The solution only works when the trigger column does not form part of hidden visual in any way. Hi Pam, Hi matt, It really worked. @marlonip, the funniest thing happened. If you can edit a report, you can edit, delete, clear, hide, or lock this type of filter. Matt has written a few articles in the past that toy with the ideas of changing visibility and text colour based on selection, and this article was first penned by his hand in April 2019, as he started to wonder if it was possible to make a power bi visual appear (or not) based on a selection from the user. level 3 group max of two options (i.e. b. Hope this helps, but my cards are text cards that show the manager name, Dates, employee names and I want to make them hide until the user chose from the slicer a department name, How can I apply this technique to my text cards, Thank you i have found a way and it works. OR(ISFILTERED(Country); ISFILTERED(Customer)); ; I'm working with a dataset containing all the approved travel requests from a certain period of time. Under Home tab > Click on Table icon > table dialogue box opens. In the sample report below, I want the matrix on the left to appear if the user selects an item in the category slicer on the right. The second is a table showing Total Sales by Country & Region. I am using this solution to mask a bar chart until a selection is made. Basically we have 3 different requests that went to Turkey. Then simply turn off the Category Label. Thanks for your article, its really useful and well thought ! Relationships in Power BI and Power Pivot, Show or Hide a Power BI Visual Based on Selection. Thanks so much! I have also the similar issue like need to show error message when theres no selection of filters but when I am throwing the error on top of graphs , wont be able to hover over tooltip after selection of any filter. In the future I would expect that expression based formatting will solve the problem but as of today I dont know of a solution, You could take a different approach however. Do you mind taking a look at my workbook. This is the 3rd iteration of this Power BI Visual Based on Selection article, attempting to address some of the confusion that has emerged since I added the [Check Filtered] measure into the mix in January 2020. The second table is showing all content though I have set the Hide visual measure in Filter pane. Hi Matt. For me the scenario is, If All selected in my slicer then I should see a Line chart showing Lines for each value of the slicer. With Matts matrix example, rather than covering the entire matrix with the message card, one only needs to cover the top two rows (those that would display when the matrix is blank thanks to [Check Filtered]). I have followed the process but not getting the end result what is expected. There will always be such differences in such a case. Unfortunately, this will not work, as Select All is the same thing as No Filter Applied, therefore the [CheckFiltered] will return False, and the therefore the visual will remain hidden. If a Part Name however can have multiple Part Numbers, then you will get the alternate result (a blank) returned by the [Measure] if more than one part number for that part name is selected. Who Needs Power Pivot, Power Query and Power BI Anyway? I have shared this post with many . The last step is then to give the button a conditional action. OR(ISFILTERED(Country); Hi, in my case I wanted to hide a table. Hope it helps anyone with same issue, the drop down is disabled for some visuals and enabled for others. One issue I am facing while doing this when I drag and drop the measure to the filter pane, the drop down is not working. Its (All) so the field is disabled. Thx, Yes, that is the issue. Thank you so much for the article! how to hide/unhide visuals based on selection (i need to put all visual names in slicer ,then user can select and see visuals which ever he wants , unchecked visual names will be hide), how to hide/unhide visuals based on selection (i need to out all visual names in slicer ,then user can select and see visuals which ever he wants , unchecked visual names will be hide). Would you know why it is not getting applied the filter in visualization filters? I am trying to select in the filter as 1. However, SELECTEDVALUE() is only appropriate if the specific selection is a single valid value. Hi Matt, Hi! Microsoft has already announced it is extending expression based formatting everywhere, and it will come. I had same problem. Is it because the category Country can not be the filtering/blank condition while being an axis of the chart ? The || is a logical OR, but gives you the flexibility to move beyond a binary condition. So whenever there will be no data how to hide a the visuals? I have tried to create other measures to work as a filter as well with no luck. From the menu bar, select Format, select the drop-down caret under Apply drill down filters to, and select Entire page. Power BI service. You could also look at fields that can be conditionally formatted, and set their font colour to black or white depending on the show hide. APPLIES TO: Power BI service for business users Power BI service for designers & developers Power BI Desktop Requires Pro or Premium license One of the great features of Power BI is the way all visuals on a report page are interconnected. Microsoft is working on making every part of Power BI controllable using expression based formatting. Would HASONEVALUE do the trick? Thanks. The Check Filtered Measure is only necessary if you want to have the visual appear blank prior to your selection. . I had tried some work arounds with filtering on a related dim table as you mentioned, but ran into even more performance issues. If I understand your model correctly, you should be able to do this with a switch measure. Do you have any idea which works the same but with filters? Hi Shannon, My best guess is that the measure is not correct. Then build a hierarchy slicer with Part Type, Part Number. Yes. I guess yo could add 7 text boxes manually, and conditionally for at each of them to have the text transparent or black. See my response to that. I am also seeking a solution to be able to have both options to select a value by either selecting a value (which your instructions cover) or by searching from a Text Filter visual. Based on field = Make Transparent. As per my requirement, We have 10 visuals in one page( order by : 1 slicer, 5 tree maps, 2 tables , 1 bar chart and 1 line chart) all visuals needs to be appear only based on ealer filter.i tried but its not working as i expected bcz when i press 3rd visual its bcame blank. By default, when you drill a visualization, it has no impact on the other visualizations on the report page. You can also use that measure within the dynamic title to have it display a message. I am expecting more expression based formatting to come to Power BI in the future, so hopefully at some stage this will be a feature rather than a hack. Hi Jason! Maybe you dont need to make them transparent. There is one level 1 option that needs a different matrix than all the others, so Id like to hide that options matrix if the level isnt selected hopefully this all makes sense! The picture of the described case is available by the link on, Looking at your image, it appears you have placed the Check Filtered measure onto your card. Could you please let me know how to use with Matrix row selection (SelectedValue) instead of a Slicer? Now when I select button2table , the chart visual should change to table Hi Matt, At this point, I'm considering reporting this to my manager as something impossible to achieve on PBI, so this community is my last hope. I have your applied steps going from table A to table B. my problem is that when something is selected on table A the message and the data in table B disappears. In Power BI Desktop, select Format > Edit interactions. When I select Belgium in the MAP, I want to see everything of RequestID=2 in the TABLE. You need to have at least two values in the visual you are trying to hide (filter) with the Check Filtered. Hi Ross, It works the one way when a filter is applied but doesnt seem to work the other way when a filter is cleared to reset to no show all the records in the table? The same happens for the other 2 request as shown in the second picture, so the result I need is the table from the second picture showing not 3, but 9 lines (3 lines for each request id). Hi Jueliette, Dynamic Title to show Prior Month from Selected Value. Alternately, given that the visual you wish to hide is a Matrix, you could set up the matrix something like this: LOOKUPVALUE(Security[User],Security[See Chart],TRUE()) can we give condition on power bi visual. In my experience, Check Filtered Measure has no influence and is not needed. adroll_adv_id = "SL2RPW5XMVH4XEWMDBMJGV"; Hi Matt really enjoy your articles have your website on my regular to read list. In this article. Power BI adds filter and highlight icons to all of the other visualizations on the report page. Quick edit to add if I set the filtering relationship so that graph B highlights graph A it does what I need it to on graph A, but still removes the selection and re-hides graph B. Hi Caitlin, I have tried this in my report and I downloaded your sample work book as well but noticed that your sample work book has same issue what I am facing. when user select Month in SLICER then display only1 2.Line Chart and 1&3 graphs should hide The Hide Visual measure returns the values 1 or 0 in a card depending on if I click a slicer. First determine if the button is visible. However, I think because it covers the bar chart area, I am losing the mouse over tool-tip information on the bars in the chart. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Creative ways to show filter selections on your Power BI reports Thats just one thought. ISFILTERED() is just checking if there is a filter being applied on the specified column of data, so in that case any selection or multiple selections on the column will result in the hidden visual being revealed. 3 gear, 6 gear) Team. Using a numeric column in a calculation. Selected Calendar = SELECTEDVALUE(YearType[Type]) It appears that placing the invisible card in front of my visuals prevents me from being able to hover over charts and view the tooltips for each visual. I was stuck in the same issue. Check Filtered = I hope they implement it soon. That just seems like a lot of overhead. adroll_currency = "USD"; Its just coming up as is less than and its frozen. The largest, in-person gathering of Microsoft engineers and community in the world is happening April 30-May 5. Great explanation. Hopefully, one day, there is a simple show/hide conditional option in visuals in the future; or better still a conditional switch to display two alternate visuals. But it occurs to me you could use DAX to control what options are in the slicer for the user to select. Hello, I think I have a new version of PBI. I fixed this by duplicating my column, I used one of them in the table, and the other in the slicer. Hi Mugesh, If I select Germany, I want to see RequestID=1 and if I select Turkey or Singapore I want to see everything, and that works! The problem is the card becomes transparent but is still considered the object in front, not allowing users to click on the other objects. Thank you in Advance. The card then simply needs to be placed over the header row of the table. I suspect the issue is that when you are selecting a value in Table A, [Hide Visual] is still returning 0, and hence Table B is remaining Empty. 1) Message = IF( I believe this is what you are seeking. Check Colour goes onto the conditional formatting of the data labels and Callout value. Hi Rashmi, My original issue was actually a slow-performing measure, so I was trying to limit the number of results the matrix had to display. Maybe even an option saying do X before selecting from this slicer. Pam. Thanks million times! If you have edit permissions to a report, you can turn on the visual interaction controls and then customize how the visualizations on your report page filter and highlight each other. -chart visual- This is supporting hide unhide Gauge and drill through feature. They do not belong to other attributes. after this , when I select button3chart , the visual should come back to chart (but still the first visual should remain as table). Yes you could use SWITCH(TRUE()), but that seems over kill unless you need more than 2 outputs, Hi Matt. Thanks. Visualization Tip: Change to Filter instead of highlight - RADACAD In the Action settings, I chose Type = Page Navigation, and then selected the fx next to the Destination bucket. In the Power BI service, select a drillable visual to make it active. Just make sure the card is only covering the Matrix header. I used one of the barcode columns to appear in the grid, and the second one in the slicer. Can you help me with my situation where in I have a bar chart for annual revenue with 7 bars by the top 7 clients and I only wish to highlight and display the name of the selected client from a filter, while not revealing the names of the other 6 clients, but showing their revenue stats? Ill definitely keep these in mind for the future! My approach would be to use the [Hide] measure to ensure the slicer renders blank, and then use Expression Based Formatting to control the Slicer Header. Could this work to highlight a sub-group in a scattergram? Hi Matt, Thanks for sharing wonderful trick..But there is a problem when we using more then 3 visuals.. ,BLANK() Our COO will be very happy. Select FY22 or FY23 from the slicer to see the results for that year, Thank you for this. When trying to select the measure as field value > I use this for data tables when I dont want all of the information showing until a user has filtered it. CONCATENATEX(VALUES(Products[Category]),Products[Category], ) = Clothing Bikes, The hidden visual now only appears when both Bikes and Clothing are selected in the slicer. Really appreciate your work. You have to place it somewhere other than on top of the visual if you want to be able to click on the main visual. I have a functionality where in i click on a data point in a scatter plot, i need to unhide the visual. Sadly, no. Lets say we have Visual A that shows a top 10 client number based on the amount spent over the last month. The process is the same in the Power BI service Editing view. The bolded icon is the one that is being applied. This will need to include a list of all the users that should have access to the visibility of the visual Hi Julius, @Stu I use that trick too. Jason Cockington holds an MCSA in BI Reporting and is a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and consultant at Excelerator BI Pty Ltd. Jason has been training Power BI users for more than 2 years and has 15+ years experience in using data to deliver strategic business value in an applied scientific research setting. The message will be displayed by default, but when the user selects an item in the Product[Category] slicer, the message will disappear and will reveal the hidden visual. Can you please suggest? This was really helpful! Requirement : When I select a button only the specific visual has to change (this one I can do with bookmarks) Hi Zack, It is not easy, but it can be done as long as you make the selection for the hidden visual to be larger than the one that hides it. If this is the case, you will need to create a proxy, perhaps by duplicating the column. The issue you are facing has to do with the fact your card is covering the entire visual, which you need to do if youre working with a Map or Waterfall, etc. I had a project where I needed the background color of a matrix to be controlled by filters. Hi Mriganka, Id like to be able to hide the content of the matrix as you describe, but since each row of the matrix filters the Part Number at the row level, I get [Hide Visual] = 1 all the time. It worked perfect for my report. Write a measure that returns either the background colour or transparent based on the user selection (type Text), and set that to conditionally format the background colour of the card. Hi Ajay, This has worked brilliantly for my adapted need. The Card is perfect for this. False positive filter selection, despite no selection on the slicer: . Im waiting for expression based formatting to come to the visibility of a visual. )) Power BI reports are highly interactive, If you select a column in a column chart other charts will be highlighted. Solved: Filter based on another visual result - Microsoft Power BI I am sure this will be one option in the future. In the same table there is another column called level which show values for Reactor, but Nil for Pump. I have sales 1, sales 2, customer1, customer 2, item1, item 2 , date, sales lines 1, sales line2, sales history table I checked the order and the cards are in front and graphs/tables are behind them. 04-18-2023 02:09 PM. Thank you very much! I was stuck at the same step and changing the type made it work! So the message would disappear if one selected the first slicer or if they just selected the second slicer? Part Type & Part Number Rows = Parts[Part Name] This conditional formatting they are starting to roll out makes me feel like they are starting to get it and PBI is getting more and more Qlik like with every release. Thanks in advance. Is there a way to trap that? Thanks for sharing! If nothing is selected then the message appears over table Bs heading. But after adding Hide Visual measure to my Filters on this visual, the drop down does not work. Do you have a parent category for your parts? The SELECTEDVALUE function simplifies the syntax required when you use a numeric column of an entity as a parameter in a calculation. Waiting for your reply, Very creative solution but the problem is that my table visual has a border on it so I have to cover the entire height of the table with the card which then results in no rows being able to be clicked on once the user makes a selection and the data in the table visual appears. Your email address will not be published. It would be good if there were a way to make the cards disappear, but cards just dont seem to work like other visualizations.
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