This thread was about the reliability of the grieving mother's statements and the remorseless insensitivity of Mr. Grits and the rest of you Monday Morning Quarterbacks who brand her a liar because you don't like what she says. Any business knows you cannot stay status quo and continue to exist. But I thought you were one that refused to accept that it could have happened another way. Willingham's own version of events was essentially a confession. "Disclosing a work product is a violation of attorney client privilege, and Mr. Martin did this by discussing the carpet-burning test that he repeatedly did during Anderson Cooper's interview. She didn't. You are not. Neighbors said Todd didn't try. Yes you can be brought to court by the estate or surviving relatives of the deceased if it harms their reputation or causes financial loss . Stacy could have a million motives for lying about the confession. Before the arson evidence was reviewed by a number of independent experts and declared hinky on a number of levels, Stacy stuck by and swore to Willinghams claims of innocence? Any log or record of who has accessed or listened to recordings from visitations for now-deceased death row inmate Cameron Todd Willingham. And out of dozens of posts I wonder how I hit a nerve.I don't know what happened but I can say for sure that today there is certainly reasonable doubt. Grits, Frist I can say that from my real life experince with being on Polunsky . Mr. Martin disclosed a work product (the burn experiment), which he should not have done. And you tell me this monster and scumbag and murderer of 3 innocent little girls is innocent?If he were innocent, then those 3 adorable little girls would still be alive.He deserved execution for these cruel, vicious murders and he got a gentle death for the vicious, cruel, inhumane, and heinous murders of his 3 daughters.Goodbye, and good riddance, monster and scumbag!The report by Beyler is a pack of lies, gross errors and distortions of the truth, and extreme anti-death penalty propaganda by anti-death penalty fanatics who will stop at nothing to deprive the surviving relatives of murder victims of any justice and closure by doing any ridiculous stunt possible to stop the rightful carrying out of the death penalty to vicious, mad dog killers who deserve execution.All they talk about is the murderernot a word about the victim or what they suffered.The city of Corsicana had their Fire Department issue a 21-page rebuttal to the pack of lies by Beyler which is chock-full of death-penalty propaganda by anti-death penalty extremists. Their actions seem to indicate ther isa lot riding on this case than originally taught . Your fire was not a duplicate of the Willingham fire so don't pull your with me. That is no confession to murder.I think it's possible that Todd felt so guilty about his cowardice that he believed he deserved to die just as much as everyone else did.In any case this latest "revelation" doesn't change a thing. He was born in Henrietta, TX on September 24, 1928 to Theodore and Sarah E. Harvey Kuykendall. With respect to IAC I have seen no legal authority charge Mr. Martin with anything. Then I became AGAINST murderbefore birth and after birth. Then the constituency would see his cover up as "political skill", but they would still expect Goodhair to maintain that the locals had the right to hang Willingham if they wanted to for any reason they wanted to.The key element here is the display of arbitrary power -- "Tuff" as they like to call it. Look it up yourself. Correct me if I'm wrong here. Whatever it is you are selling, I am not buying.Chris, As this back-and-forth comments conversation illustrates, the issues in the Willingham case are extremely complex. We know Beyler reached his conclusion without bothering to consult a man who actually was on site investigating the scene of the fire searching for accidental causes and points of origin. But it seems that most of them felt grief and sadness instead. Patricia Walker. Mr. Willinghams first appeal did not even raise the question of ineffective counsel, so the fact that it was not found in this instance is strictly meaningless.What is meaningless is what you wrote above. Nothing would make them more proud.Remember the last president? The local authorities work for the wealthy interests in their jurisdiction, and those interests have the right to administer any brand of justice they wish. Mr. Martins attack of innocence project, which have helped many wrongfully convicted persons regain their freedom, is indefensible. There is no doubt this man was evil but as long as he was alive there was someone to blame for the pain and suffering of those left behind. I viewed this video again, and Mr. Cooper never said any such thing. Wake up and take responsibility for yourselves. His birthdate was 1837. I guess you all still don't get it. Thank you.Chris, To all,Here is a link to comments about Mr. Martin, If you wish to have a legal system that works with gossip, assumptions and the prejudices of the local yahoos, congratulations. My brother Frank has already contacted the governor of Florida a couple of times but he would not do anything about it. We would all be looked up to for burning to death trying to save our children. To me, her statement quoted in the Star-Telegram is a lot more genuine and straightforward than the double hearsay quotes that you are basing your opinion on, Grits. I'm suprised the defense attorney didn't just call Cooper an damned liar and end the interview. Willingham is executed. Haven't we covered this subject already? He also leaves behind many other family members and friends to celebrate his life, and cherish his memory. Until then, speculating what one may do during a fire or other emergency is meaningless. Why are the tapped conversations with Stacy being release? What the evidence was then, irrespective of it's form, should be weighed into account with new advancements in technology to determine once and forever if Willingham was a guilty person.If innocent, place a moratorium on the death penalty until we have better conclusive evidence in these matters. It is highly doubtful there was a confession I have no doubt if there was it would have been released long ago and used to fight His final appeal it was not . Mr. Martin could have then argued with a modicum of truth that the case does indeed look different in hindsight, but he gratuitously attacked his client.You attacked Dr. Beylers credibility without troubling yourself to find any evidence. Mission accomplished. And she's doing it many years later when she has presumably had time to heal emotionally and "see the truth" as it were.It's interesting she is allowed this latitude as a battered wife and grieving mother but Todd, who has just been confronted by the mother of his babies and essentially asked "what the hell are you doing alive?" "I meant: "Also, one day when we were visiting our sister, 6 weeks before the murder, I saw my beloved brother look back at his soon-to-be murderer with a look of such fear and terror on his face as I had never seen before on my brother's face and he was not known to be afraid of anyone. Go find a law library and start reading or pay for the privilege to access one online The more Goodhair ,TDCJ and the Pro DP fanatics cover up the worse it looks for them . So if it was NOT an accident, then it was murderan intentionally set firemeant to kill those 3 adorable kids.Down in Florida, they have the Casey Anthony murder case where that monster of a mother murdered her 2-year-old daughter, Cayley Anthony and they are going for the death penalty and she is so obviously guilty. No lawyer with integrity would so slander a dead client to save face.No lawyer can slander the dead. Mr. Kuykendall was a. Piss people off and they will be looking for an opportunity to bring you down.We have this great saying of "Kill them all and let God sort them out".That seems to be the theme in TX. As for the emtonial argumnets well that is just plain specuation and one down right offsive . You are a dishonest, misleading, annoying, little twerp who is attempting to lie and bullshit your way here. You sure act it . Anonymous Cyber Bully, why don't you go find this confession . We're not supposed to execute people for being what we don't want them to be.We do charge, convict and execute people who deliberately and willfully murder others. I see the same pattern of Willingham's lies & deception, and the TOTALITY of the evidence in Willingham's case. Obituaries can vary in the amount of information they contain, but many of them are genealogical goldmines, including information such as: names, dates, place of birth and death, marriage information, and family relationships. Annon Cyber Bully What is your agenda ? So two weeks before his execution Willingham's brainstorm to save his ass was to confess to the mother of the three babies he murdered, after having 13 years to think about it, in the hope this would convince her to write a letter asking for clemency?Really?For some really bizarre reason I'm reminded of the famous quote of Oliver Wendell Holmes, the former Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court who said, "three generations of imbeciles are enough! The guy is dead can't fix that . Perhaps the conversation was on cell phone? If you cannot be civil, you might at least try being logical.Here is a third question that you have evaded. Sounds to me like a mother of three murdered girls who is just trying to set the record straight. If you consider that his confession and he didn't set the fire, he may have been a lousy human being for not attempting to save the children. If anything, if she had any doubts about his guilt it would seem that she would be the FIRST person asking questions about the evidence used to convict. Tell me that she did not deserve the electric chair. If not, let be, as the evidence has proven guilt. I have racked my brain to come up with any explanation for his supposed "innocence", but I cannot come up with any conclusion but that he is GUILTY as sin. Hell, he wouldn't know the truth if it slapped him in the face. That was until she spoke. Stop lying in every post. Calling your intergity into question if not saying you are to blame for Ms Kuyendell's troubles . This case concerns investigative actions which have serious flaws and need desperately to be review for current best practices. "Anderson Cooper's advocacy journalism is clear from the start of that video. He didn't give a shit about his kids or trying to help the fire dept. He is Either Dudley Crawford Sharp III or one of his JFA Neo Nazis fanatics . It's easy to believe he did it because the OVERWHELMING evidence in this case compels one to the conclusion that he DID murder three little girls. Something is just not adding up Cyber bully .Maybe you got some explaining to do ? Maybe you need looking into ? The state presented ostensibly credible evidence in all the DNA exoneration cases as well. I do not know how long TDCJ keeps this my guess is forever in case of any legal action. No, just stating facts in response to attacks on himself. I don't trust government to execute people. For one, I've read far too many conflicting reports of what happened that day. She said he would not have hurt the children. Correction again: I said in my 1:46 pm post: "I used to be against the cold-blooded murder of unborn babies up to the 3rd monthuntil I found out they do it up to 9 months, even minutes before birth for ANY reason. Obituary Bud Kuykendall, age 92, passed away peacefully on Monday, January 11, 2021 at his home in Sandia, Texas. Forget Denver.Get out of Texas baby. According to her family tree, she married Gabriel J. Kuykendall on November 15, 2008 in Texas. Anonymous at 8:15,What am I missing here? And again, if an atty is being accused of IAC they have the right to defend themselves. I shut up a long time ago because I had nothing factual to add.You should do the same and take your emotions elsewhere. Click to read and leave tributes

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