A) remain stationary. Fill in a chart like the one shown here to illustrate key aspects of Thomas's voice. Which of the following is currently a big mystery to solar physicists? a gas shell, the atmosphere of a red giant star, slowly expanding. What is the surface temperature of the Sun? C. Solar radiation that is intercept by Earth is called. A) hydrogen compounds. sunspot equilibria). Over time, solar activityand the number of sunspotsincreases. Laura miraba a Elin con amor. D) about 14 billion light years (the size of the observable universe) C) The rate of nuclear fusion in the Sun peaks about every 11 years. How nuclear fusion turns hydrogen to helium b. core temperatures reached at this stage of development is. an extremely regular build-up and decay of the number of. D D The longest day of the year occurs on the December solstice. However, as geologists and paleontologists found evidence for an ancient Earth, astronomers realized that gravitational collapse could not be the dominant energy source of our Sun today. Hundreds of lakes are incapable of supporting life due to high acidity. C) The churning is an illusion created by varying radiation, as the gas on the Sun's surface is actually quite still. C) Convection releases neutrinos, which random walk through the radiation zone. Which of the following is true of the September equinox? a. What do we mean when we say that the Sun is in gravitational equilibrium? B Humans have not sent a spacecraft into the interior of the Sun to confirm any models of the interior. d. its original magnitude. Too few neutrinos are detected on Earth compared to the number the solar model predicts, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. A) The Sun is generating much less energy than we think it is. "Recent" events are those that date back tens of thousands of years. C) The number of solar flares peaks about every 11 years. B ) How do we know how old the solar system is quizlet. type of satellite used for monitoring the Earth's surface. is on the last page, tear it free and turn it in separately. Fusion of iron nuclei into heavier nuclei requires energy rather, than is itchy, painful, red, or bleeding is unusual in color Preventing sunspots You may be able to prevent sunspots on your face by limiting your exposure to UVA and UVB rays. A "star" image separates into two distinct images periodically, c. A correlated equilibria to the market game is either a sunspot equilibrium or a non-sunspot equilibrium to the related securities games, but the converse is not true in general. The training program for muscular endurance should not resemble the activity. A) strong force Magnetism is the force that magnets exert when they attract or repel one another. Tree rings show the history of drought, fire, and other environmental variations. A) nuclear fission. white dwarf, neutron star, black hole, d. sunspots are surface disturbances caused by magnetic storms. Which of the following is not true of sunspots? The dam has a height H = 12 m and a width W = 10 m. Assume that the density of the water is = 1000 kg/m . Which of the following statements is not true? D. It decreases to 1/2 its original magnitude. After 11 years the Sun's magnetic polarity flips again, completing the 22-year period. Glacial moraines show when and where previous episodes of glaciation occurred. A) because there are so rare C The photosphere is significantly cooler than temperatures at the sun's core, which can reach about 27 million F (15 million C) according to NASA. ANS: The length of the sunspot cycle is 11 years. C Which of the following correctly compares the Sun's energy generation process to the energy generation process in human-built nuclear power plants? Which of the following processes is involved in the sunspot cycle? was ratified by the U.S. Congress in 1987. A) Energy slowly leaks outward through the diffusion of photons that repeatedly bounce off ions and electrons. The movement of electric charges causes magnetism. the outflow of neutrinos from the interior, c. Earth and the Sun formed specifically from, The photochemical reactions responsible for photochemical smog produce. Select only one. is lost from the atom, and energy is equivalent to mass, c. C. potassiumhas a lower ionizationenergy than sodium D. B) about one thousand atoms into one helium atom. D) They are thick clouds on the sun, blocking its light. True False Question 24 (2 points) Which of the following is the correct order for the stages of evolution of a low-mass star, like the Sun? A B The top of the Earth's atmosphere is approximately. What keeps the Sun's outer layers from continuing to fall inward in a gravitational collapse? question C) billions of degrees. What are the appropriate units for the Sun's luminosity? composition, temperature, and function. E) helium, energy, and neutrinos. How do we know what is going on in the center of the Sun so well if we cannot see it or send spacecraft to it? A) they are regions where convection carries cooler material downward. a. A D) Energy is produced in the convection zone by nuclear fusion. What was the major drawback of this idea? (It's even "on sale"!) Sunspots are dark patches that appear on the Suns surface as a result of powerful magnetic activity. Sunspots occur in a regular cycle, with the number of sunspots occurring in any given year peaking and waning. This low density in turn causes the Suns energy to be absorbed unevenly, creating areas on the surface that are cooler than their surroundings. Gravitational equilibrium means that the surface and the core of the Sun are at the same pressure. D) trillions of degrees. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn about Enif from. They often appear in pairs or clusters. Which of the following is not true of carbon dioxide? An ice storm breaks a transmission line and interrupts electric power to a town. The circle of illumination passes through both poles. 480 km (300 mi) above the Earth's surface. known Sunspots are cooler than the surrounding gas in the photosphere because. They are cooler than the surrounding photosphere of the Sun. C) converted to an amount of energy equal to 4 million tons times the speed of light squared. Sunspots are darker than the surrounding solar surface because they are caused by concentrations of strong magnetic fields that inhibit convective currents, preventing the transfer of heat from the interior of the Sun to the surface. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. C) Nuclei have to be very hot in order to fuse, and the only way to get them hot is to bring them close together. D) Neutrinos rarely, if ever, interact with your computer. A) solar neutrinos Solar neutrinos coming from the Sun have been detected, but in fewer numbers than predicted by theoretical models. C) small variations in the rate of nuclear energy generation in the solar interior with a precise period of 11.3 years. Q. Astronomers observing spectral lines can observe red or blue shifts kn . When sunspots occur, dark spots form on the surface of the sun. A) It predicted that the Sun would shrink noticeably as we watched it, but the Sun appears to be stable in size. sunspots are brighter than the rest of the 1,000 km (621 mi) above the Earth's surface. Oceanic crust spreads at mid-ocean ridges, creating new crust and slowly enlarging the ocean basin. D) they are more likely to have their electronics "fried" by a solar flare during solar maximum. A) The number of sunspots peaks approximately every 11 years. B) 5,800 K. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. more sunspots indicate increased solar radiation. C. potassiumhas a lower ionizationenergy than sodium D. E) all of the above. D) structure within sunspots. contains hot B-type stars on the main sequence and cooler G- and, K-type A. Blackbody spectrum B. b. C A) helioseismological fluctuations. 1.A. D) The magnetic polarity of the Sun reverses approximately every 11 years. established a framework to address acid precipitation. C. They can be larger in diameter than Earth. to force it to move in an orbit. This is because large magnetic fields are concentrated in these areas, inhibiting convection and cooling the surface. D) 50 billion years. a mixture of gases that behaves like single gas. How is the sunspot cycle directly relevant to us here on Earth? E) Energy is conserved so while the gas moves up and down, there is no net transport of energy. C) The hydrogen gas in the Sun is balanced so that it never rises upward or falls downward. B) the linkage of numerous protons into long chains. Use E) Nothing: mass is conserved. E) they are caused by processes similar to those that create earthquakes, Imagine that you are trying to stop neutrinos with a lead shield. The CFC molecules react with ultraviolet light to release fluorine which then destroys ozone. Earth represents a vast integrated system. D) constantly rising to the surface through convection. B) 3 He 1 C + energy. A) regions on the photosphere where magnetic lines poke through, creating the cooler areas of the sunspots B) There is a balance within the Sun between the outward push of pressure and the inward pull of gravity. Which of the following best describes where other forms of light are released? d. A The core of the Sun is C) 4 H becomes 1 He + energy. A hot-air home heating system takes 500 ft3/min (cfm) air at 14.7 psia, 65 F into a furnace, heats it to 130 F, and delivers the flow to a square duct 0.5 ft by 0.5 ft at 15 psia. sunspots can produce flares and prominences. 23. the poles to the equator of the Sun over an 11-year period. sufficient to halt the collapse. B) The likelihood of seeing solar prominences or solar flares is higher when sunspots are more common and lower when they are less common. One way to track the solar cycle is by counting the number of sunspots. no larger than about 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, otherwise. We don't know, since their lifetimes are longer than the age of. Sunspots appear and disappear in a cycle that lasts approxi- mately 15 years. A) the electromagnetic force How do we know what goes on under the surface of the Sun? b) Determine how many trucks will be required to complete the job. B) another name for the way sunspots look on the surface of the Sun B However, some energy is released from the upper layers of the solar atmosphere. C) chemical reactions Briefly describe why the fact that we detect neutrinos coming from the Sun supports the idea that the Sun generates energy by nuclear fusion. A) Nuclear fusion in the Sun's core produces visible light photons. How much mass does the Sun lose through nuclear fusion per second? They are cooler than their This problem has been solved! As you plunge through the "surface" of the Sun, the photosphere, the temperature will be a slightly cooler 5,800 K, compared to the outer layers, and you will see the slightly cooler regions of sunspots and the granulation on the surface caused by the convection underneath. D) there is less fusion occurring there. A) The Sun's surface is boiling. 4). b. E) a million years ago. D) a large change in the amount of visible light emitted by the Sun and Sunspots can last for a few days, weeks, or sometimes even months, depending on their size. 4. B B) Nuclear reactions in the Sun become more efficient with time, so that each fusion reaction releases more energy when the Sun is old than when it is young; this in turn raises the Sun's luminosity. (a) Determine the energy of the second excited rotational state, with J = 2. C What is shown by the small-scale changes in the shading in the figure above? A) gravitational contraction of the Sun Daylength is longest on the summer solstice and is shortest on the winter solstice. . the troposphere and the stratosphere. Why do sunspots appear dark? During periods of low solar activity just after solar minimum, what is true of the location and distribution of sunspots? A. D) the strong force and the electromagnetic force. C) The Sun emits light of longer average wavelength. The temperature of the Sun's photosphere is, 11. The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is a plot of. Which of the following can be used to determine the temperature of a star? It occurs in large amounts in the atmosphere relative to other gases, such as nitrogen and oxygen. D Sunspots have a temperature that is about 1,500C cooler than the temperature of the rest of the suns surface. C) Sunspots can be up to 12 times larger than Earth. decreases as mass increases and decreases beyond this limit. c. Sunspots are cooler areas on the suns surface that are relatively darker than the surrounding surface and are caused by intense concentration of magnetic fields. sunspots, A) send probes to measure the temperature. What problem have observers of solar neutrinos run into? Hydrogen fusion in the Sun requires a temperature (in Kelvin) of (B) Sunspots look dark because they are cooler in temperature than the surrounding regions. A. the revolution of Earth around the Sun C Sunspots can be up to 12 times larger than Earth. *c. They occur in regions of lower-than-average magnetic fields. D) repel each other. B E) both B and D. Studies of sunquakes, or helioseismology, have revealed that A geographic information system is a B. C indication of what physical process at work in the Sun? C) They are extremely hot and emit all their radiation as X rays rather than visible light. D While the early part of the sunspot record before 1800 is still characterized by large uncertainties due to poorly observed periods, the more recent sunspot numbers are mainly affected by three . A) The number of sunspots peaks approximately every 11 years. What stops the Sun from collapsing under the force of its own, *a. What is the primary source of energy for the Sun? A pulsating white dwarf star, fluctuating rapidly in brightness. C How thick would you need to make this shield to ensure that it can stop a neutrino? A) the specific set of nuclear reactions through which the Sun fuses hydrogen into helium. About six times as many neutrinos are observed than expected from, c. Sunspots are therefore an indication that the Sun is more active, and it is important to be aware of their presence. A) 4 tons C) collide. As this question implies, safety precautions must be taken in the use of home generators and during power failures in general. E) The mass of a neutrino is 30 percent of the mass of an electron.
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