ContactHolly Frilotto arrange face-to-face or virtual training for a fee. Identify and pursue opportunities to engage a broader community in our programming and collections. Passwords must include at least 8 characters. The Future Ready Library goals of connecting real-world learning to the school environment are also integrated in the performance standards. Top 17 School Librarian Resume Objective Examples, Certified Professional Resume Writer, Career Expert, Top 17 Librarian Resume Objective Examples, Top 17 Reference Librarian Resume Objective Examples, Top 17 Assistant Librarian Resume Objective Examples, Top 17 Preschool Director Resume Objective Examples. Assess and improve service models to ensure equitable and effective experiences for all users. It is important to highlight what makes you an ideal candidate for the role, including any relevant education, certifications, and professional experiences. The SLEI is an evaluation instrument that will allow Georgia to ensure consistency and comparability across districts, based on a common definition of highly qualified school library media specialists who support and enrich school environments. Get key events e.g. Collaboration Studio) to invite interaction with students creative and intellectual works. For example,maybeyou are passionate about all your students reading for enjoyment. 2. School librarians have always had a role to play in promoting literacyespecially through reading for pleasureand because of this, its often linked to the English department. As we know, students who read widely do better academically, as it introduces them to lots more vocabulary and also supports and engages their imagination. Write it down!, [Our Library] offers a welcoming and supportive environment, where we are committed to ensuring that students graduate as competent and ethical users of information technologies with strong intellectual curiosity and life-long love of reading, learning, and independent thinking., [Our] mission is to promote information and digital literacy to all students, staff and the community. This article provides an overview of the top certifications available for school librarians to expand their knowledge and skills. If your goals are time-sensitive and specific, you can chart progress across time and adjust if unforeseen obstacles crop up. Even if you arent the resolution type, taking time to reflect and set goals can set you up for a successful end of the school year. School of Library and Information Science Additionally, being patient and understanding with patrons helps foster positive relationships between the student body and library staff alike. This is not the time to think about the obstacles in your path. Goal #2: Enhance the impact of Vassars libraries in surrounding communities. School library professionals have found themselves responding to change, driven by fast-paced technology environments. If you created goals at the beginning of the school year, take stock of where you are. WebThe goals of the Roanoke City Public Schools Library Media Services are that: * every student will progress towards becoming an information literate citizen upon graduation. For example, maybe you are passionate about all your students reading for enjoyment. % The Highly Effective School Librarian Growth Plan (goal -setting) template . To foster a love of reading by connecting students with books that match their interests and abilities. To use technology effectively to improve access to information resources for all users. Find a mentor who can help you stay on track and follow up on your successes and help you with your failures. This will help show potential employers why you are uniquely qualified for the job and demonstrate your commitment to becoming a successful school librarian. However, if you write down what success looks like to you, you will be better able to define specific goals that you can act on in the last half of the school year. Organization of Recorded Knowledge and Information. Article originally published in Synergy, journal of the School Library Association of Victoria, May 2018. For example, you may earn a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) or a Master of Library Science (MLS). It does not always have to be a co-taught lesson or one with many parts. Following a commitment to national standards, the, School Librarian Evaluation Instrument (SLEI), School Library Effectiveness Instrument (SLEI). One 30-minute teaching observation is required, though it is not enough to fully evaluate a library media specialist on all 10 standards. Students will understand the techniques for discovering, retrieving, evaluating, and synthesizing information from diverse sources, and students will understand methods for learning and describing the information needs of various users and communities and how libraries and information centers can work with these communities toward meeting their needs. Please reset your password to gain access to your account. resistant to working with a school librarian for various reasons. Comments that stray from the topic at hand may be deleted. For example, you may earn a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) or a Master of Library Science (MLS). We'll send you one email every month full of helpful articles. If you want to raise literacy levels at your school,include your school library and librarian. If teachers are unsure how to get started, they can use an initial inquiry planning form that is available via the FOSIL website and which helps teachers understand the information that school librarians need in order to be able to help them and their students. The fact that these plans were easy to use and were aligned to both the AASL and Common Core ELA standards made Stay connected to teachers and share your goals with them. An honest reflection on your status quo helps set you up for success in changing old goals or creating new ones. Goal #2: Ensure that library spaces and services points are attentive and responsive to the needs of a diverse community. As an example, an effective resume objective for a school librarian position could read Organized librarian with 3 years of experience in cataloging library resources seeking to leverage knowledge of library systems and superior organizational skills to ensure efficient operation as School Librarian at ABC High School.. Focus on anything that makes you stand out from other applicants and showcases your ability to be successful in this role. Additional feedback from the 2017 Softlink surveys included things respondents would like to do to improve collaboration in their schools. Related: School Librarian Resume Examples. <> In 2015, the Consortium Objectives: Facilitate resource sharing between schools and other institutions through interlibrary loan and online catalogs when available. As we know, students who are literate are more able to engage with and understand the information they are being given or find for themselves and, in turn, are able to gain a deeper understanding of each subject. The email you entered already exists. To access other site content, visit our homepage. School librarians have a wealth of resources through the IFLA School Library Guidelines and FOSIL (Framework of Skills for Inquiry Learning) that allow them to support teachers across the curriculum. WebA secondary goal was to initiate a plan to develop a library media program evaluation instrument so expectations could be consistent across the state. Audio explanations are included on some slides. :@A47lDb( 3A}5vm;hsH ^{}I;7m)jon( M8T1jJgN=;M"X= ":P6 /toSI@Z ~11n&kN&QLj}#\{k/pAc:uj3fd``Xiv s zHG3^c40 1hD It is recommended that library media specialists create a digital notebook to collect documentation throughout the year. These documents can be used to support the goal-setting process. One of the most common mistakes is failing to include any information about the job seekers qualifications or experience. This article provides examples of effective resume objectives for assistant librarians, highlighting the key skills and qualifications that employers look for. For example, 10.8% of school librarian resumes contained library services as a skill. Partnering with teachers allows you to forge connections that can develop champions for your goals. This is only possible through collaboration. To manage the library budget in order to ensure efficient operation within budgetary constraints. About The Helpful Professor Assess and adjust programs to support District initiatives and best practices. They provide physical and online resources to meet the needs of the teachers and students, but they are also able to teach information literacy skills (including academic reading) through inquiry across all subjects. To provide efficient and effective library services to students, faculty, and staff while promoting literacy and research skills. A goal is so much more powerful when you have more than yourself to answer to. Support and encourage volunteerism in the local community, for all interested VCL staff. %%EOF Its not a new concept but it definitely is a prevalent one. According to "The Future of skills: Employment is 2030", there will be an increased call for librarians, curators, and archivists, among other occupations. FOSIL is a free framework that can be used worldwide and supports students from prekindergarten to 12th grade. The statement is a guidepost, but its up to the team to put it into action on a daily basis. Lifelong Learning and Continuing Education. School Librarian Evaluation Instrument (SLEI) Standards, SLEI Self-Assessment Form(Completed by library media specialist), SLEI Formative Assessment Form(Completed by evaluator), SLEI Summative Assessment Form(Completed by evaluator). This article provides examples of effective resume objectives for preschool directors to use when preparing their own resumes. Work more closely with student-facing initiatives and offices, including Residential Life, to integrate the Library into their programming. This type of planning tool can lead to some great collaboration. Don't self-censor your writing. School Libraries Share: Ideas for school-wide collaboration, Kreeks CLEAR (Collaborative, Limited, Emotional, Appreciable, Refined) framework, School library staff perspectives on teacher information literacy and collaboration, 2017 Softlink Australian and New Zealand School Library Survey Report, The role of leadership in the ongoing importance of school libraries, New research into school library effectiveness from UK National Literacy Trust. Librarians must be able to organize materials both physically and digitally, as well as handle multiple tasks at once and prioritize them accordingly. If teachers need time to plan a lesson, school librarians also need planning time, and ideally this should be done together. The I-IV grading scale aligns to a 0-3 point scale, which is also the same as TKES and LKES. The 2017 Softlink Australian and New Zealand School Library Survey Report presents findings into school library budgets, staffing, library services, and trends. We use cookies to provide you with the best experience on our website and to improve our communications with you. They should also relate to those big dreams youjustwrote down. Collaborate with nationally recognized long-term preservation and access services to digitize content from a variety of sources to broaden the resources available to our constituents. This is best done by a strong library program linked to the whole school curriculum policy, which will help teachers understand the expertise and role of the librarian within their own subject. ContactHolly Frilotfor a 30-minute virtual Q&A. Passwords must include at least 8 characters. Why struggle to do this on your own if you have an expert in your school who can help? And once youve created these statements, make sure theyre embedded in everything you do so theyre worth the paper theyre written on! Showcase your unique skillset and enthusiasm for working with students so they know exactly why they should hire someone like yourself! <> Learn all about School Librarian duties, skills and much more. School librarians not only can provide the resources that each subject needs but also can ensure, by working alongside teachers, that the topic keywords and Tier 2 vocabulary are accessible (at the right age level or appropriate for students with special needs) within those resources. hbbd```b``"WH C,V36d?X. &Y"A$w4e Xn Y"#\A}&FfGP&3{ For example, would you like to make the library media center more visually inviting, or offer after-school reading help in the library? Redesign the Learning, Teaching, and Research Center spaces with an emphasis on greater integration and collaboration with the Libraries. 2., The Difference between Values, Vision and Mission, Best Words to use in a Library Mission Statement, Divided Attention: 10 Examples and Overview, Machiavellianism: 10 Examples and Definition, Overgeneralization: 10 Examples and Definition, 17 Gender Stereotype Examples (For Men and Women). Students will understand best practices for project and team management, strategic planning and communication, organizational workflows and assessment, library advocacy and development, and community partnerships and engagement. Partner with EPI and other campus groups on efforts to improve student access to required texts. Schools are a community, and the support of classroom teachers is critical to your success. Don't have a School Library Journal Account? Log In. Learners should be prepared for college, career, and life. The Library preserves and promotes universal access to a broad range of human knowledge, experience, information and ideas in a welcoming and supportive environment., provides our community with an inviting center for information, instruction, learning, leisure, and cultural opportunities., enriches lives by fostering lifelong learning and by ensuring that every member of the community has access to a vast array of ideas and information., provides a wide range of information and materials, using traditional and innovative methods, for all ages to promote, encourage and support the diverse needs within the community., to provide all residents with impartial and inclusive access to a wide range of information resources, programs, equipment, and services in order to encourage literacy and lifelong learning and to support educational, cultural, and recreational activities., an open forum promoting knowledge, ideas, and cultural enrichment., We bring people together by inspiring and supporting lifelong-learning, literacy, creativity and cultural expression to find, share and create knowledge., The mission of the public library is to provide free and open access to a broad range of materials and services to people of all ages and backgrounds., transforms lives by cultivating personal and intellectual growth and by building strong communities., prepares students for the skills needed for middle school, high school, college and beyond., to empower students to learn technology and 21st-century skills, empowers students to be curious, passionate, respectful learners who explore, connect, evaluate, and create., To be the welcoming heart of our community where all come to learn, discover, create, and connect., The library will enable our students to become seekers of ideas and information, will help nurture an interest in reading, and will encourage a desire for lifelong learning., To develop strong library branches that are vital community destinations for knowledge, inspiration, innovation, and renewal., to provide a center for information and discovery through innovative programming, robust collections, and responsive services., An informed, engaged, and connected city., will be recognized as the worlds leading library by informing and inspiring Toronto and its communities., a leader in celebrating reading and transforming lives through knowledge and information. It uses inquiry as the building block of skills that can be taught across all subjects. Kreek states that goals should be limited in both scope and duration. WebSchool librarians consider collaboration to be one of their main roles. Additionally, expertise with computer applications such as Microsoft Office Suite and integrated library systems is also useful for managing library operations. The resources below are made available by the Georgia Library Media Association for all districts to use as the evaluation instrument for library media specialists. These are just a few examples: Cross Training Changing functions Shift changes Working with new people StartUps New team New system / service / process SelfDevelopment Readings/Selfstudy By including these key skills on your resume objective for a school librarian position, you will demonstrate your capacity to excel in the role while helping your application stand out from the competition. stjkfln7 F\cm*v(Z[W2/jnLX;\mQW1l8MKfQ9%; aREv,mG\[9@%/,fh_@2wyR-F(&IDZ/_vf |q00[|>geTi!HCpc6yf$^GZV-\ 9l y/ h/. Strategic planning is a strategy for setting an organizations goals, vision, and desired future. With easy to navigate 24/7 access, schools can use LearnPath to present focused information and resources for improved educational outcomes. It is important to demonstrate an understanding of what duties will be expected in this role and how your skills and experience fit into those requirements. Open comments fields provide an opportunity for respondents to share ideas, reflections, insights and challenges, presenting a diverse, ground-up perspective on the workings of a 21st century school library. Read more: What Can You Do With a Master's Degree in Library Science 2. A specific goal supporting that dream may be hosting a monthly reading night, which is specific, attainable, and has a set deadline. The surveys provide a critical reference point for understanding changes, impacts and trends over time. The Vassar College Libraries work to achieve its mission by providing excellent collections and services, and by pursuing a wide range of evolving goals and objectives. For example, John Doe, experienced School Librarian with an advanced degree in Library Science and a passion for helping students find resources to succeed. As librarians, it is important to focus on the measurability of a goal. Forms were updated in 2019 to include PSC goal information. Are books and reading a particular interest of yours? My favorite thing about being a school librarian is the opportunities I have to work both with Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. Setting up processes and understanding scope can mean the difference between getting things done or getting lost in the quagmire of a complex project or challenge. For example, if your goal is to increase the units you co-teach, gather research showing that integrating information literacy supports student achievement. Further develop the Academic Engagement department and the Libraries' liaison program to facilitate deep collaboration and communication with faculty, students, and campus departments and initiatives. 3. If you notice little progress on a goal, it may be time to reevaluate. Educated, hard working, and friendly School Library Media Specialist seeks employment with ABC school in order to utilize excellent communication, literacy, and critical thinking skills. Kreek states that goals should form an emotional connection with people, tapping into their energy and passion. Theres definitely no shortage of passion when it comes to school library professionals and their unique professional skills. Reexamine exhibition spaces, both physical and virtual, to enhance the visibility and accessibility of Special Collections and library exhibitions. The Vassar College Libraries provide spaces, services, and programs that are welcoming to all, integrated into the fabric of campus life, and reflective of the rich diversity of the Vassar community. The I-IV grading scale of the SLEI is the same as the I-IV grading scale in TKES and LKES. Qualified school librarians lead effective school libraries. Find out more. Even more challenging, they have had to navigate their way through these changes with limited resources, and limited understanding of the growing need for their specialist information literacy skills, amongst others. A truly successful school library is formed by teachers and the school librarian collaborating together. Let your colleagues know what resources and expertise you can offer them. Partner with them on projects. Build your professional knowledge together. It provides a launching point to the library catalog with links on pages and the sidebar. Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. Take time to sit down and write out what your ideal situation as a school librarian would look like. Students will understand how to evaluate, represent, and organize information and knowledge across cultures and communities as well as how to devise, maintain, and use systems of organization in both physical and digital environments toward efficient discovery and retrieval by diverse users. Take on the idea, not the messenger. Here are some goals I have for my library in 2013. I hope they inspire you to create goals for your own library. 1. Do a better job of helping students find books they're interested in. I've kind of lost sight of this over the past couple of months. Goal #3: Enhance the Libraries role as a communal space for connection, exploration, and collaboration, both within library spaces and virtually. For printing, it is best to scale to 1 page wide by 2 pages tall. Finally, many job seekers fail to tailor their objectives to the particular position they are applying for by using overly general language or simply repeating what is already stated in their cover letter or CV. Inquiry is about helping our students become high-level critical thinkers. Students will understand best practices for professional development and also best practices for teaching and learning in libraries and information centers. It just needs to be one where the school librarian and classroom teacher support each other's curriculum to help extend learning for their students. Here, teacher librarian Phil Goerner tackles his top six objectives and lays out a plan for achieving these goals, which range from creating new maker space projects to engaging teachers in professional development. Teachers in every content area can build partnerships with the school librarian to support students academic literacy across the curriculum. Raising literacy levels has always been a priority for schools, and even more so since the pandemic. Literacy is a fundamental skill that can be applied across all academic subjects. Maybe its time to have a conversation with your school librarian and find out how they can support academic reading across the curriculum. As an example, an effective resume objective for a school librarian position could read Organized librarian with 3 years of experience in cataloging library resources seeking to leverage knowledge of library systems and superior organizational skills to ensure efficient operation as School Librarian at ABC High School. It should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for, and should demonstrate why you are a good fit for the role. If youre a library situated in a diverse city, its probably imperative that you focus on diversity in your mission and vision statement. The School Libraries Share: Ideas for school-wide collaboration feature document includes respondent comments from two surveys, including the 2017 Australia and New Zealand School Library Survey and the 2017 Softlink United Kingdom School Library Survey. This document provides an easy reference of all documents in one file. A school librarian is a critical member of the educational team and an important asset in any school. Enhance connections between library instruction and coursework, including through library-driven instruction. WebSCHOOL LIBRARIAN SMART GOAL SAMPLE I. Along with information literacy, school library professionals are in a unique position to provide expert advice on curriculum resourcing. Use our professionally created resume templates instead of building them yourself from scratch. A 2015 report, The shared work of learning: Lifting educational achievement through collaboration (Mitchell Institute), found that collaboration the sharing of effort, knowledge and resources in the pursuit of shared goals plays a central and partially hidden role in the achievement of student learning outcomes.. WebAs a collaborator, change agent, and leader, the school librarian develops, promotes and implements a program that will help prepare students to be effective users of ideas and information, a lifelong skill. In Fall of 2014, a Georgia Library Media Consortium group met at the University of West Georgia to discuss concerns for library media programs in the state. Want afullyoutfitted makerspace with the latest technology? Copyright 2023 Helpful Professor. and put important dates for next When crafting a resume objective for a school librarian position, highlighting the right skills can make all the difference. Examples of things you value include: I pulled together a whole stack of vision, school values and mission statements from libraries around the web and threw them into a word cloud. Collaboration can significantly improve whole of organisation effectiveness, so its no surprise that Kreek places it at the top of his framework, stating that goals should encourage collaboration and teamwork. The report is available from the Softlink website. Libraries are always evolving. Research educational technology trends for the upcoming year. Committing yourself to your own professional growth can help equip you to convince others to support your goals. Don't use obscene, profane, or vulgar language. Reach out to yourRegional Educational Service Agency(RESA) for information on upcoming training sessions. A collaborative approach that includes all education stakeholders including community partners, staff, parents, students and clients can help ensure your mission and vision statements reflect the community you serve. While in school, it may be helpful to gain relevant This is what came up: Some good words I like from those statements are: > Read Also: 79 School Vision and Mission Statements, > Read Also: Childcare Mission Statement Examples, > Read Also: University Mission Statement Examples. Students will understand that lifelong learning and continuing education are organizational goals for libraries and information centers to provide as well as professional goals for library and information workers to seek out. I have worked in charter, public, and private schools. 998 0 obj <>stream However, if given time, its possible to provide online and physical resources for specific lessons. Focusing on a few key points instead of providing a lengthy list of objectives will help capture the employers attention and make it easier for them to evaluate your candidacy. Many of the responses align directly with these specific skill sets, with three featured below: The Mitchell Institute report (2015) suggests that embracing and harnessing collaboration could create the next wave of big gains in education. Smart goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-sensitive. WebTEACHER SLG GOAL SETTING EXAMPLE HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARIAN Grade Level: Elementary Middle School High School Goal Type: Individual Goal Team Goal SLG GOAL 1 He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. Web"I am so glad I found the Elementary Librarian lesson plans! Here, teacher librarian Phil Goerner tackles his top six objectives and lays out a plan for Get expert advice on how to become a School Librarian. To begin, start by introducing yourself with your name, title, and what you bring to the table. Iowa City, IA 52242, School of Library and Information Science, Special Collections Librarianship Certificate, Special Collections Certificate Curriculum, Practicum, Independent Study, and Mentoring Opportunities. Stay on point. Students will understand the historical, social, cultural, and civic contexts of various library and information service roles in the United States, and students will internalize key values of the profession such as intellectual freedom, information equality, and community wellbeing. The Vassar College Libraries provide spaces, services, and programs that are welcoming to all, integrated into the fabric of campus life, and reflective of the rich diversity Identify priority action items for the libraries to support campus carbon neutrality initiatives. 969 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<02805BEA3E6C454F930683A06E9409CE>]/Index[946 53]/Info 945 0 R/Length 109/Prev 383036/Root 947 0 R/Size 999/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. Youll see that Ive provided some instructions on how to make your own library mission, values and vision statements as well as a list of examples of statements Ive found from around the web. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. Furnish access to the Internet and adopt appropriate use policies. endobj Information literate students are Understanding trends in educational technology and curriculum can help you navigate the changing roles of libraries and librarians in classrooms. Please try your entry again. Students will understand the methods of intervention-oriented research and assessment methods in libraries and information centers, and students will recognize, evaluate, and apply the different types of evidence that information professionals use to measure the success of services, practices, and facilities. 4. Make sure to express how much joy this type of work brings to you so employers can see how dedicated and enthusiastic you are about this job. Promote the use of Open Educational Resources and Open Textbooks. Tier 2 vocabulary can be found across the curriculum, so its often the vocabulary that everyone presumes someone else will be teaching.

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