Prospective customers will make prompt decisions about whether or not to eat at your stand. And that means burgers. Cover and pulse with several on/off turns until finely chopped. Finding the perfect name for your Mexican restaurant can be tough. "The Table" La Casa de mi Abuela. First of all, lets talk about what makes a good name. Your email address will not be published. One: In a large bowl, combine the mince, seasoning and herbs. American Burger Express. Cover and chill in refrigerator. Easily add other services as you start and grow your business. From vegetable patty to chicken patty to beef patty or paneer patty, you can experiment according to your mood. Restaurant name generator I used to create even more name ideas, I tested it by using these keywords (Spanish, Empanadas, paella, sangria, adobo, aioli, olive, panceta, jamon (ham). Here, youll find smart strategies for simple yet delicious meals your family will love. You can reach Brett directly on, Copyright 2020 Foodtruckempire.Com | All Rights Reserved |, on 500+ Head-Turning Food Truck Name Ideas (2022 Update), How to Find Profitable Vending Machine Locations & Build a Route, 279+ Creative Easter Marketing Slogans & Taglines (2023), 562+ Clever Rabbit Hutch Business Name That Make You Jump, 599+ Classy Cigar Business Names for Rolled Up Revenue. Video chat for free with beautiful ladies on Tacos are the perfect street food with a hard or soft-shell delivery method to transport food from truck to hand to mouth. You need to choose the right and suitable name. Lets face it burger joints are hot, and you want to start one. 63+ Outrageously Funny Burger Names You Haven't Heard - Richeelicious Tag us in your creations on Instagram @hungryhealthyhappy - Use the hashtag #hungryhealthyhappy too. Its not a burger, but as long as you have the grill going, slap on some of this. 201+ Korean Restaurant Name Ideas You Can Use, 401+ Authentic Arabic Restaurant Name Ideas, 221+ Cute Kitchen Quotes for Letter Boards & Wallpaper, 292+ Clever Diamond Marketing Slogans That Sparkle Bright, 202+ Clever Weekend Email Subject Lines for Sales & Promotions. While its helpful to add a jolt of personality into your truck, you want to be aware of how people perceive you. Move the Mexican burgers in the pan to the side and pan fry the streaky bacon for 2 minutes. Making a good burger requires some skill whether you are making an American burger or a multi-flavor multi-layer Mexican burger. And finally, it should evoke some kind of emotionnot necessarily an emotional response, but at least an emotion like joy or excitement. Onions and Garlic. When you hear or read these names theres nothing ambiguous about it. Smiles 4 Miles Fried Foods. Click here to video chat. First, in a large bowl, combine ground beef, taco seasoning, crushed tortillas, egg and chopped roasted jalapeno pepper. Remember, even if you come up with the catchiest food truck name of all time, you wont be in business very long if the food doesnt deliver. We fried these in a little oil for 4 minutes each side (or until they are cooked to your liking), but you could also cook these under the grill or put them on the BBQ. There are all sorts of ways burger joints have differentiated their sandwiches over the years. We interview successful founders and share the stories behind their food trucks, restaurants, food and beverage brands. But descriptions such as bacon burger and Southwest burger have increased by 85% and 34% respectively. We hope youve enjoyed this list of Mexican restaurant name ideas as much as we have while creating it. While Latin cuisines Spanish, Mexican, Colombian and Cuban share a common language they are distinct differences in dishes. If you are looking for some ideas to name your burger shop, here are some suggestions that are available to use. Make sure your restaurant name doesnt infringe on any trademarks or copyrights owned by other companies or individuals, like the name of a famous Mexican brand or figure. Pete's Pizza Mobile. Ultimate Mexican Burger - Hungry Food Love Starting a burger shop is easy, but naming it becomes a bit of a challenge. Add a little bit of olive oil. You hardly need a baking product because the burger contains lots of fat already that will melt in the pan. Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. All that flavor is worked into the beef, ensuring that every single bite is juicy and savory. Its the first thing people see when they enter your establishment, and it can make or break their first impression of your restaurant. There are some names that should be banned forever. They must be larger than the burger bun in diameter because they shrink a lot during cooking. Please read my Privacy Policy for more information. BBQ Truck Names. Check out our Guide! Warm the buns in the oven for 5 minutes. I hope to encourage a love for cooking by creating fool-proof recipes that are easy and delicious. , 75 percent of burger fans consider the quality of the meat to be the primary or second most essential aspect of their burger. They are easy to start and do not need high initial investment or experience. Hot & Spicy is a popular chili recipe name that means that the food is hot and has the correct amount of spice. Alliterations: Burger obviously starts with the letter "b," which opens up a whole world of naming opportunities when you consider alliterations. Not only are the possibilities endless when it comes to making your own patties but you also know what went into them, so you know what youre feeding your family, something you just dont know when youre buying patties ready-made. Got an A on it for my food tech assignment. Ghost Pepper is a famous chili name for a recipe, also known as 'Bhut Jolokia', one of the world's spiciest chili. Weve compiled a huge list of Mexican restaurant name ideas that are sure to inspire you, whether youre looking for something traditional or modern, cute or spicy. Want to try this Mexican burger yourself? Its one of the most important steps you can take to set yourself up for success. Mexican Burgers with Smoky Chipotle Sauce - Kitchen Frau 255 Catchy Esthetician Business Names Tons of Ideas! My family loves homemade burgers but Ive never added cornmeal to the burger mixture. Made with remotely by ZenBusiness INC 2023. The meat stays juicy and so delicious. Put the burger on top. These are words and phrases (2 or more words) that relate to your companys service and products. 5 Sandwiches You Should Eat in Mexico - Serious Eats 2. Season with salt and pepper. Miners would travel inside mines on their burros, and eat burritos while on the job. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 500+ Head-Turning Food Truck Name Ideas (2022 Update) We hope it has provided you with the inspiration to help you come up with some awesome name ideas for your Mexican restaurant. If youre looking to open a Mexican food truck, youll want to give it a name that is fun and conveys the spirit of your cuisine. Whats in a name? A name such as this would attract a customer right off the bat. There are almost too many choices. 3. White House Burgers This is an interesting play on words. Instructions. Ode To Burgers Everyone loves burgers but making them well is an art form. . - Nacho Average Food Truck (Austin) Nachos and More - Nacho Depot These Aren't Your Mama's Nachos - Macho Nacho Let The Nacho Be The Canvas - Nacho Average Food Truck The Nacho Strikes Back - Nacho Wars So you have to get them in the door by making sure your business name is as alluring as possible. Two slices of bread. I loved the addition of guacamole it added so much freshness. And as you continue to narrow down your choices, keep in mind that you can always ask friends and family for their input! Sharp cheddar, parmesan, and garlic give the ground chicken patties some extra flavor. All the water in the burger will evaporate too quickly resulting in a dry and shrunk burger. (844) 493-6249 Log In Plan & Start Business Planning Take the first steps toward turning your idea into a business. Remove from heat. But that is one of the great things about burgers (I really don't need to list all the great things, do I?!). Click here to get a new food business case study with revenue numbers delivered each week. Outside Eatery. What is a burger without the toppings? Thats where we come in. Theyve won numerous food truck competitions based on the quality of their food as well. These would go down very well at a Mexican themed BBQ with a load of nachos on the side. Your email address will not be published. For example: Bob's Burger Barn. There are dozens of competitive BBQ teams using a smoked butt puns right now. If you are looking for the perfect name a signature burger to add to the menu, here are some options. This simple salsa made with tomato, onion, coriander and fresh chili is so good, I often eat it as is. Cilantro, avocado, and a spicy sauce give this Mexican hamburger a hint of south of the border flair. Theyre also about being in a great mood! Weve also included some tips on choosing the best name for your restaurant, so be sure to read through that section carefully before making any decisions! Learn how your comment data is processed. Papas Tacos & Mas Torchy's Tacos The Caprese Taco Don and Juan's Tacos Yummo's Tacos Cheesy Bean Tacos Taco Magnifico Red Rooster Tacos Two at Night Tacos YOU SHOULD READ THIS . 35 Ideas of Homemade Food Business Names Youll Love, List Of Vegetables That Start Or Begin With G, Where Is Corn Syrup In Grocery Store (Check Here), Does 3 Musketeers Have Nuts? These burgers are so much more than a burger. The name should reflect what kind of food your restaurant servesand what makes it unique from other Mexican restaurants in the area! I love burgers above all else, and yours beckoned to me with a crooked finger via Foodgawker. Heat a skillet and bake the hamburger in the skillet for 5 to 10 minutes. Weve taken the time to come up with some great name ideas for your new Burrito restaurant, so now its a matter of deciding which one is right for you. E.g Southern Taco Co. 7. Juicy beef Mexican burgers served with homemade, creamy guacamole and fresh pico de gallo is the ultimate weekend treat and perfect for serving a crowd. Yes, there is the old-fashioned "Standard . Mexican Cheeseburgers | Chew Out Loud If youre heat-shy, go with mild salsa. "The Bull" El Torero. All of your favourite Mexican flavours in a lean beef burger. It was soooo flavorful and juicy. As a dessert truck, youre not directly competing with these sorts of concessions and can get invited to a lot more events because you add value to the dining experience. After a quick search, we here at the FoodTruckEmpire team found that there are a lot of different online tools that will (almost) automatically come up with a memorable brand name without the need for any imagination. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Put the burger on top of the hummus. Hamburguesas Mexicanas Recipe The burrito. A couple businesses that have pulled this off successfully include The Grilled Cheese Truck, a franchise based out of Southern California, and The Bacon Truck out of Boston. Youll be able to get a sense of what works and what doesnt when it comes to naming your own Mexican restaurant. Creamy guacamole is a winner on these Mexican cheeseburgers and paring it with spicy home-made pico de gallo is a must. Burger Business Names - NameSnack Small Truck, Big Dreams - Nacho Cartel Healthy, Tasty, Food For All! These Mexican burgers are mouthwateringly good. Required fields are marked *. Whether youre looking for a classic and traditional feel or something more modern and hip, theres something here for everyone. Were big enough to handle massive projects, and yet also nimble enough to come up with names on demand that hit every time. This Mexican burger is made in a skillet but it is also very easy to cook your burgers on the barbecue. "Grandma's Kitchen" El Botn. Find opportunities for businesses owned by women and people of color. 355 Catchy Snack Business Names That You Can Snap Up, Your email address will not be published. After a relatively cool spring here in the Twin Cities, were just starting to get our grill out of hibernation. The hamburger industry is incredibly competitive, but a few leaders stand out from the crowd. Divide beef into four equal portions and make burger patties of about inch thick. Ready for a landslide of food truck name ideas? Were spicing up these burgers. Cover and refrigerate patties for at least 30 minutes or up to 4 hours. Mexican Burger - Hungry Healthy Happy I scroll-stopped so fast when I saw this! Slap Dash Burger This sounds like a fun name that has a nice ring to it. This should get customers wanting to come and have lunch at your burger shop. The toppings. But if you want to keep with the Mexican vibe then make up a big batch of our Black Bean Nachos or some Crunchy Mexican Coleslaw. Pancho Villa Authentic Mexican Restaurant Guacamole Grill Taco Street Farmhouse Salsa Brothers Tierra de Mxico Black Bull Mexican Grill Corazon Mexican Bistro The Maya Lucha Cantina Tres Amigos Mexican Restaurant El Cazador Authentic Mexican Restaurant Handmade Burger Co. S.P.B.B. Luckily, weve put together a list of awesome restaurant name ideas thatll get your creative juices flowing and assist you in picking a perfect name for your burger business. This is the ideal business to use the nostalgic naming approach described earlier in the piece. Check if the name you want to give your food truck is already trademarked or registered as a food business. Stunning. They are really bad. Get naming inspiration from thislist of fancy French restaurant name ideas, Identify the package thats right for your business and then get started. Similarly, unspecified cheese as a burger topping has decreased by 11%, while mozzarella increased by 29% and pepper jack increased by 13%. My sister and I ordered for pickup through the app. Toppings came in second place with 42 percent of consumers ranking them first or second. Grilled to perfection and topped just like you suggested, definitely a repeat recipe here. Let bacon cool completely. People will want to sneak these right off the grill as soon as you turn your back. Add garlic and cook 1 minute, stirring, until fragrant. The flavor is in the meat, so every bite is savory and delicious. A good name not only gives identity to your restaurant but also communicates a strong message or value proposition to attract potential customers. To make this easy burger recipe make sure you have the following ingredients on your list: The most important part of this recipe is the burger. A little different than your regular American burger but if you are a beef lover Im certain that you will put this recipe on your favorites list. Here are some ideas perfect for naming a gigantic burger. With so many Mexican restaurant names already out there, it can be tough to come up with something thats truly fun and appealing. Here are some signature name ideas you cant get out of your head. But with increasing competition among burger restaurants, it may seem that all the good names are already taken. Named for the type of bread used, the pamabazo is dipped into a sauce (made from guajillo chiles), giving it the same flavor-sponge properties as the chancla, and then it's fried in oil, similar to the pelona. Absolute perfection! Worlds Finest Hamburgers This is an awesome name because it promises a quality burger experience, Keep the name short, simple, and easy to remember, Make sure your name fits with your burger restaurants concept, Think about what people love about burgers, Avoid confusing, misspelled, or long names. It will also present your brand as memorable. I loved how juicy and delicious they were! Here is a list of the best Spanish restaurants in Madrid and Barcelona, Opening a new French restaurant? I mean seriously When you hear this name youre pretty much obligated to at least look at the menu. A twist on "slide to the left"; a famous lyric from "Cha-Cha Slide." This idea makes a great burger shop name. The Littles have been begging for more burger nights. They are so versatile and you can make so many different types, that you should never get bored. Better Homes & Gardens - 100 years of powering your passions at home, Monterey Jack cheese with jalapeo chile peppers, hoagie rolls or other soft buns, split and toasted, avocados, halved, seeded, peeled, and sliced, 9 Mexican Tortas and Sandwiches to Create at Home, 16 Chicken Sandwich Ideas for Recipes Better than Fast Food, 29 Delicious Grilled Dinner Ideas to Add to Your Summer Rotation, How to Make Stuffed Burgers with a Burger Press or in a Skillet, 14 Easy Mexican Dishes for Bold Flavors in 30 Minutes or Less, 14 Delicious Deviled Egg Recipes with To-Die-For Toppings, Try These 13 Leftover Pulled Pork Recipes to Use Up a Big Batch, 31 Tasty Air-Fryer Recipes That Showcase the Appliance's Versatility, 14 Black Bean Recipes to Make the Most of Your Pantry, 13 Recipes for Cheeseburgers That Taste as Good as Diner Burgers, 14 Delicious Mexican Chicken Recipes to Add to Your Meal Rotation, 8 Fast Ground Beef Recipes Ready in 20 Minutes for Low-Fuss Meals, 18 Easy Winter Dinner Ideas that Are Ready in 20 Minutes, 31 Party-Ready Finger Food Ideas for Your Next Gathering, 16 Mexican-Inspired Slow Cooker Recipes for Flavorful Meals. Remove the avocado flesh from the skin and mash with the lemon juice, salt & pepper. It might be obvious, but there are plenty of examples of food trucks successfully using strategy to name their truck. All Rights Reserved. There are so many things to considerthe vibe of the restaurant, the location, the style of food and drink, the clientele youll be attractingthat it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Spice up burger night with this Mexican burger recipe. Burgers Tortas Hamburguesas (Mexican Hamburgers) 4.0 (8) 1 Review Spice up burger night with this Mexican burger recipe. Drizzle with White Queso Sauce. The Sombrero Spot Fiesta Grande Mexican Grill Bel Air Cantina Taco Towne Dessert food trucks come in many specialties: cookies, donuts, churros, pies, cupcakes, frozen treats, candy or other baked goods. Put in your restaurant type (Mexican cuisine) plus keywords. To help you out, weve gathered below all the catchy Mexican restaurant names your heart could ever desire. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Form the mince mixture into burgers and fry for +- 4 minutes per side until browned and cooked through. This type of truck just more easily lends itself to that sort humor. Three (b): Top the burgers with cheese and either cover with a cloche/lid or put the burgers under a grill (broiler) for 5 minutes, or until the cheese has melted. Browse hundreds of helpful articles on everything business. Mexican Hamburger - Gastro Obscura The burger patty is one of the most versatile ingredients that can be added to any burger. 470 Food Truck Names Ideas for Your Business - Worth Start Pinky promise. Get even more inspiration for naming your new Mexican restaurant from the best in America, Best to go to the source for cool names for your new Mexican food restaurant? Access tools to help you manage income and expenses. Learn more about me. I noticed the bag had the wrong name so I went back to the front and they gave . Spicy Mexican Burgers - Cooking for Keeps Cook on a grill or in a hot pan until cooked to your preference then top with cheese slices and allow to melt. This article should help you with some real-world suggestions that havent already been claimed. The taco truck have been around since before food trucks were even cool. Sir Burger. To get the best result give the burgers time to cook and they will be tender and soft. You know exactly what youre getting into when you visit these trucks. A unique restaurant name for a burger joint is critical to getting a head start on building your new restaurant brand and growing your business. If so, the solution to your problem has just arrived. . Pork and Apple Burgers Pesto Quorn Burgers Greek Turkey Burgers Air Fryer Burgers If you've tried this Mexican Burger recipe, let us know how you got on in the comments below. Weve put together this list of cool Mexican restaurant names that are sure to catch your target customers attention. According to statistics, approximately 80% of consumers eat at fast-food restaurants at least once a month and 34% of children in the United States eat fast food every day. Take for example Motley Crews Heavy Metal Grill based out of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, who have capitalized on the power of 80s rock to help capture the imagination of their fans. The word burrito comes from the Spanish word burro, meaning donkey. In Mexico, burritos were originally eaten by miners in the 19th century. This recipe for Mexican Cheeseburgers is going to knock your taste buds off in the most mouthwatering way. Were big enough to handle massive projects, and yet also nimble enough to come up with names on demand that hit every time. Then add half of the onion rings, a slice of pickle, 2 slices of bacon, and a tablespoon of guacamole. Lebanese food is as delicious as it is unusual, and there are not enough trucks selling delicious and delectable Lebanese cuisine. If youve tried this Mexican Burger recipe, let us know how you got on in the comments below.Tag us in your creations on Instagram @hungryhealthyhappy - Use the hashtag #hungryhealthyhappy too. If you liked this story, sign up for our newsletter that includes our food business startup kit and most popular interviews sent straight to your inbox. When we think of the ice cream man, we think of simpler times back in the day. Topped with crispy bacon, juicy tomatoes, and lettuce, this burger is a twist on one of your favorite sandwiches. Photo: Annabelle Breakey; Styling: Basil Friedman.
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