In order to unlock the southern door here, youll have to maneuver through the flash-panel puzzle on the right side. One of the vines is not fully grown, and will require players to use the empty bottle to get some water and pour it onto the seed. With your split-Link skillz, it shouldnt be difficult to grab this Piece of Heart. Throw a bomb in the fountain, and a great fairy will ask what kind of bombs you used. (There are also golden Kinstones, but those are quest-related and rarely appear except when you need them to unlock a barrier.) The first important figure to speak to is the Elder, who lives in a yellow house in the northwestern corner of the zone, and whom will tell you what you need to do before the Picori Blade can be reforged. Theres another open cave to the southwest of this position, containing another Shrub wholl offer to sell you ten bombs for 30 rupees; youll need to take him up on the offer if you dont have any bombs, because the path leading on is blocked by another rubble-covered cave nearby. Youll have to hit the switches in room two with your sword to extend the bridges in your path. For now, theyre very linear, so proceed through rooms seven and eight until you come out to room nine, where a series of moving platforms are your only path through the room. Youll have to head through the Lon Lon Ranch and the Eastern Hills to reach the Minish Woods. On the screen with three vines heading down, take the middle one to find a small cave with another Piece of Heart. Each torch you light will drop one of the barriers in your path, letting you pass further into the maze. This will pop open all eight eyes, allowing you to spam out sword swings in the hopes of hitting all of them at once; just mash the button here to lay on the damage thick and heavy. Hop on the portal, then drop down into the hole you uncovered to meet another Picori. If you head to the second basement level and maneuver your lilypad around the large central area, youll be able to release them from their icy prisons, resulting in a bonus of 100 shells and a red Kinstone. Congrats! Well, thats not entirely true; Zelda will run off, but youll be able to easily catch up with her. The Magical Boomerang: By this point in the game, you may be able to get the Magical Boomerang. Sections like the Pieces of Heart, Mysterious Shells and Kinstone Pieces can be found in the Tips and Tricks pages. In order to counteract this effect, youll have to use your Gust Jar and suck the coverings off of the eyes, then resume your normal slashing methodologies. Room 35 likewise doesnt appear on your map; youll need to shoot a switch here with an arrow to extend the bridge, then head back inside to room 36. This map should help you figure out what the heck were talking about in the Cave of Flame. This mini-game will eventually earn you a Piece of Heart, but you cant get it yet. In order to get past the little block barrier here, bomb the rightmost of the crumbling block, then push the rightmost solid block and the upper block to the north. (Before you reach it, you should duck back into the northern side of room two to stock up on health from the Fairies there; if you use a health potion in the earlier fights, you can also fill your bottles with them.). The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap/Mt. Crenel - StrategyWiki This will allow someone to open a shop later on in your adventure. The stairs or the ladder up will lead you back to the exterior of Veil Falls, where youll eventually find a huge whirlwind. Just like with the other seeds, this one will grow instantly when players pour the water onto it. After thats done, cut through the stones on the right end of the screen to find some flashing panels. On the second screen up, shimmy over to the right and get off on the ledge where theres a sign. Crenel's Base 2.3 - Mt. (There wont be a broken wall to guide you, so you might have to lay a few bombs before you hit the right spot.). Before you get there, youll need to climb a ladder and position a jar atop a small switch to raise one of the barricades in room 16, but after you do reach room 14, youll be able to position your lilypad directly to the right of the flames there, which will let you place a jar on the switch to the north and then walk around to the south and grab the Small Key from the chest. After completing this process once, youll be ejected from Mazaals head and will have to quickly resize yourself up and repeat the technique. legend of zelda fairy fountain locations - While climbing the rock wall, move to dodge falling boulders. In room 18, use the cloud platforms to make your way to the east, stopping to climb the ladder to the south to find a blue Kinstone. Youll find a sheer rock wall, so climb up that and enter the room at the northern end of the plateau there. Crenel Dungeon 1: Deepwood Shrine Dungeon 2: Cave of Flames Journey to Mt. In order to reach the next element, youre going to thus have to find some way to increase your movement speed a bit. Youre going to have to do a lot of running around to find these books. Another mushroom launcher is available in the room to the west here, but this one has two separate track marks behind it. This would also be a good time to fill up your bottles with red potions from Syrups house, if you havent already. Youll come out into room eight, where youll have to ride another platform to the western side of the screen. In order to return a chicken, youll need to grab it with the R button, then throw it back into the yard with the same button while facing the girl. This will let you grab the Big Key and head back towards room two. To do so, wait until he shoots boulders at you from his nose, then attempt to deflect them back towards him with your sword. After fusing with him, take the warp in the South Hyrule Field and find yourself in a house where an old man is being haunted; if you use your Gust Jar to suck up the ghost, youll be rewarded later on. Once you have the grip ring, climb up four sets of wall on the far right of the mountain to get to a lone cave here. When you locate it, ram into it with your boots; this will knock the key onto the ground, allowing you to grab it again. Move on and use the nearby door to go outside. Now that youve gotten that absurd number of item hunts done with, use your ocarina and head out to Lake Hylia. If you explore a bit, youll note what appears to be a large red gravestone surrounded by vines. Outside this last cave, youll come to a miniaturization point, so shrink down and follow the nearby path to reach Melanis Mines. RELATED: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Should Get the Link's Awakening Treatment. Neither of the nearby cliffs will be of any use to you at this point, so ignore them and head to the left and climb the ladder down one screen. 25 kwietnia, 2023. . Crenel until you come to an entrance. You can then return to 16 and start maneuvering your way along the platforms until you reach room 17. [ ] After scaling the exterior of the Palace, falling all the way back down, then heading back up the interior, youll eventually reach room 41 on the fourth floor. Collect the Coocoos: If you speak to the girl in front of the house in the southeastern corner of town, youll be able to participate in a little mini-game that involves you running around town attempting to pick up escaped chickens and returning them to the fenced-in yard that the girl is standing in front of. If you fuse with all of them, then manipulate the switches inside the trees that open in the North Hyrule Field, a path will open up in the middle of the field leading down to the Magical Boomerang. Go up and open the chest, which contains a Kinstone piece. [ ] After climbing all the way up Mt. Cernel I'm stuck down the bottom and where do you get a better sword because you need one to learn anouther move. After you have these tasks done (almost all of them are optional, mind), head back to South Hyrule Field and find the thorny passage that you de-blocked when you fused with the guy who gave you the Kinstone Bag. Grab the Small Key and head back upstairs. This is extremely optional, though; we never found any use for the Picolytes save that of the white variety, and by this point in the game, you should have more than enough Kinstones in your bag to serve you through the end of the game. In order to damage him now, youll need to hit the flower on his rear side with your lit Flame Lanter. But hey, you need it! Hop through the whirlwind to your left to find another ladder near a sign indicating that the path leads to the Crenel Mines. To begin with, head to the left end of the room and push the block there down and to the left so that it covers one of the three switches along the western wall. In order to damage him, then, youll need to get in front of him, whack him once on his face so that he freezes, then get behind him and spam sword swings on his butt, which changes from a candle to a heart when hes vulnerable. Doing so will let you pass through to room 27. If you havent already, you might want to head to the Minish village and Kinstone fuse with the Minish inside the barrel hut there; doing so should open up a Red Potion at Syrups hut. RELATED: The Legend of Zelda: The. Youll have noticed that the two remaining switches are three spaces apart, so form a pair of Links thatll fit onto both switches and run down the room to flip them before you run out of time. There isnt much to see between the Castle and the Minish Woods. Head up to room 28 and examine the ladder to the right of the entrance to find the Compass before walking up the steps to the left. This will require a little bit of work, obviously. At the bottom of room 11, youll find another switch, so tap it, read the nearby inscription, then swim right to room 12. Elsewhere in the Lon Lon Ranch, youll be able to Canejump up to a platform on the north end; you can either shrink yourself down and walk across the narrow path to find a rare red Kinstone, or hop onto the whirlwind and start flying yourself towards the southeastern corner of the Lon Lon Ranchs map section. Go north instead of into the Mt. Head left and then south, and you'll see three bricks that can be destroyed with your shiny new Bombs. Your last element is guarded by a pair of fearsome Gyorgs, manta-like creatures that fly high above the Palace of Wind. Ezlo warns you to keep your eyes peeled for more rocks with the same shrinking power. If you buy a white Picolyte from him and have it fill a jar, youll be able to increase your chances of finding Kinstones while cutting through grass in the field. One of the little eyes in each arm will look subtly different than the rest. Go to the left side of the mine, and speak with the minish in front of the doorway. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Walkthrough Part 3 - Mount Crenel After heading one room left and one room up, youll come to room 30, where another split-Link puzzle will be awaiting you. (The other locked doors you see on your way back are fake.) As you do so, youll notice that some of them turn blue and remain closed, while others will turn red and open up - these latter will obviously be your primary targets. When you have that done, pass through the barrel (using your roll maneuver to climb the far side), then work your way around to the western platform. Screen three will feature Spiked Beetles; if you run into them with your shield, youll flip them over, after which point youll be able to swing away with your sword and kill them off. ), unlock the door, then drop down into the right eye of the skull here, not the left one. You wont be able to actually complete the little event that ensues at this point, but you might as well unlock it while youre here. Next up is another hidden passageway. There will be a new type of enemy wearing a metal mask. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - StrategyWiki How do you get to Mt.Crenel?????????? - The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Push the blocks aside, then fall down into the hole. Killing both of the enemies will open the path to the upper level of room 33, which in turn will lead you to room 38, which in turn will lead you back up to the room where the Water Element is hidden away. Unfortunately, Vaati will appear and knock you unconscious. In order to hit the central eye and thus actually hurt Vaati, you have to destroy the smaller eyes. Were not going to mention every possible fusion during this walk-through - only the really important ones. The Goron Cave: By this point, you should have been able to summon a total of five Gorons to the Goron cave in the southwestern corner of this zone. Go around and down a series of stairs to reach the middle where the Master Smith, Melari, is. Go down the hallway and push boxes to get to the next area. If you head out to the Lon Lon Ranch area, you should be able to access the Ranch itself at this point in the game. If you head inside, youll come to the adventurers spring; drop a bomb, pick it up with the R button, then throw it into the spring with R to summon some kind of adventuers fairy godmother. Note that youll be miniaturized to enter it, which means that you wont have any size puzzles to deal with while youre inside. If you push around the blocks on the right side of the room inside, youll gain another Piece of Heart. Enter the cave to find a Deku Scrub who will sell players the Grip Ring for 40 Rupees. Use it and go through the valley directly on your left. After Princess Zelda comes calling, the two of you will head out to the fair, but not before the Smith gives you a package to deliver. Theres also a Minish located in the northeastern corner of the garden; to reach him, youll need to use your Pegasus Boots on the concealed Minish portal nearby. You can also grab a red Kinstone from the chest here. Qual a cronologia de Zelda? Entenda as trs linhas do tempo da Unfortunately, no one in the village can actually speak your language save for Festari, who lives in the ostentatious blue house on the northern side of the area. At this point you can push either block two or block four over the switch; it doesnt matter which one. Since the floors icy, itll be difficult to control your movement. If you split Link in two here, youll be able to push the large lever, which will open half of the sunroof above the Water Element. Climb down to reach the Elemental Sanctuary and infuse your blade with the Water Element; youll now be able to split yourself into three copies. [ ] Cutting away the grass in the southeastern corner of the zone will reveal a ladder to a hidden trainer, who holds a Piece in his dojo. Youll come to a sign that tells you to beware crumbling walls! Youll come to a blocked portion of the little river youre in, so use your Gust Jar to suck in the mushroom launcher whichll give you access to the switch. Par. Instead of going up, go right to reach a small ledge with a sign that says: "No Bomb Throwing". Doing so can help you avoid having to backtrack to people later on if youre missing a required Kinstone when you first encounter them. The Minish Cap tips and tricks - Tiger Scrolls - Zelda's Palace Yay! Room 23 will have you flipping another switch to activate a gust machine; fly across the channel to reach the southern half of the room, where youll have to fight off some Moblins and a pair of wizards. In order to kill them, youll have to bait them into thrusting their mace out at you; standing in front of them for a moment or two is usually enough to do the trick. Bring your new Element back to the Elder of the Picori Village, who will tell you to meet a man named Melari at Mount Crenel. Climb up it. Before escorting him to Guantanamo for the rest of his natural life, accept his explosive offer and take the bombs, since theyll come in fairly handy during the rest of your journey. Explore the Hyrule School: The school near the northern exit from Hyrule town is now accessible to you. Move the bottom block to the left and the one above it up. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 6. Although the rockface here isnt made of rubble, you can still blow it open with a bomb; inside, there are two treasure chests and a Piece of Heart, but youll need three more bombs to access them. Don't Even Google It. After the knights are dead, youll gain a Small Key. Watery Chests: In the upper-central portion of this zone, near the river, you can walk down a ladder to reach the water. [ ] After you have the Pegasus Boots, youll be able to uncover a Minish portal in the cow field here. In order to flip the four switches on the south side of this room, youll need to split Link into three (using the southernmost three panels), then position a Link in between each of the button pairs and use a sword swing to light them all at once. If you drop down into the dungeon there, you can jump to the left to pick up the Piece of Heart. On the second floor, you can bomb your way through to a secret passageway; if you follow it along to the end, youll find up to 150 shells. The weather will change for the worse as it gets dark and starts to rain cats and dogs (not literally). You can use the Kinstone to fuse with the Mayor himself, which will drain a pool in the Lon Lon ranch. If you fuse with the Minish there, a beanstalk will grow up, albeit one thats currently inaccessible to you. The Minish Cap Walkthrough - Zelda Dungeon Well, fusing Kinstones is usually optional - if you persist in fusing with everyone you see, though, you can unlock some pretty good stuff, such as equipment upgrades or Pieces of Heart. Regardless, his death will finally open up the first portal back to the entrance to the Palace, making this a great spot to save your game. Now that you have one more piece of the Elements, its time to try and track down the Elemental Sanctuary. The explosion causes a bridge to appear. Below is a list of where they are and how to make them grow, and what is on the clouds that they lead to. Your goal now is to use your Gust Jar to maneuver the lilypad around the river here. The Cane is this dungeons unique item; it has the formidable flipping-things-over power. Another difficulty here lies in the odd bounciness of the eyes electricity; you wont always be able to reflect it back so that it hits all of them simultaneously, even if youre correctly positioned and hit them all at the same time. Although the room appears to be a dead end, you can drop a bomb in the lower-left corner to reveal a passage back to room six. [ ] Later in the game, youll be able to fuse with Melari, the Minish smith. At a dead end is a large green seed. When the door is open, the Picori can cross from their world into Hyrule . Youll then be able to Minish yourself, walk into the chimney, move over to the blue house, and push the book off the bookshelf onto the floor. Either stun them with a bomb or attack them with the sword when they return to their normal form. [ ] A Piece of Heart is waiting for you in front of the Deepwood Shrine. These guys are exceedingly annoying to deal with due to the cramped quarters; in order to kill the first one, you might want to try using remote bombs or throwing bombs at them. If you attempt to grab the Bottle behind the vendor, hell tell you you can have it, but only if you feed his dog in the Lake Hylia section of the overworld map. Fuse with him to open a portal leading to the Cloud Tops, then use your Gust Jar to suck up the ghost thats possessing the old man in the bed. When you find yourself back in room 21 (getting dizzy yet? Kill all of the enemies that you meet; youll eventually come to another shrink station and another deactivated guardian. Speak to the Elder regarding the Earth Element that you just received. Youll need to fall down as a mini-Link from the upper levels of the dungeon to the rightmost room on floor 1F. The mine cart essentially acts as a warp to a distant portion of the dungeon, as the doors that you pass under as you roll will close behind you and become unpassable while you roll around on foot. Use it on the locked door in room 22 to enter room 25, where youll have to fight off another Giant Chu Chu. The Minish Cap Walkthrough and Guides - Zelda Universe You dont need anywhere near 20 Heart Containers to beat Vaati, especially if you get those red potions that we mentioned. Crenels Base), youll find a sign near a cliff, reading "Mt. Hell teach you a bit about Kinstone Fusion; when you see someone with a big bubble over their head, you can approach them and hit the L button to attempt a Kinstone Fusion. Fuse with it to send another Goron to the Lon Lon cave. This will let you pass through to room 21, where youll have to maneuver through a long ice platform to reach the southern end. There, you can obtain a red Kinstone piece. Minish Woods in a cave near the stairs that lead to Syrup's Hut. Most of them will require you to enter Minish mode in the northwestern corner of the zone and then use the lilypads to get around. Hell automatically teach you the Spin Attack maneuver, sogreat. The Zelda 1 overworld is brilliant but the dungeons are pretty obtuse sometimes, while the Minish Cap dungeons are pretty great but the overworld has the most bullshit out of any zelda I've played so far (a solid 3/4 of the series). Piece of Heart: If you head towards the home of the Hyrule Town shopkeeper (where you fed his dog to receive the second bottle), you can dive into the pool of water nearby to find a hidden Piece of Heart. Be careful of the Spiny ChuChus in this room. There is one boulder sitting on its own and players will need to move it to get it in place. The first two are easy to obtain, but youll have to go through the whole darkened-maze bit again to get to the third, for only a marginal gain, so you might just want to skip it. There is another Kinstone piece in the Minish cave to the east of this Picori's house. Welcome to the Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap Walkthrough. The Second Book: The next book you need to grab is the Legend of the Picori, which was checked out by the scholar in the southwestern corner of the town. Exit the cave head left, and watch out for the several enemies as you make your way to the next cave. More Loot: If you travel all the way to the southwestern corner of this zone, youll come to a Minish hiding away in one of their little huts. After you hit Octorock with three boulders, hell suddenly freeze the entire room. Do just that, and then walk back to the boulder you just used to grow. Just climb up. Watch out for the Teketites and blow up the hidden wall to find a Piece Of Heart inside a fairy fountain. If he has, youll be able to buy Picolytes from him, assuming you have an empty bottle. When he isnt electrified, though, the old Gust-Jar-on-the-feet trick will eventually topple him over, so whack him with your sword during these periods to finish him off. Youll have to repeat the process for the second arm as well. After reaching room 17, flip yourself down to the lower level and maneuver past the spike traps in room 18 to find another Kinstone. Try to jump as soon as possible, and youll hopefully fly over most of them. With that extra bit of verve under your belt, head north into room ten. Room ten is thankfully simpler, consisting only of a series of jumps, sans enemies. Stash it for now; theyll be useful in a bit. Fusing Kinstones with all five results in Link receiving a Bottle . When you have all eight scrolls (including the one from Swiftblade the First), you can then return to the other hidden trainers and fuse Kinstones with them to reveal yet more hidden trainers. When you do, drop down into the hole, kill the two sharks there, then pick up the golden Kinstone.
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