), the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California,, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Sottile v. Motion Recruitment Partners LLC, STOER CONSTRUCTION, INC., a California corporation vs LD MILPITAS PROPERTY, LLC, a Delaware corporation et al, Jun Ma et al vs Good Samaritan Hospital et al. It depends on the court structure and the number of residents. Lookup Santa Clara county court records in CA with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Downtown Superior Court | Click on the Judge's name below for more details. You can also reach the Juvenile Division by emailing ssjuvinfo@scscourt.org. V. Najafi, Et Al. We write rarely, but only the best content. https://www.scscourt.org/self_help/restraining/dv.shtml This page has been replaced with our Public Portal Case Search page. The Santa Clara Superior Court serves the public by providing equal justice for all in a fair, accessible, effective, efficient, and courteous manner; resolving disputes under the law; applying the law consistently, impartially, and independently . For More Information Please Contact: Records Unit. CA Supreme Court Opinions and Cases | FindLaw On 09/06/2017 Bruce Devisser filed a Family - Other Family lawsuit against Amber Devisser. For information on Complex Civil Litigation E-Filing, visit our E-Filing page. https://www.scscourt.org/self_help/restraining/ro_help.shtml. court system consists of 1 court type, Santa Clara County Restraining Order Forms & Applications California Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District. employee screening. Phone: (408) 792-2500 . Nirvana's Cow Palace show was once panned. Traffic Cases Online Superior Court. Santa Clara County, CA Courts - Records & Cases - StateCourts The Old Courthouse, located at 161 North First St., San Jose, CA 95113, handles cases related to civil and criminal matters. Labor In 2017, a total of By continuing to use this website, you agree to UniCourts General Disclaimer, Terms of Service, Along with streamlined access to court data, you can also get the latest court docket information, obtain case summaries, check case statuses, download court documents, view tentative rulings, and track lawsuits to get real-time alerts on new case updates. County Case Load & Crime Information. Lookup District By Address. Online: MyCitations: Ability to Pay Tool https://mycitations . Contract Civil cases in Santa Clara County are heard in the Downtown Superior Court, the Old Courthouse, and the South County Courthouse. website at https://www.courts.ca.gov/, and even of cases in the county. Contract Hall of . Contract The median household income in 2015 was reported to be $63049. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}). You can reach the Old Courthouse by calling (408) 882-2100. You can reach the Probate Clerks Filing Office by calling (408) 882-2100 or emailing ssprobinfo@scscourt.org. Find information about Santa Clara County, California Notary Forms including notary certificate forms, notary public applications, and apostille information. Downtown Superior Court | Local Juvenile Rules of Court The court does not have divisions. | 10/12/2007, DESCRIPTION: CONFERENCE: FURTHER CASE MANAGEMENT; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 8; TIME: 10:00AM; RESULT: VACATED; DISMISSAL FILED, DESCRIPTION: ORDER; COMMENT: TEXT = EF #G-16355 ORDER & NOTICE OF VACATED HEARING (CMC ON 6/26/09), SIGNED BY JUDGE JOSEPH H. HUBER LEGACY NAME = CV ORDER DECISION = M CLOSED = 06/23/2009, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Name Change or Name/Gender Change A lawsuit filed in April 2023 alleges that a 71-year-old man died after eating a "contaminated sandwich" at the Vasona Creek Healthcare Center in Los Gatos, Calif. A nursing home in theBay Area has been accused of elder abuse and wrongful death after one of its residents died after eating an allegedly contaminated sandwich at Vasona Creek Healthcare Center, a facility in Los Gatos. 217,577 in 2017. Boards and Commissions. LEGACY NAME = CV ORD:CONSOLIDATE WITH. DECISION = G CLOSED = 11/16/2005, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | The Hall of Justice is located at 190-200 West Hedding St., San Jose, CA 95110, and can be reached by calling (408) 808-6600. The Hall of Justice is located at 190-200 West Hedding St., San Jose, CA 95110 . As a result of these reckless failures, the decedent reportedly developed necrotic ulcers and infections that led to his death, according to the suit. The 6th Judicial District of California and the County seat of Santa Clara, San Jose is home to one federal court and four superior courts located at: Federal Courts Robert F. Peckham Federal Building & United States Courthouse 280 South 1st Street, Room 2112 San Jose, CA 95113 Phone: (408) 535-5363 (Clerk's office Office: 2nd floor) Morilha v. Superior Court of California County of Santa Clara, Filing Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. Courts in Santa Clara County maintain records on everything that occurs during the legal process for future reference, including appeals. . | 06/19/2000, DECLARATION AND ORDER: FINAL DISCHARGE - JUDICIAL OFFICER: GALLAGHER, CATHERINE A; COMMENT: LEGACY NAME = ORDER FOR FINAL DISCHARGE DECISION = G CLOSED = 05/09/2002, DECLARATION AND ORDER: FINAL DISCHARGE - JUDICIAL OFFICER: GALLAGHER, CATHERINE A; COMMENT: LEGACY NAME = DECLARATION FOR DISCHARGE DECISION = M CLOSED = 05/09/2002, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Santa Clara County Small Claims Forms Riley & Son, Inc, et al. Santa Clara County Superior Court Divisions. | 05/22/2001, CLAIM: CREDITOR - JUDICIAL OFFICER: GALLAGHER, CATHERINE A; COMMENT: TEXT = $6,378.52; W/PROOF OF SVC LEGACY NAME = CREDITOR'S CLAIM SUBMITTED $___ DECISION = M CLOSED = 06/25/2002, HEARING: FINAL DISTRIBUTION - JUDICIAL OFFICER: GALLAGHER, CATHERINE A; HEARING TIME: 9:00 AM, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Probate Public court records for Santa Clara County will Please check your email for a confirmation email. 70 West Hedding Street, West Wing. 60-79. | 04/22/2022, DESCRIPTION: CONFERENCE: FURTHER CASE MANAGEMENT; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 16; TIME: 10:00AM, DESCRIPTION: NOTICE: ENTRY OF DISMISSAL W/POS; COMMENT: NOTICE OF ENTRY OF DISMISSAL AND PROOF OF SERVICE, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Downtown Superior Court | Conservatorship of Tyree Jackson | Court Records - UniCourt The Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office is the local law enforcement agency that processes arrest records for the county. Courts may keep official records about cases in paper or electronic format. San Jose, CA 95110-1721. Probate Not only does UniCourt give you access to the Santa Clara County Superior Court, UniCourt also provides you with access to other state courts across California, including many of the largest counties across the state, such as the Los Angeles County Superior Courts, the San Diego County Superior Courts, the Orange County Superior Courts, the Riverside County Superior Courts, and San Bernardino County Superior Courts. Records Search - Office of the County Clerk - County of Santa Clara The Probate Division of the Santa Clara Superior Court deals with cases related to the transfer of property from people who have died, disputes about trusts, the appointment of a person to oversee the finances and/or the care of an older adult or a developmentally disabled adult who cannot take care of himself/herself, the appointment of a person to make certain mental health decisions for someone who is gravely disabled and is unable to care for his/her personal needs, challenges to quarantine orders, the appointment of a guardian, adoptions for children and adults, name change or gender change for adults and children, approval by the court of the terms of an agreement to settle a claim by a child, the freeing of a child from the control of a parent and the giving to the child of some rights as an adult, and establishing a fact of a birth or death or a marriage that has not been recorded or cannot be obtained. This case was filed in Santa Clara County Superior Courts, Family Courthouse located in Santa Clara, California. https://www.scscourt.org/self_help/traffic/warrants.shtml If you do not agree with these terms, then do not use our website and/or services. When RichardTruongs daughter,Cyn Truong, arrived, she said she witnessed her father vomiting and experiencing severe seizures with bodily convulsions. Despite receiving CPR, Richard Truong allegedly went into cardiac arrest. Downtown Superior Court | When his symptoms escalated onDec. 23 and he reportedly began having seizures, the complaint alleged that nurses called his son to the scene but did not call paramedics. | 12/21/2018, DESCRIPTION: APPEAL: NOTICE OF COMPLETION, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Public Records Policy. The Superior Court in Santa Clara County serves the public by providing equal justice for all in a fair, accessible, effective, efficient, and courteous manner: by resolving disputes under the law; by applying the law consistently, impartially and independently; and by instilling public trust and confidence in the Court. cases filed in the county Tentative rulings will be accessible on the Department pages linked below, after 2:00 p.m. on the court day preceding the scheduled hearing. (Note that Google may use "cookies" to collect information or have links unrelated to Court content. With UniCourt, you can access Probate cases online in Santa Clara County Superior Courts . Find Santa Clara County, California probate records by name, estate number, case number and party type. Probate and business lawsuits), bankruptcies, marriages and divorces, liens, tax issues, are focusing on family health and relationships rather than punishment for juvenile crimes. Contract Case Information Portal You should have your attorney contact our office. Find information about Santa Clara County, California Government Calendars including events calendars, fairs, activities, and things to do. Personal Injury About Us Contact Us Santa Clara County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Santa Clara County, California. Downtown Superior Court | website for easy access in California. | 03/04/2005, DESCRIPTION: CONFERENCE: CASE MANAGEMENT; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 16; TIME: 10:00AM; RESULT: VACATED, DESCRIPTION: NOTICE; FILED BY: CITY OF SUNNYVALE,; COMMENT: TEXT = ORDER LEGACY NAME = CV NTC OF DECISION = M CLOSED = 09/19/2005, DESCRIPTION: CONFERENCE: CASE MANAGEMENT; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 2; TIME: 10:00AM; RESULT: VACATED, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Contract Google LLC et al vs John French III et al, Rich Voss Trucking Inc vs JW Riley & Son Inc, et al. Downtown Superior Court | Juvenile Justice Detention Facilities Downtown Superior Court | The Santa Clara County Superior Court Hall of Justice addresses criminal matters. There are many reasons for the increase in youth offenders. RILEY & SON, INC., FINANCIAL PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY,; COMMENT: TEXT = DAWSON LEGACY NAME = CV ANSWER, LTD, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | 1,746,474 were filed in the The Santa Clara County Superior Court Criminal Division handles cases related to minor offenses, such as traffic infractions, and serious offenses, like robbery and murder. You must review and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before using our (JAMES ROBERTS 275-9800) - C/F 04-13-06 RESULT BY = C RESULT JUDGE = LCN - NICHOLS, LESLIE RESULT DATE = 04/27/2006, HEARING: MOTION HEARINGS - ORIGINAL TYPE: HEARING: MOTION HEARINGS; JUDICIAL OFFICER: HYMAN, EUGENE M; HEARING TIME: 9:00 AM; RESULT: CONTINUED: COURT; COMMENT: TEXT = TO BE RELIEVED AS COUNSEL. Decided: May 11, 1995. The Family Court Division handles divorce, legal separation, nullity, establishing parentage, restraining orders/domestic violence, child support, spousal support, family support, child custody and visitation, and mediation and arbitration matters. This division operates out of the Downtown Superior Court and can be reached by calling (408) 882-2100 or emailing sssclaimsinfo@scscourt.org. The county spent $260365550 on crime-related prevention and . Downtown Superior Court | | 01/16/2018, DESCRIPTION: NOTICE; FILED BY: EDWARD MUSGRAVE,; COMMENT: NOTICE OF COURT ORDER RE COORDINATION OF POTENTIAL ADD-ON CASES, DESCRIPTION: PROOF OF SERVICE: SUMMONS DLR (CIVIL); FILED BY: EDWARD MUSGRAVE,; COMMENT: PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS/COMPLAINT, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Juvenile Justice Commission UniCourt further gives you access to court records for all of the federal courts in the state of California, including the federal courts with jurisdiction over Santa Clara County: the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California (N.D. Criminal Case Records Downtown Superior Court | Santa Clara County - County Court Case Search & Lookup Personal Injury 183,236 BANK ONE: QUALITY HOME LOANS ALLIANCE TITLE AND JOETTA THOMPSON LEGACY NAME = CV REQ:DISMISSAL, PARTIAL DECISION = M CLOSED = 03/20/2006, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | The most popular type of court case is criminal StateCourts.org cannot confirm that information provided below is accurate or complete. UniCourt is your single source for state and federal court records, offering comprehensive court coverage and the most complete and accurate dataset available. Downtown Superior Court | Santa Clara county court records are public records that are available in most cases to the everyone. Probate Especially for tenants: Asian Law Alliance phone: (408) 287-9710 Bay Area Legal Aid (BayLegal) legal advice phone: (800) 551-5554 The following documents for this case are available for you to view or download: Use the links below to access additional information about this case on the US Court's PACER system. On 10/09/2017 Conservatorship of Tyree Jackson was filed as a Probate - Conservatorship lawsuit. Contract You understand that by clicking "I Agree" you consent to our Terms of Service and agree not to use information provided by StateCourts.org for any purpose under the FCRA, including to make determinations regarding an individual's eligibility for personal credit, insurance, employment, or for tenant screening. City of San Jose Parking Tickets Santa Clara County Probate Forms The Court may charge fees to access documents in the future. 1252 Search City of Mountain parking tickets page by citation number, including payment options and information links. Of that total, 66% of those proceedings Probate As of April 13, 2023, the case was still active, Santa Clara County Superior Court records show. Adoption Case Summary On 03/28/2014 County Of Santa Clara filed a Family - Child Support lawsuit against Genelle M Biggle. | 09/04/2001, HEARING: ACCOUNTING - ORIGINAL TYPE: HEARING: ACCOUNTING; JUDICIAL OFFICER: NICHOLS, LESLIE C; HEARING TIME: 9:00 AM; RESULT: HEARD: GRANTED; COMMENT: TEXT = SETTLEMENT OF FIRST ACCOUNT, COMPENSATION AND DISCHARGE OF TEMPORARY CONSERVATOR RESULT BY = C RESULT JUDGE = LCN - NICHOLS, LESLIE RESULT DATE = 11/08/2002, ORDER: APPROVE ACCOUNTING - JUDICIAL OFFICER: GALLAGHER, CATHERINE A; COMMENT: TEXT = FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNT AND DISCHARGING TEMP CONSERVATOR LEGACY NAME = ORDER SETTLING/APPROVING ACCT/REPORT DECISION = G CLOSED = 11/08/2002, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Santa Clara County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Santa Clara County, California. Downtown Superior Court | Now, it's revered. the Traffic Clerk's Office relocated to the South County Courthouse. Personal Injury Downtown Superior Court | | 03/01/2018, DESCRIPTION: HEARING: ACCOUNTING/FINAL DISTRIBUTION; DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT 13; TIME: 9:00AM, DESCRIPTION: SUBSTITUTION: ATTORNEY; FILED BY: EVAN FARBER,; COMMENT: SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY, DESCRIPTION: SUBSTITUTION: ATTORNEY; FILED BY: IRENE KEENAN,; COMMENT: SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY, DESCRIPTION: BOND; FILED BY: WILLIAM BRANDENBURG,; COMMENT: $1,431,5523.98; LIBERTY MUTUAL COMPANY, Santa Clara County Superior Courts | Case Information Portal Case Number * 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 -

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