Clifton,La.and Vieteary,N.J..Germany..Good people.Bad Goverment Misled WAR and Suffering Enjoyed Worms Rhine and Colonge. I was in the Honor Guard. A Battery. A colleague was also there for the entire year as we provided health care for everyone nearby from the Ambassador Kenneth Rush's family to all official embassy personnel, local soldiers, and many housekeepers from Spain. Loved all my time in Germany and going back for the first time this October 2013. and procedures upon which the present vast supply operation was In USAREUR SGS 322 (1954). Did you know a lady named Melitta or Ursula Preiss,or a Richard Allen(Peanut) or Jerry Courtright? It was built in the late 1800's and used by the German Army until the end of WWII. changing rigs or drivers. Former West Germany Airfieds A-Z German Air Force US Army US Air Force Royal Air Force RAF Canadian Forces RCAF/CF French Forces Highway Strips Eureka Beacons Former East Germany Airfields A-Z I spent months researching and coordinating with our Civilian Personnel Office and others. Expansion and modernization have generated many staff and organization This excellent The command structure of USACOMZEUR underwent no basic change. Looking forward to visiting the places I fondly remember. name, Harvey Lew. Loved my years there, the fests, parades, wine/beer, food, country and most of the people. In USAREUR SGS 322, Vol. In all, 6,490 buildings were severely damaged or destroyed. 2,960,968, MILITARY UNITS - US MILITARY COMMUNITY-WORMS,WORMS, GERMANY. located a few blocks east and south of the Kaserne. In order words don't ask questions. He is so thankful I called and we exchanged addresses and he wants to come and visit. Additionally each of these employees had PX and Commissary privileges. It was the capital of the Kingdom of the Burgundians in the early fifth century, hence is the scene of the medieval legends referring to this period, notably the first part of the Nibelungenlied. unit was moved to Baumholder about 2 months later. The 5th Signal Cmd. I was stationed there from 1986-1989. 30 were here. Its Jewish sites (along with those in Speyer and Mainz) were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2021.[4]. system is the greatly increased mobility given the entire supply WENT TO SCHOOL IN MANNHIEM THER BEER AND PEOPLE WERE THE BEST AND OH YES THE BACHFISH FEST TOO. The only problem was the work was never previously approved before being performed. Zone is a history in itself. Ach Du Lieberschnitzel! He was born in South Africa of British parents who left before the various uprisings of native peoples and had a British passport. I worked in the IG office for Colonel Melvin Fletcher. state of combat readiness of the 37th THTC complete units and terminals He was baptized in the chapel on Taukkunen, which I was told is now a restaurant. The 37th THTC pioneered the "line haul relay system" in which a I was there in 1988 and left in 1993. I have been back in Germany several times in the past 3-4 years as a civilian working for a German Company (mostly to Ffm), but will like to take the time to bring my wife and kids one day to show them the charms of Worms and this region. at Frankfurt, Germany. On November 6, 1950, the French and American governments reached Lyon, then is furnished by the Petroleum Distribution Command, These were; the Advance Section, COMZ (ADSEC); the Base Section, COMZ (BASEC); the 34th General Hospital; the Seine Area Command, COMZ (SAC); and the Orleans Area Command, COMZ (OAC). roads where the Red Ball once made long cross-country dashes without little place run by older man, Alfred, and younger girlfriend (wife?) 2023 Copyright Today, within minutes after an order is filed in Germany, it is It's been nearly 40 years since we parted. When he was sick or on vacation everything in the budget area basically stopped until he returned. Just kidding. I cannot remember the name of the salary schedule under which he was paid, but I believe that there were fewer than two dozen, perhaps fewer than a dozen European nationals who were paid, in US dollars, under that scheme. a. I also remember when briefly assigned to the budget area seeing various printouts of some things I did not understand. With new machines and new ideas have come specialized troops and Paris and Orleans. this was a long time ago. 1 / 8 Show Caption + Hide Caption - U.S. Army vehicles cross the Rhine River in Germany from west to east at Worms in April 1944. (28), (1) Structure on 1 July 1954. orders weekly from units in the field. Army Aerial Support Center at St Andre, the first such Climate was fairly cool in wintertime, but often hovered around 32 degrees F in the daytime, dropping at nite, associated with many skids on the roads due to ice formation. When needed "Guest workers" would be granted a work visa. I went home in January 1959. It is a startling contrast to the infant supply organization In contrast to earlier years, the supply of combat forces is now You can now find the Parkhotel Prinz Carl on the site. Organized to perform unconventional terminal operations such as offshore discharge and clearance over the beach or through small, shallow draft ports, this battalion consisted of a provisional terminal service company, an amphibious transportation truck company, and a transportation boat company equipped with landing craft to provide lighterage from ship to shore. There was one "Local National", a Belgian, who solely maintained the TASCOM automated budget process via punched cards. ". Future military history will refer to units such as the Army Aerial under the control of Port Area Command. This southward move by the Third Army was not expected by the German commanders, who thought they would attempt to penetrate the Rhine defenses via the breach at Remagen. result today in ComZ; a command geared to the highly modernized is symbolized in the modern, proficient, and forward-looking military Uschi. I had the privilege of sponsoring Brandts physician, Herr Westerbruch, at the embassy club. During the disorders of 411413 AD, Roman usurper Jovinus established himself in Borbetomagus as a puppet-emperor with the help of King Gunther of the Burgundians, who had settled in the area between the Rhine and Moselle some years before. The regional Gymnasium (hochschule) was in the town & some of us played basketball in their gym, but few faculty members were friendly to us. the equipment items necessary to support the widely scattered field adaptation of electronic machines and devices has been introduced. The advent of new weapons, materials, i am searching for my grandpa.. joe or joseph grecco (griego)He was stationed with the U.S. Army in Worms, Germany, in 1953-1954 at the Taukkunen Barracks, Worms. In early 1971 IBM 360 computers were installed at the US Army facility in Karlsrhue. Battle commanders of World Wars I and II would never recognize the Such practice was common in the manufacturing sector. The first address you sent me is my buddy. Das Wormser Religionsgesprch von 1557. The Romans led the survivors southwards to the Roman district of Sapaudia (modern-day Savoy). authorites and the United States Army. It was a wonderful moment that we will both remember for the rest of our lives, and we owe it to VetFriends. We would like to hear from you.. its network of pipelines from the French Atlantic coast into Germany I married a German gal that worked there..been 48 years together now. The second was Indonesian and had a Dutch passport. (36) Interv, Maj Gugeler with Col Looney, 16 May 55, cited above. headquarters area to accommodate the influx of personnel and extra gyro back to fort Hood w/ 2nd Armored. The Americans did not enter the city until the Rhine crossings began after the seizure of the Remagen Bridge. Did you know a Melitta or Ursula Preiss,or a man named Jerry Courtright or Richard Allen in Worms,Germany.The men where in the Army. UNCLASSIFIED. his name Major Mitchel. Kissel noted how the Soldiers of 5th Signal Cmd. The reorganization of the 35 depots affected was completed by the end of the fiscal year. Also known by "Foch Kaserns".I would like to learn more about him. General A.W. Shirley Jones, Worms was my first assignment in the Army and I loved it. back there in 1978 and couldn't find the bar. By mid-November, Worms was a German strongpoint on the west bank of the Rhine, and the forces there resisted the Allied advance tenaciously. Most important, among more than 100 imperial diets held at Worms, that of 1521 (commonly known as the Diet of Worms) ended with the Edict of Worms, in which Martin Luther was declared a heretic after refusing to recant his religious beliefs. I was there from June 1973 to June of 1974. Prominent students, rabbis, and scholars of Worms include Shlomo Yitzhaki (Rashi) who studied with R. Yizhak Halevi, Meir of Rothenburg (Maharam), Elazar Rokeach, Maharil, and Yair Bacharach. I would love to go back. Detachments of SAC were located in Paris and in Fontainebleau. of Army (DAC) civilians. will inactivate at a ceremony Aug. 4 in Wiesbaden. In 868, an important synod was held in Worms. My name is Joe. need for an alternate and larger supply route. 700,000 items available on order from the United States. I miss it all. I was stationed at Taukkunen Barracks in 1969 and enjoyed my free time in and around Worms. My office was a shared shower room on the second floor. This operational magnitude and efficiency The decision to reestablish ComZ in France was governed primarily 5th Signal Cmd. "The worst private in the Bat" Bad attitude. One of my favorite places was a pizza restaurant in an old building begun 43 years ago by General John J. Pershing at Tours and nurtured Loved all my time in Germany and want to go back someday. I was stationed in Worms at the time it was decommisioned in 96, in 5th Sig Cmd DCSLOG (Deputy Chief of Staff Logistics) for C&E SATCOM affairs. I recall one being "Project Live Oak". Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation How cool is that. The inactivation is a result of directed funding and force structure cuts made throughout the Department of Defense announced November 2016. This committee consisted of representatives of the Assistant Chiefs of Staff, G3 and G4, the Office of the Comptroller, as well as a representative from the technical service divisions concerned. Even worsethere was no retirement component in the compensation scheme, and they were below the radar of their respective national social security retirement systems. 76 works Search for books with subject Worms (Germany). US Air Force Bases In Germany The com center was a 24/7 operation and we were on 12 hr shifts. The only other thing I remember was a renovation/expansion of the computer room was wanted and performed by a German contractor. I am a Wormser women that married and moved here to Illinois 1975 my family is still in Worms.In the 70th and 80th they operated the Bahnhof Restaurant.And today my Brother still has the Restaurant and Hotel Krimhilde.Me and my husband made many trips to Worms.Some things changed the food and wine is the best.We are going back this October. In addition, most USACOMZEUR depots were reorganized under the general depot concept; with the exception of Bussac General Depot, all such reorganizations were provisional pending receipt of approved tables of distribution from USAREUR. obviating the glaring vulnerability in the position of the western troops crossed the river at Worms March 29, 1944. forces. I recall that he and a French national computer programer in our office both had transferred to Worms from Verdun. (35) USAREUR ltr, 26 Apr 54, sub: Depot Organization. Clinton Romesha. It rapidly became clear how important seat belts were after seeing severe injuries despite losing control of the car while driving very slowly. That command was redesignated as the Orleans Installation, which in turn was incorporated into the Headquarters Command of COMZ headquartera. In 2010, the Worms synagogue was firebombed. Working with the technical services concerned, the Assistant Chief of Staff, G3, issued letters directing that all COMZ depots in France, as well as the remaining depots in West Germany, be reorganized to conform with the internal organization as set forth by Department of Army regulations. Not in Library. All things considered, they treated us "Amis" pretty well. T. Dibble I had many friends and often wonder if any are still out there after 50+ years. The green dragon on the patch is associated with the legendary hero Siegfried and the Nibelungenlied saga, which was set in Worms where the command was headquartered from 1974-1996. (30) Notes of Army-AF Conf cited above. Not in Library. Approximately 7,500 soldiers, family members and civilian employees compose what was formally the Worms Military Community. Of these, the first two were operating commands of COMZ, and the last two were support organizations. Thank you so much again for helping me The most famous of the early medieval bishops was Burchard of Worms. Such localized Few remains of this early Burgundian kingdom survive, because in 436, it was all but destroyed by a combined army of Romans (led by Atius) and Huns (led by Attila); a belt clasp found at Worms-Abenheim is a museum treasure. I was stationed at Worms, Germany from 1960 - 1963, 1st ARB, 48th Infantry, enjoyed Germany and most of the civilian people I came in contact with, a lot of memories from those days and times that I still think about today, hard to believe it has since been turned into a hotel, nothing remains the same forever. On 15 Mar the Seventh Army attacked, and the Third Army launched a simultaneous attack from the north in the direction of Worms. The port companies were organized to supervise vessel discharge and loading operations, although the actual stevedoring operations were performed by indigenous labor under contract. As a very young DAC, I was Mr van Hoeteghem's colleague in the Budget Division of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Comptroller (DCS, Compt). dispersed locations across France. Around 900, the circuit wall was rebuilt according to the wall-building ordinance of Bishop Thietlach. We showed him around Bad Godesberg. SOME OF THE BEST YEARTS OF MY LIFE. It is apparently haunted by the ghosts of WWII German soldiers. Provoked by Burgundian raids against Roman settlements, the combined Romano-Hunnic army destroyed the Burgundian army at the Battle of Worms (436), killing King Gunther. U.S. economies in fuel, manpower and truckpower, and which provide flexibility Also known by "Foch Kaserns".I would like to learn more about him. In the long term, however, that salary schedule proved not to be such a great deal. if you remember me, my email is, I was stationed in Worms from May of 1968 to June of 1970 when it was TASCOM. was born in 1950 - outcome of the communist aggression in Korea Not too long ago, with office space at a premium almost everywhere The majority of the bases are operated by the US Army, but the Marines and USAF also have bases in the country. More specifically, the depots were to be organized under a T/D reflecting all military and civilian spaces; T/O&E units were to be employed only in activities for which they had been organized and where they could operate efficiently; and military spaces. I was with the 232nd Signal Company 1979-1980 and often hopped the South Gate for pizza and getting to town - obviously I was never shot. of the progress made by the entire command during the intervening ORGANIZATION - 1954 [1] STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1955 Of this number, 21 depots in France were under COMZ jurisdiction while the rest were under the direct command of the technical services. At the beginning of FY 1955 USAREUR COMZ was composed of Headquarters, Communications Zone, and five subordinate commands. of St. Nazaire, La Pallice, and Bordeaux, from where they are shipped Worms was, thus, heavily bombed by the Royal Air Force and the U.S. Army Air Forces in two attacks on February 21 and March 18, 1945, respectively. Further problems compounded the situation of various holidays being German only and other US only. Weierhof was pretty isolated then, but a visit 22 years later revealed an Autobahn access, brand new. We talked on the phone several times in the last few years, and finally we were able to meet in El Paso, TX for a short visit. Toul. I believe that pizza place is now a Thai restaurant. One female was outside and was so scared she jumped on another soldiers back. Mission. my name is roger gault, I was there in 7173 Headquarters. The next high priority computer project was to automate all TASCOM Local National's Job Descriptions. Such ways and means are not limited to those Support Center at St. Andre, the Petroleum Distribution Command Great times! "Even after the troop drawdown and withdrawal of American troops from the City of Worms, those friendships were maintained," Kissel said. The Orleans Area Command performed a similar mission for Headquarters, COMZ. Worms is located on the west bank of the River Rhine between the cities of Ludwigshafen and Mainz. Loved the city, walked it when I could but never in uniform. 322nd Air Division, US Air Force, this unique organization delivers I hope that the name is so true that my abrupt always said what he called Joe. Ate at the pizza restaurant by climbing the wrought iron fence outside the barracks.

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