Libertarian Party Green Party Reform Party Natural Law Party Tea Party Constitution Party Former Presidents: Barack Obama(D,2009-2017) George W. Bush(R,2001-2009) Bill Clinton(D,1993-2001) George Bush Sr.(R,1989-1993) Ronald Reagan(R,1981-1989) Provide for publicly elected Rent Control/Stabilization Boards for communities with local rent control laws. We oppose the provision of current law which allows local police to become agents of the immigration agency. Green Party leaders are calling for Congress to take swift and decisive action following an horrific mass shooting on August 3 at the Cielo Vista Mall Walmart location in El Paso, Texas, that has left at least 20 dead and dozens injured; and an early morning shooting on August 4 in a Dayton, Ohio, entertainment district that left 9 people dead and 16 wounded.. For More InformationMassacre at a Crowded Walmart in Texas Leaves 20 DeadRomero, Simon; Manny Fernandez, Mariel Padilla. Enforce and strengthen the federal Fair Housing Act and other federal and state fair-housing laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, familial status and national origin. Restore full federal health funding for persons living with HIV. Children are increasingly shaped by an "electronic childhood" with little direct experience of nature and free play. Current backlogs must be brought up to date as soon as possible. To accomplish this, we unconditionally support implementation of the principle of environmental justice in our practices, policies and laws across the nation. We believe that equality should be a given, and that all Greens must work toward that end. Clinics must be accessible and must offer advice on contraception and the means for contraception; consultation about abortion and the performance of abortions, and; abortion regardless of age or marital status. While we support condom use, better condoms are also required. Immigrants already have ample incentive to learn English. Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, 2. Prosecution of hate crimes based on religious affiliation or practice. [See section A.1. . But Republican gun owners stand out for their low levels of support for a federal gun database and bans on assault-style weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. The gap is nearly as wide in support for allowing teachers and school officials to carry guns in schools (26% of Democrats, 69% of Republicans). A larger share of gun owners contribute money to organizations that take positions on gun policy (28% have ever done so and 12% have in the last year) than non-owners (10% ever and 6% in the last year). All essential workers such as farm workers must be granted permanent residency and a pathway citizenship. Increase funding for after-school and daycare programs. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen who served during U.S. Wars in recent decades have been exposed to nuclear, chemical and possibly biological warfare agents. kick off an organizing campaign to engage voters and partner with other organizations in an effort to pressure legislators to act decisively. Service members serving in combat zones are subjected to assorted variations of permanent physical and mental damage and are entitled to treatment by the Veterans Administration. As in the past, a number of specific gun policy proposals draw extensive public support. Employer abuses of undocumented workers are rampant. Even fewer Americans support shortening waiting periods for buying guns legally (36%). ICEs mission, To protect America from cross border crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety. We call for solutions to this enormous problem that can result in awareness and the introduction of legislation in the U.S. Congress to address it. Preserve and expand product-labeling requirements to ensure that consumers are fully informed about the origin, ingredients, and ecological life cycle of all products, including animal testing, and the products organic, recycled, and genetically engineered content. We believe that artistic expression and a thriving structure of art institutions are key to community well-being. The Green Party calls for new U.S. legislation relating to prostitution modeled on the Swedish law passed in 1999, now adopted by other countries and being considered by more, that has drastically reduced human trafficking and prostitution in Sweden. The diminishing funds available to provide care for the growing number of the mentally ill often result in their homelessness, vagrancy and dependence on short-term crisis facilities. Return of, or fair compensation for, ceded lands. Gun owners are more likely than non-gun owners to say they have ever contacted public officials to express their opinion on gun policy: 21% of owners say they have done this, including 9% who say they did so in the past 12 months, while only 12% of non-owners say they have ever done this. Immigrant workers allow important sectors of the economy to expand, attract investment and create employment opportunities for native-born Americans, contribute more in tax revenue than they collect, reduce American firms incentives to offshore jobs and import foreign-produced goods, and benefit consumers by reducing the prices of goods and services. No person should be permitted to sign away eight years of their life to the armed forces, without full written disclosure of what is expected of them and what they can expect in return from the government. Many times applications are denied because the applicant submitted forms for the incorrect category and cause them to lose all filing fees paid up to that point (no refunds.) It is time that the political frame-ups, the prosecutorial misconduct and the racist application of police power that pass for justice in our country be buried and those victimized by these abuses of state power be given their lives back. Regimes of high-stakes standardized testing and the wholesale diversion of resources away from public schools are provoking crises for which the bipartisan corporate consensus recommends school closings, dissolution of entire school districts and replacement by unaccountable, profit-based charter schools. We stand firmly opposed to privatization and contracting-out of public services. Aggressively implement the Americans with Disabilities Act. Partisanship and gun ownership are factors in views of gun policies Partisan views on gun policy proposals fall along similar lines as the opinions of gun owners and non-gun owners. Violence against women is increasing nationwide. Large majorities of gun owners and non-gun owners favor banning gun sales to the mentally ill, expanded background checks on gun sales and barring gun purchases by people on federal no-fly or watch lists. Provide better care for the wounded, sick and injured soldiers. A majority of gun owners say people should be able to carry guns at least most places, while non-owners are more divided on the issue. Ban the use of mandatory arbitration clauses in consumer contracts, which companies use to shunt consumers into anti-consumer and unfair dispute resolution processes. Preventive diplomacy, a strong economy and humane trade relations are our best defense. Increase compensation for jurors and provide childcare for those serving jury duty. Contact our webmaster at: [emailprotected], In the wake of the relentless string of mass shootings, the Green Party of New York is releasing this. We oppose the provision of current law which allows local police to become agents of the immigration agency. This mission is executed through the enforcement of more than 400 federal statutes and focuses on immigration enforcement and combating transnational crime, subscribes to the belief that every Latin American citizen is a criminal. The victims of trafficking should have the option of permanent residence in the U.S. or return to their home countries, according to their own choice. This cumbersome immigration process along with unreasonable Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and lawyers fees must be streamlined. Amend the Controlled Substances Act to reflect that drug use in itself is not a crime, and that persons living in the United States arrested for using drugs should not be incarcerated with those who have committed victim oriented crimes. MGMT 3000 Final Exam Notes . Increased funding for free, anonymous testing of people for the presence of HIV/AIDS. Since, nationally, women earn only 77% of men's wages for equal work, despite outnumbering men in the workforce and despite the U.S. 1963 Equal Pay Act, we support intensified effort to see this unfair gap closed, including support for the Paycheck Fairness Act and similar legislation, and greater effort at enforcement. We favor strong measures to combat official racism in the forms of police brutality directed against people of color. More than a third of Republicans who do not own guns (35%) support stricter gun laws in the U.S., compared with just 10% of Republican gun owners. We support and urge enforcement of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (HR 3244) signed into law on October 28, 2000. In many countries economic policies, military actions of the U.S. government or U.S. based corporations, and natural disasters have caused extreme hardships. Roll Call, Mar. No registration of guns or ammunition We oppose attempts to prohibit ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens and stand against all laws which would require the registration of guns or ammunition. We cant allow our communities to continue to be ravaged by these random, devastating violent acts.. Establish new independent government consumer advocacy agencies to protect the interests of consumers, and restore the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs. We will support existing Historically Black Colleges and Universities, as well as new and existing Education and Development Funds. Families are being broken up. Enact zoning to promote mixed-use development along transit corridors to locate housing next to jobs and public transportation. End all federal competitive grants like Race to the Top (RTTT) and instead equitably fund schools based on a priority of socioeconomic level. Our current situation has created extreme social injustice. Encourage parental responsibility by supporting parenting in culturally-sensitive ways and increasing opportunities for parents to be as involved as possible in their childrens education. The public is broadly opposed to allowing people to carry concealed guns without a permit: 81% oppose this proposal, with two-thirds strongly opposed. Education has proven to reduce recidivism by 10%. We demand recognition of the sovereignty of indigenous nations whose territories cross national boundaries. The Green Party urges the U.S. to open dialogs and visit with Sweden as a step toward introducing legislation in the U.S. Congress to address the exploitation, violence and harm to women through prostitution. About twice as many gun owners (34%) than non-owners (15%) say people should be able to carry guns almost everywhere. Focus on education through a general immersion in nature to understand, hands-on, the intricate dependence of humanity upon the natural world. Eliminate the gun show loophole that permits sale of weapons without background checks. The Green Party supports the rights of indigenous peoples to their lands, their ways of life, and all other rights of free peoples. Republicans and Republican leaners are divided: 46% say current gun laws are about right, while 30% say they should be less strict and 24% say they should be stricter. Ensure that all pre-deployment physicals are completed within the standard allotted time period, and that medical follow-ups are routinely given to all soldiers. The Green Party believes that this failure to invest in research for a cure is because mainstream society has the belief that contracting HIV is self-inflicted by "sinful" or "illegal" behavior. We strongly support the vigorous enforcement of civil-rights laws, the aggressive prosecution of hate crimes, and the strengthening of legal services for the poor. Young people should have input into the direction and pace of their own education, including input into the operation of their educational institutions. What type of ruleopen or closedwould the. Prohibit property forfeiture and denial of due process for unconvicted suspects. We must maintain a viable American military force, prudent foreign policy doctrines, and readiness strategies that take into . Protect victims' rights. Eliminate the gun show loophole that permits sale of weapons without background checks. Corporations should not be allowed to use the schools as vehicles for commercial advertising or corporate propaganda. About half of Republican gun owners (52%) and 40% of Republican non-gun owners say gun laws are about right. Youth have the right to an education that is stimulating, relevant, engaging, and that fosters their natural desire to learn. Anything less would be inconsistent with our Green Values, and with our nations values. They must also be granted a pathway to citizenship. We support the equal application of the Constitution of the United States of America to all citizens, and therefore call for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. The Green Party recognizes that our nation's ostensibly color-blind systems of law enforcement and crime control, from police practices to prosecutorial prerogatives, to mandatory sentencing and zero-tolerance have effectively constituted an ubiquitous national policy of racially selective mass incarceration, a successor to Jim Crow as a means of social control, a policy that must be publicly discussed, widely recognized, and ultimately reversed. About nine-in-ten Americans (89%) favor preventing people with mental illnesses from purchasing guns. A holistic, future-focused perspective on how we distribute resources in this country would consider the effects of such distribution not just on our present needs, but on the seventh generation to come. We support the State Department's annual Trafficking in Persons Report as an important document to begin to combat this abuse. Honor all laws concerning time limits on deployments. Consider forms of restitution to victims. 1, 2019, Nearly 40,000 People Died From Guns in U.S. Last Year, Highest in 50 YearsMervosh, Sarah. On the eve of the 5th year anniversary of the Marjory Stoneman High School mass shooting, Michigan State University campus became the next scene of carnage, said Gloria Mattera, GPNY co-chair. It is essential that the option of a safe, legal abortion remains available. These boards will be empowered to hire and fire police officers and chiefs. Green Party adopts sensible gun control policy Zac Kurylyk in Politics on May 10, 2022 Canada's federal Green Party seems poised to move towards sensible, evidence-based firearms regulations, with the party recently approving the "Safe and Accountable Firearms Ownership and Usage" policy proposal. We urge that our nation amend its binding declaration with respect to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict to join the rest of the world in setting 18 as the absolute minimum age for military recruitment. The Green Party unequivocally supports a woman's right to reproductive choice, no matter her marital status or age, and that contraception and safe, legal abortion procedures be available on demand and be included in all health insurance coverage in the US, as well as free of charge in any state where a woman's income falls below the poverty level. To ensure a livable income for all people, we support additional measures such as implementing a universal basic income [see Chapter IV, Section D, of this platform for more information]. We support the complete clean-up of those mines and tailing piles, which are a profoundly destructive legacy of the Cold War. (Jan 2014) Increase compensation for jurors and provide childcare for those serving jury duty. We seek to protect our children from the corrosive effects of mass culture that trains them to regard themselves first and foremost as consumers. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. By Marcie Young. These horrific attacks show that our communities are too vulnerable to this type of senseless violence. basic income (known also as a guaranteed income or Citizen Dividend, as described in True Cost Pricing and Tax Fairness, IV. For these reasons we specifically oppose the walling off of both traditional urban crossing areas and of wilderness areas. The Green Partys agenda for gun control laws includes a requirement that all purchasers of firearms attend a gun safety and first aid course; basic competency and mental hygiene for firearm purchasers; a moratorium on gun sales following any mass shooting that has gained national prominencethe copycat window; and a ban on assault rifles. Free all non-violent incarcerated prisoners of the drug war. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. Protect victims' rights. The Green Party urges a more thorough dialog and understanding of violence against women and girls, including from prostitution and trafficking, that causes health and injury damage that seriously degrades their lives, even to death or premature death including from HIV, syphilis and many other diseases, as well as causing severe economic hardships. We believe that health care is a right, not a privilege. Most people take a middle-ground approach on both questions: 35% say guns should be permitted in most places, while some places should be off-limits; another 28% say guns should be allowed in some places but not most places. New union members' right to submit a first contract to binding arbitration at the request of the union. A3 - Thomas Green Case. A larger share of Republican gun owners support each of the proposals to loosen gun laws than any other group. Some examples include community subscriber support groups, artwork rental busts, cooperative support systems among artists, legal or financial incentives to donate to the arts or to donate artworks to public museums. What critics say about gun control. Support policies to encourage citizens, taxpayers, ratepayers and consumers to form Citizens Utility Boards to advocate for the public interest. Gun control advocates hold signs during a protest at Discovery Green across from the National Rifle Association Annual Meeting at the George R . Green Party on Homeland Security Party Platform Abolish nuclear weapons, WMDs, and land mines Our government should establish a policy to abolish nuclear weapons: Declare a no-first-strike policy. The Green Party will be inclusive of language in local, state and federal anti-discrimination law that ensures the rights of intersex individuals and prohibits discrimination based on gender identity, characteristics, and expression as well as on sex, gender, or sexual orientation. We support legal, political, and grassroots efforts by, and on behalf of, Native Americans to protect their traditions, rights, livelihoods, and sacred spaces. Youth have the right to be protected from abuse, harmful drugs, violence, environmental hazards, neglect, and exploitation. Ending faith-based initiatives and charitable choice programs, whereby public funds are used to support religious organizations that do not adhere to specified guidelines and standards, including anti-discrimination laws. Immigration policies such as separating families at the border, kids in cages, and the Title 42 program which allows the United States Border Patrol and U.S. Customs to prohibit the entry of persons who potentially pose a health risk (a racist policy to fast track deportations and prohibit refugees to seek asylum on U.S. soil) must immediately cease.The Green Party must consider immigration issues from an international standpoint, taking into account international labor and environmental standards, and human rights.The following proposals may not yield perfect answers, but they provide better answers than the status quo. high school equivalency diploma) and higher education. Establish community control of police through elected local police oversight boards with subpoena power to investigate complaints about police behavior and hold offending officers accountable. Junk food is defined as food or beverages that are relatively high in saturated or trans fat, added sugars or salt, and relatively low in vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Then, 52% said it was more important to protect gun rights, compared with 46% who said it was more important to control gun ownership. Above all, policy and law must be humane. The Guardian, Aug. 3, 2019, FBI Investigating Possible Manifesto in El Paso Walmart ShootingHeavy, Aug. 3, 2019, Mass Shootings in 2019: A Week of Bloodshed Underscores the Scale of ViolenceVigdor, Neil. These programs would provide materials and access to interested, qualified arts educators for every member of the community who demonstrates an interest. Policy ReformIn many countries economic policies, military actions of the U.S. government or U.S. based corporations, and natural disasters have caused extreme hardships. Efforts to nurture native Hawaiian culture. 2. But when interaction with the government is limited to the English speaking, persons are put at additional risk of exploitation. Veterans are being unfairly discharged from the service with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other injuries caused by stress, trauma and head injuries, under trumped-up behavioral charges, as a means of military budget cost-cutting. Enforce corrective justice, ensuring the rights of communities and local agencies to seek judicial redress. Roughly two-thirds or more strongly favor all of these proposals. Since Heller, the Court has drawn a straight line. More research into better methods of prevention of HIV infection. Single mothers are the largest and most severely impoverished group in the United States, which explains why 22% of the children in our country live below the poverty line. It is already invading our privacy. Any discussion of population must also be a discussion of women throughout the world. The existing civil rights act prohibits discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, and disability. This comprehensive gun safety policy includes five key pillars designed to create an effective background checks system, keep guns away from people who pose a danger to themselves or others, protect young people in schools and Americans in their homes, tackle daily gun violence in the hardest-hit communities, and confront the gun industry head-on." Increase rehabilitation funding so that persons with disabilities can pursue education and training to reach their highest potential. ICEs mission, To protect America from cross border crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety. The Green Party platform calls for Thoughtful, carefully considered gun control such as is contained in the Brady Bill (1993). It further calls for eliminating the gun show loophole that permits sale of weapons without background checks. In addition, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, or race continues to sap the potential of our society and to violate personal dignity. Views of gun safety and the key responsibilities of gun owners, Gun owners, non-gun owners differ on most policies, Partisanship and gun ownership are factors in views of gun policies, Rural and urban residents diverge in views of many gun policies, About half of Americans favor stricter gun laws, Majority says most people should be able to own guns, Supporters of less strict gun laws more likely to contact elected officials, Public split over protecting right to own guns or controlling gun ownership, Public divided over the National Rifle Associations influence on gun laws. Provide information in languages appropriate to the affected communities. We support effective enforcement of the Voting Rights Act, including language access to voting. This Act authorizes funding for the prevention of trade in human beings and for protecting victims. That with the failure of NCLB's testing mandate, recognize and uphold parents' right to opt their children out of any standardized test, instead of ESSA's weak permission of allowing states to pass such statutes. Immigrant workers allow important sectors of the economy to expand, attract investment and create employment opportunities for native-born Americans, contribute more in tax revenue than they collect, reduce American firms incentives to offshore jobs and import foreign-produced goods, and benefit consumers by reducing the prices of goods and services. Ensure psychological and medical care and rehabilitation services for mentally ill prisoners. The Green Party supports real reforms to end poverty and return dignity and opportunity to all mothers. Those living in the industrialized world must end the habits of waste and over-consumption that place as much stress on the environment as does population growth in developing nations. As the richest nation in history, we should not condemn millions of children to a life of poverty, while corporate welfare is increased to historic highs. We oppose the militarization of our borders, (mis)using the National Guard as border police, and building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Both partisanship and gun ownership are key factors in attitudes about gun policies. The Green Party shall strive to secure universal and effective recognition and observance of the principles and spirit expressed in the United National Universal Declaration of Human Rights as an international standard that all nations must meet. People have a right to a home and to be secure in their tenancy. Drug corporations have a strong profit motive to encourage for medical management of those with HIV by using medication that keeps the virus from being detected in the blood. We stand with whistleblowers, who are often the public's best protection against corporate crime, fraud and waste. No mandated testing. For students with disabilities, provide a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment (as inclusive as possible). The Green Party supports a holistic approach to justice, recognizing that environmental justice, social justice and economic justice depend on and support each other.

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