Make sure your wet meat is sprinkled everywhere with vinegar and salt and then marinate for at least 12 hours in the refrigerator so it can penetrate. So I end up starting most dry curring at around 75 to 80% humidity for the first two or three days and then take it down to about 70% for most of the dry-cured projects I do like pancetta, braesola, Lonza or dry-cured and then cold smoked bacon. Check your biltong every day for mould. While that is happening mix together the wet cure. Homemade Biltong! | OCAU Forums The other option if youre new to the whole idea of dry curing meat, is to just use your normal kitchen fridge. Then, one day when marking about the 256th essay during exam time I decided enough Ill do my own writing instead and have never looked back. When the fan was blowing, that moisture got pushed into the chamber. If youve read any forums on biltong recipes, you will find people talking about yellow fat biltong being the best. I had a friend diffuse the airflow with a metal plate and another commercial fridge, which actually also had an impact on stabilising humidity. 9. Case hardening happens when the outside of the biltong dries very fast, but the inside of the biltong strip remains raw meat. Pieces shouldn't be too thick Lie the meat down in a flat glass container (you dont want to use metal because the vinegar might react with it), then place this glass container in the refrigerator. When you grind the spices, it releases the compounds that give them the flavor. Thank you so very much. In the temperate environments that I've lived in, the moisture is always higher at night time and this is also useful since you can want the higher levels of humidity when you cold smoking. Opinions vary on curing methods, spice mixes and drying conditions, and there is a lot of misinformation around, so trial and error has been my friend. Cant wait ! This is especially necessary in countries /areas with high humidity to prevent mould and spoilage. It makes an amazing summer snack platter when served with drowors, marinated olives, Parmesan sables, spiced nuts, pea and mint dip and freshly baked sourdough bread. (Photo by V. Edgar). I was able to share it with my friends and everyone really loved it. For biltong making it is not worth buying super expensive meat as you should rather grill your top quality cuts, like fillet steak. On average, biltong will take five days to dry. Note that biltong treated (in humid areas) with saltpeter and baking soda for mold will have a much redder final color but should not be moist inside. This fat can add a considerable amount of flavor to your biltong. If you want to check out the options and a guide on building a curing chamber, here is a detailed page on all the setup. The fennel and chilli is very much an inspiration that came from Italian cured sausage I had. Remember Parma Ham is in controlled environment for 3 months, then often its just hanging around in a building with the windows open, when it rains they close the windows! Biltong traditionally did not include sugar at all and the preservation is mainly achieved by the addition of vinegar. Then you're in for a treat. ), and too much salt can leave a burning sensation, so many recipes call for the salt to be washed off with a water/vinegar solution. Step #1: draw templates for cutting. When the weather is warm and humid, there is a chance that mould (white dots or furry dots) will appear on the meat. 2 Tablespoons of roasted coriander seeds - you can crush these or chop a bit to release the favors. Howdy, I prefer 11-13C all the time, since bacteria grows exponentially the hotter it gets. How to make biltong - Yuppiechef Magazine 01 May 2023 01:09:48 My wife cant stand biltong, never has, UNTIL NOW! Use less salt! My favorite is apple cider vinegar. The packing date was mid February, so I also wasnt sure if the long time in the freezer would negatively affect the curing process? Im lucky enough to harvest quality meat from the wild. Try to create these conditions in whatever way you see fit. It's now ready to slice thinly with a sharp knife. Be careful when drying and storing your biltong so that it does not spoil. A cool air-conditioned room, or dry cool basement, will also help provide the right environment for making and storing biltong. and if you get a little mould wash with vinegar and it is fine. Stand the box upright and open the flaps on top. Do you need to increase the ventilation in your biltong box? Try to avoid grinding the peppercorns too fine if you want the best flavor. His wife refused to have any. but it was very good. This site is owned by, it participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Salt and vinegar both act as detergents against bad bacteria by displacing water and lowering the Ph level. Place several (about 7) wooden rods (C) inside the box about 2 inches from the top. Fill the bottle with the vinegar of your choice. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Excellent website. Are there any issues you have to pay special attention to when making biltong in a humid climate? You can loosely cover the meat with a muslin cloth to prevent any flies from getting to it. Use Kosher or natural untreated coarse salt. The simplest, if you have space and live in a dry, breezy climate, is to build a simple wooden frame and close the walls with fine mesh wire. If you dont have a curing chamber and youre just looking at hanging out some meat to cure such as simple dry-cured bacon with some cold smoke after or simple red meat braesola recipe. How to build the DIY homemade Biltong Box. Rub a little salt on the cut ends to protect them. The reason for this plastic covering is that vinegar reacts with metal, so you dont want this affecting the taste of your meat. As soon as the froth has settled, remove the meat from the marinade and pat it dry with a paper towel. Salami is definitely the advanced category of using a curing chamber. Better to try smaller pieces in a fridge, I wrote about this here. Should I scrap this shoulder and Star with a fresh one? They did this either by curing or dehydrating their meat. Click here for the recipe. And everyone I know who knows how to make biltong live, and has always lived, in bone dry climates. It is eaten in great quantities here, but its popularity is only now starting to spread around the world. Airflow and how consistent the moisture is in the environment is key to any dry curing project, but it can work in many scenarios. This might seem a little odd, but it has scientific reasoning. As a bit of a prepper, I have been making beef and venison jerky for more than a decade. Biltong - Salty Ginger My Aussie and ZA mates all love it. Oui, vive la France ! If you found this post helpful or have learned something, comment, subscribe, and follow me on social platforms for more tasty recipes. Its 90% humidity there now thats 11 AM in the morning with a sunny day with some cloud intervals). Also, I purchased this shoulder a few months ago at the farmers market (sold frozen) and its been in the back of the freezer ever since. The meat is then air-dried in a dry environment with very good airflow. Similar to Biltong Sukuthi is cut into thin strips, spices and salt are rubbed on and then it is either air dried, or smoked until it is totally dried out. I offsetting a lid to the compressor, which was just next to the fan in the compressor. The right amount of fat to keep on your meat for biltong is contentious, and quite honestly, it comes down to personal taste. I can now start my first batch of biltong with confidence. If I want to do a meat curing project later on. Hello I would like to try this recipe how does it work on elk or deer meat they might be to lean. For me the best biltong has got to have a nice layer of fat on it, but if you want you can trim the fat as much as you like or choose a lean cut like eye of round. However, it's nice to have everything you need instead of having to buy stuff on the go. Was wondering if you could give me ingredient amounts for a 2kg silverside. MAC is good if you're looking for good price/quality. WHAT AN AMAZING TREAT!!! Its not unusual to have an entire slab missing by the time your biltong is ready. Don't cut the slices too thick or they will take too long to dry. While the meat is salting mix together all the wet cure ingredients. If you like very smokey then go for longer but you will lose some of that pure meatiness a bit if you smoke it a lot. The most important thing to remember when choosing meat is the quality and fat marbling. For the finest cuts, fillet, sirloin, or steaks cut from the hip, such as topside or silverside, are used. In New Zealand's humid climate a biltong maker (a box containing a light bulb and fan) is usually necessary, whereas in South Africa's dry climate the meat is commonly dried outside in the shade. Charcuterie is indeed a French word but I have to say the Italians are the masters in that matter. Once all your meat slab pieces are hooked up, hang them in the drying area. Humidity and Temperature Ranges for a Curing Chamber. Holidays and weekends have been spent in the great outdoors, hiking, fishing and diving all around the world. You want to see the different spices. Have tried others but always come back to this recipe by Charle. This next point cant be overemphasized; use fresh spices and toast, grind and mix them just before youre about to apply them. My attempt at making a character sheet She's either always annoyed at any inconvenience or always awkward to see people also has frizzy hair problems thanks to the extremely hot & humid weather in the (I know all too well ) gonna practice some more . Prepare your own Biltong spices for use with this dehydrator biltong. Getting it right is down to trial and error. Ive been using this recipe for the past 4 years. Always use a sharp knife. Pick good quality meat with a nice layer of fat and if possible fat marbling. Would a little chili powder in the wet marinade be OK or would it ruin it? When it's ready, slice with a sharp knife or biltong slicer. So without further ado, heres my tried and tested biltong recipe. It will happily stay high quality in the fridge for two weeks loosely wrapped or a few months vacuum sealed. Place some newspaper below the meat to catch any liquid. Bicarb has a pretty unpleasant taste, so its important to keep the quantity low. If your approx. Biltong is a savoury snack, not a desert! Happy you like! Thats why I decided to try curing meat at home. It is a baseline for you to start with. If not why not and if you do how much and how would you put it into the process. Don't worry too much if you leave it longer in the wet cure. If you need more information on how to store your biltong after you have made it, you can check out these ideas here. I work on a yacht and make it in the engine room, so perfect. Texture-wise biltong is more similar to bresaola when made correctly and beef jerky is more of a leathery sometimes wet and chewy consistency. (This is a little less than you would typically use, but youre applying it directly with the biltong spice). You can always just test the environment like out the back, in the garage or some other place protected from pests with a bit of airflow. This will help with the drying process, and ensure greater longevity of the final product. by Runder Biltong February 26, 2022. Its tricky to get the salt quantity right. This is the most well explained and straight forward blog post I have found. Cheers T. Ive been wanting to find out if my crawlspace (no actual crawling required) is suitable for hanging and curing meats. This yellow fat is apparent in cattle that have been grass-fed rather than grain-fed. Although heat doesnt add to the quality of the product, it can be used to increase air circulation around the meat, by means of a temperature gradient (heat rises!). Some dry biltong in a dehydratorand some people use a DIY biltong dehydrator or "biltong box" as it's often called. Tanja, I live in Colorado (low humidity) and just hang my biltong in the garage with a fan blowing it. So make sure you meet slabs are dry before rubbing them with the spice mix. As you start getting closer to the biltong being ready, you will probably begin to test pieces of the biltong to see how they are. This step is often skipped, but it can make a big difference to the flavor that is absorbed by the biltong slab. Back in the days when refrigerators werent a thing, the pioneers needed a way to preserve their meat. It was my 1st time ever making biltong. The paper will allow excess moisture to continue leaving the meat, discouraging mould growth. It should be mostly powder, with a few pieces of seed shells left in. Add a pinch of pink salt if you want. Any advice on how to infuse a bit more chili flavour into the meat for a bit of extra kick. The point of using the vinegar is to make sure any bacteria are neutralized. He said it never got below 77F/25C at any time of the year, day or night! By bookmarking these links you help support the upkeep of this site. Thank you very much for sharing it. Instructions. Not sure it would move the needle much over here though. The meat is then air-dried in a dry environment with very good airflow. I don't know anyone that likes dry or hard cured biltong but some do prefer it. How to Make Authentic Biltong - Tastes Better Than Jerky! No need to slice it after wards it breaks like a biscuit! This is something that just needs testing to get some balance generally. Nice basic recipe as used by my family for many years. Especially biltong that can in most cases do without it. Once ready, cut into thin slices with a sharp knife and enjoy some of the best meat youll ever eat. Mold is the biggest killer of biltong, especially in humid climates. Some people soak their meat in salt first, then rinse off the salt before placing it in vinegar, but it can make the meat very salty. The word biltong comes from the combination of the Dutch words bil which means buttock and tong which means tongue or strip. I know this probably doesnt make any sense, but remember that after the biltong has been dried, you will cut it a second time, and that time it will be against the grain. In desperation, Ive taken to resting a knife on top of some over-dried biltong and hitting it with a camping mallet (not recommended, and not only because I upset the neighbours and smashed the chopping board!). having travelled to ZA 3 times over the years to hunt i am firmly obsessed with biltong and drywors. I've made biltong without trouble in the UK without issue. Vinegar does a perfectly good job of sterilising the meat without mountains of salt. Throw the marinade out or use it to marinade other meats. Copyright 2023 - All rights reserved. penicillin a.k.a. While the meat is marinating make the spice mix. Keeps it from spoiling a bit longer than simply salt and vinegar. Be sure to get it all or its likely to spread again. Is it drying too fast or too slow? I have just set up a small curing chamber, 8 ft cu, from a refrigerator but am seeing some instability in my humidity control..confirmed by a recording temp/hum monitor. The main seasonings are coriander, sugar, salt, pepper and vinegar. Making biltong in a dehydrator - Follow steps 1-6, taking into consideration how thick the meat can be in the . This is a great recipe but being the experimental person that I am I am considering two-hour smoke I do bacon and Pancetta for 8 hrs and its great. I ended up unplugging the humidifier as it appears I dont need it in such a small space. I thought there was enough air being pulled through the compressor but it seems it wasnt the case. In the era of Parma where Parma Ham comes from, its next two areas of water which allows the generally higher level of moisture and humidity in the air to stop the outside drying (I just googled Parma, Italy whether. This depends on the size of the meat and your method of drying. What Ive seen with temperature control and different curing chambers is that the compressor or whatever form of cooling is used may create more or less moisture as well as impacting the humidifier or dehumidifier. You are right. Do this in a clean plastic or non-reactive metal container where the meat fits snugly. If youre making this biltong recipe for yourself, consider making or buying a biltong box or biltong dryer where you can control the environment where the biltong is made. . It may not display this or other websites correctly. Mix it with your salt and add as instructed. If youve not checked for a while and found your biltong totally covered, sadly the best place for it is the bin. Used it before when I had to go on a long hike. BILTONG MAKING INSTRUCTIONS - Biltong Makers biltong in humid weather - Smoking Meat Forums I however eat it like Biltong This is my version: Cut topside or silverside into 2 cm wide strips and marinade in salt, curry powder and lemon juice for 24 hrs. Would love to try this. When slicing to serve or eat, cut across the grain. Another way is to rub the biltong with very hot cut chilli then add the rub. But its good to just go over the basics, first off the quality of the meat. So glad I found your post!! a Bad initial product won't turn out nice. Making Biltong in high humidity? : r/Biltong - Reddit This is why it is important to check on the progress of the biltong every single day. I know this is probably because of oxidation but I wasnt sure if this would negatively affect the curing process? Cut the meat along the grain into strips roughly an inch thick and around 8 to 10 inches long. Make sure your meat is fresh and blood-free. The key is to draw air around the meat without the airflow being too strong, to avoid case hardening, whereby the outside becomes overly tough, and the texture gradient falls off too quickly. Absolutely brilliant!!! This is definitely one style and very popular. Hi Andew looks lekker my last batch using another recipe (my first) was too salty 1.4 tbsp per kilo for 24 hrs. It basically just follows the procedure but since it is common to have a fermentation stage having that higher temperature and higher humidity allows that pH and acidity to increase to create a hostile environment for bad bacteria. Im confident that this fool-hardy recipe sticks with the traditional roots of the dried meat, whilst adding a little refined finesseit does not disappoint. Repeat the layers until the thin strips are on top, and add a final dressing of salt. Your email address will not be published. If you want to change the flavors up a little, create a mixture of 60% vinegar 40% Worcestershire sauce and use this for the marinade in the biltong recipe. Geez people , biltong is air cured meat. Weigh the meat and write it on the label. I programmed it at 11C/52F. It's the most accurate way of measuring. But I havent tried it and I cant say Ive heard any great outcomes if youre looking at longer-term dry curing for months.
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