Age Of War is a fascinating survival game in which you have to defense your base and you can play it online and for free on Yes, you can play Age of War on your mobile device at CrazyGames. )ONLY USE CLUBMEN THROUGHOUT ALL OF THIS SO FAR! Once trained, the units should be sent up north towards the Saloon referred as Wall Gang's Hideout. Upgrade to the new age as soon as possible, so be sure to check how much xp you need for each age. Start with rock slingshot and then the rest clubmen. It's easy, just buy lots of slingshots and dino riders alternately and do that for ages. it way to easy and needs more agesI THINK!!!!!! Now we know why it's on 'addicting' games >. NO NO NO NOHere's how you beat it: Do not, I repeat, do not upgrade to the advanced ages until you absolutely have to, the goal is to beat the money war, not the war itself.Here's what you do:First, run your SPECIAL at the start of the game and kill at least 2 guys, this will give you 200+ coins, then install an EGG O MATICNext, create shitloads and shitloads of CAVEMEN (the dudes with the bats) SHITLOADS!You will not stop, they are there to keep in front of your base as the egg o matic does the work and kills the guysNext, keep adding TURRETS and EGG O MATICS as you get enough moneyThe success of this strategy is based on you spending little on cavemen and them spending lots on advanced guys, and your turrets killing them. Ages of Wars 1 is another role playing type tower defense adventure game from Max Games. Specials are the other action besides turrets that makes you the most money, as they are just a complimentary action that can potentially clear the board. A subreddit for (almost) anything related to games - video games, board games, card games, etc. The Style of the Toy At first glance, Bathmate Hydroxtreme 7 resembles any other penis pump, however there is a lot more to it. Back at the main settlement, enemy War Clubs, Rifle Riders, and Axe Riders will attack the player's bases. A trade route will cut through the settlement, leaving outposts and buildings on both halves. Age Of War Impossible Guide Similarities Between the Bathmate as well as Penomet Products There are numerous sorts of Bathmate and Penomet male improvement items that offer you with the precise very same outcomes; particularly the Bathmate Goliath and also Penomet MAX. Now all you have to do is build 2 caveman for every one unit which approaches your base. Build the caveman once the enemy is in range of the turret. okay here it is the impossible guide(i have used it 3 times and won twice soAGE ONEwait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen then use your special,with the cash earned from the special buy an egg automatic and spend the rest on club-men.keep buying club men and whenever possible do a special then buy 1-2 dino riders with the cash from the special. This will ensure that your basic units don't go to waste. Solution for Maxgame. AGE ONE wait for 5-6 enemies to appear on the screen then use your special,with the cash earned from the special buy an egg automatic and spend the rest on club-men. keep buying club men and whenever possible do a special then buy 1-2 dino riders with the cash from the special. analytics and serving ads. HERES MY GUIDE TO IT FOR NEW PLAYERSAge of war guideCavemen age: Pretty straightforward. for u people who need help on the "Harder Level", USE THIS, IT WILL HELP A LOT. After 2ish specials, it would be wise to hold off and wait till the enemy starts sending out tank units like (dinos, horses ect) And hopefully kill or mortally wound 2 units. Easy. Prepare a huge buildup of clubmen as soon as you see a situation like this, and possibly save your specials for these occasions. **Preface** there are 2 main objectives to focus on in this game. Buy god blades and keep them coming! So I found a glitch in the game that allowed me to finally beat AoW on impossible. Repeat these steps until you farmed $200k and 400k exp. !2nd time= medium3rd time= a bit easier4th time= hell yeah i beat the crap out of the enemy! We may use cookies to help customize your experience, including performing Keep doing this and add egg turrets (until you have 4) and until you have enough points to upgrade straight to the modern military age with enough money to buy top of the line guns. the second step is use your special abilities all the time if the enemy is around half way to your base. (This will help you defend your base easier, and in turn, will bring you in more gold because you're killing the enemy faster. If you can, try to get the rocket launcher. Don't stop, you will need them for when they upgrade to the 1940's army stage. and our when they start shooting, reapedidly press pause. And if you prioritize them winning will just fall at your feet. Keep building Cavemen. All other units have a really bad return on investment. Use the special 1 or 2 more times immediately after it refreshes (making sure that there are many enemies on the board). Get a second turret spot and buy a flame catapult. I beat the hardest difficulty it took me bout' 20 mins normal takes 10 and med' bout' 12-15mins!!! Hmm.Ive beaten this game,impossible,thats right,so funny.Thanks Technika,that helped me. I don't consider it cheating, as it's not a hack version. Instantly advance to the latest age, exchange two old turrets for two $100k turrets. ohhhhhhhhhhhh on impossible levelmy bad. you can do this also with machine gun in the next age. View all. They take WAY too long to get. The way to beat age of war. if you can get to the future level then an easy way to win is to get 3 ion cannons and let them take out all the enimys (with the occasional special) until you have enough for 2 super soldiers (and of course send them out at the same time) then just sit back and watch them destroy the enemy! Your main goal is to make money. This is the easy way to beat Age of War on the Impossible Mode. Buy tanks LOTS of tanks.Future age: Oh dear first sell your turret and with that by titanium shooter. There are five stages of evolution in Age of War. and then evolve three times. note: if you feel the enemy is too close to your base when your using the special then build a unit preferably a strong one such as dinohunters, and knights build defense for modern age too if you are not sure if the special will not kill the enemy and that they will get close. they will send lots of enemies but the 4 double turrets will kill them all.when you have lots of money,age to future age and buy as much super solders as you can and watch the violence. All, you need to do in harder is when the people that shoot come always put a caveman out, or they'll shoot your base and you'll be defeated. To stay in the game, you need to create enough units and turrets to hold back pressure from your opponent, all while developing enough force to reach their base. Wow this is the exact same strategy i use down to like the word =DNice job! all you have to do to beat insane mode on AGE 2 bring in just spear spartons until the next age then use a special on next age witch is AGE 3 then keep bringing in priests, nothing else. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. They gained legal control of the western Powder River country, took down the forts and permanently closed the Bozeman trail. This subreddit is dedicated to discussion of the games and sharing news about them. press the space bar to pause the game and wait about a minute for your special to charge up, then when you play the special is ready again (do this step every time). i won! The guide that zarakon posted for impossible doesn't really seem to work. Keep creating units to protect your base and destroy the enemy. It will teach you the basics of beating this game on Impossible. There is only two cheats for this game one is when you are on the third age get close to dying and turn special on and let them kill youthen everytime u play u will automatically have that specialon just dont use that certain special againand, the other cheat is to pause the game and let your special build up i have a cheat you can kill all guys hen destroy castle, the best way to win is when you get to the very last evolution try to get the four turret towers then get the last type of future turret and the other army will have no chance to get to your base then once you get enough money get the super soldier and they will lose instantly, ION CANNON = WINON THE LAST ERA THE WAY I WIN IS EASY AND WORKS ON ANY DIFFICULTY.i JUST KEEP ON BUYING GODS BLADES AND THEN ONCE I GOT ENOUGH BUY THE ION CANNON, AND THEN U GUESSED IT MORE GODS BLADES AND JUST KEEP BUYING THEM AND BUYING THEM AND BUYING THEM THE ENEMY WILL DIE WITHIN 10MINS OF USING THISREMEMBER ION CANNON = WIN, my strategy is after u r in the modern age get 4 double cannons then get into the next age and just wait for 40 points then sell a turret and get a red lazer one then do that with the others then i get 80000 points sell the red rays and get a ION ray then after 4 ION rays i get 300000 coins and get 2 of the super things cuz usually one dies so u have to get 2 but just as i get them i do the space ray thing to clear the path (only tested in normal mode), i beat it 10 times yesterday it is the funicular game ever, it took me forever on the last age cause i brought out 5 supersoliders. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Subscribe and get daily new escape games by email. So I found a glitch in the game that allowed me to finally beat AoW on impossible. ;)Once you have all four Rocket Turrets, you can sit back and relax, watching your enemy crumble beneath you. Why are the caveman so great? View all. Without a canon in stage 3, you will struggle as stage 3 special blows and doesn't bring in any cash. Things initially, the toy is made of non-allergenic products, as well as there are no phthalates in it. So i guess we have to beat it the normal way;), i just found out that age of war was fixed and now the cheats are gone, well looks like we'll have to beat it normally then;), heres who to win u get all turret spaces and then u buy all 100.000 lasers and they blast the enmy like hell and on modern age keep red cannon from age before its good for taking out units and fone me and ill tell u more heres fone number 700854 oh ye am a mad 8 year old and am an evil little boy. 3 or 4 riflemen or ranged soldiers can tear through your clubmen far faster than the melee units can. umm srry to tell u but i beat age of war every time i play age of war and i dont do half of what ur guide says, Thanks everyone =)Im actually updating the guide now, and incorporating a few tips that you guys posted Bye. Get too 700 again sell your turret and for 14000 buy the double then buy more melee guys (duh!)