But he ruled for her anyway.. THAT WAS DISRESPECTFUL! The stories are just that fictional stories. Yes. All Rights Reserved. In the caes of Kattie Mcdaniels vs William Stevens, where he ruled in favor of the coffee shop owner even though the coffee owner did not show any proof that he had in fact, lost money directly because of the plantif, nor did he show any proof that she had, in fact, gained 20 pounds. From the LA Times: "L.A. Judge Is Removed From Bench Performance panel says the jurist used TV appearances to market himself for better job." ~Janice P~. When do the new episodes start? Thats because these are not real cases. So, OK. What I dont like is that physical evidence like photos which might make the case more interesting, are never shown. Keep up the great work Judge Ross. They actually look very bored (like-when do i get paid?) Apparently, Im not the only one that feels this way. He is young, fresh, bold, brilliant, funny, tough, and always fair, said Allen. Syndicated. The litigants are paid actors and the judge was disbarred in 2006. Men died for our country & this show DISGRACES the 'SAMERICAN flag EVERY TIME IT AIRS! This show is on in NYC at 3:30 am and I tape it every night and enjoy it as my wake up show. would have least ruled that both sides were responsible for their actions, therefore awarding only 50%. I really enjoy Judge Ross's explanations of the law. America's Court with Judge Ross is an American syndicated court show produced by Entertainment Studios (ES). Autore dell'articolo: Articolo pubblicato: 16/06/2022 Categoria dell'articolo: fixed gantry vs moving gantry cnc Commenti dell'articolo: andy's dopey transposition cipher andy's dopey transposition cipher Why they dont cancel this show!! LOOK at the audience know one ever laughs or cracks a smile and they never really look at the litigants. I cant stand this show, if this is the way he ruled when he was a real judge its no wonder he was removed from the bench and lost his license to practice law. THIS SHOW SUCKS!! Kenny Lattimore and Judge Faith Jenkins Are Engaged Essence. It's said he violated his judge's obligations of impartial conduct; I guess which is grounds for disbarment. I happen to love him and his show. AND as if the teen wont be playing ding dong ditch, it only proved that you can get away with things with no consequences. THATS WHY WE ALL FELT SHOCKED, DUPED OR WHATEVER WHEN THE LIGHT BULB WENT OFF THIS WAS JUST ENTERTAINMENT. I totally agree, does He realy know the law at all,it seems he bases his judgments on his emotion instead of the laws.Example, the case with the so-called make-up artist who says that a friend stole $420.00 of make-up without any evidence he gave her the judgment apparently because he thought she was cute with a whole lot of bad attitude.Then a girl thathad contracted a std from her by boyfriend in which he brought no proof that he was clean or that shehad slept with any other guys, yet he tels herthat the burden of proof is on her,( I believe she had called std)and judged aginst her.What a wuss of a judge!Makes you wonder is there any justice out there.I will never watch that idiot again,no wonder people do what they want,it starts with the people that are supposed to be examples. Does he not realize that even if the child just turned 4, the math would be 4 years plus nine months which would be about 5 years. I eat meat, yaaaaay; personal choice, how about was a non-meat eater at a meat joint? So, was this an actual case with people who didn't want to appear on TV so they used actors, or, was this just a lie and a creative script? to entertain; or they are essentially social workers wearing a black robe and sitting on a bench. Retired Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department captain Bruce Thomas serves as the show's bailiff. It is spelled (judgement) WRONG on every show all the time. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM PEOPLE, IT IS TV, NOT THE NEWS. Ross entered politics in 1995, running for a seat on the Los Angeles City Council, finishing third despite endorsements from the Los Angeles Times and LA Weekly publications. I agree, this Judge is TERRIBLE! I agree with most of the comments! Both the plaintiff and the defendant sign a contract before a court hearing, so Judge Judys decisions are legally binding. There was one key point that was not acknowledged: position of both cars after impact (plaintiff had no pictures at all for evidence, conveniently). How does this show stay on the air with so many negative reviews?? I feel you do not belong in the court house and should be tared, feathered and sent out of this country. In 2005, Ross was removed from the bench for unethical practices. It's not on the law, that's for sure. No one on this staff knows how to spell judgment!!! And notice that, unlike other judge shows, they do not give you a number to call or a website to visit if you would like your case heard in front of Judge Ross. I stopped watching the View when I came across Judge Ross show. He is not allowed to practice law in the state of CA ever again. Then he found against the local busoness owner! 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Next, Ross quoted the claim against the nanny as Alienation AND Affection. I Googled the show with those words in my description to see if anyone else felt this way. From a viewer in Denmark. Therefore the show is FAKE!!!! Post A Comment. This show is 100% FAKE, LOOK at the plaintiffs and defendants who acts like that in real life NO ONE. These problems need to be addressed. 1 court show.. He made it seem as if 80 million gun owners in the US are incompetent to own guns. Emmy-nominated and eminently stylish, Judge Kevin Ross dishes out justice with a wink and a smile. Judge Ross is a no-nonsense jurist who dispenses justice with the gavel in one hand and common sense in the other. 2023 Deadline Hollywood, LLC. The litigants on Judge Ross all actors and the evidence that they present is so FAKE. Just business. Im not running around saying I sleep with a man! Ross had been privately sanctioned by the commission in February 2001 for abusing his authority and demeaning and humiliating defendants. He appears to have views in tune with the anti-gun crowd blaming all gun owners for the 1% of gun owners who break the law using a gun. I dont like the way todays show went Judge Ross is an extraordinary talent, and this show is simply unstoppable. america's court with judge ross real or fake. Americas Court With Judge Ross was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award in 2012 for Outstanding Legal/Courtroom Program. It is a very misleading show that I will never watch again. EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. One of the most popular targets of this criticism is Judge Ross, who presides over a number of high-profile cases. RUDE AND JUST DOWN RIGHT HATEFUL, THIS IS A SHOW THAT NEEDS TO BE OUT. The court findings are non-binding, even though the show is supposed to be a binding arbitration. Its inedible, not unedible. Its she and her husband, not her and her husband. Cant recall your other Or all the liceses that are involved? Ross later hosted and produced a weekend program on Talkradio 790 KABC until he retired to begin his judicial career. There is no definitive answer to this question as Judge Rosss net worth is not public information. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? The disclaimer started in 1932 when the russian princess sued MGM for a movie in which a character resembled her. His dad wasn't even there. Please take this CRAP off the air>>. MIs use of power. The last case was about a food contest in which the guy supposedly lost because he was sick within 30 minutes of the contest. According to the company, Americas Court with Judge Ross has been cleared in 95% of the country. set up, influenced for shots, reactions,etc. Today I watched a show with a Math Professor who kept flying a drone over his neighbor's yard. He also referred to not having sex as not having marital cohabitation. Allen Media Group and the audience are very fortunate to have his enormous talents available to us for another seven seasons.. [5] During his seven years on the bench, Ross handled over 60,000 matters, ranging from traffic and small claims cases, to juvenile delinquents, sexually violent predators and murderers. An internship working for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office at the height of the crack cocaine epidemic convinced Ross that victims and those living in underserved communities needed advocates to represent their interests. Terrible judge. Unlike the other court shows, this show is fake, with ALL characters and events being FICTITIOUS. I came across this show(Judge Ross)and decided to watch. You and your show are REAL. His decisions of those actor litigants are ridiculous. Thanks Byrum I need a breather from so darn much reality t.v. Whoever decided this guy would be a good judge for a tv show is just plain nuts. Keep it up . I couldnt believe he was really a judge after what I saw today on WYCW. The residuals were welcome supplements. It doesnt bother anyone. I would like to know where you get your info from. This past week, it was announced that Americas Court with Judge Ross was renewed for seven more seasons with Entertainment Studios/Allen Media Group Ross said he is Judge Ross is an extraordinary talent, and I loved this show, until I realized it was completely fake. Although shocked, I quickly remembered the old Divorce Court show and thought how smart of Byrum Allen to bring back this old concept, of which most younger generations never knew existed. This starred the late Raynond St. Jacques as the judge. Several times he referred to the couple as not having sexual relationships with one another. You make some valid points. Google it. Most of the time, when he says "the gavel is going to come down in favor of," I get the impression that he hasn't even made-up his mind yet. Judge Judy Sheindlin has revealed the true reason her long-running court series was cancelled. Just another one of Byron Allens garbage shows. The show about that idiot couple who wanted their money back for a holiday rental because the landlord had failed to disclose the fact it was haunted, said it all. So I am saying that the ruling was wrong and unjust. Working in the legal profession, I would think his show is a satire. Yes, Youre Right. He acts on his emotions instead of common sense. In 1856, the U.S. Supreme Court (South v. Maryland) found that law enforcement officers had no affirmative duty to provide such protection. 10/9/19 show/ Direct tV 7:30 pm. Critics say that the cases are scripted, and that the outcomes are predetermined. This is a great example of a Judge using the bench to influence others to support an agenda.. Judge Ross made the boys mother pay for a $350 dress, plus shoes and jewelry, all of it totaling $675. His immediate hiring by Byron Allen was proof of his acute understanding of not only the law, but of the issues that surround the Black communities of California and throughout the US. I totally agree. Same type seemingly real litigants. Forget it! All of you have nothing better to do is just complain instead of spending your time doing something concrete. Judge Ross is an excellent Judge. FAQ Its been an amazing ride! | Does anyone ever notice Ross wears the same blue shirt and red tie.his show needs to go, Just watch CourtTV and leave the other court shows alone and your blood pressure will thank you. These shows are for entertainment and apparently its working!Makes me want to figure out how to get me one of these reality shows and make some moneylol. Judge Judys $47M Salary Isnt Excessive, Appeals Court Agrees. What I said above is based on my personal and utmost admiration for Judge Rosss work as a fair, decent and respectful litigator. If I want to see a real Bit@@ and not a fake wanna be Id watch Judge Judy. "It's the standard court format, the kind that combines elements of court and talk," said Lauren Lake, a family court lawyer who serves as judge on the new show, debuting Monday on WLNY/Ch. In a non-legal context, spelling differs between countries. The actress had Twitter buzzing Thursday when she popped up in the audience for Judge Judy, one of her favorite TV shows. JUST TV SO WHAT IF IT IS FAKE. Nick Cannon Calls Red Table Talk The Toxic Table After Cancellation & Says Facebook Watch Show Led To Infamous Oscar Slap, Keesha Sharp Joins Taye Diggs In Love & Murder: Atlanta Playboy For BET+, Sex Education Star Aimee Lou Wood Signs with CAA, Vampire Survivors Video Game In Works As Animated Television Series From Story Kitchen, The Issues, The Stakes, Movies & TV Shows Affected, How Long It Might Last, Netflix Lands Adam McKays New Comedy Average Height, Average Build, Plumbs Another Domestic Win At $38M; Karting Past $1 Billion Global, Serious Moments For Media Give Way To Satire & Mirth; Biden & Wood Remarks. The most funniest case was when the mexican man went fishing and the boy was left to defend himself agains that dog who broke off the chain. However, give it a chance. This Judge is misinformed and doesnt do his homework. | Its the plot of Threes Company! This is the most stupid and fake show I have seen, except for the repo show I just stumbled upon this show today and have to say that it is 100% fake. Judge Ross was very unfair to the gentlemen. This show is fake and the judge is just plain wrong a lot of the time. Overkill of booze provided for certain desired behaviors for our viewing pleasure. But yet because the guy felt he wasn't responsible because he was at a Fleetwood Mac concert. Watched 15 minutes of the show today. Dont you know that the show is fictitious NOT REAL! Judge Brown, Mathis, Shiedlin, etc. Great looking judge, entertaining (even with disclaimer) if you want to study law, go for it. Yet another scripted show, with a discredited former judge. And I know i am smarter than you. Get a life. This is going too far. Kevin Ross is not a judge anymore and was disbarred by the State Bar of California. Kevin Ross was a judge in the Los Angeles courts at one time. Unfortunately, he treated his courtroom like his own little kingdom and regularly abused the rights of people coming before him. America's Court with Judge Ross is an American syndicated court show produced by Entertainment Studios (ES). Perhaps that doesn't matter on TV. In American English, judgment prevails in all contexts. And Our President", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kevin_A._Ross&oldid=1142321566, African-American television personalities, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with possible conflicts of interest from August 2011, Articles with a promotional tone from August 2011, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 19:30. It is a scripted show with actors. Judge Kevin Ross, 35, the youngest judge ever elected to the bench in the state of California, headlines the program. He couldnt leave because he was trapped by that vicious dog( funny but not really funny) lol He is unbelievably unfair in his ludicrous decisions and comes off as really arrogant and a show-off. Thats what they are called! http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/judgment And his recitation and application of the law are on the light side. ( A rich history of court decisions that found the police to have no constitutional obligation to protect individuals from private individuals. Its like the old court shows all over again. Judge Ross has to go. This show is so fake. Hell, thanks for the compliment. Although he's easy on the eyes, it's painful to watch him discharge his judicial duties, such as they are. This is stating at the end of each program. At the time, Sheindlin, 78, said the network pulled the plug as bosses felt they had enough episodes to warrant simply repeating the show. How did Ross pass the bar without understanding simple legal concepts. You probably are just plain jealous! I was home after going to the dentist and caught this horrible show. Judge Kevin A. Ross -- the eighth California judge removed since 1995 -- was found to have "marketed himself as a judge in hopes that he then could leave the bench for a more lucrative career in television.". Along with serving as one of the executive producers on the Emmy nominated America's Court, Ross hosts Kevin Ross The Podcast on TheGrio's Black Podcast Network. I have taken the names of litigants at the beginning of Peoples Court and entered them in Facebook I can locate about 90% of them. His rulings are outrageous. judge ross show is a fake, these people are all actors. I was actor on this show during Season 5 (2015). One of the most common criticisms is that the cases that are heard on the show are not real. [citation needed]. The spelling judgement (with e added) is common in the United Kingdom in a non-legal context. I figured it was fake as well as he. The plaintiffs and defendants are always terrible actors. the show is 100% fake. Its unbelievable! TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. Hello Everyone, It also ranked among the top five most popular shows on the social networking radio site. What message is he teaching them? I am glad to hear that his show has been renewed until 2027. We want to hear from you! Id say he might have ruled differently! She was at their restaurant. In Americas Court, I have yet to find ONE real name. lol Lets get real producers, if youre going to have a judge show have REAL litigants and REAL cases with a judge with more personality! His principles are not sound in fact he even is a hypocrite. The show today showed a woman whos gay son went to a Christian college and felt he had been discriminated against while there. Featuring former Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Kevin A. Ross, Americas Court With Judge Ross is a daily half-hour syndicated courtroom series with clearances in over 90 percent of U.S. television markets. Even the ads promoting the show are in bad taste. No he is not a real judge, he was disbarred and lost his law license because he violated the law. Im sure as a policeman he didnt carry an unloaded firearm. Judge Ross is a sharp lawyer, regardless of whether the State Bar/ California Supreme Court stopped his official practice. TAKE IT OFF! lol. He is fair and kind and gives good advice. The defendant had a right to protest his meat. Judge Sheindlin and Millian teach legal concepts to the public during their shows whereas Ross confuses them, misquotes them and generally rules against the law. I assume the California bar threw him off forever! Metacritic Reviews. On todays episode there was a Mr.Leiland Spicer and he has been on numerous reality TV shows and other judge shows. Sheindlin isnt retiring. Ross acting credits include appearing as the judge in independent films Blindfire and Broken Star , and an episode of Bounce TVs comedy series In The Cut. He will have this fan, ME, for life, for I admire anyone who shows such fairness, INTEGRITY, intelligence, correct discernment and patience! You may be a judge but you need more education Your grammar is horrible. However, based on his impressive career and education, it is safe to say that he is worth a significant amount of money. [12], In 2008, Fox News Radio and BlogTalkRadio partnered to bring listeners "Election 2008: Battle of the Blog Talkers." If Judge Ross is an accredited and real judge, I am sure he could utilize his abilities in a better and more productive way versus being a horrible actor. Therefore he should of won the case and received the check for the $1000.00. As of 2017, DeGeneres was the highest-paid television host with an annual salary of $50 million, Variety reported. In one case, a man was pushed and lost his balance. The settlement for more than $787 million with Fox News represents a ringing endorsement for truth and accountability, the attorney representing Dominion Voting Systems said Tuesday. Will this comment take care of the problem? AMERICA'S COURT WITH JUDGE ROSS one of the five court shows currently produced and distributed by Allen's Entertainment Studios. Cant wait for the next guily pleasure on t.v. Woman claiming smoking addiction being harassed by man friend. Judge Milian (sp) is my second fave and there are a couple of the others (i.e., Judge Alex and Judge Toler) who are okay. It is obvious that he believes the providing of Police is justification for disarming Citizens. WebAmerica's Court With Judge Ross | Gun Play Julia Pelekhova 7.08K subscribers 1 waiting Premieres Apr 13, 2023 Teens gain access to a father's gun and property is damaged. I would rather see Judge Mathis. Webamerica's court with judge ross real or fake. Amazingly the cases are all real. Total crap it has to be fake. Lazy and careless. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. I prefer to watch Judges Judy, Mathis, or Brown. when the show goes off, look at the credits..it specifically states: All charactersand events depicted in this work are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Happy Monday! This comes from his various businesses, in addition to producing reality television shows and real estate. I often agree with his decisions, but not always. Stop writing and spending valuable time writing unwarranted complaints and come show us how to use all of this updated technology. The boy was trapped in this car junk yard for 48 hrs. i like all the judge shows and judge judy is my fave. Everyone needs to express there own opinion and feel free to hear others. Judges normally have education and life experience and operate in a more level headed manner. Judge Kevin Ross in an outstanding television host and judge. He cant even practice law in the state of California! I watched the show for the first time today and it seemed scripted. Give me a break, the girl lied. Additionally, the Netflix release Ava (2020 film) features Ross presiding over an America's Court case. Im never watching again. Judge Ross show is excellent and real. Oh my, lighten up! I fear the day is coming when people will want to marry their animals next, its too much notariety being given to peoples personal choices. I have never seen a worse show! I will always be grateful and i will keep sharing your testimony for restoring my marriage about your work to any site i come across because there are other people out there who are also in need of your help. I just watched the one where the 16 year old got a belly piercing and he believed her over the piercer. WebEmmy-nominated and eminently stylish, Judge Kevin Ross dishes out justice with a wink and a smile. Weird subjects, too like spouse-swapping and hoarding. Totally out of touch with reality. Its inedible, not unedible. Its she and her husband, not her and her husband. Youve also made other grammatical errors. Besides, Ross is already bought and paid for, so why would the pay millions for a new judge, when they have hundreds of episodes of Ross that the network can televise for free. Though the show is decorated and run like a real courtroom, it is not a real court or part of any judicial system, but instead a form of binding arbitration. The series, which launched in September 2010, is also featured on Allens 24/7 HD television network, JusticeCentral.TV, which is available on Comcast, DirecTV, ATT U-Verse, Verizon FiOS, DISH, and other major cable carriers nationwide and globally. He is too young and immature. Byron Allens unwavering vision delivered us to the viewers, and our fans still love what we bring to television, said Ross. I wont be tuning in to gay court. In 2005 the Commission on Judicial Performance (CJP) removed Judge Ross from office, stating he violated judicial canons pertaining to defendants' constitutional rights, public comments made on KCET, and his involvement in a television court show pilot. Entertainment Studios has hired Judson Touby to be the senior producer of Americas Court With Judge Ross, a new court show and the first one to be shot is HD.
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