"Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures.". What should you do if you find a dinosaur in your bed? 39. ", I thought we had something. Three dinosaurs stumble across a magic lamp. This joke is sometimes attributed to a Lindy's waiter at that classic New York City restaurant, but the joke was probably invented by a New York comedian who ate at Lindy's. YouTube. 69. What's as big as a dinosaur but weighs nothing?Its shadow! Customer: Can you bring me what the lady at the next table is having?Waiter: Sorry, sir, but Im pretty sure she wants to eat it herself. Waiter: What'll you have?Me: I'll have the chameleon.Waiter: That's not on the menu.Me: How can you be sure? 1. To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. What dinosaur could jump higher than a house? Where do Velociraptors spend their pocket money?At a dino-saur! 9. A dino-saw. ago. Its nothing but skin and bones. A blonde went to buy a Pizza and after ordering, the assistant asked the blonde if she would like her pizza cut into six pieces or twelve. everyone laughs. Why did the dinosaur cross the road?Because chickens hadn't evolved yet! So they hang him, skin him, turn him into a canoe. Six of the best what do you get if you Dinosaur Jokes. What did Matthew McConaughey say when the waiter asked him if he wanted ice in his water? Let us know what you think! Q: Whats a zookeepers favorite vegetable? Mitchell: Well, why did the chicken cross the road? Why wouldnt the T-Rex get out of bed?He was still dino-SNORING! What did one Christmas tree decoration say to the other? What do dinosaurs have that no other animals have?Baby dinosaurs! 23. 12. 55. What goes, "Ha, ha, ha, haaaa. Why do museums exhibit old dinosaur bones? 25. For more jokes thatll keep your kiddo laughing, check out our animal jokes package, which includes funnies for frogs, cows, dogs, llamas, owls, and more! 16. Ive got it! he cries, I want a MEATIER shower!. The fly's prayers were answered. 31. What has sharp fangs and sticks to the roof of your mouth?A peanut butter and jeholopterus sandwich. 3.. Whats the best way to raise up a baby dinosaur? Also, ydrn can't imagine life without her bicycle. To impress my date I ordered my whole dinner in French. Second guy says, down me. 12. 29. Customer: I'd like a cup of coffee, please, with no cream. Its tail. Q: What animal is grey, big, and has so many red bumps on the skin? A: Tyrannosaurus wrecks. The waiter replied, "Yes. There are about 700 known species of dinosaurs. Q: There were 10 cats in a boat and one jumped out. Q: What do you call a gorilla wearing earmuffs? Q: What do you call a fish without an eye? 30. Q: Why did T-Rex's girlfriend break up with him? To his fortune, he spots the horn of a narwhal close by. Q: What did the judge say when the skunk walked into the courtroom? There are loads for you to read and laugh through. 5. Of course, dinosaur jokes arent the only thing we have to offer our dino-lovers. Q: What did they call prehistoric sailing disasters? The diner was impressed. 5, 2023, thoughtco.com/worlds-funniest-dinosaur-jokes-1092386. I meant nothing . What do you call a dinosaur that asks a lot of deep questions? And make sure the glass is clean.". 22. Q: Where do werewolves store their things? How do you know if there is a dinosaur in your refrigerator?The door won't shut! Customer: This fish isnt as good as what I ordered here last month.Waiter: Thats funny. 4. Q: What animal has more lives than a cat? 16. What did the dinosaur say to the cashier at the till? 60. Whats the best way to talk to avelociraptor?Long distance! 26. This day was pretty roar-some. A piece of string walks into a bar and orders a drink. What do you call a dinosaur as tall as a house, with long sharp teeth, and 12 claws on each foot? Rep Tiles, 24. Customer: Waiter! Customer: Waiter, what is this cockroach doing on my ice cream?Waiter: Skiing sir. Out of the way as fast as you can. Q: How do you stop a mouse from squealing? Whats worse than a giraffe with a sore throat? Why did the tyrannosaur cross the road? Q: Why did the Dalmatian go to the eye doctor? Tea, Rex?. Advertisement. My IT worker friend tried to flirt with a waitress and failed miserably. 32. ThoughtCo, Apr. A: It was the chicken's day off. 12. Why did the Apatosaurus devour the factory? The third dinosaur, certainly not to be outdone, thinks even harder than the previous dinosaurs. "The kitchen is on fire.". Waiter Jokes: 20 Funniest. What's green and hangs from trees?Dinosaur snot! Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us! Why so mean? How about with no milk? When can three giant dinosaurs get under an umbrella and not get wet?When it's not raining! Panda. What did the dinosaur call her shirt-making business? What did one Christmas tree say to another? There were two goldfish in a tank. Tyrannosaurus Wrecks CYA!!! Got some good zoo jokes for kids? 13. 8. Who makes the best prehistoric reptile clothes? He determined that 17.8% of our diners knock the spoon off the table. I am sorry Sir; he can't eat it either. Why Did the dinosaurs die after smelling their eggs? Here is a crop of the funniest jokes involving the "terrible lizards," better known as dinosaurs: Why do museums have old dinosaur bones? 8. What does a triceratops use to sit on? 12. 1. What did the mother rope say to her child? Baby tomato starts lagging . Customer: Waiter, whats this fly doing in my soup? 70. Q: What did the slow kid duck say when the father duck told her to speed up! Grab your set now! Yes, one T-rex and nine velociraptors! 31. Grab these jokes today and share them with your family and friends! Why Video Stores Need A Comeback A Dinosaurs Perspective, 70 Fun, Mind-Blowing Dinosaur Trivia Questions, 33 People Describe Their Personal Encounters With The Unexplainable, 120+ Funny Toddler Jokes for Young Children(LOL), 60+ Biology Jokes for Science Students (LOL). You may use them for class parties, at church, at home, or in the classroom. Customer: What is this stuff?Waiter: That's bean enchilladas sir.Customer: I know what it's been, but what is it now? What makes more noise than a dinosaur? What dinosaur could jump higher than a tree? Not to be outdone, the second dinosaur thinks even harder. 31. 2. 7. What did the policeman say to the bank robbing skunk? Q: How did the mommy duck break her back? Q: What is black, white, and red all over? "He doesn't pay me much". jokes just never get old well, almost never! It will say, "Me Ow!". Can you name 10 dinosaurs in 10 seconds?Yes, one gorgosaurus and nine velociraptors! 3. I don't think any family in our neighborhood owns one! A waiter asked his two customers: "Red or white?". What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with a glove? How did you find the steak?Customer: Super easy. Thump"? Yes, one Gorgosaurus and nine velociraptors! Q: A man walks into a zoo. Customer: Theres a fly in my soup!Waiter: Dont worry Sir, the spider in your salad will get it. Eye-saur, RELATED:45 Duck Jokes That Will Quack You Up. Message me if you have any good/bad ones. What do you get if you cross a dino and a dog? 6. It is a CAT-alogue. They also are the focus of serious-minded research conducted in natural history museums and universities throughout the world. Sure, but fishing for compliments is never becoming. a. What did one say to the other? Customer: Why are the waiters in here so nasty? Why cant you hear a Pterodactyl go to the toilet? Customer: Do you have bacon and eggs on the menu?Waiter: No, we clean our menus regularly. 43. "Please bring me the passenger list.". Customer: Waiter, would you please get your thumb out of my soup? #1. 14. Share them in the comments so we can add them to the list! Please provide your email address and we will send your password shortly. #5 A T-Rex has short arms so that everything it holds is close to its heart. I feel ptero-bill. Q: How does a mouse feel after it takes a shower? What's this fly doing in my soup?". Gorgonzilla. Today is special. 8. What do you get when a dinosaur walks through a strawberry patch? 18. All of them. There are about 700 known species of dinosaurs, that's more than we can remember. 36. 18. 24. "What is thy bidding, my master?". These make great lunch box jokes, joke card series, bedtime laughs, and more! Because if so, we can replace the soup.Customer: Just try it.Waiter: Okay, where's the spoon?Customer: Exactly. "Why?" asks the confused waiter, as the panda makes towards the exit. Q: What is the easiest way to count a herd of cows? Q: Why did the lamb cross the road? Please check link and try again. I can't eat this chicken. How many dinosaurs can you fit in an empty box? You don't know the definition of heartbreak until you see the waiter coming to your table with food, but then take a sharp turn to a different table. In Hollywood, every waiter is a successful actor, every bartender is a famous film producer, and the vast majority of homeless people are less fortunate relatives of Steven Spielberg. Waiter: Oh, you in a rush? 6. Houses cant jump. Are Giraffes related to Dinosaurs? . 27. 12. What do you call a dead dinosaur with no eyes of legs? Receptionist: Doctor, theres an invisible dinosaur in the waiting room. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder. 28. DinosaurFactsForKids.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Q: What is the difference between a fast horse and a slow duck? A: In a were-house. 19. Copywriter and content writer on a quest to explore every corner of the world, one country at a time. Will the pancakes be long?Waiter: No sir, round. Its feet smell. Which dinosaur knew the most words?The thesaurus! 9. Csutomer: I can't seem to find any oysters in this oyster soup.Waiter: Would you expect to find angels in angel cake? 2. Customer: There's a neutron in my soup.Waiter: That'll be no extra charge sir. Why didnt the dinosaur cross the road? Q: What steps do you take if you a tiger is running towards you? Funniest Jokes . 32. If you like your animal jokes a bit less extinct, check out our bird jokes too - they're like dinosaurs, just a bit more evolved! Your thumbs in my soup! Q: What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn? Q: Which kinds of snakes are found on cars? Quite by accident, I moved my potato and there it was. 7. 12. Robert: He didn't, the chicken crossed the road. What did the tortilla chip say to the guacamole? And whether you love baking yourself and constantly collect dessert recipes or your only contribution to the entire industry is eating pies in all the available flavors, you will definitely appreciate some dessert puns and jokes. Atheist: What's this fly doing in my soup?Waiter: Praying.Atheist: Very funny. I can't eat this. Waiter: Would you like regulary or decaf? What do you get when a dinosaur sneezes? He rides all day and starts to nod off in the saddle when he notices he is about to ride straight over a cliff. 4. You will then click to confirm your subscription. 7. What do you call a dinosaur who hates losing? Q: Why did the leopard refuse to take a bath? What Were The Largest Meat Eating Dinosaurs? 12. Child 1:I lost my petiguanodon!Child 2:Why don't you put an ad in the paper?Child 1:What good would that do? Waiter: "You are the reason why I drink after work.". A nearby waiter reached into his shirt pocket, pulled out a clean spoon, and set it on the table. 32. What's worse than a giraffe with a sore throat?A tyrannosaurwith a giraffe in its throat! Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Happened In Your Life That You Wish Happened Again? I was waitering the other day and a nice old man asked me for a little spoonso I gently lay him down and hugged him from behind. It seems only right that the most famous of all dinosaurs has its on dinosaur jokes section. Just ask a question: Why did?, What do you call? 4. You'll also enjoy our baseball jokes and our top ten corny jokes. Q: What is it called when a cat wins a dog show? Q: What do you get when you cross a snake and a pie? Q: What do you call shaving a crazy sheep? Q: What do you call a girl with a frog on her head? What do you call a sleeping T-rex?A dino-snore! 12. 40. 21. What do you call a dinosaur after a breakup? 26. 13. Customer: Give me a hot dog.Waiter: With pleasure.Customer: No, with mustard. What do you get when you cross a dinosaur with fireworks? Q: What was the wolf in the butchers shop arrested for? This article was originally published on Sep. 14, 2020, Woman Buys A "My Size Barbie" 20 Years After Mom Took Hers Away, A Princess Performer Lays Out How Parents Violate Her Boundaries During Birthday Parties. A: A Bronco-saurus! We collected only funny Waiter jokes around the web. Top Google result for "curb what did waiter say in Spanish". What is the attitude of rude waiters at Chinese restaurants? How did you find the steak? No one would trade me! What did the pirate say when he turned 80? What did the dinosaur call her blouse business? RELATED: 45Bear Puns That Will Make You Roar with Laughter. Monday, August 22, 2022 at 1:16 PM by Peris Wamangu. How do you say goodbye to a diplodocus? Why did the Archaeopteryx catch the worm? 10. The pastor explains, "To make the horse go, you gotta yell, 'Thank God!'. Waiter: These are the best eggs we've had for years.Customer: Well, bring me some you haven't had around for that long. Is the Stegosaurus a good volleyball player? 26. Why don't dinosaurs ever forget?Because they never knew anything in the first place! Q: What do you call an elephant in a phone box? 7. Were not lion when we say that our zoo jokes for kids are appropriate for all ages. Here is your dinosaur toy! These koalaty jokes are so funny, each punchline will have you roaring with laughter! A: Hey, howl are you? What do you call a paleontologist who naps on the job? Three hungry Dinosaurs are walking together, a Spinosaurus, a T-Rex and an Allosaurus, when they find a magic lamp. Q: Why didnt the chicken cross the road? Prof. Shadbraw flips the switch on a device he designed to finally make his students laugh at his jokes. A man says to his waiter, Excuse me sir, this coffee is cold. The waiter replies, Thanks for telling me. "I'm a panda," he says at the door. What animal has the whiskers of a cat, fur of a cat, a tail of a cat, ears of a cat, but is not a cat? "Dog Jokes and Riddles for Kids." Fun Kids' Jokes. How do you know that an apatosaurus is under your bed? Q: What do you call a cow that wont give milk? "You make my heart saur.". Scientists make new discoveries about dinosaurs every day. Youll see the bright red A on its pajamas. EnchantedLearning.com is a user-supported site. After trying to eat it for while one decides to give it a rub. 53 funny dinosaur jokes for kids and adults alike to enjoy. 10. 1. What should you do if you find a dinosaur in your bed?Find somewhere else to sleep! 35. Ooops! Q: What is the best way to catch a squirrel? 54. Try to cheer him up! this site hopes to share our knowledge and resources on the dangerous, deadly and delightful world of Dinosaurs. Q: Why does a dog wag its tail? Customer: There is a fly in my soup! Customer: Theres a wasp in my dessert. A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb over the meat. Customer: Why are the waiters in here so nasty?Waiter: Look at who they have to serve. Q: How does a lion greet the other animals in the field? Waiter: And how would everyone like their steak cooked?Customer 1: Medium rare.Customer 2: Well done.Customer 3: Rare.Customer 4: Between medium and rare.Waiter in the kitchen: Four steaks, all medium! Q: What do you call a chicken at the North Pole? Ron took his date to an expensive Italian restaurant, picked up the menu, and ordered food for both of them, saying: Well have the Giuseppe Spomdalucci. The waiter responded: Thats the manager.. One of these ways was to use the theme of Dinosaurs. 30. Q: What does afrogeat with his hamburger? 24. 57. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. Dont be a saur loserthese puns are dino-mite! Dinosaur jokes are a guaranteed roaring good time for everyone and are certain to have you dino-laughter. What do you call a dinosaur made of cheese?Gorgonzilla! Why did the Morus Intrepidus take a long hot bath? How do you know if there is a dinosaur in your fridge? "Ow!" yells the man. Check your inbox, and click on the link to activate your account. Because he said he only loved her this much (with his tiny arms spread wide). Thank you for releasing me, i can grant you each one wishThe genie says happily. Looking for some simply rawr-some jokes and puns to share with the T-rex or stegosaurus enthusiasts in your life? Strauss, Bob. 11. "Thank you for releasing me, i can grant you each one wish " The genie says happily. 37. What is found in the middle of dinosaurs? Please enter your email to complete registration. 17. The zookeeper was struggling to explain why two tropical birds were stuck together. Are you crazy? yelled the customer, with your hand on my steak? What answers the waiter, You want it to fall on the floor again?. What would happen if a 100-ton Brachiosaurus stepped on you? Whats the best way to raise a baby dinosaur? Creating an account means you agree with Bored Panda's, We and our trusted partners use technology such as cookies on our site to personalize content and ads, provide, social media features, and analyze our traffic. What was the scariest prehistoric animal?The Terror-dactyl! What did the dinosaur say to the waiter? Q: What is it called when you lower a zookeeper into a lions den? Q: What do you call a baby bear with no teeth? . Find out the answer to this and other how do you know dinosaur jokes below. jokes ask the ultimate funny questions. You look drunk What do you call a dinosaur that crashes his car? Waiter: Do you want to hear todays special?Customer: Yes please.Waiter: No problem sir. Q: What do you call a cow that eats your grass? What would you get if you cross an angry sheep and a grumpy cow? Why cant the T-rex clap its hands?Because it's extinct! Youll need a program that supports PDFs. 6. Why do museums exhibit old dinosaur bones? What did dinosaurs use to make their hot dogs . You have 3 options, we can burn you, drown you, or hang you. And while all of that is fascinating . Dinosaurs are dangerous animals but their jokes can make anyone laugh. there's a fly in my soup!". Q: Why did the dinosaur get in the bed ? Q: What did the duck say to the waiter when the check came? Ok, sorry, well leave the rest of the punning and joking to the comedians. What did the grape do when it was sat on? it pours salt on your head and gets out a fork. The waiter asks: "What are you doing with this old man?" "I work in his house". is a 1983 French film directed by Claude Sautet and starring Yves Montand, Nicole Garcia, Jacques Villeret, Marie Dubois, Dominique . Tyrannosaurus ex. What dinosaur cant you hear go to the bathroom? 28.What do you get when a dinosaur sneezes? Why don't dinosaurs ever forget? Q: What do you call a sheep covered in chocolate? Scientists recently discovered a new dinosaur that was very intelligentThey named it thesaurus! Q: What do you call lending money to a bison? Why did the Tyrannosaurus Rex cross the road? 17. What is a velociraptors favorite place to eat? What will a cat say when it falls off a table? What did the dinosaur use to build his house? Person 1:I keep seeingpteranodonswith orange polka dots.Person 2: Have you seen an eye doctor yet?Person 1:No, just pteranodons with orange polka dots! 22. It's called a thesaurus. He can't hear you! What did the dinosaur say to the volcano? The same as short ones. Why was the dinosaur sad after it ate a pillow? Waiter: And how would everyone like their steak cooked? What do you call a T.Rex who hates losing? Q: Whats the difference between a Southern zoo and a Northern zoo? What does a cannibal say to a waiter on a cruise ship? #4 You are roarsome. 10. A shocking new study finds nearly half of Americans say they're convinced dinosaurs still exist in some remote corner of the world. I'm raptor round your finger! Fun Fact: Today the closest thing we have to dinos are birds (crazy right?) Waitress can afford the same apartment as a physicist with a Phd. What do you recommend we get? #2 Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures. What did one ocean say to the other ocean? What did the Mexican heavy metal guitarist say to his bandmates? Today, I found out that the application was unsucessful. it couldnt reach the stop traffic button, 5. Why cant dinosaurs play computer games? Let us know in the comments and we can put them up for you! Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/worlds-funniest-dinosaur-jokes-1092386. Ever since an efficiency expert visited our restaurant. so it is a reference to that joke and the waiter saying "everyone will want to eat one" and also the guy in said joke eating the fly and also the fact the article is about eating . 11. 71. 36. A panda walks into a cafe. 16. 36. What do you get when a dinosaur walks through a strawberry patch?Strawberry jam! After she walked away, my wife said: She obviously has COVID! Why would you think that?, - I asked. Csutomer: I can't seem to find any oysters in this oyster soup. Get the best of Bored Panda in your inbox. What do you call a blind dinosaur? How can you tell if theres an allosaurus lying in your bed? Q: What do you call a pig thats been arrested for bad driving? Whats the best way to raise a baby dinosaur? 38. When the waiter returns with the two glasses of tea, he asks, "Which one of you asked for the clean glass?". Pun lovers have long been pondering what one thing said to another. What kind of dinosaur can you ride in a rodeo?A Bronco-saurus! Always on the hunt for the ultimate playlist, she scours Deezer to find just the right tunes to listen to while working on her creative projects. Pray that it doesnt see you. When he wakes up, he finds himself encased in ice, floating in the middle of the ocean. What do you call a dinosaur who is a noisy sleeper? In fact, these 50 dinosaur jokes for kids are sure to envoke laughter. 33. What happened when the brachiosaurus took the train home?He had to bring it back! 30. I'm sorry. They rub it, and a genie appears. 6. What does a waitress do when she finds a cold pizza that was forgotten to be served? And to make it stop, yell, 'Hallelujah.'". If so dont forget to check out our other information, a little more serious that what do you call a blind dinosaur! Type questions! You laugh now, but the skeletal remains of dinosaurs dont find it humerus. A penguin falls asleep on an iceberg. How do you know if there's a dinosaur under your bed? The number one classic dinosaur joke as seen in Jurassic Park, What do you call a blind dinosaur? We have some more here for you. 2. Mama, you know weve got your back. Customer: There is a caterpillar in my salad!

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