The landlords notes reference that the neighbour had confirmed during this visit that he was burning paper in this flat. Grade 2 cases include noise nuisance outside of permitted hours and verbal abuse. Whilst it did consider the option of enforcement action and attempts were made to move the neighbour by gaining his consent, due to the difficult circumstances, this was not possible. If youre worried because you havent heard anything, you can contact the council to check progress. There is no evidence of the landlord logging a complaint prior to April 2021. In view of the reported burning smell implying a potential risk to the health and safety of the residents, it is reasonable to expect the landlord to have also undertaken a risk assessment at this time however there is no evidence to suggest it considered this. The council cannot order your neighbour to: It could be weeks or months. The landlord carried out a risk assessment on 27 August 2020 with the neighbour following which it discussed their case with other agencies and identified an action plan to assist and support him. The landlord noted the residents dissatisfaction in its email to him on 24. As no significant noise was heard, they agreed to exchange telephone numbers to communicate about any future noise concerns. On 24 March 2021, the landlord provided an update to the resident. Happy to be corrected! He complained about the risk to the whole block and said he could not keep calling the Fire Brigade. acknowledge these issues in its complaint responses. Complaints about pay rise for councillors. The landlords internal notes show it contacted Adult Mental health team who confirmed which team the resident was under the care of. The Ombudsman considers the evidence and looks to see if there has been any maladministration, for example whether the landlord has failed to keep to the law, followed proper procedure, followed good practice or behaved in a reasonable and competent manner. This also states that if. The councils website will have information on how you can contact them. Hounslow is the principal town in the London Borough of Hounslow. Whilst it is acknowledged that the landlord must adhere to rules when sharing personal data from one party to another, it is reasonable to expect the landlord to manage the residents expectations about what action it was taking to tackle the issues and provide regular reports of its progress. The council can order your neighbour to take action to stop the problems with the hedge happening again. The resident is a leaseholder. and report community problems like potholes, broken street lights, fly-tipping, litter, and dog fouling. The resident advised that, the level of noise from the television continued and, kept him awake into the early hours which was having an impact on his work and mental health. Sign in. You need to keep a log of all the incidents so you can accurately report the issue. Registered in England. It was literally 24/7. Please do not post any personal information relating to yourself, or employees of Hounslow Council as these comments will not be approved. hat the landlord did fail to sufficiently communicate with the resident during the period of this review. Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme,, Part 8 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003, High hedges complaints: prevention and cure, trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order, appeal to the independent Planning Inspectorate. If your neighbour has broken the law Its an offence to fail to do what a remedial notice requires. However, it asked him to report any further incidents in the usual way and it would continue to investigate. This is comprised of: 450 for its failed to adequately deal with his ASB reports and communicate with the resident. The council must be realistic about how long it will take your neighbour to cut the hedge or arrange for someone else to do it. Now the whole street can enjoy my bass. Whilst this review has not investigated events after the final response, it is noted that the neighbour was absent from the flat for a while although, resident has indicated that the neighbour may have recently returned to their property. We are an independent directory of contact information that enables consumers to quickly and efficiently find appropriate contact information and discus their own complaint experiences with other internet users. On 18 March 2020, the landlord advised that the matter will be investigated as soon as possible and asked that the resident to be sure to record incidents in diary sheets in the meantime. If your neighbour says your tree is dangerous, you could ask a tree surgeon for advice. Whichever way you make the complaint this is your chance to set out your case, so its important that you give the right information. Keep copies of any letters or emails you send or receive. Call Out of hours emergency on 020 8583 2222. Hounslow Council Contact Information. It advised of the contact details for the Councils Enforcement team who it said were available depending on the type of nuisance. Hounslow Council was the subject of more than 100 complaints and enquiries to the ombudsman about its actions last year, new figures show. None of these visits recorded any evidence to prompt enforcement action. neighbour should have been agreed in advance and advised that this feedback would be passed on. In August 2020, the police and Fire Brigade attended the residents floor to investigate smoke in the communal corridor and it was identified that the source of the smoke was the neighbours flat. It was during the middle of my final year uni exams it got worse. On 13 March 2020, the resident contacted the landlord advising the noise nuisance kept happening and he wanted urgent action to be taken. Postal Address. They might, for example, measure the size of your garden or how far the hedge is from windows in your home. Having reviewed the landlords actions from the date of the residents initial reports of ASB made in March 2020 until the final response on 4 June 2021, whilst the neighbours ASB was not resolved during this timeframe, the landlord took some steps to address the issues being reported, as well as support the neighbour to maintain his tenancy as per its policy. You can find your councils website on GOV.UK. High hedges: complaining to the council - GOV.UK Hounslow London Borough Council elections - Hounslow Council in London, England is elected every four years. no evidence of the landlord engaging with the relevant support agencies again until the end of March 2021. resident aware that he could contact the local authoritys Enforcement team to report any such incidents if he felt in danger which was appropriate. To manage and tackle ASB the landlord may send the perpetrator an ASB warning letter, engage with agencies including the police, social services, community mental health teams or other support agencies. You can ask the police to get involved when your neighbours are rowdy or inconsiderate, damage your property or dump rubbish. Shortly afterwards, the landlord undertook a risk assessment and began engaging with other agencies about what action could be taken to address the situation. This notice sets out what must be done to the hedge and when it must be done by. the landlord advised the resident that it was working with other departments, and it had a meeting booked next week. We bought a house a few years ago, only to find as soon as we moved in, a single mother drug dealer lived next door. He said that he wanted reassurance that the case was high priority. So can your neighbour. The resident contacted the landlord again on 20 March 2020 complaining about the length of time taken to act on his reports. This is evidence of the landlord failing to follow its complaints process. You can contact the council if you think your neighbour isnt acting in accordance with this notice. The council should determine your complaint impartially. If that doesn't work there are other ways you can ask them to stop, for example by reporting them to the council. If you disagree with your neighbour about a tree or hedge Hounslow London Borough Council is the local authority for the London Borough of Hounslow in Greater London, England. Search for trees to find which department to contact. Check if your neighbour will let you throw away the branches - legally they own them. that the landlord failed to act appropriately or reasonably when handling the residents reports. If the hedge is on a bank or in a raised bed the measurement should be taken from the natural ground level. This inevitably caused the resident distress as they were concerned about the possible consequences of some of the neighbours actions although it did advise him to contact the local authoritys Enforcement team in event he felt in danger. Listen, and request some time to think about the problem and measures you intend to take. It is evident that the landlord made 22 further visits after the conclusion of the residents complaint between 18 May and 19 November 2020. Therefore, from August 2020, the landlord engaged with other parties whereby an action plan was agreed to address the issues. . Hounslow Chief Exec apologises for comment in bad-tempered council DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK. . It advised that there was an ongoing investigation about the issues he has raised. Hounslow Council was the subject of more than 100 complaints and enquiries to the ombudsman about its actions last year, new figures show. He expressed frustration with the landlords response and felt that, 13 March 2020 to advise that it had not raised, complaint at stage one of its complaints procedure, referred the matter to a staff member to attempt to resolve. It is understandable that due to the ongoing issues experienced and the safety risk posed by some of the neighbours ASB, the resident seeks a permanent solution to the situation. The Ombudsmans role is not to establish whether particular events occurred; for example, it is not our role to assess whether antisocial behaviour happened. This service has seen evidence that the ASB officer discussed the situation with his care worker. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. , and in accordance with its ASB policy, above at point 2, for it to take this action to resolve the issue in the absence of evidence to support the noise reports. The Housing Ombudsmans approach to investigating and determining complaints is to decide what is fair in all the circumstances of the case. Rather, the Ombudsman seeks to establish whether a landlord has responded reasonably to reports made to it that are its responsibility to address and whether it acted in accordance with its relevant policies and procedures. We couldn't complain to the council as we owned the house and if we sold we would have to inform the new owners. There was a further incident in August 2021 when the police had to gain entry into the neighbours property in the early hours. London Borough of Hounslow delayed in assisting a homeless man with mental health issues finds Local Government Ombudsman, Dr Jane Martin. It advised that, as there was no evidence of noise nuisance, it could not take any further action. This is because the council have worked to settle your private dispute with a neighbour. They simply send you a. Should you be. But the further away it is, the more difficult it will be to show that the hedges height is harming the reasonable enjoyment of all or part of your home and/or its garden or yard. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. The landlord will then open an ASB case and send the reporter a letter acknowledging the report. Image above: Hounslow Council Budget meeting, Tuesday 2 March 2021. You have rejected additional cookies. He stated that he had no choice but to allow the upstairs neighbour to enter his property on its visit to him to assess the noise level. It stated that it would provide an update by 24 March 2020. If you have tried and failed to resolve your neighbourly issue by talking to your neighbour you can approach your local council. In accordance with paragraph 54 of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme, there was no maladministration by the landlord in its response to the residents reports of noise nuisance. Registered charity number 279057 VAT number 726 0202 76 Company limited by guarantee. To complain all you need to do is contact your local council, many have a specialist team to deal . Your neighbour could report it to your local council and you could be told to cut your hedge. For example, give details of the position, type and height of the hedges trees or shrubs and, if you wish, include a plan. However, not all of the actions were progressed in a timely manner and there is no evidence to show the landlord followed through with some of the actions in its plan. Looking at Hounslow Council's Environmental Health Noise Nuisance web pages, they do have a weekend noise team but they also have a general team, and it states there, 'We aim to contact at least 90% of complainants within 3 working days by letter, telephone or by visiting your property': The police are not interested in noise nuisance, its your council who are responsible for dealing with it. When councils are determining a complaint they must first decide whether the height of the high hedge is having an adverse effect on a neighbours enjoyment of their home and/or its garden or yard. In this instance the landlords ASB policy state. We did make a few anonymous calls to the drug police. However, the landlord said that its HO continued to monitor the situation which resulted in periods when the nuisance stopped. If someone breaks an abatement order about noise from their home, they can be fined up to 5,000. On 3 September 2020, the resident called the landlord to report hearing loud music from his neighbours flat at 1.45 am that morning. From disruptive planning permission to noise complaints, you can tackle the issue of nuisance neighbours though your local council. Your local council can step in if the dispute involves any activity that is a nuisance or could damage your health. Report street problems / mySociety Are you the owner or occupier of this domestic property? The legislation specifically says that councils cant deal with problems caused by roots. We had a similar issue with students that went on for about 11 months. The numerical value of Hounslow in Chaldean Numerology is: 6, The numerical value of Hounslow in Pythagorean Numerology is: 1. He said that the neighbour was also verbally abusive which frightened his children. Take 3 minutes to tell us if you found what you needed on our website. Ask them to keep their dog inside at night or to impose a curfew for their child's drum practice. The landlord replied on the same date advising that it appreciated that the issues were reported over 12 months ago but they had not yet been resolved. They might ask the owner to make it safe or deal with it themselves. It also advised him of the importance of it witnessing the reported noise to be able to take further action. Hounslow Council 29April 2022 Our approach The Housing Ombudsman's approach to investigating and determining complaints is to decide what is fair in all the circumstances of the case. The landlords internal file note dated 9 June 2020 show its ASB officer interviewed the residents neighbour about noise and ASB reports raised by the resident. Ombudsman receives more than 100 complaints and enquiries about Grade 1 cases include damage to property. There are also over 60 community events and street parties will be taking . If your neighbour is complaining about you, If you disagree with your neighbour about a wall or fence, Deal with flooding in a rented home - overview. Live in London (or any major UK city) then expect noise. On 30 April 2021, the landlord visited the neighbour to deliver him a warning letter stating he was breaching. Police say this cannabis factory discovered in Knowle contained 80 plants. This is set out in the Housing Act 1996 and the Housing Ombudsman Scheme (the Scheme). The resident replied to the landlord later. It will take time for them to get a statement from your neighbour and arrange to visit the site. The sub woofer is incredible on this system. This is a simple guide and not a statement of the law. The council may use the governments guidance to help them decide what could be the best height for the hedge. If the council accept your complaint you will most likely have to pay them a fee for their service. If you receive a PCN, you can either pay the charge meted on you or challenge the fee through an appeal to the London borough of Hounslow council. subsequently interviewed the resident on 11 March 2020 however this service has not been provided with any notes of this meeting. It is bounded by Isleworth to the east, Twickenham to its south, Feltham to its west and Southall to its north. a town of Middlesex, 10 m. SW. of London; railways have done away with its importance as a posting town; in the vicinity are gunpowder mills, barracks, and the famous Hounslow Heath. As far as I know the women is still living at there doing her dealing, driving a BMW. The landlord failed to follow its ASB policy in this regard. It is a suburban development situated 10.6 miles west south-west of Charing Cross. It is noted that the country was in lockdown during this timeframe as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic which may have impacted on the landlords ability to provide its usual service. Police and council can't stop noisy neighbour. Digital Spy The complaint is about the landlords response to the residents reports of noise nuisance. Comments are moderated so may not appear immediately. If you do anything more than trim overhanging branches, your neighbour could take you to court for damaging their property. Excessive amounts of any of the following could also be handled by the council: It is hard to define unreasonable noise as this differs from person to person. The council should decide whether the hedge is adversely affecting your reasonable enjoyment of your property and, if so, what action (if any) should be taken to put right the situation or stop it happening again. Most of Hounslow, including its Town Centre, the area south of the railway station and the localities of Lampton and Spring Grove, falls under the TW3 postcode. Search for trees on your councils website to find which department to contact. Generally if the noise is loud and occurs often - especially at night - it can be considered unreasonable. Further he said that the warning signs were there, and action needed to be taken before something serious happened. The landlord advised the resident on the same date that the neighbours care worker had confirmed that his neighbour had been taken to hospital that morning for treatment. How to pronounce Hounslow | The legislation doesnt set a specific height. the landlord should work with other agencies and service providers in order to determine the best course of action to take in order to resolve the situation. Due the neighbour having mental health issues, the landlord had a responsibility to engage with support agencies in order to help, maintain his tenancy and also establish an action plan to address and mitigate the impact of ASB on those affected including the resident. . The sub woofer is incredible on this system. Hounslow - Hounslow is a large suburban town, and the principal town of the London Borough of Hounslow in Greater London, England. when we had a nuisance neighbour it was near on impossible to get rid of him. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Out of hours emergencies. The landlords ASB officer spoke to other residents in the block as well as the neighbours care worker. The Ombudsman recommends that the landlord provide regular updates to res, Videos on managing unacceptable behaviour. The landlord made reasonable efforts to substantiate the residents reports of noise and acted appropriately by initiating mediation in accordance with its policy. Some dissatisfaction about the Councils action will be treated as a request for us to do something, for example, a service request. Hounslow residents are being encouraged to come together with neighbours, friends, and family in celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla. It also explained that whilst there were some discussions with the neighbour about a possible move this was not something he wanted to do at that time. Here is a summary of privacy when using this chat.
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