Question: Do you have guidelines for selecting halyards, sheets, etc. So we are looking at approx 9300kg breaking strain Dyneema. For 8mm stainless steel the breaking strength is 4640kg. Add splices, shackles, and whipping with a single click. 100m of the 8mm should be plenty for the Mizzen with enough spare to replace several shrouds.Possibly from our back of the envelope calculations 150m of the 12mm for the Main should also give enough for several replacements. The reality is that Creep, even in SK75, can easily be designed around for standing rigging on a sailboat. If you can get the cap, Colligo, Colligo, Colligo. But these are for breaking strength of the wire. Looking at the Jimmy Green table for all the Dyneema they sell we find that 7mm is good (except Liros dont sell 7mm so it has to be 8mm for the Liros D Pro Xtr [SK99] or 10mm for the Liros D Pro Static [DFM20] ). How to use Tension Gauges - Loos & Company, Inc. The direction of the thread is only of vital importanceif you are planning to change the stud terminal, but keep the existing turnbuckle.Take a close look at the two different threads in the picture below.Thehigher sidedenotes thedirection of the thread. Excuse me the question, stays should be placed in a "free-standing mast"?. I ran the numbers for the 10M by methods from three sources starting with David Gerr's book "The Nature of Boats." From the Rigger: First, if your old rope served its purpose but needs replacing, we recommend duplicating it as closely as possible Read more,,, This is because upwind mast is fully loaded at just 15-16 knots after which you need to reduce sail. increasing and consolidating standing rigging size Once on deck I noticed that the mast was much better already, the forestay was tighter, even though we hadnt touched the V1s at all. Sailboat Standing Rigging | As mentioned, runners can be used in different ways. As posted above it seems like synthetic standing rigging is still the wild west. Elastic Stretch is much the same to work with as creep except that it will show up quite quickly, so a few re-tensions in the first few months should sort it. We are happy to accommodate your requests, but the cost of your job will escalate quickly. Braided line density is the key to eliminating constructional elongation over time. The spring-loaded ones suitable for adjusting the shrouds of a Mini 650 are useless. T-terminals or shroud terminals often provide the most difficult decision.There are t-terminals on the market such as the Sta-lok and OS/BSI varieties which are sometimes referred to as universal.This means that they aredesigned to fit a variety of different backing plates, and they may well prove to be a useful resource if your existing terminals can't be replicated.However,it is bestto match the t-terminal to the mast backing plate from the same manufacturer.The thickness and width of the head,as well as the angle of the load bearing 'shoulders', are all critical factors in selecting the correct version. That is, if the D1s are too tight and the V1s too, we can even force in an inverse curvature. The top terminals that attach to the mast vary according to the origin (manufacturer) and the age of the mast.It is also important to bear in mind that there may have been some significant alterations since your yacht was first commissioned.The basic formats for swaged ends are Fixed Eye, Fixed Fork and T-terminal. Swaged terminals are manufactured using 1 or more of the 4 processes listed above. The goal is to give the mast a beautiful shape that does not have strange kinks in its curvature and especially any inversions etc. Get regular rig inspections! In order to confidently specify a replacement for any element of your standing rigging, you will need to know what your existing components are called and how they are measured.Some end fittings have generic names e.g. However, in long race, especially single-handed, offshore, it has some human contraindications. The fittings and wire gradually reduce in size going up the mast as the loads decrease. The forestay turnbuckle in this case, and like on many other boats, was inside the furling drum. We have chosen a Class40, a sister-ship of the boat with which I competed in the Global Ocean Race 2011/2012. This could happen if theres something inherently wrong with the measures taken that would forced you to work at the limit of the available turns. For 6.5mm stainless steel the breaking strength is 3220kg. If I were only using turnbuckles for tensioning then I might have gone for DM20 to avoid running out of tensioning due to creep. The standing rigging is all rod on this boat. 37K views 7 years ago Jordan freshens up on his high school math to calculate what wire size we should order for our new standing rigging. 1x19 Wire Rigging Stainless Steel 1x19 Wire Rope Rigging is the most popular solution for standing rigging on cruising yachts. Can you break it down for me? But without mast height I suppose this is only partly covering the shroud angle issue? Those methods give a guide to sizing the wire for the 10M. That is, it is no longer one of the elements of the standing rigging (albeit adjustable). In this article we will deal with the tuning of standing rigging of a typical sailboat. When I run my training centre I used to say that they were not part of the standing rigging but that for good practice we would treat them as such. Write down the number and move on to the next stay. chunkier appearance than forged parts because the internal grain of the material remains parallel, requiring some faces to be longer to retain strength. The current shrouds are 5/32" diameter. Website created by Primeconsulting. Taking V1s and D1s and shaking them, hitting them, you get a feel for their. You may need to apply pressure to stretch the wire straight, you may find it helpful to use a line or block and tackle. Load Calculator - Stren-flex The flogging of a loose shroud can actually be harder on wire than steady pressure. Others, such as Mr. E.Sponberg, make other distribution of forces. Or maybe a lot of other boats are under-rigged? Forged:Some Petersen Stainless terminals are manufactured using a process known as electrical upset forging.The electrical current used internally aligns the grain structure of the stainless steel.The result is a stronger, lighter fitting that is also more resistant to loading fatigue.The picture shows a machined eye (top) which is slightly larger than the relatively minimal forged eye (bottom) for the same size wire. Lets be very conservative and assume we are looking at existing stainless 6.5mm for the mizzen and 8mm for the main (will check as soon as we are allowed to visit the boat). I replaced 3/16 rigging with 5/16 dynex dux and it's still ok after 10 years. Question When should I replace my standing rigging? My experience with 2 different 28.5 footers that I have owned is that 7/32" for headstay, backstay, and upper shrouds are very sturdy. Cunningham - Boom length x 1. In addition, runners reach the masthead. Yes, doing it yourself will theoretically save money. For a -inch turnbuckle with a -inch toggle, the chainplate should be at least inch thick. To reduce the bend we had to reduce tension of the V1s but also monitor the tension of the D1s. With a masthead rigged boat, the backstay can be used to increase forestay tension in high winds. So you cant simplify this by saying to keep the working load below a certain percentage of break strength. Calculating Dyneema for Standing Rigging - Cruisers Forum Replacing Your Standing Rigging - RIGWORKS INC. Our preferred rope supplier, Jimmy Green Marine, has lots of information and a range of Dyneema for standing rigging from different suppliers. Global Solo Challenge Copyright 2022. At first, you will only see fields for two loads (Load 1 and Load 2), but once you enter a value for \small x_2 x2, the fields for Load 3 will show up . You can use the righting moment and rig geometry to calculate rig loads. But the disadvantages are cost (not just the line but also the thimbles) and windage (but we have a big boxy wheelhouse so are not exactly aerodynamic). Standing Rigging - Cable Loft The Supajust Eye Toggleand Swage (bottom) is a high specification stainless steel open body turnbuckle. The Pogo 2, designed around 2003-2004 is the Mini 650 with most boats built. Question: My halyard is binding. That is, the turnbuckles had not been hooked and tightened at the same simultaneously on lower and upper thread. From the Rigger: Most boat owners do not climb their masts regularly, but our riggers spend a lot of time up there. Generating 3D hull using only picture of boat. Historically, the most traditional rig type is the masthead one. We repeated the exercise for the low diagonals D1s. Stretchy is slightly problematic because there are multiple forms and the terminology used isnt consistent. Standing Rigging CalculationBack to Rigging By appearances the 10M is a very heavily rigged 33 footer. Assuming it fits in our racks and we have room, we may be able to avoid mast lay day charges by storing your mast here at Rigworks. Marlow recommend one thing, Colligo another, they both swear by the logic! [Update]See the first comment below from John Franta, Colligo Marine where he explains the difference between heat stretching at Fibre level (SK78 and SK99) vs at the Braided level (SK75). The mysteries of sizing Dyneema standing rigging. Lift-All Sling Length Calculator Agreement | Lift-All The checkstay, on the other hand, usually points where the foresail forestay attachment is located. Establish the thread size, type and directionWire terminals that have a thread for connecting to the next component are known as studs.Stud terminals are denoted first by the wire diameter and then the thread type and size because each wire diameter can have more than one thread option.The thread options are generally referred to as downsize, standard and upsize - these are broadly categorised in the same way by all the manufacturers.UNF thread is the most common in the UK, but Metric is always a possibility - bear in mind that the yacht or the mast may have originally been built in Europe where metric threads are more prevalent.Stud terminals are normally Right Hand thread but it is worth checking, especially if they are metric thread on a French built mast.
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