. Diversity is improving, and the Agency continue to embrace initiatives such as the IOTP programme to create opportunities for increased representation. Continued to enhance developmental pathways to facilitate more lateral moves between teams, and have utilised talent schemes across Civil Service and Law Enforcement. Extending capability based pay to remainder of eligible roles in the agency. 86. The majority of the workforce remains on the Standard Pay Range. 5. 21. The National Crime Agency (NCA) leads the UKs fight to cut Serious and Organised Crime (SOC). 36. Existing application of our capability-based pay framework, along with our reforms, have helped with the challenges of recruiting the skills we need. The table below shows that pay and benefits is a concern for officers. 29. The ambition is to move officers off temporary allowances and on to capability-based pay. Gender pay gap within capability based pay is below agency total, with a mean of 4.66% compared to 11%. The tables below show the diversity & inclusion characteristics of overtime, showing the gender split, ethnicity, age groups and working patterns of claimants. This creates an often complex process. This is a key enabler of our strategy. This will provide an average uplift across the standard pay ranges of 2.43%, and will reduce the average pay length gap to 23%. Built a more sophisticated benchmarking approach to inform next years pay strategy. This would also keep NCA pay from lagging further behind comparators in this area. The NCA has a workforce of 6,032 as at 31 August 2021, and in the last four years the Agency has grown by 1,942 officers. As part of the case for 3% IRC this year, we anticipate some reductions in spending elsewhere including overtime and time off in lieu (TOIL) , as our pay increases drive efficiencies. The ambition is that our pay framework rewards capability, supports agility of talent, and aligns with our people, inclusion and culture strategies. We have seen, due to Covid-19, our officers adapting to homeworking well (as a short term measure), and data has outlined that our sickness levels have decreased from previous years. Location: Ideally based in the UK, Germany or Denmark. Whilst the government did not ask for recommendations in 2021/22 due to the pay pause, their 7th NCARRB report included feedback that we have been asked to consider. You could also apply to become a police intelligence officer, if you work for the police. The impact of COVID-19 has seen on average a 50% significant reduction in leavers from the Agency. As we move towards producing the ethnicity pay gap, we need to improve opportunities for BAME officers at the highest grades. This is an improvement on last year where spot rates covered 28% of our workforce. We also need to develop our offer for our enabling professions. We have started to move officers from Recruitment and Retention Allowances (RRA)** to capability based pay. Operating across geographical and virtual borders, SOC perpetuates serious violence, and harm to the UK from across the globe. It is a critical part of our offer to apply affordable pay uplifts, in line with our strategy. 41. Alongside continuing to prioritise the safety of our officers, we developed and mobilised new working practices quickly, such as, moving learning on line where possible and investing in technology roll-out in order to support increased remote working. 83. The highest percentage of officers eligible to opt into spot rates are in the higher age brackets, 4.3% of 50-59 year olds and 2.26% of 40-49 year olds. 31. However, achievements with the vaccine programme, plans for additional jobs, and additional support provided to families and businesses, has supported the economy. Table 38: Internal transfers for Intelligence, Table 39: Internal transfers for Intelligence. Table 2: Comparison of pay points between NCA Grade 5 and Constable Pay. Intelligence analyst | Explore careers | National Careers Service - GOV.UK As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the UK economy has faced its toughest climate in 10 years. The Agency continues to score strongly on officers feeling aligned to our organisational purpose. You have rejected additional cookies. The most common scenario is when Officers are transitioning into or out of an International Liaison Officer (ILO) role i.e.
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