There are in-person voting options available in each of California's 58 counties. Empower your values in California! Gavin Newsom, set for Sept. 14, 2021. ", "I wanted to take a few moments and THANK YOU for ALL that you've done on your site! Thank you for making it so easy to reach out to my elected officials. This was a big hit with our congregation. Yet, instead of this deceitful proposition, the sponsors should have qualified one requiring the teaching of reading proficiency or requiring written parental consent forany teaching on "sex" or "health." 26. Pray before casting your vote. Newsom. , This helps you to make an informed decision when voting based on the candidates for office and state legislative issues that impact our Judeo-Christian beliefs. Now, its the 2022 election, and hiring season is in full swing. From the official Argument Against Proposition 30: "Californians already pay the highest state income taxes andhighest gas taxes, one of the highest sales taxes, and grappledaily with among the highest costs of living in the nation. #ja-wrapper { For any questions, the secretary of state has . Two-thirds of Americans say we dont need faith in God to be moral, Pray for america: national day of prayer on may 4 In September 2021, Gov. ", "I am extremely thankful for this site- My Faith Votes- gives me a sense of HOPE! There is already a King enthroned with no term limits, with no beginning, and no end to His Kingdom. Youve been busy lately. Thank you! It's pro-family to keep more of your hard-earned money, so it's pro-family to oppose wasteful government taking away more money from you and other Californians. width: 750px; During a sermon on August 1, Pastor Greg Fairrington, who leads Destiny Christian Church in Rocklin, told his congregation to vote "Yes" to removing Newsom from . Google a candidate's name along with other search terms. We cant do that without support from people like you. Newsom and become California's new governor. Christian Coalition Voter Guides are one of the most powerful tools that pro-family conservatives have ever had to educate others on where candidates stand on key issues. For greater security, recommends voting in-person or delivering your sealed ballot to secure mailbox or locked "box" inside your county registrar of voters' office, and avoid other "drop boxes. Voter Guide Vote For, Not Against Your Values. Because Prop. CVF recommends these additional nonpartisan voter resources: Archived editions of CVF's California Online Voter Guide: California Voter Foundation Dont throw gasoline on the fire vote no on Prop. How to vote in the California recall election and track your ballot - KCRA California voters are being asked if they want to remove (recall) or keep Gov. Three days later, on May 20, 2021, the California state assemblymembers voting to add their names as coauthors to HR43, honoring homosexual activist, child predator, and anti-religion zealot Harvey Milk were 56 Democrats + 1 independent Chad Mayes + 3 Republicans (Devon Mathis, Marie Waldron, and Suzette Valladares). 95814 Again, as a nonprofit organization, we cannot and do not support or oppose candidates for public office, and we don't tell you for whom to vote. Everything you need to know about the 2022 elections in California. 1. Following the Christian Voters Coalition: Christian Voters Guide- vetting process, our vetting Committee makes the determine whether there will or will not be an endorsement in each race. DISCLAIMER: Biblical Voter is for educational purposes only. Not voting (abstaining or absent) were 3 Republicans (Brian Dahle, Jim Nielsen, and Scott Wilk) and 4 Democrats (Allen, Archuleta, Caballero, and Hertzberg). Overall, the proposition would increase costsfor clinics. Learn more about, You + Us = Greater GoodTogether with your support, we'reexposing the Left, reporting the truth, and championing your values.Stand with today, Working for You Defending Your ValuesVoice for Your LibertiesGovernment WatchdogCitizen EmpowermentVoter ActivationCultural Impact, What We Stand ForMarriage and FamilyParental RightsSanctity of Human LifeReligious FreedomBack-to-Basics Education, children-ruining, non-academic government school system, See a screenshot of 53 assemblymembers voting to add their names as coauthors of HR 109 (May 19, 2022), homosexual activist, child predator, and anti-religion zealot Harvey Milk, Click here and enter your zip code or a congressmember's name, Votes of incumbent California state legislators on the worst bills of 2022, The Democrats are attacking you and the Republicans wont fight for you, Newsom signs social media censorship bill, Comparison of 2020 platfoms of the Democratic and Republican parties, "In Their Own Words": Republican and Democratic Platforms (2012), Get your free California "Insider Email News. 1 could result in unforeseen consequences, such as completely deregulating abortion (permitting baby-killing up to the point of birth and unlimited taxpayer-funded abortions), as well as dismantling all legal standards regarding surrogacy and "egg selling," and wiping out age and consanguinity (close blood relations) rules on "sex" and "reproduction.". 30 won't prevent wildfires as it claims. Stop and realize that even if Prop. From Maplight & the League of Women Voters: Voters Edge- comprehensivenonpartisan election information. Click here And remember, what a candidate has done on a certain issue is always more revealing than what they say. Our goal is to have a Christian Voters Coalition Voters Guide for every state and every county in the United States. A: We report and you decide. Which congressional district are you in? Also, the reminder to pray is Holy Spirit prompting. Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D., California Secretary of State California Recall Election 2021 - CalMatters CalMatters California, explained RECALL ELECTION RESULTS The data was updated at October 18, 2021, 11:21 a.m. Statewide County: Should Gavin Newsom be recalled? Last day to register to vote online or by mail. As with the rest of the labor market, theres also an historic glut of openings to fill in the California Legislature and in Congress. 31, which if defeated, will publicly rebuke the tyrants. 29 because the costly regulations it would impose will result in fewer private kidney dialysis clinics, which means needy Californians will unnecessarily die. #ja-footer { To do that, you'd have to target arsonists and neglectful hobos, and haul150 million dead treesout of California's wilderness areas and aggressively thin out crowded groves of live trees and also dead and live brush, which currently provide tremendous fuel, turning small fires into "monster" fires. If you don't see this in-person option in your county voter guide, visit the website or call your county registrar of voters. We also need prayer partners and volunteers in your county to help us email the Candidate Endorsement Opportunity Form Links above to the candidates, helping research/vetting the candidates on your ballot, and then sharing the Christian Voters Coalition: Christian Voters Guides and Endorsements for your county on social media to ensure the right candidates are elected. Activate Christians to commit to prayer for our leaders and nation VIEW RESOURCES Think Gain a biblical perspective on current issues VIEW RESOURCES Vote Get ready to vote in upcoming elections VIEW RESOURCES The My Faith Votes Story An estimated 25 million Christians who are registered to vote, fail to vote in presidential elections. Your second-best research is key votes cast by incumbent politicians. works solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates. decide who ought to become the next president, historic glut of openings to fill in the California Legislature, Buried treasure: California politicians stash $35 million in leftover campaign cash, Karen Bass ability to curb Los Angeles homelessness will test California Democrats and government itself, California elections finally had national relevance. A Christian's Civic Responsibility (Flyers or Bulletin Inserts) ( available in a PDF download) contain powerful quotes on the importance of voting from Noah Webster, Charles Finney, James Garfield and John Jay. The Elections Division oversees all federal and state elections within California. California Secretary of State 916-657-2166 Email California Election Information iVoterGuide National Right to Life 117th Congressional Senate Scorecard 117th Congressional House Scorecard Faith & Freedom Coalition The statewide voter information guide will be available online on Sept. 9. We will be using the endorsement application form, along with public statements, online research including other voter guides and endorsements, campaign materials as well as voting records (if any) to facilitate the production of our Christian Voters Coalition, Christian Voters Guide for the upcoming election. Newsom enjoys historic support in California. Keep shining Christ in our dark world. Biblical Voter offers voter guides and election tools to enable citizens to exercise their right and privilege to vote in accordance with Gods word and moral absolutes. Ballots need to be postmarked on or before June 7 and must arrive at a county elections office no. For all these reasons, vote no on the deceitful, thieving, wasteful Prop. Official California State Voter Pamphlet. For specific guidelines to ensure voter guides are appropriate for distribution by churches and other non-profit organizations, please visit the Legal Resource section of our website. Google your county election office for a list of candidates running for office in your city, county, and state or click on your state: and click on the link for the candidate and then click on the link to their Campaign Facebook which usually has their email address. Voter Guide: Learn more about the 2021 California recall election To increase this by 1.75% will make the new tax of 15.05% intolerable to California's wealthiest residents, who have both motivation and ability to move their official residence to a low- or no-income tax state (such as Nevada). #ja-container, Online Voter Tools - Check Your Voting Status. 2. For the love of people, vote no on Prop. It can only serve to aid our country with the state of immorality that Im seeing! The Democrat-controlled state government has pursued so-called "green energy,"which cannot supply Californianswith a cheap and stable supply of electricity. Sacramento, CA 95818 My Faith Votes helps provide non-partisan faith-based voting resources to Christian universities and colleges across the nation. Because instead of using existing funds for music and arts, union-controlled school districts could spend those existing funds to further indoctrinate and dumb down children. Voting & Clergy Resources - Christian Voter Guide Federal: How often does your current U.S. Representative vote for constitutional, pro-family values? There should be a least one physical polling place in your California county, where, according to the California Secretary of State, you may "vote in person up to 10 days prior to Election Day." `Static.COOKIE_BANNER_CAPABLE = true; 27 would destroy marriages, families, children, not just in California, but worldwide. ", "Thank you for proclaiming the truth the way you do!! This behavior was essentially the same a year prior -- on May 17, 2021, when California state senators passingSR 31 to honor homosexual activist, child predator, and anti-religion zealot Harvey Milk were 29 Democrats + 7 Republicans (Patricia Bates, Andreas Borgeas, Shannon Grove, Brian Jones, Melissa Melendez, Jim Nielsen, Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh, Scott Wilk). 110:105 ). 2020 Christian Voter Guide Please visit our site then and download the guide for your 2020 March 3rd ballot recommendations. Newsom will remain Governor of California. Top Donors to Committees Supporting and Opposing the Recall, Recall Election Frequently Asked Questions, Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot and Backup Ballot, Make sure your Vote-by-Mail ballot is counted, November 2020 Presidential General Election, Help get out the vote with the League of Women Voters of CA's, Disability Rights California's hotline for voters with disabilities: 1-888-569-7955. Calif. pastor urges congregants to recall 'immoral' Gov. Newsom Similarly, California's electrical grid is unreliable. California Voter Guides and Resources Voting Deadlines Please check back for next year's dates! 28. Please check back frequently for periodicupdates as they become readily available. Consider how Prop. Q: Which parties or candidates in California are reliably pro-life and pro-family? If a majority of voters who cast ballots in this electionvote"no" on the recall, Gov. Christian Voters Coalition, New Jerusalem-Millennial Kingdom Voters Guide. The candidates email addresses are obtained from the authority responsible for the election such as the Secretary of State, or the email listed on the candidate's campaign website. Nov. 8. . Gavin Newsom as Governor due to a successful effort to collect enough signatures to qualify this question for the ballot. Have your sample ballot in front of you. Finding the right information for state voter guides is something we take seriously. On September 1, AB 465 passed the Assembly with the yes votes of 61 Democrats + 11 Republicans (Phillip Chen, Steven Choi, Jordan Cunningham, Laurie Davies, Heath Flora, Vince Fong, Tom Lackey, Devon Mathis, Suzette Valladares, Randy Voepel, and Marie Waldron). P.O. Also I prepared a hand-out so they could verify their voter registration. Newsom and 2) if a majority of voters vote "yes", which candidate should replace the governor? Election returns: See the vote countFrom the California Secretary of State, November 8, 2022: Last day to vote by mailing your ballot, dropping off your ballot, or voting in person at a polling location. California Online Voter Guide | California Voter Foundation ", As a Christian, I truly appreciate the integrity of MFV. Office: Voting DeadlinesPlease check back for next year's dates! Elder R For example, on May 19, 2022 on the Assembly floor, 49 Democrats and 1 independent were joined by 3 Republicans in voting to publicly praise anti-family, anti-God, sexual predator, and public liar -- the notorious Harvey Milk of San Francisco from the 1970s. But the teachers' unions controlling Californias government K-12 school system arent interested in either. You should also visit candidates' websites for their specific positions on constitutional, family-values and moral issues. *, * Mail-in ballots must be postmarked by Nov. 8 and received by county elections offices by Nov. 15. It's a privilege to stand for your values -- not just at election time, but year-round! Los Angeles County Voter Guide - Craig Huey Yet we offer them to you so you can do your own research and make your own decisions. 26:Increases gambling addictions on "tribal lands"Gambling is highly addictive andharms many vulnerable people. Christian Voter Guide - Home Provided for you below are links to help you know whether a candidate is genuinely pro-family or not. Vote Under God provides information for pastors and individuals regarding voting Biblically. Candidates are responsible for the email addresses posted on their websites and email addresses given to the election authority. Because "endorsements" are PAID by the candidates themselves! Please help us if you are able by donating Link This 2020 Election will help you cut through the rhetoric, election propaganda and biased media coverage of the campaigns. Gavin Newsom signed into law a bill that makes vote-by-mail ballots permanent for every registered voter. It's all because big government refuses to investigate and slash its own waste. The party platforms will tell you what to expect, but not as much as a candidate's voting records or specific public promises. The following independent voter guides are provided for your additional research. Voting in the California Recall Election: FAQ Guide - CalMatters cannot and does not vouch for the recommendations or accuracies of any of these links. In September 2021, Gov. Make God's Word your primary voting guide. November 3, 2020 - General Election. Biden announces he's running for reelection It has been INFORMATIVE, and is very much APPRECIATED in this day and age! Learn from voting records and endorsements. Rooted in research. Q: Are there any pro-life or pro-family Democrat candidates left in California? In that particular poll, a plurality of Californians (27%) would choose another Democrat, YouTube personality and real estate agent Kevin Paffrath, as the replacement candidate.
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