He turned to the body and said, 'Tabitha, get up.' Da, KJ, Yg (h4744) - kahn'vuh-KAY-shuhn] * [ Copt* - - g94 11/22 24 - KOPT] * [ Coptic* - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - KOP-tik] * [ corban - corban, it cor'ban - Mark 7:11 (g2878) - KOR-ban('), KOR-buhn] * [ Core] * [ (Korah in most Bibles) - ("Ko'rah" in NW) - Numbers 16:16 DRB (h7141) - KOH-ree] * [ coriander - coriander - Exodus 16:31 (1407) - KAWR-ee-an'duhr, KOHR-,] * [ Corinth - Corinth, it Cor'inth - 1 Corinthians 1:2 (g2882) - KOR-inth, -uh(t)th, KAWR-, kawr'ee-AN-duhr, kohr'-] * [ Corinthians - Corinthians (Bible books) - 2 Corinthians 6:11 (g2881) - kuh-RIN(T)-thee-uhnz] * [ cormorant - cormorant - Deuteronomy 14:17 (h7994) - KAWRM-ruhnt, KAWR-muh-ruhnt, -rant', KAW-muhr-uhnt] * [ Cornelius - Cornelius - Acts 10:1 (h7994) - kor-NEEL-yuhs, kor-NEE-lee-uhs] * [ cosmos* - (Gr. Bible words can be extremely difficult to pronounce, so it helps us to hear them spoken correctly by audio. !. midrash) - - w99 3/15 27 - Seph. This is available on every Bible name page and shows the phonetic pronunciation of every word. Heb. appointment with Dr. Brown diphthongs and blends, Stress-- Prominence given to a syllable of a word or sentence by for "Suph" (h5489) - yahm SOOF] * [ yarmulke* - - sh 231 - YAH(R)-muh(l)-kuh (listen)] * [ Yom Kippur* - - sh 230 - yawm, yom('), yohm, KIP-uhr, Seph. } Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Lydda . uh-GAH-duh] * [ aggadic* - - w99 3/15 27 - uh-GAH-dik] * [ Aggeus - ("Haggai" in NW) - Haggai 1:1 DRB (h2292) - AG-ee-uhs] * [ Agnostic* - - w89 2/15 4 - ag-NAHS-tik, uhg-] * [ Agnosticism* - - g84 3/8 8 - ag-NOS-tuh-siz-uhm] * [ agora* - - it "Athens" - AG-uh-ruh, AG-uhr-uh, also ah'guh-RAH (listen), not uh-GOR-uh] * [ Agrippa - Agrip'pa - Acts 25:13 (g67) - uh-GRIP-uh] * [ Agur - A'gur - Proverbs 30:1 (h94) - AY-guhr] * [ Ahasuerus] * [ (Xerxes in some Bibles) - Ahasue'rus - Ezra 4:6 (h325) - uh-haz'yoo-EE-ruhs, ah-haz'uh-EE-ruhs, not uh-HAZ-yoo-ruhs] * [ Ahava - Aha'va - Ezra 8:15 (h163) - uh-HAY-vuh] * [ Ahaziah - Ahazi'ah - 1 Kings 22:51 (h274) - ay'huh-ZI -uh] * [ Ahiah - ("Ahijah" in NW) - 1 Samuel 14:18 KJ, Yg (h281) - uh-HI -uh] * [ Ahijah - Ahi'jah - 1 Samuel 14:18 (h281) - ah-HI -juh, uh-] * [ Ahimaaz - Ahim'aaz - 1 Samuel 14:50 (h290) - uh-HIM-ay-az, uh-HIM-uh-az] * [ Ahimelech - Ahim'elech - 1 Samuel 21:1 (h288) - uh-HIM-uh-lek] * [ Ahinoam - Ahin'oam - 1 Samuel 14:50 (h293) - uh-HIN-oh-uhm, uh-HIN-ah-am'] * [ Ahithophel - Ahith'ophel - 2 Samuel 15:12 (h302) - uh-HITH-uh-fel] * [ Aholah - ("Oholah" in NW) - Ezekiel 23:4 KJ, Yg (h170) - uh-HOL-luh] * [ Aholibah - ("Oholibah" in NW) - Ezekiel 23:4 KJ, Yg (h172) - uh-HOH-lih-buh] * [ Ahriman* - - g84 6/8 6 - AHR-ih-muhn, -mahn'] * [ Ahura Mazda* - - dp 151 - ah-hoor'uh MAZ-duh (listen), not MAHZ-] * [ Ai] * [ (Hai in KJ, Douay) - A'i - Genesis 12:8 (h5857) - AY-i] * [ Aijalon] * [ (Ajalon in some Bibles) - Ai'jalon - Joshua 10:12 (h357) - I -juh-lon (also A-juh-lon, AY-)] * [ Akeldama] * [ (Aceldama in some Bibles) - Akel'dama - Acts 1:19 (g184) - uh-KEL-duh-muh, not ak'uhl-DAH-muh] * [ Akhenaton* (also Ikhnaton) - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - ahk'NAH-tuhn, ah'kuh-] * [ Akhisar*] * [ (ancient Thyatira) - - w03 5/15 15 - ahk'hih-SAHR] * [ Akkad*] * [ (also Accad) - - it "Accad" - AK-ad] * [ Akkadian* - - dp 34 - uh-KAY-dee-uhn] * [ Alamoth - Al'amoth - 1 Chronicles 15:20 (h5961) - AL-uh-mohth, AL-uh-moth] * [ Alasehir*] * [ (ancient Philadelphia) - - it "Philadelphia" - a'luh-shuh-HIHR, aw'luh-, ah-LAH-sheh-heer'] * [ albeit - ("besides" in NW) - Ezekiel 13:7 KJ; Philemon 19 (g2443) - awl-BEE-uht, al-] * [ Albigenses*] * [ (aka Cathari) - - w95 9/1 28 - al'bih-JEN-seez, not AL-buh-jen'sez] * [ aleph] * [ (Hebrew letter) - A'leph - Psalm 119:1 (verse heading) - AH-lef, -luhf] * [ Aleppo*] * [ (ancient Beroea or Berea, Syria) - - w00 2/15 29 - uh-LEP-oh(')] * [ Alexander - Alexander; it Alexan'der - Acts 19:33 (g223) - al'ig-ZAN-duhr, -ZAHN-] * [ Alexandria - Alexandria; it Alexan'dria - Acts 18:24 (g221) - al'ig-ZAN-dree-uh, -ZAHN-] * [ Alexandrinus (Codex)* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible (Alexandrine Manuscript)" - al'ig-zan-DRI nuhs] * [ algum] * [ (almug, sandlewood in some Bibles) - algum - 1 Kings 10:11 (h484) - AL-guhm] * [ Allah* - - w93 11/1 4 - AH-luh, A-luh, AH-lah', ah-LAH] * [ allegory - ("symbolic drama" in NW) - Galatians 4:24 AS, DRB, KJ (g238) - AL-uh-gohr'ee, -gawr'-] * [ Alleluia] * [ (Hallelujah, Praise God!, Praise the Lord in some Bibles) - ("Praise Jah, YOU people!" } This abundant water supply has made the area very fertile and attractive for religious worship. Suprasegmental --Sound that impacts units of language, such as stress, Heb. (h5971, h776) - ahm' hah-AHR-ets (usu. However, they're also some of the most difficult to teach, because the tongue just hangs in the middle of the oral cavity without any easy reference points to touch. in NW) - 1 Corinthians 16:22 KJ (g331 + g3134) - uh-NATH-uh-muh mar'uh-NATH-uh] * [ Anathoth - An'athoth - Jeremiah 1:1 (h6068) - AN-uh-thoth] * [ Anatolia* - - g92 1/8 7 - a'nuh-TOH-lee-uh, -TOHL-yuh] * [ Andronicus - Andron'icus - Romans 16:7 (g408) - an-DRON-uh-kuhs] * [ angel - angel - Genesis 22:11 (h4397); Matthew 1:20 (g32) - AYN-juhl] * [ animism* - - sh 23 - AN-uh-miz'uhm] * [ ankh*] * [ (aka crux ansata) - - w68 2/1 95 - ANGK, AHNGK] * [ Annas - An'nas - Luke 3:2 (g452) - AN-uhs, not AY-nuhs] * [ Anshan* - - dp 149; it "Cyrus" - ahn-shahn] * [ antagonist - antagonist - Isaiah 50:8 (h1167) - an-TAG-uh-nist] * [ antediluvian*] * [ (compare postdiluvian) - - w95 3/15 20 - an'tih-duh-LOO-vee-uhn, an'tee-dih-, -di (')-] * [ anthropomorphic* - - g81 4/22 16 - at(t)'thruh-puh-MOR-fik] * [ Antigonus, Gonatas* - - dp 215 - an-TIG-uh-nuhs, goh-NAY-tuhs] * [ Anti-Lebanon - Anti-Leb'anon - Song of Solomon 4:8 (h549) - an'tee-LEB-uh-nuhn] * [ antilegomena*] * [ (opposed to homologoumena) - - - AN-tih-lee-gom'ee-na, an'tih-lee-GOM-eh-nah, an'tih-luh-GOM-uh-nuh] * [ Antioch - Antioch, it An'tioch - Acts 11:26 (g490) - AN-tee-ok] * [ Antiochus Epiphanes* - - dp 13; 1 Maccabees 1:10 - an-TI -uh-kuhs, ayn-, ee-PIF-uh-neez] * [ Antipas - An'tipas - Revelation 2:13 (g493) - AN-tee-puhs, AN-tih-puhs, AN-tih-pas' (listen)] * [ Antipater* - - it "Antipas" - an-TIP-uh-tuhr, not an'tuh-PAY-tuhr] * [ Antipatris - Antip'atris - Acts 23:31 (g494) - an-TIP-uh-tris] * [ antithesis*] * [ (pl. -ZI -] * [ Troas - Tro'as - Acts 16:8 (g5174) - TROH-as, TROH-az] * [ Trophimus - Troph'imus - Acts 21:29 (g5161) - TROF-uh-muhs] * [ trow ("think" or "believe") - - Luke 17:9 KJ (some versions) (g1380) - TROH] * [ Trimurti* - - sh 115 - trih-MUR-tee] * [ trough - trough - Genesis 24:20 (h8268) - TRAWF, TRAWTH] * [ Tryphaena - Tryphae'na - Romans 16:12 (g5170) - tri -FEE-nuh] * [ Tryphosa - Trypho'sa - Romans 16:12 (g5173) - tri -FOH-suh] * [ tsade, tsadheh; also sadhe] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Tsadheh' - Psalm 119:137 (verse heading) - TSAH-duh (listen), -dee; SAH-duh (listen), -dee] * [ tsohar] * [ (light, roof, window in some Bibles) - tso'har - Genesis 6:16 (h6672) - TSOH-hahr (listen)] * [ Tubal-cain - Tu'bal-cain - Genesis 4:22 (h8423) - TOO-buhl-kayn', TOO-bal-kayn'] * [ tunic - ("sleeveless coat" in NW) - Exodus 39:20 DRB (39:22 in other Bibles) (h4598) - TOO-nik, TYOO-nik] * [ tunicle* - - - TOO-nih-kuhl, TYOO-] * [ turquoise - turquoise, it tur'quoise - Exodus 28:18 (h5306) - TUR-kwoiz', -koiz', TUHR-kawiz, -kwawiz] * [ Tutankhamen* - - w88 2/1 26 - toot'ahng-KAH-muhn (listen), too'tang'KAH-muhn] * [ tutelary* - - g89 2/8 23 - TOO-tuhl-er'ee, TYOO-] * [ Tyndale*] * [ (sometimes Tindale) - - it "Bible" - TIN-dl, -duhl] * [ Tychicus - Tych'icus - Ephesians 6:21 (g5190) - TIK-uh-kus, TIK-ih-kuhs] * [ Tyr* - - g00 12/8 27 - TIHR] * [ Tyrannus - Tyran'nus - Acts 19:9 (g5181) - ti -RAN-uhs, tuh-RAN-uhs] * [ Tyre - Tyre - Isaiah 23:1 (h6865) - TI R (rhymes with "dire," "fire")] * [ Tyropoeon* - - it "David, City of" - ti -ROH-pee-uhn] * [ Tyrus - ("Tyre" in NW) - Jeremiah 25:22 (h6865) - TI -ruhs] *. in NW) - Revelation 19:1 AS (g239) - hal'uh-LOO-yuh, not hal'ay-LOO-jah] * [ Halys*] * [ (River, modern Kizil Irmak) - - sh 82 - HAY-luhs] * [ Hamadan*] * [ (ancient Ecbatana) - - it "Ecbatana" - ham'uh-DAN (listen), -DAHN, HAM-uh-dan'] * [ Hamath] * [ (modern Hama) - Ha'math - Isaiah 36:19 (h2574) - HAY-math, HAY-muth] * [ Hammurabi* - - it "Babylon" - ham'uh-RAH-bee, ham'oo-, hah(')-moo-RAH-bee] * [ Hamor - Ha'mor - Genesis 33:19 (h2544); Acts 7:16 (g1697) - HAY-mahr, HAY-mor] * [ Hanani - Hana'ni - 1 Kings 16:1 (h2607) - huh-NAY-ni] * [ Hanamel] * [ (Hanameel in some Bibles) - Han'amel - Jeremiah 32:7 (h2601) - HAN-uh-mehl (huh-NAM-ee-uhl, hay-, HAN-uh-meel in some Bibles)] * [ Hananiah - Hanani'ah - Daniel 1:6 (h2608) - han'uh-NI -uh] * [ Hanes - Ha'nes - Isaiah 30:4 (h2609) - HAY-neez, HAY-nes] * [ Hannah - Han'nah - 1 Samuel 1:2 (h2584) - HAN-uh] * [ Hanukkah] * [ (also spelled Chanukah, Chanukkah) - ("festival of dedication" in NW) - John 10:22 ALT, ISV - HAH-nuh-kuh, Ashk. It is noticed on monuments B.C. Bible Meaning: Beautiful. How To Pronounce Joppa - YouTube 0:00 / 1:01 How To Pronounce Joppa Emma Saying 712K subscribers Subscribe 15K views 5 years ago Learn how to say Joppa with EmmaSaying free pronunciation. This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of Gods word. seraphim) - seraphs - Isaiah 6:2 (h8314); it "Seraphs" - SER-uf, -af; pl. Dalmatia dal-MAY-shih-uh, Damaris DAM-uh-rihs, Damascene DAM-uh-seen, Damascus duh-MAS-kuhs, Danites DAN-aits, Darius duh-RAI-uhs, de-Chantal deh-shahn-TAHL, Demas DEE-mas, Derbe DER-bee, Deuteronomy dou-ter-ON-uh-mee, Diadem DAI-uh-dehm, Dionysius dai-o-NIHSH-ih-uhs, Diotrephes dee-AHT-rehf-ehz, Disciples dih-SAI-pulz, Dorcas DAWR-kuhs, Dothan DO-thuhn, Dromedary DRAH-muh-dher-ee, Bible pronunciation is an integral part of Bible Reading. Today, listen to the way highly successful people talk. - YouTube 0:00 / 1:04 How to Pronounce Joppa (Real Life Examples!) In addition, they are more likely to have improved phonetic spelling skills, and improved abilities how to pronounce and correctly sound out new words they read. words when they speak naturally, such as wanna for want to, soon-ED-ree-on (listen)] * [ Sanskrit*] * [ (also Sanscrit) - - g82 11/22 22 - SAN-skrit('), SAN(T)-skruht] * [ Sapphira - Sapphi'ra - Acts 5:1 (g4551) - suh-FI -ruh] * [ sapphire - sapphire - Job 28:16 (h5601); Revelation 21:19 (g4552) - SAF-i r'] * [ Saqqara*] * [ (also Sakkara) - - it "Architecture (Early Post-Flood Construction)" - su-KAHR-uh (listen)] * [ Sarah - Sarah, it Sar'ah - Genesis 17:15 (h8283) - SER-uh, SAR-uh, SER-ah, (also SAY-ruh)] * [ Sarai - Sar'ai - Genesis 11:29 (h8297) - SAIR-i, SER-i, (also SAR-ay-i)] * [ sarcophagus*] * [ (pl. Peter put all of them outside, and then he knelt down and prayed. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce I words in the Bible: [ Ibleam - Ib'leam - Joshua 17:11 (h2991) - IB-lee-uhm] * [ Iblis* - - w94 2/1 3 - IB-lis] * [ Ibzan - Ib'zan - Judges 12:8 (h78) - IB-zan] * [ Ichabod - Ich'abod - 1 Samuel 4:21 (h350) - IK-uh-bod] * [ I Ching* - - sh 83 - YEE-JING, EE-JING] * [ icon* - - w02 7/1 4 - I -kon, I -kahn'] * [ Iconium - Ico'nium - Acts 14:1 (g2430) - i -KOH-nee-uhm] * [ iconoclasm* - - g80 3/8 19 - i -KON-uh-klaz'uhm] * [ iconoclast*; iconoclastic* - - w92 2/15 4 - i -KAH-nuh-klast'; i -kah'nuh-KLAS-tik] * [ ichor* - - it "Gods and Goddesses" (Greek Deities) - I -kawr', -kuhr] * [ Iddo - Id'do - Ezra 5:1 (h5714) - ID-oh] * [ ideology*] * [ (also idealogy) - - w97 8/15 32 - i'dee-AH-luh-jee, ih'-; i'dee-AH-luh-jee, -AL-uh-jee, ih'dee-AH-luh-jee, -AL-uh-jee] * [ ideological* - - w93 2/1 5 - ih'dee-uh-LAH-jih-kuhl, ih'-] * [ idolater - idolater - Ephesians 5:5 (g1496) - i -DAHL-uh-tuhr, -DOL-] * [ idolatrous - ("foreign-god" [priests] in NW) - 2 Kings 23:5 KJ (h3649) - i-DAHL-uh-truhs] * [ Idumea] * [ (also Idumaea) - Idume'a - Mark 3:8 (g2401) - id'yoo-MEE-uh, id'oo-MEE-uh] * [ Idumean*, Idumaean* - - w02 1/1 11 - id'yoo-MEE-uhn] * [ Ignatius* - - it "Canon" - ig-NAY-sh(ee-)uhs] * [ ignominy] * [ (shame in some Bibles) - ("dishonor" in NW) - Proverbs 18:3 AS, DRB, KJ (h7036) - IG-nuh-min'ee, ig-NAH-muh-nee] * [ Ije-abarim] * [ (also Ije Abarim; compare Iye-abarim) - - Numbers 21:11 KJ, MKJV (h5863) - i 'juh-AB-uh-rim] * [ Ikhnaton*] * [ (also Akhenaton) - - - ik-NAH-tuhn] * [ Illyricum - Illyr'icum - Romans 15:19 (g2457) - ih-LIHR-ih-kuhm, -LEER] * [ imam* - - g00 3/8 11 - ih-MAHM, ee-MAHM, ih-MAM] * [ Immanuel] * [ (compare Emmanuel) - Imman'uel - Isaiah 7:14 (h6005) - ih-MAN-yoo-uhl, ih-MAN-yoo-el] * [ impious] * [ (evildoers, godless, hypocrite, profane, ungodly in some Bibles) - ("apostate" and "ungodly men" in NW) - Job 8:13 JPS (h2611); Romans 5:6 Analytical-Literal Trans., Yg (g765) - IM-pee-uhs, im(')-PI -uhs] * [ impotent - impotent - Job 26:5 (h7496) - IM-puh-tuhnt, -poh-, not im-POH-tuhnt] * [ impugn* - - jv 645 - im-PYOON] * [ incense - incense - Psalm 141:2 (h7004); Luke 1:9 (g2370) - IN-sen(t)s] * [ India - In'dia - Esther 1:1 (h1012) - IN-dee-uh] * [ inimical*] * [ (compare inimitable) - - it "Enemy" - ih-NIH-mih-kuhl] * [ inimitable*] * [ (compare inimical) - - w88 11/1 15 - ih(')-NIH-muh-tuh-buhl] * [ iniquity - iniquity - Daniel 4:27 (h5758) - ih-NIH-kwuh-tee] * [ inquisition - ("search" in NW) - Deuteronomy 19:18 AS, DRB, KJ (h1875) - in'kwuh-ZIH-shuhn, ing'kwuh-] * [ inshallah* - - - in'shah-LAH] * [ internecine* - - w03 1/1 8 - in'tuhr-NEH-seen', in'tuhr-NEE-suhn, -NEE-si n', in'tuhr-nuh-SEEN, in-TUHR-nuh-seen'] * [ interpolate*; interpolation* - - w64 3/15 184 - in-TUHR-puh-layt'; in-tuhr'puh-LAY-shuhn] * [ Ionian* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - i -OH-nee-uhn] * [ Ionic* - - it "Architecture" - i -AH-nik] * [ iota] * [ (jot in some Bibles; compare tittle) - ("smallest letter" in NW) - Matthew 5:18 Da, KJ, Yg (g2503) - i -OH-tuh] * [ Iran* - - it "Persia, Persian" - ih-RAN, -RAHN, ee-RAHN, i -RAN] * [ Iranian* - - ip-2 73 - ih-RAY-nee-uhn, ih-RAH-, i -RAY-] * [ Iraq* - - it "Babylon" - ih-RAK, -RAHK, ee-RAHK] * [ Irenaeus* - - it "Canon" - i 'ruh-NEE-uhs] * [ irreprehensible] * [ (above reproach, blameless, good reputation, irreproachable, of good name, without fault, without reproach in some Bibles) - irreprehensible - 1 Timothy 3:2 (g423) - ih-rep'rih-HEN(T)-suh-buhl] * [ Isaac - Isaac, it I'saac - Genesis 17:19 (h3327) - I -zik, I -zak] * [ Isaiah - Isaiah (Bible book), Isa'iah - Isaiah 1:1 (h3470) - i -ZAY-uh, -yuh, chiefly Brit. Can you pronounce this word better or pronounce in different accent or variation ? "according to the height of his nose" - SOO-puhr-SIH-lee-uhs-nes, -SIL-yuhs-nes] * [ superfluity - ("superfluous" in NW) - James 1:21 KJ (h4050 - soo'puhr-FLOO-uh-tee] * [ superfluous - superfluous - James 1:21 (h4050) - su-PUHR-floo-uhs, not su-PUHR-fil-uhs] * [ surfeit] * [ (satiated, tired, weary in some Bibles) - ("sufficiency" in NW) - Proverbs 25:17 JPS (h7646) - SUHR-fuht] * [ Susa - Su'sa - Ezra 4:9 (h7801) - SOO-suh] * [ Susanna - Susan'na - Luke 8:3 (g4677) - soo-ZAN-uh] * [ suzerain* - - it "Kingdom" - SOO-zuh-ruhn] * [ suzerainty* - - dp 149 - SOO-zuh-ruhn-tee] * [ sword - sword - Genesis 3:24 (h2719) - SORD, SOHRD, sounds like "soared"] * [ sycamine] * [ (mulberry, sycamore in some Bibles) - ("black mulberry" in NW) - Luke 17:6 AS, KJ, LITV (g4807) - SIK-uh-meen, -mi n', -muhn] * [ sycamore] * [ (also sycomore) - sycamore - 1 Kings 10:27 (h8256) - SIH-kuh-mohr', -mawr'] * [ Sychar - Sy'char - John 4:5 (g4965) - SI -kahr] * [ Syene] * [ (Aswan, Seveneh in some Bibles) - Sye'ne - Ezekiel 29:10 (h5482) - si -EE-nee] * [ Symeon] * [ (Simon, Simeon in some Bibles) - Sym'eon - Acts 15:14 (g4826) - SIM-ee-uhn] * [ Symmachus* - - it "Versions" - SIM-uh-kuhs] * [ synagogue - synagogue - Matthew 12:9 (g4864) - SIN-uh-gog] * [ synchronism* - - it "Kings, Books of" - SIN(G)-kruh-nih'zuhm] * [ syncretic* - - w78 1/15 27 - sin(g)-KREH-tik] * [ syncretism* - - w99 3/15 25 - SIN(G)-krih-tiz'uhm, SIN-kruh-] * [ syncretistic* - - it "Memorial Tomb" - sin'kruh-TIS-tik] * [ synecdoche* - - Deuteronomy 16:5 ftn. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce D words in the Bible: [ daemon* - - g81 12/22 12 - DEE-muhn] * [ Dagon - Da'gon - Judges 16:23 (h1712) - DAY-gon] * [ daleth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Da'leth - Psalm 119:25 (verse heading) - DAH-leth('), -let', also -luhd (listen)] * [ Dalmanutha - Dalmanu'tha - Mark 8:10 (g1148) - dal'muh-NOO-thuh] * [ Dalmatia - Dalma'tia - 2 Timothy 4:10 (g1149) - dal-MAY-shee-uh, dal-MAY-shuh] * [ daman] * [ (see coney) - ("rock badger" in NW) - Leviticus 11:5 JPS (h8227); Leviticus 11:5 ftn. Heb. Weve all struggled to pronounce Bible names and places, especially those pesky Old Testament names! mouth. with Dr. Brown, with Dr. Brown, with Dr. Brown AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_2921", {soundFile: "http://biblespeak.org/wp-content/uploads/bbWJ41.mp3", titles: "How to Pronounce THE_TITLE", autostart: "no", loop: "no", animation: "yes", remaining: "yes", noinfo: "no", initialvolume: "70", buffer: "5", encode: "no", checkpolicy: "no", rtl: "no", width: "100%", transparentpagebg: "no", bg: "E5E5E5", leftbg: "CCCCCC", lefticon: "333333", voltrack: "F2F2F2", volslider: "666666", rightbg: "B4B4B4", rightbghover: "999999", righticon: "333333", righticonhover: "FFFFFF", loader: "009900", track: "FFFFFF", tracker: "DDDDDD", border: "CCCCCC", skip: "666666", text: "333333"}); Beauty, a town in the portion of Dan (Josh. document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); SIS-trums] * [ Siva*] * [ (also Shiva) - - sh 97 - SIH-vuh, SHIH-vuh, SEE-vuh, SHEE-vuh] * [ skepticism* - - w95 4/15 5 - SKEP-tuh-sih'zuhm] * [ sledge - sledge - Isaiah 41:15 (h4173) - SLEJ] * [ Smerdis* - - w86 1/15 7 - SMUHR-dis, SMAIR-dis] * [ Smyrna] * [ (aka Izmir) - Smyr'na - Revelation 1:11 (g4667) - SMUHR-nuh, SMUHR-nah] * [ Socinian* - - g88 11/22 20 - suh-SIN-ee-uhn, soh-] * [ Sodi - So'di - Numbers 13:10 (h5476) - SOH-di] * [ Sodom - Sod'om - Genesis 13:10 (h5467) - SOD-uhm] * [ sojourn - ("to reside" and "alien residents" in NW) - Genesis 12:10 AS, DRB, KJ, Yg (h1481); Acts 7:6 AS, KJ (g3941) - SOH-juhrn, soh-JUHRN] * [ Sol* - - w90 1/15 7 - SAHL] * [ soldering - soldering - Isaiah 41:7 (h1694) - SAH-d(uh-)ring, SAW-; Brit. Heb. and sometimes, it was in another. AY-rab'] * [ Arab (town) - Arab, it A'rab - Joshua 15:52 (h693) - AY-rab] * [ Arabah - Ar'abah - Joshua 18:18 (h6160) - AIR-uh-bah, AIR-uh-buh] * [ Arabia - Arabia - Galatians 1:17 (g688) - uh-RAY-bee-uh] * [ Arabic* (language) and arabic* (gum) - - it "Arabia" - AIR-uh-bik, not uh-RAY-bik] * [ Aram - A'ram - Genesis 10:22 (h758)) - AY-ruhm, AY-ram (some sources AIR-uhm)] * [ Aramaic - Arama'ic - Ezra 4:7 (h762) - air'uh-MAY-ic] * [ Aramean] * [ (Aramaic, language of the Aramites, Syrian language / tongue in some Bibles) - ("Aramaic" in NW) - Ezra 4:7 BE, Yg (h762) - ar'uh-MEE-uhn] * [ Aram-naharaim - A'ram-nahara'im - Psalm 60 superscription (h763) - AY-ram-nah-hah-RAY-ihm, air'uhm-nay-huh-RAY-im] * [ Aram-Zobah - A'ram-Zo'bah - Psalm 60 superscription (h760) - AY-ram-ZOH-bah, air'uhm-ZOH-buh] * [ Ararat - - Genesis 8:4 (h780) - AIR-uh-rat' AR- (listen)] * [ Araunah] * [ (aka Ornan) - Arau'nah - 2 Samuel 24:16 (h728) - uh-RAW-nuh, ay-RAW-nuh, uh-RAH-nuh] * [ Arcadius* - - dp 243 - ahr-KAY-dee-uhs] * [ archangel - archangel - Jude 9 (g743) - AHRK-ayn(')-juhl, -jel, not AHRCH-] * [ archaeology* or archeology* - - it "Archaeology" - ahr'kee-AH-luh-jee, -OL-uh-] * [ Archelaus - Archela'us - Matthew 2:22 (g745) - ahr'kuh-LAY-uhs] * [ Archippus - Archip'pus - Philemon 2 (g751) - ahr-KIP-puhs] * [ Areopagus - Areop'agus - Acts 17:19 (g697) - air'ee-OP-uh-guhs] * [ Ares* - - Acts 17:19 ftn. 8 - ik-SPAH-zuh-tohr'ee, -tawr'-] * [ exquisite - exquisite - Psalm 37:11 (h6026) - ek-SKWIH-zuht, EK-skwi(')-] * [ exult; exultation] * [ (compare: exalt, exaltation) - exult, exultation - Isaiah 62:5 (h7797; h4885) - ig-ZUHLT; ek'suhl(')-TAY-shuhn, eg'zuhl(')-] * [ Ezekiel - Ezekiel (Bible book), it Eze'kiel - Ezekiel 1:3 (h3168) - ih-ZEE-kee-uhl, -kyuhl] * [ Ezion-geber - E'zion-ge'ber - 1 Kings 9:26 (h6100) - ee'zee-ahn-GEE-buhr, -uhn-, not -JEE-buhr] * [ Ezra - Ez'ra (Bible book) - Ezra 7:1 (h5830) - EZ-ruh] *. Caesar Augustus SEE-zer-uh-GUHS-tuhs, Caesarea Philippi zeh-suh-REE-uh-fil-LIH-pai, Caiaphas KAY-uh-fuhs, Cain kayn, Cajetan KADZH-uh-tuhn, Calasanz KAL-uh-sahnz, Caleb KAY-lehb, Callistus cuh-LIHS-tuhs, Calneh KAHL-nuh, Camillus de Lellis cuh-MIHL-uhs-deh-LEHL-ihs, Cana KAY-nuh, Canaan KAY-nuhn, Canaanites KAY-nuh-naits, Candace kan-DAY-see, Canisius kuh-NEE-shuhs, Capernaum kuh-PERR-nay-uhm, Capistrano kah-pih-STRAHNO, Cappadocia kap-ih-DO-shee-uh, Carians KAY-rih-uhnz, Carmel kahr-NEEL-yuhn, Carnelian kahr-NEEL-yuhn, Carpus KAHR-puhs, Casimir KAZ-ih-mer, Cecilia suh-SEEL-yuh, Cenacle SEHN-uh-kl, Cenchreae SEHN-kree-ay, Census SEHN-suhs, Centurion sehn-TSHOOR-ee-uhn, Cephas SEE-fuhs, Chaldeans kal-DEE-uhnz, Chebar KEE-bahr, Chemosh KEE-mahsh, Cherubim TSHEHR-oo-bihm, Chilion KIHL-ee-ahn, Chislev KIHS-lehv, Chloe KLO-ee, Chorazin kor-AY-sihn, Chrism KRIH-sm, Chronicles KRAH-nih-kulz, Chrysologus kirh-SAHL-uh-guhs, Chrysostom KRIHS-uhs-tuhm, Chuza KOO-zuh, Cilicia sih-LIHSH-ee-uh, Claret KLEHR-eht, Claudius KLAW-dee-oos, Cleopas KLEE-o-pas, Clopas KLO-pas, Colossae ko-LAH-see+or+koh-LOSS-ee, Colossians kuh-LAH-shihnz, Columban kuh-LUHM-bun, Coriander kawr-ee-AN-der, Corinth KAWR-ihnth, Corinthian kawr-IHN-thee-uhn, Cornelius kawr-NEE-lee-uhs, Cosmas KAHZ-muhs, Counselor KAUN-seh-ler, Covenant KUH-vah-nunt, Crescens KREH-sihns, Cretans KREE-tihnz, Crete kreet, Crispus KRIHS-puhs, Cushite CUHSH-ait, Cyprian SIH-pree-un, Cyprus SAI-pruhs, Cyrene sai-REE-neh, Cyrenean sai-REE-nih-uhn, Cyrenian sai-REE-nih-uhn, Cyrus SAI-ruhs. DEB-ree] * [ decalogue*] * [ (when capitalized, aka Ten Commandments) - - Deuteronomy 4:13 ftn. codices) - - it "Book" - KOH-deks; pl. Then have them repeat: { In Bible Pronunciation, when you use correct tone and know how to pronounce, it tells your listeners that they can trust you for accuracy and truth. Bible pronunciation should be correct! in NW) - Job 6:25 JPS (h4834) - TREN-chuhnt] * [ Trito-Isaiah* - - ip-2 28 - tree'toh-i -ZAY-uh, -yuh, chiefly Brit. mits-RI -im] * [ Mnason - Mna'son - Acts 21:16 (g3416) - NAY-suhn, muh-NAY-suhn] * [ Mohammad*] * [ (compare Muhammad) - - g86 2/8 30 - moh-HAM-uhd] * [ Molech] * [ (also Moloch) - Mo'lech - Leviticus 18:21 (h4432) - MOH-lek (listen)] * [ Moloch] * [ (also Molech) - Mo'loch - Acts 7:43 (g3434) - MOH-lok (listen)] * [ monolith* - - w94 8/1 8 - MON-uh-lith] * [ monolithic* - - it "Zoan" - mon'uh-LITH-ik] * [ monotheism* - - w99 6/15 26 - MAH-nuh-thee'ih'zuhm] * [ monotheistic* - - w98 12/1 12 - mah'nuh-thee-IS-tik] * [ Montanism* - - w83 9/15 12 - MON'tuh-niz'uhm] * [ Montanus* - - w83 9/15 12 - MON-tuh-nuhs] * [ Mordecai - Mor'decai - Esther 2:5 (h4782) - MOR-duh-ki , not mor'duh-KI -uh] * [ Moreh - Mo'reh - Genesis 12:6 (h 4176) - MOH-reh, MOH-ray, also MOH-ree] * [ Moresheth] * [ (Morashtite, Morasthite in some Bibles) - Mo'resheth - Micah 1:1 (h4183) - MOH-rehsh-eth, MOH-reh-sheth] * [ Moresheth-gath] * [ (Moreshethgath, Moresheth Gath in some Bibles - Mo'resheth-gath - Micah 1:14 (h4182) - mor'uh-sheth-GATH, MOR-esh-eth-gath'] * [ Moriah - Mori'ah - Genesis 22:2 (h4179) - moh-RI -uh, muh-RI -uh] * [ moribund* - - ip-1 368 - MAWR-uh-buhnd('), MAHR-] * [ Morpheus* - - g76 6/22 14 - MAWR-fee-uhs, -fyoos', -foos'] * [ Mosaic* - - w80 8/15 26 - moh-ZAY-ik] * [ Moses - Moses, it Mo'ses - Exodus 2:10 (h4872); Jude 9 (g3475) - MOH-zis, MOH-zes] * [ Mosque* - - sh 295 - MAHSK] * [ moufflon or mouflon - ("chamois" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:5 LITV (h2169) - moo-FLOHN] * [ Muhammad*] * [ (compare Mohammad) - - g89 12/22 19 - moo-HAHM-muhd, moh-HAM-uhd, -HAH-] * [ mullah* - - - MUH-luh, MUL-uh] * [ Muratorian* - - w97 8/15 10 - myoor'uh-TOR-ee-uhn ] * [ murrain - ("pestilence" in NW) - Exodus 9:3 AS, DRB, KJ (h1698) - MUHR-uhn, MUHR-in, MUH-ruhn, not MYOOR-in] * [ Mushi - Mu'shi - Exodus 6:19 (h4187) - MOO-shi] * [ Muslim* - - g01 12/22 29 - MUHZ-luhm, MUS-, MUZ-] * [ Muth-labben - Muth-lab'ben - Psalm 9 superscription (h4192) - myooth-LAB-uhn, muhth-LAY-ben] * [ Mycenaean* - - it "Kittim" - mi'suh-NEE-uhn] * [ myriads - myriads - Deuteronomy 33:2 (h7233); Revelation 5:11 (g3461) - MIHR-ee-uhdz] * [ myrrh - myrrh - Exodus 30:23 (h4753); Matthew 2:11 (g4666) - MUHR] * [ Mysia - Mys'ia - Acts 16:7 (g3465) - MISH-ee-uh, MIS-ee-uh, MIH-sh(ee-)uh] * [ Mysian* - - it "Pergamum" - MISH-ee-uhn, MIS-, MIH-sh(ee-)uhn] * [ mysticism* - - w99 4/1 26 - MIS-tuh-sih'zuhm] *. SFIN-jees (listen)] * [ spikenard] * [ (also nard) - spikenard - Song of Solomon 4:13 (h5373) - SPI K-nahrd(') (listen), -nuhrd] * [ spurious* - - w97 6/15 6 - SPYUR-ee-uhs] * [ Stachys - Sta'chys - Romans 16:9 (g4720) - STAY-kis, STAY-kuhs] * [ stacte - stacte - Exodus 30:34 (h5198) - STAK-tee] * [ stela*] * [ (pl. stelae) - - g90 5/8 15, 17 - STEE-luh; pl. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce K words in the Bible: [ Kabbalah*] * [ (also cabbala, kabala, kabbala) - - w95 3/1 22 - kuh-BAH-luh, KAB-uh-luh (listen)] * [ Kadesh] * [ (compare Kedesh) - Ka'desh - Genesis 20:1 (h6946) - KAY-desh, -dish] * [ Kadesh-barnea - Ka'desh-bar'nea - Numbers 32:8 (h6947) - kay'desh-BAHR-nee-uh] * [ Kaiwan] * [ (Chiun, Kiyyun, shrine in some Bibles) - Kai'wan - Amos 5:26 (h3594) - KI -wuhn] * [ Kama* - - - KAH-muh] * [ kaph] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Kaph - Psalm 119:80 (verse heading) - KAF] * [ Karaism* - - - KAR-uh-ih'zuhm] * [ Karaite* - - w95 7/15 28 - KAR-uh-i t] * [ Karma* - - sh 111 - KAHR-muh] * [ Kedar - Ke'dar - Song of Solomon 1:5 (h6938) - KEE-dahr, -der, -duhr] * [ Kedesh] * [ (compare Kadesh) - Ke'desh - Joshua 20:7 (h6943) - KEE-desh, -dish] * [ Kedesh-naphtali - Ke'desh-naph'tali - Judges 4:6 (h6943 + h5320) - kee'desh-NAF-tuh-li , kee'dish-] * [ Keilah - Kei'lah - 1 Samuel 23:1 (h7084) - kee-I -luh, kay-I -luh] * [ Kenan] * [ (Cainan in some Bibles) - Ke'nan - Genesis 5:9 (h7018) - KEE-nuhn] * [ Kenite - Ken'ite - Judges 1:16 (h7017) - KEN-i t] * [ Keren-happuch - Ker'en-hap'puch - Job 42:14 (h7163) - ker'uhn-HAP-uhk] * [ Kerioth - Ke'rioth - Amos 2:2 (h7152) - KEE-ruh-oth, -ree-oth] * [ Kesil] * [ (Orion in some Bibles) - Ke'sil - Job 9:9 (h3685) - KEE-sil] * [ kethib*] * [ ("written"; compare qere) - - Jeremiah 31:38 ftn. - JEN-uh-sis, not JEN-uh-see] * [ genizah* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - guh-NEET-suh] * [ Gennesaret - Gennes'aret - Matthew 14:34 (g1082) - gih-NES-uh-ret, gen-ES-a-ret', also jee-NES-, juh-NES-uh-ret] * [ Gentile] * [ (Grecian, Greek[s] in many Bibles) - ("Greek" in NW) - Romans 2:9, 10 KJ (g1672) - JEN-ti l] * [ genuflect*; genuflection* - - ; w97 12/15 27 - JEN-yuh-flekt'; jen'yuh-FLEK-shuhn] * [ Gerar - Ge'rar - Genesis 20:1 (h1642) - GEE-rahr, not JEE-rahr] * [ Gerasenes] * [ (gadarenes, Gerasa in some Bibles) - Ger'asenes - Mark 5:1 (g1046) - GER-uh-seens] * [ Gerizim - Ger'izim - Deuteronomy 11:29 (h1630) - GER-uh-zim] * [ Gershom] * [ (aka Gershon) - Ger'shom - 1 Chronicles 6:16 (h1648) - GUHR-shahm, GUHR-shuhm] * [ Gershon] * [ (aka Gershom) - Ger'shon - Exodus 6:16 (h1648) - GUHR-shahn, GUHR-shuhn] * [ Gesenius, Wilhelm* - - w97 3/15 12 - gay-ZAY-nyus, VIL-helm] * [ Gethsemane - Gethsem'ane - Matthew 26:36 (g1068) - geth-SEM-uh-nee] * [ Geuel] * [ (Gevel, Guel in some Bibles) - Geu'el - Numbers 13:15 (h1345) - GYOO-uhl, GYOO-el'] * [ Gezer - Ge'zer - 1 Kings 9:15 (h1507) - GEE-zuhr, not JEE-] * [ Gibeah - Gib'eah - Judges 20:29 (h1390) - GIB-ee-uh] * [ Gibeon - Gib'eon - Joshua 9:3 (h1391) - GIB-ee-uhn] * [ Gideon] * [ (aka Jerubbaal) - Gid'eon - Judges 7:5 (h1439) - GID-ee-uhn] * [ gier-eagle - ("vulture" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:17 KJ, Yg (h7360) - JEER-ee'guhl, JIHR-] * [ Giezi] * [ (Gehazi in most Bibles) - ("Gehazi" in NW) - 2 Kings 4:12 DRB (h1522) - gi-EE-zi] * [ Gihon - Gi'hon - Genesis 2:13 (h1521) - GI -hon] * [ Gilboa - Gilbo'a - 1 Samuel 28:4 (h1533) - gil-BOH-uh] * [ Gilead - Gil'ead - Genesis 31:21 (h1568) - GIL-ee-uhd] * [ Gilgal - Gil'gal - Joshua 5:9 (h1537) - GIL-gal] * [ Gilgamesh* - - sh 47-49 - GIL-guh-mesh] * [ gimel] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Gi'mel - Psalm 119:17 (verse heading) - GIM-uhl, GIH-muhl] * [ Gittith - Git'tith - Psalm 8 superscription (h1665) - GIT-ith, GIH-tith] * [ glossolalia* - - w92 8/15 3 - glos'uh-LAY-lee-uh] * [ Gnaeus*] * [ (also Cnaeus) - - dp 216 - NI -uhs] * [ gnash - gnash - Acts 7:54 (g1031) - NASH] * [ gnat - gnat - Isaiah 51:6 (h3644 + h3651); Matthew 23:24 (g2971) - NAT (silent "g")] * [ Gnosis* - - w90 7/15 21 - NOH-sis] * [ Gnostic* - - w93 9/15 8 - NOS-tik] * [ Gnosticism* - - w97 9/1 14 - NOS-tuh-siz'uhm] * [ goad - goad - Judges 3:31 (h4451) - GOHD] * [ God - God - Genesis 1:1 (h430) - GOD, GAHD] * [ Goiim] * [ (Gei, Goim, Goyim, nations in some Bibles) - Goi'im - Joshua 12:23 (h1471) - GOI-im] * [ Golan - Go'lan - Joshua 20:8 (h1474) - GOH-luhn, -lahn' (listen)] * [ Golgotha - Gol'gotha - Matthew 27:33 (g1115) - GOL-guh-thuh, GOHL-guh-thuh] * [ Gomorrah - Gomor'rah - Genesis 13:10 (h6017) - guh-MOR-uh] * [ Goshen - Go'shen - Genesis 45:10 (h1657) - GOH-shuhn] * [ Goth*; Gothic* - - w94 5/15 8 - GAHTH; GAH-thik] * [ Goyim] * [ (countries, foreign nations, Gentiles, nations in some Bibles) - - Genesis 14:1 (h1471) and Acts 14:5 (g1484) HNV; Luke 21:24 ftn.
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