14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitializeResourceModule(2034) - Resource Module Path 1: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\en\en-US\TrolleyExpressUI_en.dll 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6} 1999 - 2023 Citrix Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\DesktopViewer. Problem Cause Citrix Desktop Services for XenDesktop uses the 64-bit version of .NET Framework. 14:52:37: Information - AppProtectionHelper::setAppProtectionInstallSelection(486) - Enter 14:52:19: Information - CApp::InitializeResourceModule(2034) - Resource Module Path 1: C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\en\TrolleyExpressUI_en.dll When you unplug an audio device, the wfica32.exe process might experience an access violation and exit unexpectedly. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = RIInstaller.msi, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\RIInstaller.msi 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(841) - Cache client version : 14:52:20: Information - CApp::CheckIfAClientPackageIsInstalled(2296) - Checking if a 13.1 or later package is installed. Double-click this value and set this value to 1 (decimal) or 0x1(hexadecimal). 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = AppProtection, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = AppProtection, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {C5A15829-7233-48A7-B34E-378A5C6D0D2C}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AppProtection.msi, InstallOrder = 13, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AppProtection-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563} 14:52:20: Information - CApp::KillRunningCtxProcesses(4138) - KillRunningCtxProcesses successful 14:53:10: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(213) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: Entry 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = DXSETUP.exe, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\DXSETUP.exe 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = ProductVersion, Value = This issue occurs when you add the store URL through GPO or command line and includes / after discovery, for example, https://sales.example.com/Citrix/Store/discovery/;On;Store. Some of the Cloud Software Group documentation content is machine translated for your convenience only. Open the registry editor by completing the following procedure: Locate HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {22FBF0A5-1222-41C8-9C86-EBF8A062F782}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\SSONWrapper.msi, InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-SSONWrapper-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:55:58: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(238) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: return value 0 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_nl.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\TrolleyExpressUI_nl.dll 14:52:37: Warning - Execute_CleanupEXE(1299) - Unable to get Binary path Transform File Name = AuthManager.mst 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadImages(657) - Image: Key = HeaderLogo, Path = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\headerlogo.bmp 14:52:20: Information - CPreserveRegistry::DeleteBackupRegistryKeysFolder(480) - Deleted backup registry folder in HKLM Getting the following error at workspace update: Windows account is admin. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(572) - The installed version is currently set to per machine version 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = NoModify, Value = Yes [CVADHELP-20467], When you start a VDA machine and log on to a user session for the first time, you might have to move the mouse explicitly to see the cursor. 14:52:37: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isCommandLineConfigured(448) - Enter 14:52:20: Information - CApp::KillRunningCtxProcesses(4089) - KillRunningCtxProcesses 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsDiskSpaceAvailable(423) - Disk Space Required 958397405 Bytes 14:52:37: Information - Execute_CleanupEXE(1280) - Got the Binary path with return code : 2 Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services. 14:52:37: Information - CAppProtectionDialog::OnInstallClicked(246) - User clicked Install/Next button. (Key not present.) 14:52:20: Information - CApp::RequiresAdminPrivileges(3652) - The required permission for this installation is Per Machine. 14:52:30: Information - CEulaDialog::OnInitDialog(81) - In CEulaDialog::OnInitDialog() Citrix Workspace This exact model of memory is present on QVL for my motherboard. Upvote if you found this answer helpful or interesting. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(563) - Read ProductCode from MSI: {C3730689-D4B7-46FC-AAA4-9F3AEB9ACAD8} When you try to redirect to the preferred webcam as set in the Citrix Workspace app for Windows, the setting might not be executed as configured. Right-click on the Start button and click on Device Manager. GOOGLE RENUNCIA A TODAS LAS GARANTAS RELACIONADAS CON LAS TRADUCCIONES, TANTO IMPLCITAS COMO EXPLCITAS, INCLUIDAS LAS GARANTAS DE EXACTITUD, FIABILIDAD Y OTRAS GARANTAS IMPLCITAS DE COMERCIABILIDAD, IDONEIDAD PARA UN FIN EN PARTICULAR Y AUSENCIA DE INFRACCIN DE DERECHOS. 14:52:20: Information - GetPidForGUIDCode(3477) - Generating the PID for GUID Code {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ru.dll, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\TrolleyExpressUI_ru.dll Follow, to receive updates on this topic. 14:52:20: Error - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(950) - Cannot get transformFileName path. 14:52:39: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {D64F3971-283B-45E8-8D25-0DC06ED6D91E} 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(563) - Read ProductCode from MSI: {FDEE55AD-66D0-423C-8851-273FAAB5CD65} 14:52:37: Information - CProcess_Execution_help::CtxTerminateCOMExes(228) - triggered termination of process redirector.exe If possible, please share the dump with us. It is sent only when you open app or desktop via web and from the same store that is added via native Citrix Workspace app. As a result, you might later be able to start Citrix Workspace app without entering any credentials. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpress.exe, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\TrolleyExpress.exe 14:52:20: Information - CApp::KillRunningCtxProcesses(4106) - User is admin terminating the USB services. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(572) - The installed version is currently set to per machine version 14:52:39: Information - CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(2501) - Installing Component: ID = ReceiverInside 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = WebHelper, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = WebHelper, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {FDEE55AD-66D0-423C-8851-273FAAB5CD65}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\WebHelper.msi, InstallOrder = 11, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-WebHelper-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False Starting an application and suddenly a BSOD. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpInstallComponents(3234) - Install Component: ID = AppProtection, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = AppProtection, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {C5A15829-7233-48A7-B34E-378A5C6D0D2C}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AppProtection.msi, InstallOrder = 13, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AppProtection-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False (269) - Message Box shown to user: Service 'Citrix . 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(841) - Cache client version : 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\WebHelper. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\WebHelper. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpSelectedComponents(3211) - Selected Component: ID = AppProtection, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = AppProtection, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {C5A15829-7233-48A7-B34E-378A5C6D0D2C}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\AppProtection.msi, InstallOrder = 13, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-AppProtection-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False To enable the fix, set the following registry key: HKEY/LOCAL/MACHINE/Software/Citrix/Dazzle, HKEY/LOCAL/Software/Wow6432Node/Citrix/Dazzle, Battery status notification and automatic keyboard pop-up dialog might not appear during the session when Automatic keyboard display policy is enabled on the DDC. Verified that the Windows Management Instrumentation Service is running. Restart the VDA machine. (Key not present.) The issue occurs with local default web browsers other than Internet Explorer. 14:52:20: Information - StopDriverFilterService(4071) - The specified service ctxusbm does not exists as an installed service There was an error while submitting your feedback. 14:52:19: Information - CRebrandingHelper::Initialize(22) - Branded Name is : Citrix Workspace 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563} /uninstall - Re The Desktop Viewer toolbar might not be visible when you open the virtual desktop from custom portal stores. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = EULA_ja.rtf, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\EULA_ja.rtf {{articleFormattedModifiedDate}}, {{ feedbackPageLabel.toLowerCase() }} feedback, Please verify reCAPTCHA and press "Submit" button, Troubleshooting XenDesktop Service Startup Issues. can you please try this and let us know ? 14:52:20: Information - StopDriverFilterService(4071) - The specified service ctxusbr does not exists as an installed service I keep running into a message error of "Service 'App Protection Service" (entryprotectsvc) failed to start. I downloaded and installed WhoCrashed application to analyze the Windows 10 crash dumps. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::IsReceiverInstalled(589) - Cannot read the install folder registry key value SOFTWARE\Citrix\Install\ICA Client\InstallFolder (Value not present.) Did you get anywhere with this? 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = WorkspaceHub, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = WorkspaceHub, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {4D46B3A6-67F5-4385-86D2-8E769EA07827}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\WinDockerInstaller.msi, InstallOrder = 12, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-WinDockerInstaller-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:55:12: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(238) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: return value 0 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(641) - No existing package SOFTWARE\Citrix\PluginPackages\XenAppSuite\AM. (Key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb not present or cannot be accessed. Citrix team is aware of this issue and is working on priority to resolve it. 15:00:14: Information - CInstallationManager::ShouldTryRecovery(1740) - Show message to user about cleaning-up system with failed installation in case of Auto-update. 14:52:30: Information - AppProtectionHelper::isProductInstalled(421) - Enter 14:52:19: Error - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(950) - Cannot get transformFileName path. 14:52:37: Information - StopDriverFilterService(4071) - The specified service ctxusbr does not exists as an installed service When the machinerestarts, verify thatthe Citrix Desktop Service startsor restarts. The issue occurs after upgrading Citrix Workspace app for Windows to version 2203.1 LTSR CU1. 14:52:30: Information - CWelcomeDialog::OnNextClicked(275) - User clicked next button 14:52:37: Information - CUtility_MetaInstaller::CtxTerminateSSONSVRProcesses(485) - Terminate the process ssonsvr.exe [HDX-39683]. You can find more information, Install the Google browser. 14:52:30: Information - CEulaDialog::OnInitDialog(177) - IsShowSSONDialog returned = 0 and AppProtectionHelper::shouldShowAppProtectionDialogBox returned 1 [CVADHELP-21662], The Windocker.exe process might incorrectly generate outbound network requests to multiple IP addresses. [CVADHELP-21738], When you attempt to configure multiple stores through a Group Policy Object (GPO) or command line, one of the stores might not be fully configured. [CVADHELP-19440], The drag and drop feature might not work when you close a dialog box using the Esc key in a seamless session. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = ICA_Client, Name = , Family = , Version = 22.3.500.50, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Web Plugin, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {C3730689-D4B7-46FC-AAA4-9F3AEB9ACAD8}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\ICAWebWrapper.msi, InstallOrder = 02, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-ICAWebWrapper-20220511-145219.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False to load featured products content, Please 14:52:37: Warning - CProcess_Execution_help::Execute_IcaconfEXE(494) - Unable to get Binary path (Key not present.) 14:56:35: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(213) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: Entry 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = UrlInfoAbout, Value = www.citrix.com 14:52:37: Information - StopDriverFilterService(3950) - OpenService(ctxusbm) failed 1060 14:52:19: Information - CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(523) - String: Key = ProductUninstallKey, Value = CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpComponents(3087) - Component: ID = BrowserEngine, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = BrowserEngine, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {CD29FC30-092F-4B47-82C8-F08F36863C45}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\CtxBrowserInstaller.msi, InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-CtxBrowserInstaller-20220511-145220.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False 14:52:19: Error - CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(950) - Cannot get transformFileName path. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(564) - Read UpgradeCode from MSI: {94F321B9-45B0-4125-970D-DE3D98CBCA1C} [CVADHELP-19041], During a peer-to-peer call with Microsoft Teams HDX optimization, app window sharing might fail to stop after a high number of start/stop sharing repetitions, and you might not be able to share desktop screen or app window, call or receive an incoming call until you restart Citrix Workspace app. 15:00:14: Information - SuppressWarningMessageBox(213) - SuppressWarningMessageBox: Entry The files are created even when the registry key, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\Secure Access Client has DisableIconHide value. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(841) - Cache client version : Click Add User or Group and add the account to the list of accounts that have the Log on as a service right. (Key not present.) 14:52:37: Information - CApp::IsDotNetInstalled(2519) - Checking if .NET Framework is present with Min Release No 528040 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(572) - The installed version is currently set to per machine version When you start Citrix Workspace app for the first time after adding the store URL, the following error message appears: Your Citrix Workspace app encountered an error while initializing Microsoft Edge WebView2. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563} You can find more information, Install the Firefox browser. 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(572) - The installed version is currently set to per machine version GOOGLE LEHNT JEDE AUSDRCKLICHE ODER STILLSCHWEIGENDE GEWHRLEISTUNG IN BEZUG AUF DIE BERSETZUNGEN AB, EINSCHLIESSLICH JEGLICHER GEWHRLEISTUNG DER GENAUIGKEIT, ZUVERLSSIGKEIT UND JEGLICHER STILLSCHWEIGENDEN GEWHRLEISTUNG DER MARKTGNGIGKEIT, DER EIGNUNG FR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK UND DER NICHTVERLETZUNG VON RECHTEN DRITTER. 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = PreserveOnUninstall-Install.xml, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\PreserveOnUninstall-Install.xml 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = vc_redist.x86.exe, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\vc_redist.x86.exe 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {DF1A9B33-DD88-4712-9922-CB01B3AB1C6A} Thanks for your feedback. 14:52:19: Information - CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(841) - Cache client version : 14:52:19: Information - CResourceManager::ProcessResources(225) - Resource: FileName = dxupdate.cab, FilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\dxupdate.cab 14:52:20: Information - CComponent::Initialize(474) - Exe path of CitrixWorkspaceBrowser is C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\mini_installer.exe 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563} Please contact your administrator. 14:52:34: Information - CMainDialog::CMainDialog(97) - Skip SSON dialog. 14:52:20: Information - CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(154) - No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {70755658-255B-4EA6-BF8F-7188BDCFF7D0} (Key not present.) DriverView - Free - utility displays the list of all device drivers currently loaded on your system. Dieser Inhalt ist eine maschinelle bersetzung, die dynamisch erstellt wurde. (Key not present.) [CVADHELP-19482], The Applocker rule in Group Policy Object blocks the integration of the Citrix Gateway plug-in with Citrix Workspace. 14:52:20: Information - CApp::DumpSelectedComponents(3211) - Selected Component: ID = USB, Name = , Family = , Version = 22.3.500.50, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = USB, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {BA0B2832-5341-423E-9200-BF2DA2B38F8C}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PMInstall = False,PUInstall = False,PackagePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\Ctx-A6AE8878-45C0-4759-85EB-D7AAAA8E6B30\Extract\GenericUSB.msi, InstallOrder = 03, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:\Users\raull\AppData\Local\Temp\CTXReceiverInstallLogs-20220511-145219\CtxInstall-GenericUSB-20220511-145219.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False

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